Source code for vcs.marker

# Adapted for numpy/ma/cdms2 by
# Marker (Tm) module
#                                                                             #
# Module:       marker (Tm) module                                            #
#                                                                             #
# Copyright:    2000, Regents of the University of California                 #
#               This software may not be distributed to others without        #
#               permission of the author.                                     #
#                                                                             #
# Author:       PCMDI Software Team                                           #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                        #
#                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Description:  Python command/1d
# wrapper for VCS's marker secondary object.     #
#                                                                             #
# Version:      4.0                                                           #
#                                                                             #
from __future__ import print_function
from . import VCS_validation_functions
import vcs
import genutil
from .xmldocs import scriptdocs, listdoc

def process_src(nm, code):

    # Takes VCS script code (string) as input and generates oneD gm from it
        gm = Tm(nm)
    except Exception:
        gm = vcs.elements["marker"][nm]
    # process attributes with = as assignement
    for att in ["projection", ]:
        i = code.find(att)
        if i == -1:
        j = code[i:].find(",") + i
        if j - i == -1:  # last one no comma
            j = None
        scode = code[i:j]
        sp = scode.split("=")
        nm = sp[0].strip()
        nm = nm.replace("#", "")
            # int will be converted
            setattr(gm, nm, int(sp[1]))
        except Exception:
                # int and floats will be converted
                setattr(gm, nm, eval(sp[1]))
            except Exception:
                # strings
                    setattr(gm, nm, sp[1])
                except Exception:
                    pass  # oh well we stick to default value
        # Datawc
        for att in ["mtyp", "msize", "mci", "vp", "wc"]:
            i = code.find(" %s(" % att)
            if i > -1:
                j = code[i:].find(")") + i
                cd = code[i + len(att) + 2:j]
                vals = cd.split(",")
                values = []
                # print "ATT:",att,vals
                for v in vals:
                    try:  # int first
                    except Exception:
                        except Exception:
                    if att == "mtyp":
                        gm.type = values
                    elif att == "msize":
                        gm.size = values
                    elif att == "mci":
                        gm.color = values
                    elif att == "vp":
                        gm.viewport = values
                    elif att == "wc":
                        gm.worldcoordinate = values
                        raise Exception("Unkwnow marker attribute: %s" % att)
                except Exception:
        for att in ["x", "y"]:
            i = code.find(" %s(" % att)
            if i == -1:
                i = code.find(",%s(" % att)
            if i > -1:
                v = genutil.get_parenthesis_content(code[i:])
                setattr(gm, att, eval(v))

#                                                                           #
# Marker (Tm) Class.                                                        #
#                                                                           #
[docs]class Tm(vcs.bestMatch): """ The Marker object allows the manipulation of marker type, size, and color index. This class is used to define an marker table entry used in VCS, or it can be used to change some or all of the marker attributes in an existing marker table entry. Markers are intended to be sized consistently across all plots and legends, indepenent of plot size or world coordinate range. The size attribute sets the screen size (in "deci-pixels", see below) of the marker. .. describe:: Useful Functions: .. code-block:: python # VCS Canvas Constructor a=vcs.init() # Show predefined marker objects'marker') # Updates the VCS Canvas at user's request a.update() a=vcs.init() .. describe:: Create a new instance of marker: .. code-block:: python # Copies content of 'red' to 'new' mk=a.createmarker('new','red') # Copies content of 'default' to 'new' mk=a.createmarker('new') .. describe:: Modify an existing marker: .. code-block:: python mk=a.getmarker('red') .. describe:: Overview of marker attributes: * List all the marker attribute values: .. code-block:: python mk.list() # Range from 1 to 256 mk.color=100 # Range from 1 to 300 (screen size, in "deci-pixels", i.e. marker size * 10 = size in pixels) mk.size=100 * Specify the marker type: .. code-block:: python # Same as mk.type=1 mk.type='dot' # Same as mk.type=2 mk.type='plus' # Same as mk.type=3 mk.type='star' # Same as mk.type=4 mk.type='circle' # Same as mk.type=5 mk.type='cross' # Same as mk.type=6 mk.type='diamond' # Same as mk.type=7 mk.type='triangle_up' # Same as mk.type=8 mk.type='triangle_down' # Same as mk.type=9 mk.type='triangle_left' # Same as mk.type=10 mk.type='triangle_right' # Same as mk.type=11 mk.type='square' # Same as mk.type=12 mk.type='diamond_fill' # Same as mk.type=13 mk.type='triangle_up_fill' # Same as mk.type=14 mk.type='triangle_down_fill' # Same as mk.type=15 mk.type='triangle_left_fill' # Same as mk.type=16 mk.type='triangle_right_fill' # Same as mk.type=17 mk.type='square_fill' * Set the graphics priority on the canvas .. code-block:: python mk.priority=1 # FloatType [0,1]x[0,1] mk.viewport=[0, 1.0, 0,1.0] # FloatType [#,#]x[#,#] mk.worldcoordinate=[0,1.0,0,1.0] * Example x and y coordinates: .. code-block:: python # List of FloatTypes mk.x=[[0,.1,.2], [.3,.4,.5]] # List of FloatTypes mk.y=[[.5,.4,.3], [.2,.1,0]] .. pragma: skip-doctest """ __slots__ = [ 's_name', '_name', '_color', '_priority', '_type', '_size', '_viewport', '_worldcoordinate', '_x', '_y', '_projection', '_colormap', ] colormap = VCS_validation_functions.colormap def _getname(self): return self._name def _setname(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkname(self, 'name', value) if value is not None: self._name = value name = property(_getname, _setname) def _getfillareacolors(self): return self._color def _setfillareacolors(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): value = [value, ] if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkColorList( self, 'color', value) self._color = value color = property(_getfillareacolors, _setfillareacolors) def _gettype(self): return self._type def _settype(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and value is not None: value = [value, ] if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkMarkersList( self, 'type', value) self._type = value type = property(_gettype, _settype) def _getsize(self): return self._size def _setsize(self, value): if VCS_validation_functions.isNumber(value): value = [value, ] if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'size', value, minvalue=0, maxvalue=300) self._size = value size = property(_getsize, _setsize) def _getpriority(self): return self._priority def _setpriority(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt( self, 'priority', value, minvalue=0) self._priority = value priority = property(_getpriority, _setpriority) def _getprojection(self): return self._projection def _setprojection(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkProjection( self, 'projection', value) self._projection = value projection = property(_getprojection, _setprojection) def _getwc(self): return self._worldcoordinate def _setwc(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'worldcoordinate', value, maxelements=4) self._worldcoordinate = value worldcoordinate = property(_getwc, _setwc) def _getvp(self): return self._viewport def _setvp(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'viewport', value, maxelements=4, minvalue=0., maxvalue=1.) self._viewport = value viewport = property(_getvp, _setvp) def _getx(self): return self._x def _setx(self, value): if value is None: self._x = None return if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( 'x must be a tuple or list of values. You sent: %s' % value) try: # first we'll see if it is simply a list of values value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'x', value) except Exception: # ok it was not, so it maybe a list of list of numbers ? val = [] for v in value: tmp = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers(self, 'x', v) val.append(tmp) value = val # ok it worked self._x = value x = property(_getx, _setx) def _gety(self): return self._y def _sety(self, value): if value is None: self._y = None return if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( 'y must be a tuple or list of values. You sent: %s' % value) try: # first we'll see if it is simply a list of values value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'y', value) except Exception: # ok it was not, so it maybe a list of list of numbers ? val = [] for v in value: tmp = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers(self, 'y', v) val.append(tmp) value = val # ok it worked self._y = value y = property(_gety, _sety) def __init__(self, Tm_name, Tm_name_src='default'): if (Tm_name is None): raise ValueError('Must provide a marker name.') self._name = Tm_name self.s_name = 'Tm' if Tm_name == "default": self._type = ["dot", ] self._size = [1.0, ] self._color = [1, ] self._priority = 1 self._viewport = [0., 1., 0., 1.] self._worldcoordinate = [0., 1., 0., 1.] self._x = None self._y = None self._projection = "default" self._colormap = None else: if isinstance(Tm_name_src, Tm): Tm_name_src = if Tm_name_src not in vcs.elements['marker']: raise ValueError( "The marker object '%s' does not exists" % Tm_name_src) src = vcs.elements["marker"][Tm_name_src] for att in ['colormap', 'projection', 'color', 'size', 'type', 'viewport', 'worldcoordinate', 'priority', 'x', 'y']: setattr(self, att, getattr(src, att)) # Ok now we need to stick in the elements vcs.elements["marker"][Tm_name] = self
[docs] def list(self): if ( == '__removed_from_VCS__'): raise ValueError('This instance has been removed from VCS.') print("---------- Marker (Tm) member (attribute) listings ----------") print("secondary method =", self.s_name) print("name =", print("type =", self.type) print("size =", self.size) print("color =", self.color) print("priority =", self.priority) print("viewport =", self.viewport) print("worldcoordinate =", self.worldcoordinate) print("x =", self.x) print("y =", self.y) print("projection =", self.projection) print("colormap =", self.colormap)
list.__doc__ = listdoc.format(name="marker", parent="")
[docs] def script(self, script_filename=None, mode=None): if (script_filename is None): raise ValueError( 'Error - Must provide an output script file name.') if (mode is None): mode = 'a' elif (mode not in ('w', 'a')): raise ValueError( 'Error - Mode can only be "w" for replace or "a" for append.') # By default, save file in json scr_type = script_filename.split(".") if len(scr_type) == 1 or len(scr_type[-1]) > 5: scr_type = "json" if script_filename != "initial.attributes": script_filename += ".json" else: scr_type = scr_type[-1] if scr_type == '.scr': raise vcs.VCSDeprecationWarning("scr script are no longer generated") elif scr_type == "py": mode = mode + '+' py_type = script_filename[ len(script_filename) - 3:len(script_filename)] if (py_type != '.py'): script_filename = script_filename + '.py' # Write to file fp = open(script_filename, mode) if (fp.tell() == 0): # Must be a new file, so include below fp.write("#####################################\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("# Import and Initialize VCS #\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("#############################\n") fp.write("import vcs\n") fp.write("v=vcs.init()\n\n") unique_name = '__Tm__' + fp.write("#----------Marker (Tm) member (attribute) listings ----------\n") fp.write("tm_list=v.listelements('marker')\n") fp.write("if ('%s' in tm_list):\n" % fp.write(" %s = v.getmarker('%s')\n" % (unique_name, fp.write("else:\n") fp.write(" %s = v.createmarker('%s')\n" % (unique_name, fp.write("%s.type = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.type)) fp.write("%s.size = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.size)) fp.write("%s.color = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, self.color)) fp.write("%s.priority = %d\n" % (unique_name, self.priority)) fp.write("%s.viewport = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.viewport)) fp.write("%s.worldcoordinate = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.worldcoordinate)) fp.write("%s.x = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.x)) fp.write("%s.y = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.y)) fp.write("%s.projection = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.projection)) if self.colormap is not None: fp.write("%s.colormap = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, repr(self.colormap))) else: fp.write("%s.colormap = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, self.colormap)) else: # Json type mode += "+" f = open(script_filename, mode) vcs.utils.dumpToJson(self, f) f.close()
script.__doc__ = scriptdocs['marker']