Source code for vcs.displayplot

# Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Jul 06, 2007 by

# Display Plot (Dp) module
#                                                                             #
# Module:       Display Plot (Dp) module                                      #
#                                                                             #
# Copyright:    2000, Regents of the University of California                 #
#               This software may not be distributed to others without        #
#               permission of the author.                                     #
#                                                                             #
# Authors:      PCMDI Software Team                                           #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                        #
#                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Description:  Python command wrapper for VCS's display plot object.         #
#                                                                             #
# Version:      4.0                                                           #
#                                                                             #
from . import VCS_validation_functions
import vcs
import tempfile
from .xmldocs import listdoc  # noqa
from functools import partial

# Will attempt to import module, returns module and true if successful
def try_import_module(module, sub_modules=None):
        return __import__(module, fromlist=sub_modules), True
    except ImportError:
        return None, False

# Save whether modules were successfully imported
IPython, HAVE_IPY = try_import_module("IPython", ["display"])
ipywidgets, HAVE_IPYWIDGETS = try_import_module("ipywidgets")
sidecar, HAVE_SIDECAR = try_import_module("sidecar")

    basestring  # noqa
except Exception:
    basestring = str

def get_update_array_kw(disp, array, widgets, debug_target=None):
    if array is None:
        return {}
    if debug_target is not None:
        with debug_target:
            print("ok looking at keywords for",
    kw = {}
    for ax in array.getAxisList():
        if debug_target is not None:
            with debug_target:
                print("ok ",
        for widget in widgets:
            slider = widget.children[0]
            if debug_target is not None:
                with debug_target:
                    print("\tvs", slider.description)
            if == slider.description:
                kw[] = slice(slider.value, slider.value + 1)
    if debug_target is not None:
        with debug_target:
            print("ok we should update",, "with", kw)
    return kw

class IPythonDisplay(object):
    def __init__(self, png):
        self.png = png

    def _repr_png_(self):
        return self.png

[docs]class Dp(vcs.bestMatch): """ The Display plot object allows the manipulation of the plot name, off, priority, template, graphics type, graphics name, and data array(s). This class is used to define a display plot table entry used in VCS, or it can be used to change some or all of the display plot attributes in an existing display plot table entry. .. describe:: Useful Functions: .. code-block:: python # Canvas constructor a=vcs.init() # Show display plot objects'plot') # Updates the VCS Canvas at user's request a.update() .. describe:: General display plot usage: .. code-block:: python #Create a VCS Canvas object a=vcs.init() #To Create a new instance of plot: # Create a plot object p1=a.plot(s) #To Modify an existing plot in use: p1=a.getplot('dpy_plot_1') .. describe:: Display plot object attributes: .. code-block:: python # Will list all the display plot attributes p1.list() # "On" or "Off" status, 1=on, 0=off # Priority to place plot in front of other objects p1.priority=1 # Name of template object p1.template='quick' # Graphics method type p1.g_type='boxfill' # Graphics method name p1.g_name='quick' # List of all the array names p1.array=['a1'] .. pragma: skip-doctest """ __slots__ = ["_name", "s_name", "_parent", "_off", "_priority", "_template", "__template_origin", "_Dp__template_origin", "_g_type", "_g_name", "_array", "_continents", "_continents_line", "_backend", "_newelements", "_widget", "extradisplays", "ratio", "_display_target" ] def handle_slider_change(self, change, widgets, name): if not HAVE_IPYWIDGETS: # No need to go further return if self._parent._display_target_out is None: debug = False else: debug = True if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("ok updating slider nasmed", name, "with", change["new"]) for disp_name in self._parent.display_names: disp = vcs.elements["display"][disp_name] if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("ok looking at arrays", disp.array) if disp.array[0] is None: continue if name not in disp.array[0].getAxisIds(): if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("skipping array:", disp.array) continue if debug: debug_target = self._parent._display_target_out else: debug_target = None kw1 = get_update_array_kw( disp, disp.array[0], widgets, debug_target) kw2 = get_update_array_kw( disp, disp.array[1], widgets, debug_target) # Ok in some case (u/v e.g) same dims but different name on 2nd array if disp.array[1] is not None: for axId in kw1: if axId not in kw2: # probably should be there as wll ax = disp.array[0].getAxis( disp.array[0].getAxisIndex(axId)) if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("Examing axis:", axId, "vs", ax, hasattr(ax, "axis")) if hasattr(ax, "axis"): # special dim (T,Z,Y,X) if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("Examing axis:", axId, "vs", ax.axis) for ax2 in disp.array[1].getAxisList(): if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("Examing axis:", axId, "vs", if hasattr(ax2, "axis") and ax2.axis == ax.axis: kw2[] = kw1[] if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("kws", kw1, kw2) if len(kw1) != 0: if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("updating :", disp.array[0].id, kw1) new1 = disp.array[0](**kw1) if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("updated :", new1.shape) else: new1 = disp.array[0] if len(kw2) != 0: if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("updating 2:", kw2) new2 = disp.array[1](**kw2) if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("updated 2:", new2.shape) else: if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("not updating 2:", disp.array[1]) new2 = disp.array[1] if kw1 is not {} or kw2 is not {}: if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("calling update") disp._parent.backend.update_input(disp.backend, new1, new2) for widget in widgets: slider, label = widget.children sp = slider.description if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("OPk looking at:", name, slider.description, sp, sp == name) if sp == name: value = label.values[change["new"]] label.value = "{}".format(value) if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("Ok new value:", value, label.value) if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("Ok about to dump png") tmp = tempfile.mktemp() + ".png" self._parent.png(tmp) f = open(tmp, "rb") st = f.close() if debug: IPython.display.display(self._parent._display_target_out) IPython.display.display(*widgets) self._parent._display_target_image.value = st if debug: with self._parent._display_target_out: print("Ok update") def generate_sliders(self, debug): dimensions = set() funcs = [] widgets = [] for disp_name in self._parent.display_names: disp = vcs.elements["display"][disp_name] gm_info = vcs.graphicsmethodinfo( vcs.getgraphicsmethod(disp.g_type, disp.g_name)) data = disp.array[0] if data is None: continue for dim in data.getAxisList()[:-gm_info["dimensions_used_on_plot"]]: units = getattr(dim, "units", None) if (, units, dim[0], dim[-1]) not in dimensions: if dim.isTime(): values = dim.asComponentTime() else: values = ["{}{}".format(value, units) for value in dim[:]] slider = ipywidgets.IntSlider( value=0, min=0, max=len(dim)-1, step=1, description='{}'.format(, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d' ) label = ipywidgets.Label(str(values[0])) label.values = values box = ipywidgets.HBox([slider, label]) widgets.append(box) funcs.append( partial(self.handle_slider_change, dimensions.add((, units, dim[0], dim[-1])) for i, wdgt in enumerate(widgets): slider = wdgt.children[0] slider.observe(partial(funcs[i], widgets=widgets), names="value") if debug: IPython.display.display(self._parent._display_target_out) return widgets def _repr_png_(self): SLIDERS_ENABLED = False debug = False if not HAVE_IPYWIDGETS: debug = False tmp = tempfile.mktemp() + ".png" self._parent.png(tmp) f = open(tmp, "rb") st = f.close() if HAVE_IPY: sidecar_on = True if HAVE_SIDECAR: if self._parent._display_target is None: # no target specified self._parent._display_target = sidecar.Sidecar( title="VCS Canvas {:d}".format(self._parent.canvasid())) elif isinstance(self._parent._display_target, basestring): if self._parent._display_target.lower() not in ["inline", "off", "no"]: self._parent._display_target = sidecar.Sidecar( title=self._parent._display_target) else: sidecar_on = False self._parent._display_target_image = ipywidgets.Image() if HAVE_IPYWIDGETS: if debug: self._parent._display_target_out = ipywidgets.Output( layout={'border': '1px solid black'}) else: self._parent._display_target_out = None if SLIDERS_ENABLED: widgets = self.generate_sliders(debug) self._parent._display_target_image.value = st vbox = ipywidgets.VBox( widgets + [self._parent._display_target_image]) else: vbox = IPythonDisplay(st) if HAVE_SIDECAR and sidecar_on: with self._parent._display_target: IPython.display.clear_output() IPython.display.display(vbox) else: IPython.display.clear_output() IPython.display.display(vbox) else: IPython.display.clear_output() return None return st # TODO: html,json,jpeg,png,svg,latex def _getname(self): return self._name def _setname(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkname(self, 'name', value) if value is not None: self._name = value name = property(_getname, _setname) def _setnewelements(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError("newelements attribute must be a dictionary") self._newelements = value def _getnewelements(self): return self._newelements newelements = property(_getnewelements, _setnewelements) def _getcontinents(self): return self._continents def _setcontinents(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkContinents( self, value) self._continents = value continents = property(_getcontinents, _setcontinents) def _getcontinents_line(self): return self._continents_line def _setcontinents_line(self, value): self._continents_line = VCS_validation_functions.checkLine( self, "continents_line", value) continents_line = property(_getcontinents_line, _setcontinents_line) def _getpriority(self): return self._priority def _setpriority(self, value): self._priority = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt( self, 'priority', value, minvalue=0) priority = property(_getpriority, _setpriority) def _getoff(self): return self._off def _setoff(self, value): self._off = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt( self, 'off', value, minvalue=0, maxvalue=1) for d in self.extradisplays: = self._off off = property(_getoff, _setoff) def _getg_name(self): return self._g_name def _setg_name(self, value): self._g_name = VCS_validation_functions.checkString( self, 'g_name', value) g_name = property(_getg_name, _setg_name) def _getarray(self): return self._array def _setarray(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise ValueError('The array must be contained in a list object.') self._array = value array = property(_getarray, _setarray) def _gettemplate(self): return self._template def _settemplate(self, value): self._template = VCS_validation_functions.checkString( self, 'template', value) template = property(_gettemplate, _settemplate) def _gettemplate_origin(self): return self.__template_origin def _settemplate_origin(self, value): self.__template_origin = VCS_validation_functions.checkString( self, '_template_origin', value) _template_origin = property(_gettemplate_origin, _settemplate_origin) def _getg_type(self): return self._g_type def _setg_type(self, value): try: hasVCSAddons = True import vcsaddons except Exception: hasVCSAddons = False value = VCS_validation_functions.checkString(self, 'g_type', value) value = value.lower() if value not in vcs.elements and value != "text" and (hasVCSAddons and value not in vcsaddons.gms): raise ValueError( "invalid g_type '%s' must be one of: %s " % (value, list(vcs.elements.keys()))) self._g_type = value g_type = property(_getg_type, _setg_type) def _get_backend(self): return self._backend def _set_backend(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (dict, None)): raise Exception( "The dispaly backend attribute must be a dictionary or None") self._backend = value backend = property( _get_backend, _set_backend, None, "dictionary of things the backend wants to be able to reuse") ########################################################################## # # # Initialize the display plot attributes. # # # ########################################################################## def __init__(self, Dp_name, Dp_name_src='default', parent=None): # # ################################################################### # Initialize the display plot's class and its members # # The getDpmember function retrieves the values of the # # display plot members in the C structure and passes back the # # appropriate Python Object. # ################################################################### # # self.extradisplays = [] self._name = Dp_name self.s_name = 'Dp' self._parent = parent self._widget = None if self._name == "default": self._off = 0 self._priority = 0 self._template = "default" self.__template_origin = "default" self._g_type = "boxfill" self._g_name = "default" self._array = [] self._continents = 1 self._continents_line = "default" self.ratio = None else: src = vcs.elements["display"][Dp_name_src] = self.array = src.array self.template = src.template self._template_origin = src._template_origin self.g_type = src.g_type self.g_name = src.g_name self.continents = src.continents self.continents_line = src.continents_line self.priority = src.priority self.ratio = src.ratio vcs.elements["display"][self._name] = self ########################################################################## # # # List out display plot members (attributes). # # # ##########################################################################
[docs] def list(self): """Lists the current values of object attributes :Example: .. doctest:: displayplot_listdoc >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> obj=a.getboxfill() # default boxfill >>> dsp = a.plot(obj,array) # store displayplot >>> dsp.list() ---------- ... ---------- ... """ if ( == '__removed_from_VCS__'): raise ValueError('This instance has been removed from VCS.') print("---------- Display Plot (Dp) member (attribute) listings ----------") print("Display plot method =", self.s_name) print("name =", print("off =", print("priority =", self.priority) print("template =", self.template) print("template_origin =", self._template_origin) print("g_type =", self.g_type) print("g_name =", self.g_name) print("array =", self.array) print("continents =", self.continents) print("extradisplays =", self.extradisplays) print("ratio =", self.ratio)