Source code for vcs.streamline

# Streamline (Gs) module
#                                                                             #
# Module:       streamline (Gs) module                                        #
#                                                                             #
# Copyright:    2000, Regents of the University of California                 #
#               This software may not be distributed to others without        #
#               permission of the author.                                     #
#                                                                             #
# Authors:      PCMDI Software Team                                           #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                        #
#                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Description:  Python command wrapper for VCS's streamline graphics method.  #
#                                                                             #
# Version:      4.0                                                           #
#                                                                             #
from __future__ import print_function
import vcs
from . import VCS_validation_functions
from .xmldocs import scriptdocs

[docs]class Gs(vcs.bestMatch): """ The streamline graphics method displays a streamline plot of a 2D streamline field. A streamline is a path that a massless particle takes in a vector field. Streamlines are computed through numerical integration. Vcs can draw regular streamlines or evenly spaced streamlines. This class is used to define an streamline table entry used in VCS, or it can be used to change some or all of the streamline attributes in an existing streamline table entry. .. describe:: Useful Functions: .. code-block:: python # Constructor a=vcs.init() # Show predefined streamline graphics methods'streamline') # Show predefined VCS line objects'line') # Change the VCS color Map a.setcolormap("AMIP") # Plot 's1', and 's2' with streamline 'v' and 'default' template a.streamline(s1, s2, v,'default') # Updates the VCS Canvas at user's request a.update() .. describe:: Make a Canvas object to work with: .. code-block:: python a=vcs.init() .. describe:: Create a new instance of streamline: .. code-block:: python # Copies content of 'quick' to 'new' vc=a.createstreamline('new','quick') # Copies content of 'default' to 'new' vc=a.createstreamline('new') .. describe:: Modify an existing streamline: .. code-block:: python vc=a.getstreamline('AMIP_psl') .. describe:: Overview of streamline attributes: * List all attributes: .. code-block:: python # Will list all the streamline attribute values vc.list() * Set axis attributes: .. code-block:: python # Can only be 'linear' vc.projection='linear' lon30={-180:'180W',-150:'150W',0:'Eq'} vc.xticlabels1=lon30 vc.xticlabels2=lon30 # Will set them both vc.xticlabels(lon30, lon30) vc.xmtics1='' vc.xmtics2='' # Will set them both vc.xmtics(lon30, lon30) vc.yticlabels1=lat10 vc.yticlabels2=lat10 # Will set them both vc.yticlabels(lat10, lat10) vc.ymtics1='' vc.ymtics2='' # Will set them both vc.ymtics(lat10, lat10) vc.datawc_y1=-90.0 vc.datawc_y2=90.0 vc.datawc_x1=-180.0 vc.datawc_x2=180.0 # Will set them all vc.datawc(-90, 90, -180, 180) xaxisconvert='linear' yaxisconvert='linear' # Will set them both vc.xyscale('linear', 'area_wt') * Specify the line style: .. code-block:: python # Same as vc.line='solid' vc.line=0 # Same as vc.line='dash' vc.line=1 # Same as vc.line='dot' vc.line=2 # Same as vc.line='dash-dot' vc.line=3 # Same as vc.line='long-dot' vc.line=4 * Specify the line color of the streamlines: .. code-block:: python # Color range: 16 to 230, default line color is black vc.linecolor=16 # Width range: 1 to 100, default size is 1 vc.linewidth=1 * Specify the streamline reference: .. code-block:: python # Can be an integer or float vc.reference=4 * """ __slots__ = [ 'g_name', '_name', '_xaxisconvert', '_yaxisconvert', '_levels', '_ext_1', '_ext_2', '_fillareacolors', '_fillareastyle', '_linecolor', '_linetype', '_linewidth', '_projection', '_xticlabels1', '_xticlabels2', '_yticlabels1', '_yticlabels2', '_xmtics1', '_xmtics2', '_ymtics1', '_ymtics2', '_datawc_x1', '_datawc_x2', '_datawc_y1', '_datawc_y2', '_datawc_timeunits', '_datawc_calendar', '_reference', '_colormap', '_evenlyspaced', '_numberofseeds', '_startseed', '_separatingdistance', '_separatingdistanceratio', '_closedloopmaximumdistance', '_integratortype', '_integrationdirection', '_integrationstepunit', '_initialsteplength', '_minimumsteplength', '_maximumsteplength', '_maximumsteps', '_maximumstreamlinelength', '_terminalspeed', '_maximumerror', '_glyphscalefactor', '_glyphbasefactor', '_filledglyph', '_coloredbyvector', '_numberofglyphs', ] colormap = VCS_validation_functions.colormap def _getname(self): return self._name def _setname(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkname(self, 'name', value) if value is not None: self._name = value name = property(_getname, _setname) def _getcalendar(self): return self._datawc_calendar def _setcalendar(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkCalendar( self, 'datawc_calendar', value) self._datawc_calendar = value datawc_calendar = property(_getcalendar, _setcalendar) def _gettimeunits(self): return self._datawc_timeunits def _settimeunits(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkTimeUnits( self, 'datawc_timeunits', value) self._datawc_timeunits = value datawc_timeunits = property(_gettimeunits, _settimeunits) def _getxaxisconvert(self): return self._xaxisconvert def _setxaxisconvert(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkAxisConvert( self, 'xaxisconvert', value) self._xaxisconvert = value xaxisconvert = property(_getxaxisconvert, _setxaxisconvert) def _getyaxisconvert(self): return self._yaxisconvert def _setyaxisconvert(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkAxisConvert( self, 'yaxisconvert', value) self._yaxisconvert = value yaxisconvert = property(_getyaxisconvert, _setyaxisconvert) levels = VCS_validation_functions.levels ext_1 = VCS_validation_functions.ext_1 ext_2 = VCS_validation_functions.ext_2 fillareacolors = VCS_validation_functions.fillareacolors def _getfillareastyle(self): return self._fillareastyle fillareastyle = property(_getfillareastyle) def _getprojection(self): return self._projection def _setprojection(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkProjection( self, 'projection', value) self._projection = value projection = property(_getprojection, _setprojection) def _getxticlabels1(self): return self._xticlabels1 def _setxticlabels1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xticlabels1', value) self._xticlabels1 = value xticlabels1 = property(_getxticlabels1, _setxticlabels1) def _getxticlabels2(self): return self._xticlabels2 def _setxticlabels2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xticlabels2', value) self._xticlabels2 = value xticlabels2 = property(_getxticlabels2, _setxticlabels2) def _getyticlabels1(self): return self._yticlabels1 def _setyticlabels1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'yticlabels1', value) self._yticlabels1 = value yticlabels1 = property(_getyticlabels1, _setyticlabels1) def _getyticlabels2(self): return self._yticlabels2 def _setyticlabels2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'yticlabels2', value) self._yticlabels2 = value yticlabels2 = property(_getyticlabels2, _setyticlabels2) def _getxmtics1(self): return self._xmtics1 def _setxmtics1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xmtics1', value) self._xmtics1 = value xmtics1 = property(_getxmtics1, _setxmtics1) def _getxmtics2(self): return self._xmtics2 def _setxmtics2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xmtics2', value) self._xmtics2 = value xmtics2 = property(_getxmtics2, _setxmtics2) def _getymtics1(self): return self._ymtics1 def _setymtics1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'ymtics1', value) self._ymtics1 = value ymtics1 = property(_getymtics1, _setymtics1) def _getymtics2(self): return self._ymtics2 def _setymtics2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'ymtics2', value) self._ymtics2 = value ymtics2 = property(_getymtics2, _setymtics2) def _getdatawc_x1(self): return self._datawc_x1 def _setdatawc_x1(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_x1', value) self._datawc_x1 = value datawc_x1 = property(_getdatawc_x1, _setdatawc_x1) def _getdatawc_x2(self): return self._datawc_x2 def _setdatawc_x2(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_x2', value) self._datawc_x2 = value datawc_x2 = property(_getdatawc_x2, _setdatawc_x2) def _getdatawc_y1(self): return self._datawc_y1 def _setdatawc_y1(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_y1', value) self._datawc_y1 = value datawc_y1 = property(_getdatawc_y1, _setdatawc_y1) def _getdatawc_y2(self): return self._datawc_y2 def _setdatawc_y2(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_y2', value) self._datawc_y2 = value datawc_y2 = property(_getdatawc_y2, _setdatawc_y2) def _getreference(self): return self._reference def _setreference(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber(self, 'reference', value) self._reference = value reference = property(_getreference, _setreference) """Display evenly spaced streamlines. """ def _getevenlyspaced(self): return self._evenlyspaced def _setevenlyspaced(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkBoolean(self, 'evenlyspaced', value) self._evenlyspaced = value if (self._integratortype == 2): self._integratortype = 1 evenlyspaced = property(_getevenlyspaced, _setevenlyspaced) """Number of random seeds for starting streamlines. Default is 500. Not used for evenly spaced streamlines. """ def _getnumberofseeds(self): return self._numberofseeds def _setnumberofseeds(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber(self, 'numberofseeds', value) self._numberofseeds = value numberofseeds = property(_getnumberofseeds, _setnumberofseeds) """ Position of the start seed. Used only for evenly spaced streamlines. By default is set to None which is taken to mean the middle of the domain. """ def _getstartseed(self): return self._startseed def _setstartseed(self, value): if (value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'startseed', value) self._startseed = value startseed = property(_getstartseed, _setstartseed) """Separating distance between equaly spaced streamlines at seeding time. It is expressed in integrationstepunit. """ def _getseparatingdistance(self): return self._separatingdistance def _setseparatingdistance(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber(self, 'separatingdistance', value) self._separatingdistance = value separatingdistance = property(_getseparatingdistance, _setseparatingdistance) """If the current streamline gets closer than separatingdistance * separatingdistanceratio to other streamlines the current streamline is terminated. """ def _getseparatingdistanceratio(self): return self._separatingdistanceratio def _setseparatingdistanceratio(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber(self, 'separatingdistanceratio', value) self._separatingdistanceratio = value separatingdistanceratio = property(_getseparatingdistanceratio, _setseparatingdistanceratio) """Maximum distance between two points that form a closed loop. Used only for evenly spaced streamlines. Should be set about the same as self.initialsteplength. Expressed in integrationstepunit. """ def _getclosedloopmaximumdistance(self): return self._closedloopmaximumdistance def _setclosedloopmaximumdistance(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber(self, 'closedloopmaximumdistance', value) self._closedloopmaximumdistance = value closedloopmaximumdistance = property(_getclosedloopmaximumdistance, _setclosedloopmaximumdistance) """Integrator type. Can be 0 for Runge-Kutta 2, 1 for Runge-Kutta 4 and 2 for Runge-Kutta 4-5. Default is 1 - Runge-Kutta 4 for evenly spaced streamlines and 2 - Runge-Kutta 4-5 for regular streamlines. """ def _getintegratortype(self): return self._integratortype def _setintegratortype(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'integratortype', value, 0, 2) self._integratortype = value integratortype = property(_getintegratortype, _setintegratortype) """Integration direction. Can be 0 - forward, 1 - backward or 2 - both. Default is 2 - both. For evenly spaced streamlines integration direction is always 2. """ def _getintegrationdirection(self): return self._integrationdirection def _setintegrationdirection(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'integrationdirection', value, 0, 2) self._integrationdirection = value integrationdirection = property(_getintegrationdirection, _setintegrationdirection) """Integration stepunit. Can be 1 - length or 2 - cell length. Default is 2 - cell length. """ def _getintegrationstepunit(self): return self._integrationstepunit def _setintegrationstepunit(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'integrationstepunit', value, 0, 2) self._integrationstepunit = value integrationstepunit = property(_getintegrationstepunit, _setintegrationstepunit) """This property specifies the initial integration step size expressed in integrationstepunit. For non-adaptive integrators (Runge-Kutta 2 and Runge-Kutta 4), it is fixed (always equal to this initial value) throughout the integration. For an adaptive integrator (Runge-Kutta 4-5), the actual step size varies such that the numerical error is less than a specified threshold. Default is 0.2 """ def _getinitialsteplength(self): return self._initialsteplength def _setinitialsteplength(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'initialsteplength', value) self._initialsteplength = value initialsteplength = property(_getinitialsteplength, _setinitialsteplength) """When using the Runge-Kutta 4-5 integrator, this property specifies the minimum integration step size. Default is 0.1 Not used for evenly spaced streamlines. Expressed in integrationstepunit. """ def _getminimumsteplength(self): return self._minimumsteplength def _setminimumsteplength(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'minimumsteplength', value) self._minimumsteplength = value minimumsteplength = property(_getminimumsteplength, _setminimumsteplength) """When using the Runge-Kutta 4-5 integrator, this property specifies the maximum integration step size. Default is 0.5 Not used for evenly spaced streamlines. Expressed in integrationstepunit. """ def _getmaximumsteplength(self): return self._maximumsteplength def _setmaximumsteplength(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'maximumsteplength', value) self._maximumsteplength = value maximumsteplength = property(_getmaximumsteplength, _setmaximumsteplength) """This property specifies the maximum number of steps, beyond which streamline integration is terminated. Default is 200. """ def _getmaximumsteps(self): return self._maximumsteps def _setmaximumsteps(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'maximumsteps', value) self._maximumsteps = value maximumsteps = property(_getmaximumsteps, _setmaximumsteps) """This property specifies the maximum streamline length (i.e., physical arc length), beyond which line integration is terminated. This is specified as a percentage of the diagonal of the dataset. The default is 0.25. """ def _getmaximumstreamlinelength(self): return self._maximumstreamlinelength def _setmaximumstreamlinelength(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'maximumstreamlinelength', value) self._maximumstreamlinelength = value maximumstreamlinelength = property(_getmaximumstreamlinelength, _setmaximumstreamlinelength) """This property specifies the terminal speed, below which particle advection/integration is terminated. """ def _getterminalspeed(self): return self._terminalspeed def _setterminalspeed(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'terminalspeed', value) self._terminalspeed = value terminalspeed = property(_getterminalspeed, _setterminalspeed) """This property specifies the maximum error (for Runge-Kutta 4-5) tolerated throughout streamline integration. The Runge-Kutta 4-5 integrator tries to adjust the step size such that the estimated error is less than this threshold. Not used for evenly spaced streamlines. """ def _getmaximumerror(self): return self._maximumerror def _setmaximumerror(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'maximumerror', value) self._maximumerror = value maximumerror = property(_getmaximumerror, _setmaximumerror) """The constant multiplier used to scale the glyph showing the direction of the flow. One represents the diagonal of the bounding box of the dataset. Default value is 0.01 """ def _getglyphscalefactor(self): return self._glyphscalefactor def _setglyphscalefactor(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'glyphscalefactor', value) self._glyphscalefactor = value glyphscalefactor = property(_getglyphscalefactor, _setglyphscalefactor) """The constant multiplier used to scale the glyph base for the arrow showing the flow. The default is 0.75 for which the width of the arrow is 0.75 of its height. """ def _getglyphbasefactor(self): return self._glyphbasefactor def _setglyphbasefactor(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'glyphbasefactor', value) self._glyphbasefactor = value glyphbasefactor = property(_getglyphbasefactor, _setglyphbasefactor) """ Do we draw the arrow glyph filled or we draw only edges """ def _getfilledglyph(self): return self._filledglyph def _setfilledglyph(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'filledglyph', value) self._filledglyph = value filledglyph = property(_getfilledglyph, _setfilledglyph) """ If true streamlines are colored by vector magnitude. The mapping between vector magnitude and colors is controlled by levels, ext_1, ext_2 and fillareacolors. If false, streamlines have only one color linecolor. """ def _getcoloredbyvector(self): return self._coloredbyvector def _setcoloredbyvector(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkBoolean( self, 'coloredbyvector', value) self._coloredbyvector = value coloredbyvector = property(_getcoloredbyvector, _setcoloredbyvector) """ Number of glyphs per streamline. The default is one, in which case the glyph is placed at the position where the streamline was seeded. Otherwise glyphs are placed equally spaced along the streamline. Not all streamlines will contain all glyphs as streamlines have different lenghts. """ def _getnumberofglyphs(self): return self._numberofglyphs def _setnumberofglyphs(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'numberofglyphs', value) self._numberofglyphs = value numberofglyphs = property(_getnumberofglyphs, _setnumberofglyphs) def _getlinewidth(self): return self._linewidth def _setlinewidth(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'linewidth', value, 0, 300) self._linewidth = value linewidth = property(_getlinewidth, _setlinewidth) def _getlinecolor(self): return self._linecolor def _setlinecolor(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkColor( self, 'linecolor', value) self._linecolor = value linecolor = property(_getlinecolor, _setlinecolor) def _getlinetype(self): return self._linetype def _setlinetype(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkLineType(self, 'linetype', value) self._linetype = value linetype = property(_getlinetype, _setlinetype)
[docs] def setLineAttributes(self, line): ''' Set attributes linecolor, linewidth and linetype from line l. l can be a line name defined in vcs.elements or a line object ''' vcs.setLineAttributes(self, line)
def __init__(self, Gs_name, Gs_name_src='default'): # # ########################################################### # Initialize the streamline class and its members # # # # The getGsmember function retrieves the values of the # # streamline members in the C structure and passes back the # # appropriate Python Object. # ########################################################### # # if Gs_name in vcs.elements["streamline"]: raise ValueError( "The streamline method '%s' already exists" % Gs_name) self.g_name = 'Gs' self._name = Gs_name if Gs_name == 'default': self._projection = "linear" self._xticlabels1 = "*" self._xticlabels2 = "*" self._xmtics1 = "" self._xmtics2 = "" self._yticlabels1 = "*" self._yticlabels2 = "*" self._ymtics1 = "" self._ymtics2 = "" self._datawc_y1 = 1.e20 self._datawc_y2 = 1.e20 self._datawc_x1 = 1.e20 self._datawc_x2 = 1.e20 self._xaxisconvert = "linear" self._yaxisconvert = "linear" self._linetype = None self._linecolor = None self._linewidth = None self._reference = 1.e20 self._datawc_timeunits = "days since 2000" self._datawc_calendar = 135441 self._colormap = None self._levels = ([1.0000000200408773e+20, 1.0000000200408773e+20],) self._ext_1 = False self._ext_2 = False self._fillareacolors = [1, ] self._fillareastyle = 'solid' self._evenlyspaced = True self._numberofseeds = 500 self._startseed = None self._separatingdistance = 1 self._separatingdistanceratio = 0.4 self._closedloopmaximumdistance = 0.2 self._integratortype = 1 # runge-kutta4 self._integrationdirection = 2 # both self._integrationstepunit = 2 # cell length self._initialsteplength = 0.2 self._minimumsteplength = 0.1 self._maximumsteplength = 0.5 self._maximumsteps = 200 self._maximumstreamlinelength = 0.25 self._terminalspeed = 0.1 self._maximumerror = 0.1 self._glyphscalefactor = 0.01 self._glyphbasefactor = 0.75 self._filledglyph = True self._coloredbyvector = True self._numberofglyphs = 1 else: if isinstance(Gs_name_src, Gs): Gs_name_src = if Gs_name_src not in vcs.elements['streamline']: raise ValueError( "The streamline method '%s' does not exists" % Gs_name_src) src = vcs.elements["streamline"][Gs_name_src] for att in\ ['projection', 'xticlabels1', 'xticlabels2', 'xmtics1', 'xmtics2', 'yticlabels1', 'yticlabels2', 'ymtics1', 'ymtics2', 'datawc_y1', 'datawc_y2', 'datawc_x1', 'datawc_x2', 'xaxisconvert', 'yaxisconvert', 'levels', 'ext_1', 'ext_2', 'fillareacolors', 'linetype', 'linecolor', 'linewidth', 'datawc_timeunits', 'datawc_calendar', 'colormap', 'integratortype', 'evenlyspaced', 'numberofseeds', 'startseed', 'separatingdistance', 'separatingdistanceratio', 'closedloopmaximumdistance', 'integrationdirection', 'integrationstepunit', 'initialsteplength', 'minimumsteplength', 'maximumsteplength', 'maximumsteps', 'maximumstreamlinelength', 'terminalspeed', 'maximumerror', 'glyphscalefactor', 'glyphbasefactor', 'filledglyph', 'coloredbyvector', 'numberofglyphs', 'reference']: setattr(self, att, getattr(src, att)) # Ok now we need to stick in the elements vcs.elements["streamline"][Gs_name] = self def xticlabels(self, xtl1='', xtl2=''): mode = self.parent.mode self.parent.mode = 0 self.xticlabels1 = xtl1 self.parent.mode = mode self.xticlabels2 = xtl2 def xmtics(self, xmt1='', xmt2=''): mode = self.parent.mode self.parent.mode = 0 self.xmtics1 = xmt1 self.parent.mode = mode self.xmtics2 = xmt2 def yticlabels(self, ytl1='', ytl2=''): mode = self.parent.mode self.parent.mode = 0 self.yticlabels1 = ytl1 self.parent.mode = mode self.yticlabels2 = ytl2 def ymtics(self, ymt1='', ymt2=''): mode = self.parent.mode self.parent.mode = 0 self.ymtics1 = ymt1 self.parent.mode = mode self.ymtics2 = ymt2 def datawc(self, dsp1=1e20, dsp2=1e20, dsp3=1e20, dsp4=1e20): mode = self.parent.mode self.parent.mode = 0 self.datawc_y1 = dsp1 self.datawc_y2 = dsp2 self.datawc_x1 = dsp3 self.parent.mode = mode self.datawc_x2 = dsp4 def xyscale(self, xat='', yat=''): mode = self.parent.mode self.parent.mode = 0 self.xaxisconvert = xat self.parent.mode = mode self.yaxisconvert = yat def colors(self, color1=16, color2=239): self.fillareacolors = list(range(color1, color2)) def exts(self, ext1='n', ext2='y'): self.ext_1 = ext1 self.ext_2 = ext2 def list(self): print("", "--------Streamline (Gs) member (attribute) listings --------") print("graphics method =", self.g_name) print("name =", print("projection =", self.projection) print("xticlabels1 =", self.xticlabels1) print("xticlabels2 =", self.xticlabels2) print("xmtics1 =", self.xmtics1) print("xmtics2 =", self.xmtics2) print("yticlabels1 =", self.yticlabels1) print("yticlabels2 =", self.yticlabels2) print("ymtics1 = ", self.ymtics1) print("ymtics2 = ", self.ymtics2) print("datawc_x1 =", self.datawc_x1) print("datawc_y1 = ", self.datawc_y1) print("datawc_x2 = ", self.datawc_x2) print("datawc_y2 = ", self.datawc_y2) print("datawc_timeunits = ", self.datawc_timeunits) print("datawc_calendar = ", self.datawc_calendar) print("xaxisconvert = ", self.xaxisconvert) print("yaxisconvert = ", self.yaxisconvert) print("levels = ", self.levels) print("ext_1 = ", self.ext_1) print("ext_2 = ", self.ext_2) print('fillareacolors =', self.fillareacolors) print("linetype = ", self.linetype) print("linecolor = ", self.linecolor) print("linewidth = ", self.linewidth) print("reference = ", self.reference) print("evenlyspaced = ", self.evenlyspaced) print("numberofseeds = ", self.numberofseeds) print("startseed = ", self.startseed) print("separatingdistance = ", self.separatingdistance) print("separatingdistanceratio = ", self.separatingdistanceratio) print("closedloopmaximumdistance = ", self.closedloopmaximumdistance) print("integratortype = ", self.integratortype) print("integrationdirection = ", self.integrationdirection) print("integrationstepunit = ", self.integrationstepunit) print("initialsteplength = ", self.initialsteplength) print("minimumsteplength = ", self.minimumsteplength) print("maximumsteplength = ", self.maximumsteplength) print("maximumsteps = ", self.maximumsteps) print("maximumstreamlinelength = ", self.maximumstreamlinelength) print("terminalspeed = ", self.terminalspeed) print("maximumerror = ", self.maximumerror) print("glyphscalefactor = ", self.glyphscalefactor) print("glyphbasefactor = ", self.glyphbasefactor) print("filledglyph = ", self.filledglyph) print("coloredbyvector = ", self.coloredbyvector) print("numberofglyphs = ", self.numberofglyphs) ########################################################################## # # # Script streamline (Gs) object to a file. # # # ##########################################################################
[docs] def script(self, script_filename=None, mode=None): if (script_filename is None): raise ValueError( 'Error - Must provide an output script file name.') if (mode is None): mode = 'a' elif (mode not in ('w', 'a')): raise ValueError( 'Error - Mode can only be "w" for replace or "a" for append.') # By default, save file in json scr_type = script_filename.split(".") if len(scr_type) == 1 or len(scr_type[-1]) > 5: scr_type = "json" if script_filename != "initial.attributes": script_filename += ".json" else: scr_type = scr_type[-1] if scr_type == '.scr': raise vcs.VCSDeprecationWarning("scr script are no longer generated") elif scr_type == "py": mode = mode + '+' py_type = script_filename[ len(script_filename) - 3:len(script_filename)] if (py_type != '.py'): script_filename = script_filename + '.py' # Write to file fp = open(script_filename, mode) if (fp.tell() == 0): # Must be a new file, so include below fp.write("#####################################\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("# Import and Initialize VCS #\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("#####################################\n") fp.write("import vcs\n") fp.write("v=vcs.init()\n\n") unique_name = '__Gs__' + fp.write( "#------Streamline (Gs) member (attribute) listings ------\n") fp.write("gv_list=v.listelements('streamline')\n") fp.write("if ('%s' in gv_list):\n" % fp.write( " %s = v.getstreamline('%s')\n" % (unique_name, fp.write("else:\n") fp.write( " %s = v.createstreamline('%s')\n" % (unique_name, # Common core graphics method attributes fp.write("%s.projection = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.projection)) fp.write( "%s.xticlabels1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xticlabels1)) fp.write( "%s.xticlabels2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xticlabels2)) fp.write("%s.xmtics1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xmtics1)) fp.write("%s.xmtics2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xmtics2)) fp.write( "%s.yticlabels1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.yticlabels1)) fp.write( "%s.yticlabels2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.yticlabels2)) fp.write("%s.ymtics1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.ymtics1)) fp.write("%s.ymtics2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.ymtics2)) if isinstance(self.datawc_x1, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_x1 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x1)) else: fp.write( "%s.datawc_x1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x1)) if isinstance(self.datawc_y1, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_y1 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y1)) else: fp.write( "%s.datawc_y1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y1)) if isinstance(self.datawc_x2, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_x2 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x2)) else: fp.write( "%s.datawc_x2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x2)) if isinstance(self.datawc_y2, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_y2 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y2)) else: fp.write( "%s.datawc_y2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y2)) fp.write( "%s.datawc_calendar = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_calendar)) fp.write( "%s.datawc_timeunits = '%s'\n\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_timeunits)) fp.write( "%s.xaxisconvert = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xaxisconvert)) fp.write( "%s.yaxisconvert = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.yaxisconvert)) fp.write("%s.levels = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.levels)) fp.write("%s.ext_1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.ext_1)) fp.write("%s.ext_2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.ext_2)) fp.write("%s.fillareacolors = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.fillareacolors)) fp.write("%s.fillareastyle = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.fillareastyle)) # Unique attribute for streamline fp.write("%s.linetype = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.linetype)) fp.write("%s.linecolor = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.linecolor)) fp.write("%s.linewidth = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.linewidth)) fp.write("%s.reference = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, self.reference)) fp.write( "%s.colormap = '%s'\n\n" % (unique_name, repr( self.colormap))) fp.write("%s.evenlyspaced = %r\n" % (unique_name, self.evenlyspaced)) fp.write("%s.numberofseeds = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.numberofseeds)) if self.startseed is not None: fp.write("%s.startseed = [%d,%d,%d]\n" % (unique_name, self.startseed[0], self.startseed[1], self.startseed[2])) else: fp.write("%s.startseed = None\n") fp.write("%s.separatingdistance = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.separatingdistance)) fp.write("%s.separatingdistanceratio = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.separatingdistanceratio)) fp.write("%s.closedloopmaximumdistance = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.closedloopmaximumdistance)) fp.write("%s.integratortype = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.integratortype)) fp.write("%s.integrationdirection = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.integrationdirection)) fp.write("%s.integrationstepunit = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.integrationstepunit)) fp.write("%s.initialsteplength = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.initialsteplength)) fp.write("%s.minimumsteplength = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.minimumsteplength)) fp.write("%s.maximumsteplength = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.maximumsteplength)) fp.write("%s.maximumsteps = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.maximumsteps)) fp.write("%s.maximumstreamlinelength = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.maximumstreamlinelength)) fp.write("%s.terminalspeed = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.terminalspeed)) fp.write("%s.maximumerror = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.maximumerror)) fp.write("%s.glyphscalefactor = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.glyphscalefactor)) fp.write("%s.glyphbasefactor = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.glyphbasefactor)) fp.write("%s.filledglyph = %r\n" % (unique_name, self.filledglyph)) fp.write("%s.coloredbyvector = %r\n" % (unique_name, self.coloredbyvector)) fp.write("%s.numberofglyphs = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.numberofglyphs)) else: # Json type mode += "+" f = open(script_filename, mode) vcs.utils.dumpToJson(self, f) f.close()
script.__doc__ = scriptdocs['streamline'] # noqa