# Isofill (Gfi) module
(Gfi_name, Gfi_name_src='default')[source]¶ The Isofill graphics method fills the area between selected isolevels (levels of constant value) of a two-dimensional array with a user-specified color. The example below shows how to display an isofill plot on the VCS Canvas and how to create and remove isofill isolevels.
This class is used to define an isofill table entry used in VCS, or it can be used to change some or all of the isofill attributes in an existing isofill table entry.
Useful Functions:
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# VCS Canvas Constructor a=vcs.init() # Show predefined isofill graphics methods'isofill') # Show predefined fillarea objects'fillarea') # Show predefined template objects'template') # Change the VCS color map a.setcolormap("AMIP") # Create a template a.createtemplate('test') # Create a fillarea a.createfillarea('fill') # Get an existing template a.gettemplate('AMIP') # Get an existing fillarea a.getfillarea('def37') # Plot array 's' with isofill 'i' and template 't' a.isofill(s,i,t) # Updates the VCS Canvas at user's request a.update()
Creating an isofill object:
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#Create a VCS Canvas a=vcs.init() #Create a new instance of isofill: # Copies content of 'quick' to 'new' iso=a.createisofill('new','quick') # Copies content of 'default' to 'new' iso=a.createisofill('new')
Modifying an existing isofill:
Overview of isofill attributes:
List all isofill attribute values:
Set isofill attributes:
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iso.projection='linear' lon30={-180:'180W',-150:'150W',0:'Eq'} iso.xticlabels1=lon30 iso.xticlabels2=lon30 # Will set them both iso.xticlabels(lon30, lon30) iso.xmtics1='' iso.xmtics2='' # Will set them both iso.xmtics(lon30, lon30) iso.yticlabels1=lat10 iso.yticlabels2=lat10 # Will set them both iso.yticlabels(lat10, lat10) iso.ymtics1='' iso.ymtics2='' # Will set them both iso.ymtics(lat10, lat10) iso.datawc_y1=-90.0 iso.datawc_y2=90.0 iso.datawc_x1=-180.0 iso.datawc_x2=180.0 # Will set them all iso.datawc(-90, 90, -180, 180) iso.xaxisconvert='linear' iso.yaxisconvert='linear' # Will set them both iso.xyscale('linear', 'area_wt') iso.missing='black' iso.legend=None ext_1='n' ext_2='y' # Will set them both iso.exts('n', 'y' )
Setting the isofill levels:
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# 1) When levels are all contiguous: iso.levels=([0,20,25,30,35,40],) iso.levels=([0,20,25,30,35,40,45,50]) iso.levels=[0,20,25,30,35,40] iso.levels=(0.0,20.0,25.0,30.0,35.0,40.0,50.0) # 2) When levels are not contiguous: iso.levels=([0,20],[30,40],[50,60]) iso.levels=([0,20,25,30,35,40],[30,40],[50,60])
Setting the fillarea color indices:
iso.fillareacolors=([22,33,44,55,66,77]) iso.fillareacolors=(16,19,33,44) iso.fillareacolors=None
Setting the fillarea style:
iso.fillareastyle = 'solid' iso.fillareastyle = 'hatch' iso.fillareastyle = 'pattern'
Setting the fillarea hatch or pattern indices:
iso.fillareaindices=([1,3,5,6,9,20]) iso.fillareaindices=(7,1,4,9,6,15)
Using the fillarea secondary object (Ex):
Create a new instance of fillarea:
Create a new isofill:
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# Copies 'quick' to 'new' fill=a.createisofill('new','quick') # Copies 'default' to 'new' fill=a.createisofill('new')
Modify an existing isofill:
Set index using fillarea
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iso.fillareaindices=(7,fill,4,9,fill,15) # list fillarea attributes fill.list() # change style'hatch' # change color fill.color='black' # change style index fill.index=3
Attribute descriptions:
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘’) dictionary with location of intermediate tics as keys for 1st side of y axis
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘’) dictionary with location of intermediate tics as keys for 2nd side of y axis
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘’) dictionary with location of intermediate tics as keys for 1st side of y axis
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘’) dictionary with location of intermediate tics as keys for 2nd side of y axis
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘*’) values for labels on 1st side of x axis
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘*’) values for labels on 2nd side of x axis
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘*’) values for labels on 1st side of y axis
(str/{float:str})¶ (Ex: ‘*’) values for labels on 2nd side of y axis
(str/vcs.projection.Proj)¶ (Ex: ‘default’) projection to use, name or object
(float)¶ (Ex: 1.E20) first value of xaxis on plot
(float)¶ (Ex: 1.E20) second value of xaxis on plot
(float)¶ (Ex: 1.E20) first value of yaxis on plot
(float)¶ (Ex: 1.E20) second value of yaxis on plot
(str)¶ (Ex: ‘days since 2000’) units to use when displaying time dimension auto tick
(int)¶ (Ex: 135441) calendar to use when displaying time dimension auto tick, default is proleptic gregorian calendar
([float,...]/[[float,float],...])¶ Sets the levels range to use, can be either a list of contiguous levels, or list of tuples indicating first and last value of the range.
([int, ...])¶ Colors to use for each level
(str)¶ Style to use for levels filling: solid/pattern/hatch
([int, ...])¶ List of patterns to use when filling a level and using pattern/hatch
(None/{float:str})¶ Replaces the legend values in the dictionary keys with their associated string
(str)¶ Draws an extension arrow on right side (values less than first range value)
(str)¶ Draws an extension arrow on left side (values greater than last range value)
(int)¶ Color to use for missing value or values not in defined ranges
(color1=16, color2=239)[source]¶ Sets the color_1 and color_2 properties of the object.
color_1 and color_2 control which parts of the colormap to use for the plot. It defaults to the full range of the colormap (0-255), but if you use fewer colors, it will break up your data into precisely that many discrete colors.
- Example
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>>> a=vcs.init() >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> ex=a.createisofill() >>> ex.colors(0, 64) # use colorcells 0-64 of colormap >>> a.plot(ex, array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...>
- Parameters
color1 (int) – Sets the
value on the object.color2 (int) – Sets the
value on the object.
(dsp1=1e+20, dsp2=1e+20, dsp3=1e+20, dsp4=1e+20)[source]¶ Sets the data world coordinates for object
- Example
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>>> a=vcs.init() >>> ex=a.createisofill('isofill_dwc') >>> ex.datawc(0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.1) # sets datawc y1, y2, x1, x2 >>> ex.datawc_y1, ex.datawc_y2, ex.datawc_x1, ex.datawc_x2 (0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.1)
- Parameters
¶ Turns on extensions arrows for values before the first level
¶ Turns on extensions arrows for values after the last level
¶ Sets the levels on a graphic method, optionally turns on/off extensions arrows
()[source]¶ Lists the current values of object attributes
- Example
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>>> a=vcs.init() >>> obj=a.getisofill() # default >>> obj.list() # print isofill attributes ---------- ... ---------- ...
(script_filename, mode='a')[source]¶ Saves out a copy of the isofill graphics method, in JSON or Python format to a designated file.
If the the filename has a ‘.py’ at the end, it will produce a Python script. If no extension is given, then by default a .json file containing a JSON serialization of the object’s data will be produced.
VCS Scripts Deprecated. SCR script files are no longer generated by this function.
- Example
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>>> a=vcs.init() >>> ex=a.getisofill() >>> ex.script('') # append to '' >>> ex.script('filename','w') # make/overwrite 'filename.json'
- Parameters
script_filename (str) – Output name of the script file. If no extension is specified, a .json object is created.
mode (str) – Either ‘w’ for replace, or ‘a’ for append. Defaults to ‘a’, if not specified.
(xmt1='', xmt2='')[source]¶ Sets the xmtics1 and xmtics2 values on the object.
The mtics attributes are not inherently plotted by the default template. The example below shows how to apply a custom template and enable it to plot mtics. To plot a the isofill after setting the mtics and template, refer to
.- Example
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>>> a=vcs.init() >>> ex=vcs.createisofill() >>> ex.xmtics("lon5") # minitick every 5 degrees >>> tmp=vcs.createtemplate() # custom template to plot minitics >>> tmp.xmintic1.priority = 1 # plotting shows xmtics
- Parameters
(xtl1='', xtl2='')[source]¶ Sets the xticlabels1 and xticlabels2 values on the object
- Example
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>>> a = vcs.init() >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # open data file >>> ex = a.createisofill() >>> ex.xticlabels({0: "Prime Meridian", -121.7680: "Livermore", 37.6173: "Moscow"}) >>> a.plot(ex, f('u')) # plot shows labels <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...>
- Parameters
xtl1 (dict or str) – Sets the object’s value for
. Must be a str, or a dictionary object with float:str mappings.xtl2 (dict or str) – Sets the object’s value for
. Must be a str, or a dictionary object with float:str mappings.
(xat='', yat='')[source]¶ Sets xaxisconvert and yaxisconvert values for the object.
- Example
>>> a=vcs.init() >>> ex=a.createisofill('isofill_xys') # make a isofill >>> ex.xyscale(xat='linear', yat='linear')
- Parameters
xat (str) – Set value for x axis conversion.
yat (str) – Set value for y axis conversion.
(ymt1='', ymt2='')[source]¶ Sets the xmtics1 and xmtics2 values on the object.
The mtics attributes are not inherently plotted by the default template. The example below shows how to apply a custom template and enable it to plot mtics. To plot a the isofill after setting the mtics and template, refer to
.- Example
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>>> a=vcs.init() >>> ex=vcs.createisofill() >>> ex.xmtics("lon5") # minitick every 5 degrees >>> tmp=vcs.createtemplate() # custom template to plot minitics >>> tmp.xmintic1.priority = 1 # plotting shows xmtics
- Parameters
(ytl1='', ytl2='')[source]¶ Sets the yticlabels1 and yticlabels2 values on the object
- Example
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>>> a = vcs.init() >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # open data file >>> ex = a.createisofill() >>> ex.yticlabels({0: "Eq.", 37.6819: "L", 55.7558: "M"}) >>> a.plot(ex, f('u')) # plot shows labels <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...>
- Parameters
ytl1 (dict or str) – Sets the object’s value for
. Must be a str, or a dictionary object with float:str mappings.ytl2 (dict or str) – Sets the object’s value for
. Must be a str, or a dictionary object with float:str mappings.