Source code for vcs.Pboxeslines

# Adapted for numpy/ma/cdms2 by
# Template Boxes and Lines (Pbl) module
#                                                                               #
# Module:       Template Boxes and Lines (Pbl) module                           #
#                                                                               #
# Copyright:    2000, Regents of the University of California                   #
#               This software may not be distributed to others without          #
#               permission of the author.                                       #
#                                                                               #
# Author:       PCMDI Software Team                                             #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                          #
#                                               #
#                                                                               #
# Description:  Python command wrapper for VCS's template boxes and lines       #
#                                                                               #
# Version:      4.0                                                             #
#                                                                               #
from __future__ import print_function
from . import VCS_validation_functions
import vcs
#                                                                           #
# Template text (Pbl) Class.                                                #
#                                                                           #

[docs]class Pbl(vcs.bestMatch): """ The Template text object allows the manipulation of line type, width, and color index. This class is used to define a line table entry used in VCS, or it can be used to change some or all of the line attributes in an existing line table entry. :Example: :: # Basic Usage Overview: a=vcs.init() # Show predefined line objects'line') # Updates the VCS Canvas at user's request a.update() #For mode: # If 1, then automatic update. # If 0,use update function to update VCS canvas a.mode=1 #To Create a new instance of line use: # Copies content of 'red' to 'new' ln=a.createline('new','red') # Copies content of 'default' to 'new' ln=a.createline('new') #To Modify an existing line use: ln=a.getline('red') # Will list all the line attribute values ln.list() # Range from 1 to 256 ln.color=100 # Range from 1 to 300 ln.width=100 #Specify the line type: # Same as ln.type=0 ln.type='solid' # Same as ln.type=1 ln.type='dash' # Same as ln.type=2 ln.type='dot' # Same as ln.type=3 ln.type='dash-dot' # Same as ln.type=4 ln.type='long-dash' """ ########################################################################## # # # Initialize the line attributes. # # # ########################################################################## __slots__ = [ "member", "_priority", "_x1", "_x2", "_y1", "_y2", "_line"] def __init__(self, member): # def __init__(self, template, member=None): # # ########################################################### # Initialize the line class and its members # # The getPblmember function retrieves the values of the # # line members in the C structure and passes back the # # appropriate Python Object. # ########################################################### # # self.member = member self.priority = 0 self.line = "default" if member == "box1": self.priority = 1 self.x1 = 0.0500000007451 self.y1 = 0.259999990463 self.x2 = 0.949999988079 self.y2 = 0.860000014305 elif member == "box2": self.x1 = 0. self.y1 = 0.300000011921 self.x2 = 0.920000016689 self.y2 = 0.879999995232 elif member == "box3": self.x1 = 0. self.y1 = 0.319999992847 self.x2 = 0.910000026226 self.y2 = 0.860000014305 elif member == "box4": self.x1 = 0. self.y1 = 0. self.x2 = 0. self.y2 = 0. elif member == "line1": self.x1 = 0.0500000007451 self.y1 = 0.560000002384 self.x2 = 0.949999988079 self.y2 = 0.560000002384 elif member == "line2": self.x1 = .5 self.y1 = 0.259999990463 self.x2 = .5 self.y2 = 0.860000014305 elif member == "line3": self.x1 = 0. self.y1 = 0.52999997139 self.x2 = 0.899999976158 self.y2 = 0.52999997139 elif member == "line4": self.x1 = 0. self.y1 = 0.990000009537 self.x2 = 0.899999976158 self.y2 = 0.990000009537 ########################################################################## # # # Set template text attributes. # # # ########################################################################## priority = VCS_validation_functions.priority x1 = VCS_validation_functions.x1 x2 = VCS_validation_functions.x2 y1 = VCS_validation_functions.y1 y2 = VCS_validation_functions.y2 line = VCS_validation_functions.line ########################################################################## # # # List out template text members (attributes). # # # ########################################################################## def list(self): print("member = ", self.member) print(" priority =", self.priority) print(" x1 =", self.x1) print(" y1 =", self.y1) print(" x2 =", self.x2) print(" y2 =", self.y2) print(" line =", self.line)
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