Source code for vcs.queries

#!/usr/bin/env python
# The VCS query controls -  query module
#                                                                               #
# Module:       query module                                                    #
#                                                                               #
# Copyright:    "See file Legal.htm for copyright information."                 #
#                                                                               #
# Authors:      PCMDI Software Team                                             #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                          #
#                                               #
#                                                                               #
# Description:  Functions which get information about vcs graphics objects      #
#               such as graphics methods and templates.                         #
#                                                                               #
# Version:      4.0                                                             #
#                                                                               #

    .. _list:
    .. _tuple:
    .. _dict:
    .. _None:
    .. _str:
    .. _bool:
    .. _float:
    .. _int:
    .. _long:
    .. _file:

    .. pragma: skip-doctest
from . import boxfill
from . import isofill
from . import isoline
from . import taylor
from . import meshfill
from . import unified1D
from . import vector
from . import streamline
from . import line
from . import marker
from . import fillarea
from . import texttable
from . import textorientation
from . import textcombined
from . import template
from . import dv3d
from . import displayplot
from . import projection
import vcs
from . import xmldocs

from .error import vcsError

    import vcsaddons
    hasVCSAddons = True
except Exception:
    hasVCSAddons = False

[docs]def isgraphicsmethod(gobj): """Indicates if the entered argument is one of the following graphics methods: boxfill, isofill, isoline, scatter, vector, xvsy, xyvsy, yxvsx. :Example: .. doctest:: queries_isgraphicsmethod >>> a=vcs.init() >>> box=a.getboxfill() # get default boxfill object >>> vcs.isgraphicsmethod(box) 1 :param gobj: A graphics object :type gobj: A VCS graphics object :returns: Integer reperesenting whether gobj is one of the above graphics methods. 1 indicates true, 0 indicates false. :rtype: `int`_ """ if (isinstance(gobj, boxfill.Gfb)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, isofill.Gfi)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, dv3d.Gf3Dscalar)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, dv3d.Gf3DDualScalar)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, dv3d.Gf3Dvector)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, isoline.Gi)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, vector.Gv)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, streamline.Gs)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, unified1D.G1d)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, taylor.Gtd)): return 1 elif (isinstance(gobj, meshfill.Gfm)): return 1 elif hasVCSAddons and isinstance(gobj, vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): return 1 else: return 0
[docs]def graphicsmethodlist(): """ List available graphics methods. :Example: .. doctest:: queries_gmlist >>> a=vcs.init() >>> vcs.graphicsmethodlist() # Return graphics method list [...] :returns: A list of available grapics methods (i.e., 'boxfill', 'isofill', 'isoline', 'meshfill', 'scatter', 'vector', 'xvsy', 'xyvsy', 'yxvsx', 'taylordiagram', '1d', '3d_scalar', '3d_dual_scalar', '3d_vector'). :rtype: `list`_ """ return ['boxfill', 'isofill', 'isoline', 'meshfill', 'scatter', 'vector', 'streamline', 'xvsy', 'xyvsy', 'yxvsx', 'taylordiagram', '1d', '3d_scalar', '3d_dual_scalar', '3d_vector']
[docs]def graphicsmethodinfo(obj): """For a given graphic method returns a dictionary with information about it such as number of slabs expected, dimensions used for the plot etc... """ if not isgraphicsmethod(obj): return {} info = {} info["type"] = graphicsmethodtype(obj) info["min_number_of_arrays"] = 1 info["max_number_of_arrays"] = 1 info["dimensions_used_on_plot"] = 2 if info["type"] in ["vector", "streamline"]: info["min_number_of_arrays"] = 2 info["max_number_of_arrays"] = 2 elif info["type"] == "meshfill": info["max_number_of_arrays"] = 2 # when it plots it has beeen transformed to generic grid 1D info["dimensions_used_on_plot"] = 1 elif info["type"] in ['3d_scalar', '3d_dual_scalar', '3d_vector']: info["dimensions_used_on_plot"] = 3 elif info["type"] in ["1d"]: info["dimensions_used_on_plot"] = 1 info["max_number_of_arrays"] = 2 # scatter plots or x/y axis return info
[docs]def graphicsmethodtype(gobj): """Check the type of a graphics object. Returns None if the object is not a graphics method. :Example: .. doctest:: queries_gmtype >>> a=vcs.init() >>> box=a.getboxfill() # Get default boxfill graphics method >>> iso=a.getisofill() # Get default isofill graphics method >>> ln=a.getline() # Get default line element >>> vcs.graphicsmethodtype(box) 'boxfill' >>> vcs.graphicsmethodtype(iso) 'isofill' >>> vcs.graphicsmethodtype(ln) Traceback (most recent call last): ... vcsError: The object passed is not a graphics method object. :returns: If gobj is a graphics method object, returns its type: 'boxfill', 'isofill', 'isoline', 'meshfill', 'scatter', 'vector', 'xvsy', 'xyvsy', 'yxvsx', 'taylordiagram', '1d', '3d_scalar', '3d_dual_scalar', '3d_vector'. If gobj is not a graphics method object, raises an exception and prints a vcsError message. :rtype: `str`_ or `None`_ """ if (isinstance(gobj, boxfill.Gfb)): return 'boxfill' elif (isinstance(gobj, isofill.Gfi)): return 'isofill' elif (isinstance(gobj, dv3d.Gf3Dscalar)): return '3d_scalar' elif (isinstance(gobj, dv3d.Gf3DDualScalar)): return '3d_dual_scalar' elif (isinstance(gobj, dv3d.Gf3Dvector)): return '3d_vector' elif (isinstance(gobj, isoline.Gi)): return 'isoline' elif (isinstance(gobj, vector.Gv)): return 'vector' elif (isinstance(gobj, streamline.Gs)): return 'streamline' elif (isinstance(gobj, unified1D.G1d)): return "1d" elif (isinstance(gobj, taylor.Gtd)): return 'taylordiagram' elif (isinstance(gobj, meshfill.Gfm)): return 'meshfill' elif hasVCSAddons and isinstance(gobj, vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): return gobj else: raise vcsError('The object passed is not a graphics method object.')
[docs]def isplot(pobj): """Check to see if this object is a VCS secondary display plot. :Example: .. doctest:: queries_isplot >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> dsp=a.plot(array) # plotting should return a displayplot object >>> vcs.queries.isplot(dsp) 1 :param obj: A VCS object :type obj: VCS Object :returns: An integer indicating whether the object is a display plot (1), or not (0). :rtype: `int`_ """ if (isinstance(pobj, displayplot.Dp)): return 1 else: return 0
[docs]def iscolormap(obj): if (isinstance(obj, vcs.colormap.Cp)): return 1 else: return 0
iscolormap.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['colormap'] # noqa
[docs]def istemplate(gobj): if (isinstance(gobj, template.P)): return 1 else: return 0
istemplate.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['template'] # noqa
[docs]def issecondaryobject(sobj): """Check to see if this object is a VCS secondary object .. note:: Secondary objects will be one of the following: 1.) colormap: specification of combinations of 256 available colors 2.) fill area: style, style index, and color index 3.) format: specifications for converting numbers to display strings 4.) line: line type, width, and color index 5.) list: a sequence of pairs of numerical and character values 6.) marker: marker type, size, and color index 7.) text table: text font type, character spacing, expansion, and color index 8.) text orientation: character height, angle, path, and horizontal/vertical alignment 9.) projections 10.) displays :Example: .. doctest:: queries_issecondary >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'projection') # Show all available projections *******************Projection Names List********************** ... *******************End Projection Names List********************** >>> ex = a.getprojection('default') # To test an existing line object >>> vcs.issecondaryobject(ex) 1 :param obj: A VCS object :type obj: VCS Object :returns: An integer indicating whether the object is a projection graphics object (1), or not (0). :rtype: `int`_ """ if (isinstance(sobj, line.Tl)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, marker.Tm)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, fillarea.Tf)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, texttable.Tt)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, textorientation.To)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, textcombined.Tc)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, marker.Tm)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, projection.Proj)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, vcs.colormap.Cp)): return 1 elif (isinstance(sobj, vcs.displayplot.Dp)): return 1 else: return 0
[docs]def isdisplay(obj): """ Check to see if this object is a VCS display object :param obj: A VCS object :type obj: VCS Object :returns: An integer indicating whether the object is a display (1), or not (0). :rtype: int """ if (isinstance(obj, vcs.displayplot.Dp)): return 1 else: return 0
[docs]def isprojection(obj): if (isinstance(obj, projection.Proj)): return 1 else: return 0
isprojection.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['projection'] # noqa
[docs]def istaylordiagram(obj): if (isinstance(obj, taylor.Gtd)): return 1 else: return 0
istaylordiagram.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['taylordiagram'] # noqa
[docs]def ismeshfill(obj): if (isinstance(obj, meshfill.Gfm)): return 1 else: return 0
ismeshfill.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['meshfill'] # noqa
[docs]def isstreamline(obj): if (isinstance(obj, streamline.Gs)): return 1 else: return 0
isstreamline.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['streamline'] # noqa
[docs]def isboxfill(obj): if (isinstance(obj, boxfill.Gfb)): return 1 else: return 0
isboxfill.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['boxfill'] # noqa
[docs]def is3d_scalar(obj): if (isinstance(obj, dv3d.Gf3Dscalar) or isinstance(obj, dv3d.Gf3DDualScalar)): return 1 else: return 0
is3d_scalar.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['3d_scalar'] # noqa
[docs]def is3d_dual_scalar(obj): if isinstance(obj, dv3d.Gf3DDualScalar): return 1 else: return 0
is3d_dual_scalar.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['3d_dual_scalar'] # noqa
[docs]def is3d_vector(obj): if (isinstance(obj, dv3d.Gf3Dvector)): return 1 else: return 0
is3d_vector.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['3d_vector'] # noqa
[docs]def isisofill(obj): if (isinstance(obj, isofill.Gfi)): return 1 else: return 0
isisofill.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['isofill'] # noqa
[docs]def isisoline(obj): if (isinstance(obj, isoline.Gi)): return 1 else: return 0
isisoline.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['isoline'] # noqa
[docs]def isscatter(obj): if (isinstance(obj, unified1D.G1d)) and obj.g_type == "scatter": return 1 else: return 0
isscatter.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['scatter'] # noqa
[docs]def isxyvsy(obj): if (isinstance(obj, unified1D.G1d)) and obj.g_type == "xyvsy": return 1 else: return 0
isxyvsy.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['xyvsy'] # noqa
[docs]def isyxvsx(obj): if (isinstance(obj, unified1D.G1d)) and obj.g_type == "yxvsx": return 1 else: return 0
isyxvsx.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['yxvsx'] # noqa
[docs]def isxvsy(obj): if (isinstance(obj, unified1D.G1d)) and obj.g_type == "yxvsx": return 1 else: return 0
isxvsy.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['xvsy'] # noqa
[docs]def is1d(obj): if (isinstance(obj, unified1D.G1d)): return 1 else: return 0
is1d.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['1d'] # noqa
[docs]def isvector(obj): if (isinstance(obj, vector.Gv)): return 1 else: return 0
isvector.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['1d'] # noqa
[docs]def isline(obj): if (isinstance(obj, line.Tl)): return 1 else: return 0
isline.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['line'] # noqa
[docs]def ismarker(obj): if (isinstance(obj, marker.Tm)): return 1 else: return 0
ismarker.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['marker'] # noqa
[docs]def isfillarea(obj): if (isinstance(obj, fillarea.Tf)): return 1 else: return 0
isfillarea.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['fillarea'] # noqa
[docs]def istexttable(obj): if (isinstance(obj, texttable.Tt)): return 1 else: return 0
istexttable.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['texttable'] # noqa
[docs]def istextorientation(obj): if (isinstance(obj, textorientation.To)): return 1 else: return 0
istextorientation.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['textorientation'] # noqa
[docs]def istextcombined(obj): if (isinstance(obj, textcombined.Tc)): return 1 else: return 0
istextcombined.__doc__ = xmldocs.is_docs['textcombined'] # noqa # Set an alias for the secondary text combined method in VCS. # # This is much easier to type than 'textcombined'. # istext = istextcombined