Source code for vcs.textcombined

# Text Combined (Tc) module
from __future__ import print_function
import vcs
from .xmldocs import scriptdocs, listdoc  # noqa
# Adapted for numpy/ma/cdms2 by

#                                                                             #
# Module:       textcombined (Tc) module                                      #
#                                                                             #
# Copyright:    2000, Regents of the University of California                 #
#               This software may not be distributed to others without        #
#               permission of the author.                                     #
#                                                                             #
# Author:       PCMDI Software Team                                           #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                        #
#                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Description:  Python command wrapper for VCS's text combined secondary      #
#               object. Can be thought of as the combination of text table    #
#               and text orientation secondary objects.			      #
#                                                                             #
# Version:      4.0                                                           #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Import: Text table (Tt), and  Text orientation  (To)                        #
#                                                                             #
from . import texttable
from . import textorientation

#                                                                           #
# Text Combined (Tc) Class.                                                 #
#                                                                           #

[docs]class Tc(vcs.bestMatch): """ The (Tc) Text Combined class will combine a text table class and a text orientation class together. From combining the two classess, the user will be able to set attributes for both classes (i.e., define the font, spacing, expansion, color index, height, angle, path, vertical alignment, and horizontal alignment). This class is used to define and list a combined text table and text orientation entry used in VCS. .. describe:: Useful Functions: .. code-block:: python # Constructor a=vcs.init() # Show predefined text table objects'texttable') # Show predefined text orientation objects'textorientation') # Updates the VCS Canvas at user's request a.update() .. describe:: Make a Canvas object to work with: .. code-block:: python a=vcs.init() .. describe:: Create a new instance of text table: .. code-block:: python # Copies content of 'std' to 'new_tt' and '7left' to 'new_to' tc=a.createtextcombined('new_tt','std','new_to','7left') .. describe:: Modify an existing texttable: .. code-block:: python tc=a.gettextcombined('std','7left') .. describe:: Overview of textcombined attributes: .. note:: Textcombined attributes are a combination of texttable and textorientation attributes * Listing the attributes: .. code-block:: python # Will list all the textcombined attribute values tc.list() * Specify the text font type: .. code-block:: python tc.font=1 * Specify the text spacing: .. code-block:: python # The spacing value must be in the range -50 to 50 tc.spacing=2 * Specify the text expansion: .. code-block:: python # The expansion value ranges from 50 to 150 tc.expansion=100 * Specify the text color: .. code-block:: python # The text color tc.color="black" * Specify the graphics text priority on the VCS Canvas: .. code-block:: python tt.priority = 1 * Specify the viewport and world coordinate: .. code-block:: python # FloatType [0,1]x[0,1] tt.viewport=[0, 1.0, 0,1.0] # FloatType [#,#]x[#,#] tt.worldcoordinate=[0,1.0,0,1.0] * Specify the location of the text: .. code-block:: python # List of FloatTypes tt.x=[[0,.1,.2], [.3,.4,.5]] # List of FloatTypes tt.y=[[.5,.4,.3], [.2,.1,0]] * Specify the text height: .. code-block:: python # The height value must be an integer tc.height=20 * Specify the text angle: .. code-block:: python # The angle value ranges from 0 to 360 tc.angle=0 * Specify the text path: .. code-block:: python # Same as tc.path=0 tc.path='right' # Same as tc.path=1 tc.path='left' # Same as tc.path=2 tc.path='up' # Same as tc.path=3 tc.path='down' * Specify the text horizontal alignment: .. code-block:: python # Same as tc.halign=0 tc.halign='right' # Same as tc.halign=1 tc.halign='center' # Same as tc.halign=2 tc.halign='right' * Specify the text vertical alignment: .. code-block:: python # Same as tcvalign=0 tc.valign='tcp' # Same as tcvalign=1 tc.valign='cap' # Same as tcvalign=2 tc.valign='half' # Same as tcvalign=3 tc.valign='base' # Same as tcvalign=4 tc.valign='bottom' .. pragma: skip-doctest TODO: convert examples to doctests """ __slots__ = [ 's_name', 'name', 'To', 'Tt', ] def _getTtname(self): return def _setTtname(self, value): = value Tt_name = property(_getTtname, _setTtname) def _getToname(self): return def _setToname(self, value): = value To_name = property(_getToname, _setToname) def _getcolor(self): return self.Tt.color def _setcolor(self, value): self.Tt.color = value color = property(_getcolor, _setcolor) def _getcolormap(self): return self.Tt.colormap def _setcolormap(self, value): self.Tt.colormap = value colormap = property(_getcolormap, _setcolormap) def _getfcolor(self): return self.Tt.fillincolor def _setfcolor(self, value): self.Tt.fillincolor = value fillincolor = property(_getfcolor, _setfcolor) def _getpriority(self): return self.Tt.priority def _setpriority(self, value): self.Tt.priority = value priority = property(_getpriority, _setpriority) def _getfont(self): return self.Tt.font def _setfont(self, value): self.Tt.font = value font = property(_getfont, _setfont) def _getstring(self): return self.Tt.string def _setstring(self, value): self.Tt.string = value string = property(_getstring, _setstring) def _getspacing(self): return self.Tt.spacing def _setspacing(self, value): self.Tt.spacing = value spacing = property(_getspacing, _setspacing) def _getexpansion(self): return self.Tt.expansion def _setexpansion(self, value): self.Tt.expansion = value expansion = property(_getexpansion, _setexpansion) def _getx(self): return self.Tt.x def _setx(self, value): self.Tt.x = value x = property(_getx, _setx) def _gety(self): return self.Tt.y def _sety(self, value): self.Tt.y = value y = property(_gety, _sety) def _getviewport(self): return self.Tt.viewport def _setviewport(self, value): self.Tt.viewport = value viewport = property(_getviewport, _setviewport) def _getworldcoordinate(self): return self.Tt.worldcoordinate def _setworldcoordinate(self, value): self.Tt.worldcoordinate = value worldcoordinate = property(_getworldcoordinate, _setworldcoordinate) def _getprojection(self): return self.Tt.projection def _setprojection(self, value): self.Tt.projection = value projection = property(_getprojection, _setprojection) def _getheight(self): return self.To.height def _setheight(self, value): self.To.height = value height = property(_getheight, _setheight) def _getangle(self): return self.To.angle def _setangle(self, value): self.To.angle = value angle = property(_getangle, _setangle) def _getpath(self): return self.To.path def _setpath(self, value): self.To.path = value path = property(_getpath, _setpath) def _gethalign(self): return self.To.halign def _sethalign(self, value): self.To.halign = value halign = property(_gethalign, _sethalign) def _getvalign(self): return self.To.valign def _setvalign(self, value): self.To.valign = value valign = property(_getvalign, _setvalign) ########################################################################## # # # Initialize the text combine attributes. # # # ########################################################################## def __init__(self, Tt_name=None, Tt_name_src='default', To_name=None, To_name_src='default'): import vcs if (Tt_name is None): raise ValueError('Must provide a text table name.') if (To_name is None): To_name = Tt_name # Uses the same name than Tt if Tt_name in vcs.elements["texttable"]: raise Exception( "Error texttable object: '%s' already exists" % Tt_name) if To_name in vcs.elements["textorientation"]: raise Exception( "Error textorientation object: '%s' already exists" % To_name) # # ################################################################### # Inherits texttable and textorientation secondary sub-classes. # ################################################################### # # self.Tt = texttable.Tt(Tt_name, Tt_name_src) self.To = textorientation.To(To_name, To_name_src) = "%s:::%s" % (Tt_name, To_name) self.s_name = 'Tc' vcs.elements["textcombined"][] = self # # ########################################################### # Save the parent class. # ########################################################### # # ########################################################################## # # # List out text combined members (attributes). # # # ##########################################################################
[docs] def list(self): """Lists the current values of object attributes :Example: .. doctest:: listdoc >>> a=vcs.init() >>> ctc = vcs.createtextcombined # alias long name >>> obj=ctc('list_tt', 'qa', 'list_tto', '7left') >>> obj.list() # print textcombined attributes ---------- ... ---------- ... """ if ((self.Tt_name == '__removed_from_VCS__') or (self.To_name == '__removed_from_VCS__')): raise ValueError('This instance has been removed from VCS.') print("---------- Text combined (Tc) member (attribute) listings ----------") print("secondary method =", self.s_name) print("", "---------- Text Table (Tt) member (attribute) listings ----------") print("Tt_name =", self.Tt_name) print("font =", self.font) print("spacing =", self.spacing) print("expansion =", self.expansion) print("color =", self.color) print("fillincolor =", self.fillincolor) print("priority =", self.priority) print("string =", self.string) print("viewport =", self.viewport) print("worldcoordinate =", self.worldcoordinate) print("x =", self.x) print("y =", self.y) print("projection =", self.projection) print("", "---------- Text Orientation (To) member (attribute) listings ----------") print("To_name =", self.To_name) print("height =", self.height) print("angle =", self.angle) print("path =", self.path) print("halign =", self.halign) print("valign =", self.valign)
########################################################################## # # # Script out secondary text table and orientation methods in VCS to a file. # # # ##########################################################################
[docs] def script(self, script_filename=None, mode=None): if (script_filename is None): raise ValueError( 'Error - Must provide an output script file name.') if (mode is None): mode = 'a' elif (mode not in ('w', 'a')): raise ValueError( 'Error - Mode can only be "w" for replace or "a" for append.') # By default, save file in json scr_type = script_filename.split(".") if len(scr_type) == 1 or len(scr_type[-1]) > 5: scr_type = "json" if script_filename != "initial.attributes": script_filename += ".json" else: scr_type = scr_type[-1] if scr_type == '.scr': raise vcs.VCSDeprecationWarning("scr script are no longer generated") elif scr_type == "py": mode = mode + '+' py_type = script_filename[ len(script_filename) - 3:len(script_filename)] if (py_type != '.py'): script_filename = script_filename + '.py' # Write to file fp = open(script_filename, mode) if (fp.tell() == 0): # Must be a new file, so include below fp.write("#####################################\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("# Import and Initialize VCS #\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("#############################\n") fp.write("import vcs\n") fp.write("v=vcs.init()\n\n") unique_name = '__Tt__' + self.Tt_name fp.write("%s = v.createtexttable()\n" % unique_name) fp.write("%s.font = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.font)) fp.write("%s.spacing = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.spacing)) fp.write("%s.expansion = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.expansion)) fp.write("%s.color = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, repr(self.color))) fp.write("%s.fillincolor = %g\n\n" % (unique_name, self.fillincolor)) fp.write("%s.priority = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.priority)) fp.write("%s.viewport = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.viewport)) fp.write("%s.worldcoordinate = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.worldcoordinate)) fp.write("%s.x = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.x)) fp.write("%s.y = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, self.y)) fp.write("%s.projection = '%s'\n\n" % (unique_name, self.projection)) tt_unique = unique_name unique_name = '__To__' + self.To_name fp.write("#----------Text Orientation (To) member (attribute) listings ----------\n") fp.write("%s = v.createtextorientation()\n" % unique_name) fp.write("%s.height = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.height)) fp.write("%s.angle = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.angle)) if type(self.path) is str: fp.write("%s.path = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.path)) else: fp.write("%s.path = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.path)) if type(self.halign) is str: fp.write("%s.halign = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.halign)) else: fp.write("%s.halign = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.halign)) if type(self.valign) is str: fp.write("%s.valign = '%s'\n\n" % (unique_name, self.valign)) else: fp.write("%s.valign = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.valign)) fp.write("try:\n") fp.write(" tt = vcs.gettexttable(%s)\n" % self.Tt_name) fp.write(" vcs.removeobject(tt)\n") fp.write("except:\n pass\n\n") fp.write("try:\n") fp.write(" to = vcs.gettextorientation(%s)\n" % self.To_name) fp.write(" vcs.removeobject(to)\n") fp.write("except:\n pass\n\n") fp.write("#----------Text Combined (Tc) creation ----------\n") fp.write("vcs.createtext(Tt_name='%s', To_name='%s', Tt_source=%s, To_source=%s)\n\n" % (self.Tt_name, self.To_name, tt_unique, unique_name)) fp.close() else: # Json type mode += "+" f = open(script_filename, mode) vcs.utils.dumpToJson(self.To, f) f.close() f = open(script_filename, 'a+') vcs.utils.dumpToJson(self.Tt, f) f.close()
script.__doc__ = scriptdocs['textcombined']
########################################################################## # END OF FILE # ##########################################################################