Source code for vcs.vcshelp

# VCS help module
#                                                                             #
# Module:       VCS help (Vh) module                                          #
#                                                                             #
# Copyright:    2000, Regents of the University of California                 #
#               This software may not be distributed to others without        #
#               permission of the author.                                     #
#                                                                             #
# Author:       PCMDI Software Team                                           #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                        #
#                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Description:  Python command for VCS's help.       			              #
#                                                                             #
# Version:      4.0                                                           #
#                                                                             #

import vcs
from . import queries

[docs]def objecthelp(*arg): """Print the documentation of each object in the argument list. Prints a blank line if no documentation. :Example: .. doctest:: vcs_vcshelp_objecthelp >>> fa=vcs.getfillarea() >>> vcs.objecthelp(fa) # print fillarea class documentation The Fillarea class ... :param arg: Instance(s) of VCS object(s) to display the documentation for. Multiple objects should be comma-delimited. :type arg: VCS object, or list of vcs objects """ for x in arg: print(getattr(x, "__doc__", ""))
[docs]def help(*arg): """Prints the documentation for named VCS class(es) and/or function(s). :Example: .. doctest:: vcs_vcshelp_help >>>'fillareaobject') # show fillarea help The Fillarea class ... >>>'getboxfill') VCS ... :param arg: One or multiple strings containing the name(s) of object(s) and/or function(s) to view the documentation for. .. note:: To get help on a VCS object class, you must supply a string that is the name of that class, plus the word "object". (i.e."templateobject") will print the documentation for the template class) """ if (len(arg) == 0): b = ['fillarea', 'line', 'marker', 'textcombined', 'textorientation', 'texttable', 'projection'] t = ['template'] p = ['plot', 'boxfill', 'continents', 'isofill', 'isoline', 'meshfill', 'outfill', 'outline', 'scatter', 'vector', 'xvsy', 'xyvsy', 'yxvsx'] h = ['isboxfill', 'iscolormap', 'iscontinents', 'isfillarea', 'isgraphicsmethod', 'isisofill', 'isisoline', 'isline', 'ismarker', 'ismeshfill', 'isoutfill', 'isoutline', 'isplot', 'isprojection', 'isscatter', 'issecondaryobject', 'istemplate', 'istextcombined', 'istextorientation', 'istexttable', 'isvector', 'isxvsy', 'isplot', 'islandscape', 'isportrait'] c = ['createboxfill', 'createcolormap', 'createcontinents', 'createfillarea', 'createisofill', 'createisoline', 'createline', 'createmeshfill', 'createmarker', 'createoutfill', 'createoutline', 'createprojection', 'createscatter', 'createtemplate', 'createtextcombined', 'createtextorientation', 'createtexttable', 'createvector', 'createxvsy', 'createxyvsy', 'createyxvsx'] g = ['getboxfill', 'getcolorcell', 'getcolormap', 'getcolormapname', 'getcolors', 'getcontinents', 'getcontinentstype', 'getfillarea', 'getisofill', 'getisoline', 'getline', 'getmeshfill', 'getmarker', 'getoutfill', 'getoutline', 'getplot', 'getprojection', 'getscatter', 'gettemplate', 'gettextcombined', 'gettextorientation', 'gettexttable', 'getvector', 'getxvsy', 'getxyvsy', 'getyxvsx'] f = ['animate', 'cgm', 'clear', 'close', 'colormapgui', 'eps', 'flush', 'geometry', 'gif', 'graphicsmethodtype', 'gs', 'help', 'init', 'landscape', 'listelements', 'mkevenlevels', 'mklabels', 'mkscale', 'mode', 'objecthelp', 'open', 'orientation', 'page', 'pause', 'portrait', 'postscript', 'printer', 'pstogif', 'raster', 'set', 'setcolorcell', 'setcolormap', 'setcontinentstype', 'show', 'update', 'vcsError'] s = ['scriptobject', 'scriptrun', 'scriptstate', 'saveinitialfile'] r = ['removeobject'] print('The Visualization and Control System (VCS) help command\n') print('--- VCS Model ---') print('The VCS model is defined by a trio of named attribute sets, designated the "Primary Objects" ' + '(also known as "Primary Elements"). These include: the data, which specifies what is to be displayed ' + 'and are obtained from the "cdms" module; the graphics method, which specifies the display technique; ' + 'and the picture template, which determines the appearance of each segment of the display.\n') print('--- VCS Primary Objects ---') print('Graphics Method:', (p[0] + 'object'), (p[1] + 'object'), (p[2] + 'object'), (p[3] + 'object')) print(' ', (p[4] + 'object'), (p[5] + 'object'), (p[6] + 'object'), (p[7] + 'object')) print(' ', (p[8] + 'object'), (p[9] + 'object'), (p[10] + 'object'), (p[11] + 'object')) print(' ', (p[12] + 'object')) print('Template: ', (t[0] + 'object')) print('Data: see the cdms, ma, and numpy modules for data' + 'extraction and manipulation and additional documentation.') print('\n--- VCS Secondary Objects ---') print('Color Map: Note: Color maps are object, but they are not referenced like other secondary objects.') print('Fill Areas: ', (b[0] + 'object')) print('Line: ', (b[1] + 'object')) print('Markers: ', (b[2] + 'object')) print('Text: ', (b[3] + 'object'), (b[4] + 'object'), (b[5] + 'object')) print('Projection: ', (b[6] + 'object (use projection objet __doc__ string for ' + 'more info on the types of projection available)')) print('\n--- Initialize VCS ---') print('Initialize VCS: ', 'init') print('\n--- VCS Canvas Functions ---') print('Plotting: ', p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]) print(' ', p[6], p[7], p[8], p[9], p[10]) print(' ', p[11], p[12]) print('Querying: ', h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4]) print(' ', h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10]) print(' ', h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15]) print(' ', h[16], h[17], h[18], h[19], h[20]) print(' ', h[21], h[22], h[23], h[24]) print('Creating: ', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]) print(' ', c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7]) print(' ', c[8], c[9], c[10], c[11]) print(' ', c[12], c[13], c[14], c[15]) print(' ', c[16], c[17], c[18], c[19]) print(' ', c[20]) print('Getting: ', g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4]) print(' ', g[5], g[6], g[7], g[8], g[9]) print(' ', g[10], g[11], g[12], g[13], g[14]) print(' ', g[15], g[16], g[17], g[18], g[19]) print(' ', g[20], g[21], g[22], g[23], g[24]) print(' ', g[25]) print('Removing: ', r[0]) print('Scripting: ', s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]) print('Operating: ', f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7]) print(' ', f[8], f[9], f[10], f[11], f[12], f[13], f[14]) print(' ', f[15], f[16], f[17], f[18], f[19], f[20], f[21]) print(' ', f[22], f[23], f[24], f[25], f[26], f[27], f[28], f[29]) print(' ', f[30], f[31], f[32], f[33], f[34], f[35]) print('\n--- Examples Using Help ---') print(" - prints VCS Model and Primary and Secondary Object list") print("'init') - prints boxfill description and example of use") print("'plot') - prints boxfill description and example of use") print("'lineobject') - prints boxfill description and example of use") print("'init','plot) - prints both descriptions and example of use") else: for i in range(len(arg)): # Template Objects if (arg[i] == 'templateobject'): print(vcs.template.P.__doc__) # Primary Objects elif (arg[i] == 'boxfillobject'): print(vcs.boxfill.Gfb.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isofillobject'): print(vcs.isofill.Gfi.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isolineobject'): print(vcs.isoline.Gi.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'continentsobject'): print(vcs.continents.Gcon.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'meshfillobject'): print(vcs.meshfill.Gfm.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'outfillobject'): print(vcs.outfill.Gfo.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'outlineobject'): print(vcs.outline.Go.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'scatterobject'): print(vcs.scatter.GSp.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'vectorobject'): print(vcs.vector.Gv.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'streamlineobject'): print(vcs.streamline.Gs.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'xvsyobject'): print(vcs.xvsy.GXY.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'xyvsyobject'): print(vcs.xyvsy.GXy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'yxvsxobject'): print(vcs.yxvsx.GYx.__doc__) # Secondary Objects elif (arg[i] == 'lineobject'): print(vcs.line.Tl.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'markerobject'): print(vcs.marker.Tm.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'fillareaobject'): print(vcs.fillarea.Tf.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'texttableobject'): print(vcs.texttable.Tt.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'textorientationobject'): print(vcs.textorientation.To.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'textcombinedobject'): print(vcs.textcombined.Tc.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'projectionobject'): print(vcs.projection.Proj.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'init'): print(vcs.init.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'plot'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.plot.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'boxfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.boxfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'clear'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.clear.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'close'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.close.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'cgm'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.cgm.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'meshfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.meshfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isofill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.isofill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isoline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.isoline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'continents'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.continents.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'outfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.outfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'outline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.outline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'scatter'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.scatter.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'vector'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.vector.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'streamline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.streamline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'xvsy'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.xvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'xyvsy'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.xyvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'yxvsx'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.yxvsx.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isboxfill'): print(queries.isboxfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'iscontinents'): print(queries.iscontinents.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isfillarea'): print(queries.isfillarea.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isgraphicsmethod'): print(queries.isgraphicsmethod.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'ismeshfill'): print(queries.ismeshfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isisofill'): print(queries.isisofill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isisoline'): print(queries.isisoline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'iscolormap'): print(queries.iscolormap.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isplot'): print(queries.isplot.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isportrait'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.isportrait.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'islandscape'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.islandscape.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isline'): print(queries.isline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isprojection'): print(queries.isprojection.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'ismarker'): print(queries.ismarker.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isoutfill'): print(queries.isoutfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isoutline'): print(queries.isoutline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isscatter'): print(queries.isscatter.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'issecondaryobject'): print(queries.issecondaryobject.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'istemplate'): print(queries.istemplate.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'istextcombined'): print(queries.istextcombined.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'istexttable'): print(queries.istexttable.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'istextorientation'): print(queries.istextorientation.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isscatter'): print(queries.isscatter.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isvector'): print(queries.isvector.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isxvsy'): print(queries.isxvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isxyvsy'): print(queries.isxyvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'isyxvsx'): print(queries.isyxvsx.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'colormapgui'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.colormapgui.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'eps'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.eps.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createboxfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createboxfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createcolormap'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createcolormap.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createcontinents'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createcontinents.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createfillarea'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createfillarea.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createmeshfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createmeshfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createprojection'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createprojection.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createisofill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createisofill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createisoline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createisoline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createmarker'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createmarker.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createoutfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createoutfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createoutline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createoutline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createscatter'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createscatter.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createtemplate'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createtemplate.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createtextcombined'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createtextcombined.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createtextorientation'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createtextorientation.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createtexttable'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createtexttable.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createvector'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createvector.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createxvsy'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createxvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createxyvsy'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createxyvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'createyxvsx'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.createyxvsx.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getboxfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getboxfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getcolormap'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getcolormap.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getcolormapname'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getcolormapname.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getcolorcell'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getcolorcell.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getcolors'): print(vcs.getcolors.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getcontinents'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getcontinents.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getcontinentstype'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getcontinentstype.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getfillarea'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getfillarea.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getmeshfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getmeshfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getprojection'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getprojection.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getisofill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getisofill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getisoline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getisoline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getmarker'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getmarker.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getoutfill'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getoutfill.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getoutline'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getoutline.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getplot'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getplot.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getscatter'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getscatter.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'gettemplate'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.gettemplate.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'gettextcombined'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.gettextcombined.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'gettext'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.gettextcombined.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'gettextorientation'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.gettextorientation.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'gettexttable'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.gettexttable.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getvector'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getvector.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getxvsy'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getxvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getxyvsy'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getxyvsy.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'getyxvsx'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.getyxvsx.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'removeobject'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.removeobject.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'saveinitialfile'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.saveinitialfile.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'scriptobject'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.scriptobject.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'scriptrun'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.scriptrun.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'scriptstate'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.scriptstate.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'animate'): print(vcs.Canvas.animate_obj.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'flush'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.flush.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'flushcanvas'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.flushcanvas.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'geometry'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.geometry.__doc__) # elif (arg[i] == 'get'): # print vcs.Canvas.Canvas.get.__doc__ elif (arg[i] == 'gif'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.gif.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'graphicsmethodtype'): print(vcs.Canvas.graphicsmethodtype.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'gs'): print( elif (arg[i] == 'help'): help__doc__() # elif (arg[i] == 'grid'): # print vcs.Canvas.Canvas.grid.__doc__ elif (arg[i] == 'landscape'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.landscape.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'listelements'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.listelements.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'mkevenlevels'): print(vcs.mkevenlevels.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'mklabels'): print(vcs.mklabels.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'mkscale'): print(vcs.mkscale.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'mode'): mode__doc__() elif (arg[i] == 'objecthelp'): print(objecthelp.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'open'): print( elif (arg[i] == 'orientation'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.orientation.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'page'): print( elif (arg[i] == 'pause'): print(vcs.pause.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'portrait'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.portrait.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'postscript'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.postscript.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'printer'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.printer.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'pstogif'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.pstogif.__doc__) # elif (arg[i] == 'put'): # print vcs.Canvas.Canvas.put.__doc__ elif (arg[i] == 'raster'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.raster.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'refreshcanvas'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.refreshcanvas.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'resetgrid'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.resetgrid.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'set'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.set.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'setcolorcell'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.setcolorcell.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'setcolormap'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.setcolormap.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'setcontinentstype'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.setcontinentstype.__doc__) # elif (arg[i] == 'setminmax'): # print vcs.Canvas.Canvas.setminmax.__doc__ elif (arg[i] == 'show'): print( elif (arg[i] == 'update'): print(vcs.Canvas.Canvas.update.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'vcsError'): print(vcs.vcsError.__doc__) elif (arg[i] == 'projection'): print(vcs.Canvas.projection.Proj.__doc__) else: print('Error - VCS does not have the command (%s).' % arg[i]) raise ValueError("Try using vcs.objecthelp(pass_object)")
def mode__doc__(): print(" Function: mode # Update the VCS Canvas.") print("") print(" Description of Function:") print(" Updating of the graphical displays on the VCS Canvas can be") print(" deferred until a later time. This is helpful when generating") print(" templates or displaying numerous plots. If a series of commands") print(" are given to VCS and the Canvas Mode is set to manual (i.e., 0),") print(" then no updating of the VCS Canvas occurs until the 'update' ") print(" function is executed.") print(" ") print(" Note, by default the VCS Canvas Mode is set to `Automatic', which") print(" means VCS will update the VCS Canvas as necessary without prompting") print(" from the user.") print("") print(" Example of Use:") print(" ...") print("") print(" a=vcs.init()") print(" a.mode=0 # Set updating to manual mode") print(" a.plot(s,'default','boxfill','quick')") print("") print(" box=x.getboxfill('quick')") print(" box.color_1=100") print(" box.xticlabels('lon30','lon30')") print(" box.xticlabels('','')") print(" box.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20)") print(" box.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0)") print("") print(" a.update() # Update the changes manually") def help__doc__(): print(" Function: help") print("") print(" Description of Function:") print(" Prints brief descriptions of VCS commands.") print(" Type: '' for more information.") print("") ############################################################################### # END OF FILE # ###############################################################################