Source code for vcs.Canvas

    Canvas objects are the 'visualization' component of VCS. Canvases allow the user to take data and plot it on a
    visible window. This gives users an easy way to preview how changes to data representation in VCS will change the
    visualization of that data.

    .. pragma: skip-doctest

    .. _list:
    .. _tuple:
    .. _dict:
    .. _None:
    .. _str:
    .. _bool:
    .. _float:
    .. _int:
    .. _long:
    .. _file:
import warnings
import MV2
import numpy
import cdat_info
from .queries import *  # noqa
from . import boxfill
from . import isofill
from . import isoline
from . import vector
from . import line
from . import marker
from . import fillarea
from . import texttable
from . import textorientation
from . import textcombined
from . import template
from . import displayplot
    import vtk
    from .VTKPlots import VTKVCSBackend
    HAS_VTK = True
except Exception:
    HAS_VTK = False
from weakref import WeakSet, WeakKeyDictionary

from .error import vcsError
import cdms2
import copy
import cdtime
import vcs
import os
import re
import sys
import random
from cdms2.grid import AbstractRectGrid
import shutil
import subprocess
import inspect
from . import VCS_validation_functions
from .xmldocs import plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, axesconvert, xaxisconvert, \
    plot_1D_input, plot_2D_input, plot_output, plot_2_1D_input, plot_2_1D_options
gui_canvas_closed = 0
canvas_closed = 0
import vcs.manageElements  # noqa
from . import configurator  # noqa
from .projection import no_deformation_projections  # noqa
    import vcsaddons  # noqa
    hasVCSAddons = True
except Exception:
    hasVCSAddons = False
except Exception:
    basestring = str
    from IPython import get_ipython
except Exception:
    # Only needed if we are in IPython
    # in which case we force bg=True

def rotate(x, y, xorigin, yorigin, angle):
    # translate
    xtr = x - xorigin
    ytr = y - yorigin
    angle = angle / 180. * numpy.pi
    xout = xtr * numpy.cos(angle) - ytr * numpy.sin(angle)
    yout = xtr * numpy.sin(angle) + ytr * numpy.cos(angle)

    xout += xorigin
    yout += yorigin
    return xout, yout

class JupyterFFMPEG(object):
    def __init__(self, source, ffmpeg_result,
                 width=640, height=420, controls=True):
        self.source = source
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.controls = controls
        self.result = ffmpeg_result

    def _repr_html_(self):
        html = "<video width='%i' height='%i'" % (self.width, self.height)
        if self.controls:
            html += "controls"
        html += "><source src='%s' type='video/mp4'>" % (self.source)
        return html

class SIGNAL(object):

    def __init__(self, name=None):
        self._functions = WeakSet()
        self._methods = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self._name = name

    def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
        # Call handler functions
        for func in self._functions:
            func(*args, **kargs)

        # Call handler methods
        for obj, funcs in list(self._methods.items()):
            for func in funcs:
                func(obj, *args, **kargs)

    def connect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ not in self._methods:
                self._methods[slot.__self__] = set()



    def disconnect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ in self._methods:
            if slot in self._functions:

    def clear(self):

def dictionarytovcslist(dictionary, name):
    for k in list(dictionary.keys()):
        if not isinstance(k, (float, int)):
            raise Exception('Error, vcs list must have numbers only as keys')
    dictionarytovcslist(dictionary, name)
    return None

def _determine_arg_list(g_name, actual_args):
    """Determine what is in the argument list for plotting graphics methods"""

    itemplate_name = 2
    igraphics_method = 3
    igraphics_option = 4

    # Note: Set default graphics method to 'default', which is invalid.
    # If it is not modified in this routine, it will be filled in later
    # in _reconstruct_tv after the grid type is established.
    # Xtrargs - {} - added by C.Doutriaux, needed for projection object passed
    # Need to be passed as keyword later
    arglist = [None, None, 'default', 'default', 'default', {}]
    arghold = []
    argstring = []
    args = actual_args
    found_slabs = 0
    for i in range(len(args)):
        if isinstance(args[i], str):
                possible_slab = cdms2.asVariable(args[i], 0)
                if hasattr(possible_slab, 'iscontiguous'):
                    if not possible_slab.iscontiguous():
                        # this seems to loose the id...
                        saved_id =
                        possible_slab = possible_slab.ascontiguousarray()
               = saved_id
                arglist[found_slabs] = possible_slab
                if found_slabs == 2:
                    raise vcsError("Too many slab arguments.")
                found_slabs = found_slabs + 1
            except cdms2.CDMSError:

    # Now find the template
    args = arghold
    arghold = []
    found_template = 0
    for i in range(len(args)):
        if (istemplate(args[i])):
            if found_template:
                raise vcsError('You can only specify one template object.')
            arglist[itemplate_name] = args[i].name
            found_template = found_template + 1
    # Now find the graphics method
    args = arghold
    arghold = []
    found_graphics_method = 0
    for i in range(len(args)):
        if (isgraphicsmethod(args[i])):
            if found_graphics_method:
                raise vcsError('You can only specify one graphics method.')
            arglist[igraphics_method] = graphicsmethodtype(args[i])
            arglist[igraphics_option] = args[i].name
            found_graphics_method = found_graphics_method + 1
        elif (isline(args[i])):
            if found_graphics_method:
                raise vcsError('You can only specify one graphics method.')
            arglist[igraphics_method] = 'line'
            arglist[igraphics_option] = args[i].name
            found_graphics_method = found_graphics_method + 1
        elif (ismarker(args[i])):
            if found_graphics_method:
                raise vcsError('You can only specify one graphics method.')
            arglist[igraphics_method] = 'marker'
            arglist[igraphics_option] = args[i].name
            found_graphics_method = found_graphics_method + 1
        elif (isfillarea(args[i])):
            if found_graphics_method:
                raise vcsError('You can only specify one graphics method.')
            arglist[igraphics_method] = 'fillarea'
            arglist[igraphics_option] = args[i].name
            found_graphics_method = found_graphics_method + 1
        elif (istext(args[i])):
            if found_graphics_method:
                raise vcsError('You can only specify one graphics method.')
            arglist[igraphics_method] = 'text'
            arglist[igraphics_option] = args[
                i].Tt_name + ':::' + args[i].To_name
            found_graphics_method = found_graphics_method + 1
        elif (isprojection(args[i])):
            arglist[5]['projection'] = args[i].name
        elif hasVCSAddons and isinstance(args[i], vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon):
            if found_graphics_method:
                raise vcsError('You can only specify one graphics method.')
            arglist[igraphics_method] = graphicsmethodtype(args[i])
            arglist[igraphics_option] = args[i].name
            found_graphics_method = found_graphics_method + 1
        elif args[i] is None:
            raise vcsError("Unknown type %s of argument to plotting command." %
    if g_name is not None:
        arglist[igraphics_method] = g_name

# Now install the string arguments, left to right.
    if found_template == 0:
        if len(argstring) > 0:
            arglist[itemplate_name] = argstring[0]
            del argstring[0]
    if found_graphics_method == 0 and g_name is None:
        if len(argstring) > 0:
            arglist[igraphics_method] = argstring[0]
            del argstring[0]

# Check for various errors
    if len(argstring) >= 1:
        arglist[igraphics_option] = argstring[0]
        del argstring[0]

    if len(argstring) > 0:
        if g_name is None:
            raise vcsError("Error in argument list for vcs plot command.")
            raise vcsError(
                "Error in argument list for vcs %s  command." %

    if hasVCSAddons and isinstance(
            arglist[igraphics_method], vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon):
        if found_slabs != arglist[igraphics_method].g_nslabs:
            raise vcsError(
                "%s requires %i slab(s)" %
        if arglist[igraphics_method].lower() in (
                'scatter', 'vector', 'streamline', 'xvsy', 'stream', 'glyph',
                '3d_vector', '3d_dual_scalar'):
            if found_slabs != 2:
                raise vcsError(
                    "Graphics method %s requires 2 slabs." %
        elif arglist[igraphics_method].lower() == 'meshfill':
            if found_slabs == 0:
                raise vcsError("Graphics method requires at least 1 slab.")
            elif found_slabs == 1:
                g = arglist[0].getGrid()
                if not isinstance(g, (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid,
                                      cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid, cdms2.grid.TransientRectGrid)):
                    raise vcsError("Meshfill requires 2 slab if first slab doesn't have a "
                                   "Rectilinear, Curvilinear or Generic Grid type")
        elif ((arglist[igraphics_method] == 'line') or
              (arglist[igraphics_method] == 'marker') or
              (arglist[igraphics_method] == 'fillarea') or
              (arglist[igraphics_method] == 'text')):
            if found_slabs != 0:
                raise vcsError(
                    "Continents or low-level primative methods requires 0 slabs.")
        elif arglist[igraphics_method].lower() == 'default':
            pass                            # Check later
            if found_slabs != 1 and not(
                    found_slabs == 2 and arglist[igraphics_method].lower() == "1d"):
                raise vcsError(
                    "Graphics method %s requires 1 slab." %
    if isinstance(arglist[3], str):
        arglist[3] = arglist[3].lower()
    return arglist

def _process_keyword(obj, target, source, keyargs, default=None):
    """ Set from:
    - keyargs[source]
    - default
    - obj.source
    in that order."""
    arg = keyargs.get(source)
    if arg is not None:
        setattr(obj, target, arg)
    elif default is not None:
        setattr(obj, target, default)
    elif hasattr(obj, source):
        setattr(obj, target, getattr(obj, source))
    return arg

[docs]class Canvas(vcs.bestMatch): """Usually created using :py:func:`vcs.init`, this object provides easy access to the functionality of the entire VCS module: See :py:func:`vcs.Canvas.Canvas.plot` for more information on the type of data that can be plotted on a Canvas object. .. pragma: skip-doctest """ __slots__ = [ '_mode', '_pause_time', '_viewport', '_worldcoordinate', '_winfo_id', '_varglist', '_animate_info', '_isplottinggridded', '_user_actions_names', '_user_actions', '_animate', '_canvas', '_canvas_id', 'canvas_template_editor', 'ratio', 'size', 'ParameterChanged', 'colormap', 'backgroundcolor', 'logo_transparentcolor', 'width', 'height', 'display_names', '_dotdir', '_dotdirenv', 'drawLogo', 'enableLogo', 'backend', 'configurator', '_Canvas__last_plot_actual_args', '_Canvas__last_plot_keyargs', '__last_plot_actual_args', '__last_plot_keyargs', '_continents_line', '_savedcontinentstype', '_display_target', '_display_target_out', '_display_target_image' ] # def applicationFocusChanged(self, old, current ): # self.backend.applicationFocusChanged() def _set_user_actions_names(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListElements( self, 'user_actions_names', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkString) self._user_actions_names = value while len(self._user_actions) < len(self._user_actions_names): self._user_actions.append(self._user_actions[-1]) def _get_user_actions_names(self): return self._user_actions_names user_actions_names = property( _get_user_actions_names, _set_user_actions_names) def _set_user_actions(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListElements( self, 'user_actions_names', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkCallable) self._user_actions = value while len(self._user_actions) < len(self._user_actions_names): self._user_actions.append(self._user_actions[-1]) def _get_user_actions(self): return self._user_actions user_actions = property(_get_user_actions, _set_user_actions) def _setmode(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt( self, 'mode', value, minvalue=0, maxvalue=1) self._mode = value def _getmode(self): return self._mode mode = property(_getmode, _setmode) def _setwinfo_id(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt(self, 'winfo_id', value) self._winfo_id = value def _getwinfo_id(self): return self._winfo_id winfo_id = property(_getwinfo_id, _setwinfo_id) def _setvarglist(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListElements( self, 'varglist', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkCallable) self._varglist = value def _getvarglist(self): return self._varglist varglist = property(_getvarglist, _setvarglist) def _setcanvas(self, value): raise vcsError("Error, canvas is not an attribute you can set") def _getcanvas(self): return self._canvas canvas = property(_getcanvas, _setcanvas) def _setanimate(self, value): raise vcsError("Error, animate is not an attribute you can set") def _getanimate(self): return self._animate animate = property(_getanimate, _setanimate) def _setpausetime(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt(self, 'pause_time', value) self._pause_time = value def _getpausetime(self): return self._pause_time pause_time = property(_getpausetime, _setpausetime) def _setviewport(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list) and not len(value) == 4: raise vcsError( "viewport must be of type list and have four values ranging between [0,1].") for v in range(4): if not 0. <= value[v] <= 1.: raise vcsError( "viewport must be of type list and have four values ranging between [0,1].") self._viewport = value def _getviewport(self): return self._viewport viewport = property(_getviewport, _setviewport) def _setworldcoordinate(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list) and not len(value) == 4: raise vcsError( "worldcoordinate must be of type list and have four values ranging between [0,1].") self._worldcoordinate = value def _getworldcoordinate(self): return self._worldcoordinate worldcoordinate = property(_getworldcoordinate, _setworldcoordinate) def _setisplottinggridded(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise vcsError("isplottinggridded must be boolean") self._isplottinggridded = value # No check on this! def _getisplottinggridded(self): return self._isplottinggridded isplottinggridded = property(_getisplottinggridded, _setisplottinggridded) def _setanimate_info(self, value): self._animate_info = value # No check on this! def _getanimate_info(self): return self._animate_info animate_info = property(_getanimate_info, _setanimate_info) def start(self, *args, **kargs): self.interact(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def interact(self, *args, **kargs): """Puts the canvas into interactive mode. This allows the user to click on the canvas to add markers, add textboxes, configure settings, rotate 3d plots, and more. Press 'Q' with the Canvas selected to quit. :Example: .. code-block:: python a=vcs.init() b=a.getboxfill() array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] a.plot(b,array) a.interact() # interactively configure Canvas .. pragma: skip-doctest Because testing interact() can't be handled in a doctest """ self.configure() self.backend.interact(*args, **kargs)
def _datawc_tv(self, tv, arglist): """The graphics method's data world coordinates (i.e., datawc_x1, datawc_x2, datawc_y1, and datawc_y2) will override the incoming variable's coordinates. tv equals arglist[0] and assumed to be the first Variable. arglist[1] is assumed to be the second variable.""" # Determine the type of graphics method nvar = 1 if arglist[3] == 'boxfill': gm = self.getboxfill(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'isofill': gm = self.getisofill(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'isoline': gm = self.getisoline(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'scatter': nvar = 2 gm = self.getscatter(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'vector': nvar = 2 gm = self.getvector(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'xvsy': nvar = 2 gm = self.getxvsy(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'xyvsy': gm = self.getxyvsy(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'yxvsx': gm = self.getyxvsx(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'taylor': gm = self.gettaylor(arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'meshfill': gm = self.getmeshfill(arglist[4]) else: return tv # Determine if the graphics method needs clipping f32 = numpy.array((1.e20), numpy.float32) set_new_x = 0 set_new_y = 0 if (gm.datawc_x1 != f32) and (gm.datawc_x2 != f32): set_new_x = 1 if (gm.datawc_y1 != f32) and (gm.datawc_y2 != f32): set_new_y = 1 try: if ((set_new_x == 1) and (set_new_y == 0)) or ( arglist[3] == 'yxvsx'): tv = tv(longitude=(gm.datawc_x1, gm.datawc_x2)) if nvar == 2: arglist[1] = arglist[1]( longitude=( gm.datawc_x1, gm.datawc_x2)) elif ((set_new_x == 0) and (set_new_y == 1)) or (arglist[3] == 'xyvsy'): tv = tv(latitude=(gm.datawc_y1, gm.datawc_y2)) if nvar == 2: arglist[1] = arglist[1]( latitude=( gm.datawc_y1, gm.datawc_y2)) elif (set_new_x == 1) and (set_new_y == 1): tv = tv( latitude=( gm.datawc_y1, gm.datawc_y2), longitude=( gm.datawc_x1, gm.datawc_x2)) if nvar == 2: arglist[1] = arglist[1]( latitude=( gm.datawc_y1, gm.datawc_y2), longitude=( gm.datawc_x1, gm.datawc_x2)) except Exception: pass return tv def onClosing(self, cell): if self.configurator: self.endconfigure() self.backend.onClosing(cell) def _reconstruct_tv(self, arglist, keyargs): """Reconstruct a transient variable from the keyword arguments. Also select the default graphics method, depending on the grid type of the reconstructed variable. For meshfill, ravel the last two dimensions if necessary. arglist[0] is assumed to be a Variable.""" ARRAY_1 = 0 ARRAY_2 = 1 # TEMPLATE = 2 GRAPHICS_METHOD = 3 GRAPHICS_OPTION = 4 origv = arglist[ARRAY_1] # Create copies of domain and attributes variable = keyargs.get('variable') if variable is not None: origv = MV2.array(variable) tvdomain = origv.getDomain() attrs = copy.copy(origv.attributes) axislist = list([x[0].clone() for x in tvdomain]) # Map keywords to dimension indices try: rank = origv.ndim except Exception: rank = len(origv.shape) dimmap = {} dimmap['x'] = xdim = rank - 1 dimmap['y'] = ydim = rank - 2 dimmap['z'] = rank - 3 dimmap['t'] = rank - 4 dimmap['w'] = rank - 5 # Process grid keyword grid = keyargs.get('grid') if grid is not None and xdim >= 0 and ydim >= 0: if grid.getOrder() is None or grid.getOrder() == 'yx': axislist[xdim] = grid.getLongitude().clone() axislist[ydim] = grid.getLatitude().clone() else: axislist[xdim] = grid.getLatitude().clone() axislist[ydim] = grid.getLongitude().clone() # Process axis keywords for c in ['x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'w']: if dimmap[c] < 0: continue arg = keyargs.get(c + 'axis') if arg is not None: axislist[dimmap[c]] = arg.clone() # Process array keywords for c in ['x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'w']: if dimmap[c] < 0: continue arg = keyargs.get(c + 'array') if arg is not None: axis = axislist[dimmap[c]] axis = cdms2.createAxis(arg, axis.setBounds(None) axislist[dimmap[c]] = axis # Process bounds keywords for c in ['x', 'y']: if dimmap[c] < 0: continue arg = keyargs.get(c + 'bounds') if arg is not None: axis = axislist[dimmap[c]] axis.setBounds(arg) # Process axis name keywords for c in ['x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'w']: if dimmap[c] < 0: continue arg = keyargs.get(c + 'name') if arg is not None: axis = axislist[dimmap[c]] = = arg # Create the internal tv tv = cdms2.createVariable( origv, copy=0, axes=axislist, attributes=attrs) grid = tv.getGrid() isgridded = (grid is not None) # Set the default graphics method if not already set. # See _determine_arg_list if arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] == "default" or\ (arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] == 'boxfill' and arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD + 1] == "default"): if grid is None: if tv.ndim == 1: arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] = 'yxvsx' else: arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] = 'boxfill' elif isinstance(grid, AbstractRectGrid): arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] = 'boxfill' else: latbounds, lonbounds = grid.getBounds() if (latbounds is None) or (lonbounds is None): if not isinstance(grid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid): # Plug in 'points' graphics method here, with: # arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] = 'points' raise vcsError( "Cell boundary data is missing, cannot plot nonrectangular gridded data.") else: arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] = 'boxfill' else: # tv has a nonrectilinear grid with bounds defined, # so use meshfill. Create another default meshobject to hang # keywords on, since the true 'default' meshobject # is immutable. arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] = 'meshfill' # Get the mesh from the grid. try: gridindices = tv.getGridIndices() except Exception: gridindices = None mesh = grid.getMesh(transpose=gridindices) # mesh array needs to be mutable, so make it a tv. # Normally this is done up front in _determine_arg_list. arglist[ARRAY_2] = cdms2.asVariable(mesh, 0) meshobj = self.createmeshfill() meshobj.wrap = [0.0, 360.0] # Wraparound arglist[GRAPHICS_OPTION] = '__d_meshobj' # IF Meshfill method and no mesh passed then try to get the mesh from # the object if arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] == 'meshfill' and arglist[ARRAY_2] is None: # Get the mesh from the grid. try: gridindices = tv.getGridIndices() mesh = grid.getMesh(transpose=gridindices) except Exception: gridindices = None mesh = grid.getMesh() # mesh array needs to be mutable, so make it a tv. # Normally this is done up front in _determine_arg_list. arglist[ARRAY_2] = cdms2.asVariable(mesh, 0) if arglist[GRAPHICS_OPTION] == 'default': meshobj = self.createmeshfill() meshobj.wrap = [0.0, 360.0] # Wraparound arglist[GRAPHICS_OPTION] = # Ravel the last two dimensions for meshfill if necessary # value to know if we're plotting a grided meshfill self.isplottinggridded = False if isgridded and (arglist[GRAPHICS_METHOD] == 'meshfill'): self.isplottinggridded = True # Process variable attributes _process_keyword(tv, 'comment1', 'comment1', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'comment2', 'comment2', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'comment3', 'comment3', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'comment4', 'comment4', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'source', 'file_comment', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'time', 'hms', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'title', 'long_name', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'name', 'name', keyargs, tim = keyargs.get('time') if tim is not None: if isinstance(tim, str): ctime = cdtime.s2c(str(tim)) else: ctime = tim.tocomp() tv.user_date = str(ctime) _process_keyword(tv, 'units', 'units', keyargs) _process_keyword(tv, 'date', 'ymd', keyargs) # If date has still not been set, try to get it from the first # time value if present if not hasattr(tv, 'user_date') and not hasattr( tv, 'date') and not hasattr(tv, 'time'): change_date_time(tv, 0) # Reverse axis direction if necessary xrev = keyargs.get('xrev', 0) if xrev == 1 and xdim >= 0: tv = tv[..., ::-1] # By default, latitudes on the y-axis are plotted S-N # levels on the y-axis are plotted with decreasing pressure if ydim >= 0: yrev = keyargs.get('yrev', 0) if yrev == 1: tv = tv[..., ::-1, :].clone() # -- This s no longer needed since we are making a copy of the data. # We now apply the axes changes below in __plot. Dean and Charles keep # an eye opened for the errors concerning datawc in the VCS module. # tv = self._datawc_tv( tv, arglist ) return tv
[docs] def objecthelp(self, *arg): """Print out information on the VCS object. See example below on its use. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_objecthelp >>> a=vcs.init() >>> ln=a.getline('red') # Get a VCS line object >>> a.objecthelp(ln) # This will print out information on how to use ln The Line object ... """ for x in arg: print(getattr(x, "__doc__", ""))
def __init__(self, mode=1, pause_time=0, call_from_gui=0, size=None, backend="vtk", geometry=None, bg=None, display_target=None): self._canvas_id = vcs.next_canvas_id self.ParameterChanged = SIGNAL('ParameterChanged') vcs.next_canvas_id += 1 self.colormap = None self.backgroundcolor = 255, 255, 255 self.logo_transparentcolor = 255, 255, 255 self._display_target = display_target # displays plotted self.display_names = [] ospath = os.environ["PATH"] found = False for p in ospath.split(":"): if p == os.path.join(sys.prefix, "bin"): found = True break if found is False: os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] + \ ":" + os.path.join(sys.prefix, "bin") global gui_canvas_closed global canvas_closed self.winfo_id = -99 self.varglist = [] self.isplottinggridded = False if size is None: psize = 1.2941176470588236 elif isinstance(size, (int, float)): psize = size elif isinstance(size, str): if size.lower() in ['letter', 'usletter']: psize = size = 1.2941176470588236 elif size.lower() in ['a4', ]: psize = size = 1.4142857142857141 else: raise Exception('Unknown size: %s' % size) else: raise Exception('Unknown size: %s' % size) self.size = psize self.mode = mode self._animate_info = [] self.pause_time = pause_time self._canvas = vcs self.viewport = [0, 1, 0, 1] self.worldcoordinate = [0, 1, 0, 1] self._dotdir, self._dotdirenv = vcs.getdotdirectory() self.drawLogo = False self.enableLogo = True if geometry is not None: # Extract width and height, create dict if isinstance(geometry, dict): for key in geometry: if key not in ("width", "height"): raise ValueError("Unexpected key %s in geometry" % key) width = geometry.get("width", None) height = geometry.get("height", None) check_vals = [v for v in (width, height) if v is not None] VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers(self, 'geometry', check_vals, minvalue=1, minelements=1, maxelements=2, ints=True) elif type(geometry) in (list, tuple): width, height = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers(self, 'geometry', geometry, minvalue=1, minelements=2, maxelements=2, ints=True) else: raise ValueError("geometry should be list, tuple, or dict") self.width = width self.height = height else: w, h = 814, 606 if size is not None: # What is the purpose of the 'size' argument? Is it intended to forever # constrain the aspect ratio of the plot? What if size and geometry are # both given, but are inconsistent? w = h * size self.width = w self.height = h # When in IpythonJupyter we should set bg to True no matter what the user snet us try: cfg = get_ipython().config if 'IPKernelApp' in cfg: bg = True except (AttributeError, NameError): pass if HAS_VTK and backend == "vtk": self.backend = VTKVCSBackend(self, bg=bg) elif HAS_VTK and isinstance(backend, vtk.vtkRenderWindow): self.backend = VTKVCSBackend(self, renWin=backend, bg=bg) else: warnings.warn( "Unknown backend type: '%s'\nAssiging 'as is' to " "backend, no warranty about anything working from this point on" % backend) self.backend = backend self._animate = self.backend.Animate(self) self.configurator = None self.setcontinentsline("default") # Initial.attributes is being called in main.c, so it is not needed here! # Actually it is for taylordiagram graphic methods.... # Okay, then this is redundant since it is done in main.c. When time perments, put the # taylordiagram graphic methods attributes in main.c Because this is here we must check # to make sure that the initial attributes file is called only once for normalization # purposes.... self.canvas_template_editor = None self.ratio = '0' self._user_actions_names = [ 'Clear Canvas', 'Close Canvas', 'Show arguments passsed to user action'] self._user_actions = [self.clear, self.close, self.dummy_user_action] def configure(self): for display in self.display_names: d = vcs.elements["display"][display] if "3d" in d.g_type.lower(): return if self.configurator is None: self.configurator = configurator.Configurator(self) self.configurator.update() def endconfigure(self): if self.configurator is not None: self.configurator.detach() self.configurator = None def processParameterChange(self, args): self.ParameterChanged(args) # Functions to set/querie drawing of UV-CDAT logo
[docs] def drawlogoon(self): """Show UV-CDAT logo on the canvas :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_drawlogoon >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.drawlogoon() >>> a.getdrawlogo() True """ self.enableLogo = True
[docs] def drawlogooff(self): """Hide UV-CDAT logo on the canvas :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_drawlogooff >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.drawlogooff() >>> a.getdrawlogo() False """ self.enableLogo = False
[docs] def initLogoDrawing(self): """Initializes logo drawing for the canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_initLogoDrawing >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.initLogoDrawing() # will draw logo when plot is called >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) # should have logo in lower right corner <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> """ self.drawLogo = self.enableLogo
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kargs): """If a series of commands are given to VCS and the Canvas Mode is set to manual, then use this function to update the plot(s) manually. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_update >>> a=vcs.init() >>> import cdms2 # We need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # use cdms2 to open a data file >>> s = f('clt') # use the data file to create a slab >>> a.plot(s,'default','boxfill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.mode = 0 # Go to manual mode >>> box=a.getboxfill('quick') >>> box.color_1=100 >>> box.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') >>> box.xticlabels('','') >>> box.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) >>> box.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) >>> a.update() # Update the changes manually """ return self.backend.update(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def scriptobject(self, obj, script_filename=None, mode=None): """Save individual attributes sets (i.e., individual primary class objects and/or secondary objects). These attribute sets are saved in the user's current directory in one of two formats: Python script, or a Javascript Object. .. note:: If the the filename has a ".py" at the end, it will produce a Python script. If the filename has a ".scr" at the end, it will produce a VCS script. If neither extensions are given, then by default a Javascript Object will be produced. .. attention:: VCS does not allow the modification of 'default' attribute sets, it will not allow them to be saved as individual script files. However, a 'default' attribute set that has been copied under a different name can be saved as a script file. .. admonition:: VCS Scripts Deprecated SCR scripts are no longer generated by this function :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_scriptobject >>> a=vcs.init() >>> i=a.createisoline('dean') # default isoline object instance >>> a.scriptobject(i,'') # Save to '' >>> a.scriptobject(i,'ex_isoline2') # Save to 'isoline2.json' :param script_filename: Name of the output script file. :type script_filename: `str`_ :param mode: Mode is either "w" for replace or "a" for append. :type mode: `str`_ :param obj: Any VCS primary class or secondary object. :type obj: VCS object """ if istemplate(obj): template.P.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif isgraphicsmethod(obj): if (obj.g_name == 'Gfb'): boxfill.Gfb.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'Gfi'): isofill.Gfi.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'Gi'): isoline.Gi.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'GXy'): xyvsy.GXy.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'GYx'): yxvsx.GYx.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'GXY'): xvsy.GXY.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'Gv'): vector.Gv.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'GSp'): scatter.GSp.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'Gtd'): obj.script(script_filename, mode) elif (obj.g_name == 'Gfm'): obj.script(script_filename, mode) else: print('Could not find the correct graphics class object.') elif issecondaryobject(obj): if (obj.s_name == 'Tl'): line.Tl.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.s_name == 'Tm'): marker.Tm.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.s_name == 'Tf'): fillarea.Tf.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.s_name == 'Tt'): texttable.Tt.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.s_name == 'To'): textorientation.To.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.s_name == 'Tc'): textcombined.Tc.script(obj, script_filename, mode) elif (obj.s_name == 'Proj'): obj.script(script_filename, mode) else: print('Could not find the correct secondary class object.') else: print('This is not a template, graphics method or secondary method object.')
[docs] def removeobject(self, obj): return vcs.removeobject(obj)
removeobject.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.removeobject.__doc__ # noqa def removeP(self, *args): return vcs.removeP(*args)
[docs] def clean_auto_generated_objects(self, type=None): """Cleans up all automatically generated VCS objects. This function will delete all references to objects that VCS created automatically in response to user actions but are no longer in use. This shouldn't be necessary most of the time, but if you're running into performance/memory issues, calling it periodically may help. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_clean_auto_generated_objects >>> a=vcs.init() >>> clean=a.clean_auto_generated_objects # alias long name >>> clean() # clean possible old objects from vcs >>> txt=a.listelements('textorientation') # initial objects >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> >>> new_txt=a.listelements('textorientation') # has new names >>> txt == new_txt # should not be the same False >>> clean() >>> new_txt=a.listelements('textorientation') # back to initial >>> txt == new_txt # should have the same contents True :param type: Type of objects to remove. By default, will remove all object types. :type type: None, str, list/tuple (of str) """ if type is None: type = self.listelements() type.remove("fontNumber") elif isinstance(type, str): type = [type, ] elif not isinstance(type, (list, tuple)): return for objtype in type: for obj in self.listelements(objtype): if obj[:2] == "__": try: loc = locals() exec("o = self.get%s(obj)" % objtype) o = loc["o"] destroy = True if objtype == 'template': # print dnames = self.return_display_names() for d in dnames: dpy = self.getplot(d) if in [ dpy.template, dpy._template_origin]: destroy = False break if destroy: self.removeobject(o) except Exception: pass return
[docs] def check_name_source(self, name, source, typ): return vcs.check_name_source(name, source, typ)
check_name_source.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.check_name_source.__doc__
[docs] def createtemplate(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createtemplate(name, source)
createtemplate.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createtemplate.__doc__
[docs] def gettemplate(self, Pt_name_src='default'): return vcs.gettemplate(Pt_name_src)
gettemplate.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.gettemplate.__doc__
[docs] def createprojection(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createprojection(name, source)
createprojection.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createprojection.__doc__
[docs] def getprojection(self, Proj_name_src='default'): return vcs.getprojection(Proj_name_src)
getprojection.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getprojection.__doc__
[docs] def createboxfill(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createboxfill(name, source)
createboxfill.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createboxfill.__doc__
[docs] def getboxfill(self, Gfb_name_src='default'): return vcs.getboxfill(Gfb_name_src)
getboxfill.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getboxfill.__doc__
[docs] def boxfill(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a boxfill plot given the data, boxfill graphics method, and template. If no boxfill object is given, then the 'default' boxfill graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_boxfill >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'boxfill') # Show all boxfills *******************Boxfill Names List********************** ... *******************End Boxfill Names List********************** >>> box=a.getboxfill('quick') # Create instance of 'quick' >>> arr=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] # data to plot >>> a.boxfill(arr, box) # Plot array w/ box; default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> t = a.gettemplate('quick') # get quick template >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> a.boxfill(arr, box, t) # Plot w/ box and 'quick' template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.boxfill(box, arr, t) # Plot w/ box and 'quick' template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.boxfill(t, arr, box) # Plot w/ box and 'quick' template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.boxfill(t, box, arr) # Plot w/ box and 'quick' template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.boxfill(arr, 'polar', 'polar') # 'polar' template/boxfill <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.boxfill('polar', arr, 'polar') # 'polar' template/boxfill <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.boxfill('polar', 'polar', arr) # 'polar' template/boxfill <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> .. note:: As shown above, the data, 'template', and 'box' parameters can be provided in any order. The 'template' and 'box' parameters can either be VCS template and boxfill objects, or string names of template and boxfill objects. The first string provided is assumed to be a template name. The second is assumed to be a boxfill name. %s %s %s %s %s """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('boxfill', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
boxfill.__doc__ = boxfill.__doc__ % ( plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, axesconvert, plot_2D_input, plot_output)
[docs] def createtaylordiagram(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createtaylordiagram(name, source)
createtaylordiagram.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createtaylordiagram.__doc__
[docs] def gettaylordiagram(self, Gtd_name_src='default'): return vcs.gettaylordiagram(Gtd_name_src)
gettaylordiagram.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.gettaylordiagram.__doc__
[docs] def taylordiagram(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a taylordiagram plot given the data, taylordiagram graphics method, and template. If no taylordiagram object is given, then the 'default' taylordiagram graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_taylordiagram >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'taylordiagram') # Show all the existing taylordiagram graphics methods *******************Taylordiagram Names List********************** ... *******************End Taylordiagram Names List********************** >>> td= a.gettaylordiagram() # Create instance of 'default' >>> array=[range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.taylordiagram(array,td) # Plot array using specified iso and default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template=a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.taylordiagram(array,td,template) # Plot array using specified iso and template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: A VCS displayplot object. :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('taylordiagram', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def createmeshfill(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createmeshfill(name, source)
createmeshfill.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createmeshfill.__doc__
[docs] def getmeshfill(self, Gfm_name_src='default'): return vcs.getmeshfill(Gfm_name_src)
getmeshfill.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getmeshfill.__doc__
[docs] def meshfill(self, *args, **parms): # noqa """Generate a meshfill plot given the data, the mesh, a meshfill graphics method, and a template. If no meshfill object is given, then the 'default' meshfill graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. Format: This function expects 1D data (any extra dimension will be used for animation) In addition the mesh array must be of the same shape than data with 2 additional dimension representing the vertices coordinates for the Y (0) and X (1) dimension Let's say you want to plot a spatial assuming mesh containing 10,000 grid cell, then data must be shape (10000,) or (n1,n2,n3,...,10000) if additional dimensions exist (ex time,level), these dimensions would be used only for animation and will be ignored in the rest of this example. The shape of the mesh, assuming 4 vertices per grid cell, must be (1000,2,4), where the array [:,0,:] represent the Y coordinates of the vertices (clockwise or counterclockwise) and the array [:,1:] represents the X coordinates of the vertices (the same clockwise/counterclockwise than the Y coordinates) In brief you'd have: data.shape=(10000,) mesh.shape=(10000,2,4) :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_meshfill >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'meshfill') # Show all meshfill graphics methods *******************Meshfill Names List********************** ... *******************End Meshfill Names List********************** >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # open data file >>> slab = f('clt') # use data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> m=a.getmeshfill() # Create instance of 'default' >>> a.meshfill(slab,m) # Plot with default mesh & template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> p='a_polar_meshfill' # will use this to plot >>> a.meshfill(slab,m,'quick', p) # polar mesh, quick template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: A VCS displayplot object. :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('meshfill', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def create3d_scalar(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.create3d_scalar(name, source)
create3d_scalar.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.create3d_scalar.__doc__
[docs] def get3d_scalar(self, Gfdv3d_name_src='default'): return vcs.get3d_scalar(Gfdv3d_name_src)
get3d_scalar.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.get3d_scalar.__doc__
[docs] def scalar3d(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a 3d_scalar plot given the data, 3d_scalar graphics method, and template. If no 3d_scalar object is given, then the 'default' 3d_scalar graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template is given, the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_scalar3d >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'3d_scalar') # Show all 3d_scalars *******************3d_scalar Names List********************** ... *******************End 3d_scalar Names List********************** >>> ds=a.get3d_scalar() # default 3d_scalar >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # get data file >>> s = f('clt') # use data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> # Plot slab with defaults >>> a.scalar3d(ds, s) # doctest:+SKIP initCamera: Camera => (...) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> t = a.gettemplate('polar') >>> # Plot with 'polar' template >>> a.scalar3d(s, ds, t) # doctest:+SKIP initCamera: Camera => (...) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('3d_scalar', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def create3d_vector(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.create3d_vector(name, source)
create3d_vector.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.create3d_vector.__doc__
[docs] def get3d_vector(self, Gfdv3d_name_src='default'): return vcs.get3d_vector(Gfdv3d_name_src)
get3d_vector.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.get3d_vector.__doc__
[docs] def vector3d(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a 3d_vector plot given the data, 3d_vector graphics method, and template. If no 3d_vector object is given, then the 'default' 3d_vector graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template is given, the 'default' template is used. .. note:: 3d_vectors need 2 data objects (slabs) to plot. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_vector3d >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'3d_vector') # Show all 3d_vectors *******************3d_vector Names List********************** ... *******************End 3d_vector Names List********************** >>> dv3=a.get3d_vector() # default 3d_vector >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # get data file >>> s = f('u') # use data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> s2 = f('v') # need two slabs, so get another >>> # Plot slabs >>> a.vector3d(dv3, s, s2) # doctest:+SKIP Sample rate: 6 Sample rate: 6 initCamera: Camera => (...) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> t = a.gettemplate('polar') >>> # Plot with 'polar' template >>> a.vector3d(s, s2, dv3, t) # doctest:+SKIP Sample rate: 6 Sample rate: 6 initCamera: Camera => (...) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('3d_vector', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def create3d_dual_scalar(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.create3d_dual_scalar(name, source)
create3d_dual_scalar.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.create3d_dual_scalar.__doc__
[docs] def get3d_dual_scalar(self, Gfdv3d_name_src='default'): return vcs.get3d_dual_scalar(Gfdv3d_name_src)
get3d_dual_scalar.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.get3d_dual_scalar.__doc__
[docs] def dual_scalar3d(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a 3d_dual_scalar plot given the data, 3d_dual_scalar graphics method, and template. If no 3d_dual_scalar object is given, then the 'default' 3d_dual_scalar graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template is given, the 'default' template is used. .. note:: 3d_dual_scalars need 2 data objects (slabs) to plot. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_dual_scalar3d >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'3d_dual_scalar') # Show all 3d_dual_scalars *******************3d_dual_scalar Names List********************** ... *******************End 3d_dual_scalar Names List********************** >>> ds3=a.get3d_dual_scalar() # default 3d_dual_scalar >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # get data file >>> s = f('clt') # use data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> s2 = f('v') # need two slabs, so get another >>> # Plot slabs >>> a.dual_scalar3d(ds3, s, s2) # doctest:+SKIP initCamera: Camera => (...) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> t = a.gettemplate('polar') >>> # Plot w/ 'polar' template >>> a.dual_scalar3d(s,s2,ds3,t) # doctest:+SKIP initCamera: Camera => (...) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('3d_dual_scalar', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def createisofill(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createisofill(name, source)
createisofill.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createisofill.__doc__
[docs] def getisofill(self, Gfi_name_src='default'): return vcs.getisofill(Gfi_name_src)
getisofill.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getisofill.__doc__
[docs] def isofill(self, *args, **parms): """Generate an isofill plot given the data, isofill graphics method, and template. If no isofill object is given, then the 'default' isofill graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_isofill >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'isofill') # Show all isofill graphics methods *******************Isofill Names List********************** ... *******************End Isofill Names List********************** >>> iso=a.getisofill('quick') # Create instance of 'quick' >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # get data file >>> slab = f('clt') # use data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> a.isofill(slab,iso) # Plot slab with iso; default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> t = a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.isofill(slab,iso,t) # Plot with 'hovmuller' template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s %s %s %s %s """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('isofill', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
isofill.__doc__ = isofill.__doc__ % ( plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, axesconvert, plot_2D_input, plot_output)
[docs] def createisoline(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createisoline(name, source)
createisoline.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createisoline.__doc__
[docs] def getisoline(self, Gi_name_src='default'): return vcs.getisoline(Gi_name_src)
getisoline.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getisoline.__doc__
[docs] def isoline(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a isoline plot given the data, isoline graphics method, and template. If no isoline object is given, then the 'default' isoline graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_isoline >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'isoline') # Show all the existing isoline graphics methods *******************Isoline Names List********************** ... *******************End Isoline Names List********************** >>> iso=a.getisoline('quick') # Create instance of 'quick' >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.isoline(array,iso) # Plot array using specified iso and default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template = a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.isoline(array,iso,template) # Plot array using specified iso and template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s %s %s %s %s """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('isoline', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
isoline.__doc__ = isoline.__doc__ % ( plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, axesconvert, plot_2D_input, plot_output)
[docs] def create1d(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.create1d(name, source)
create1d.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.create1d.__doc__
[docs] def get1d(self, name): return vcs.get1d(name)
get1d.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.get1d.__doc__
[docs] def createxyvsy(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createxyvsy(name, source)
createxyvsy.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createxyvsy.__doc__
[docs] def getxyvsy(self, GXy_name_src='default'): return vcs.getxyvsy(GXy_name_src)
getxyvsy.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getxyvsy.__doc__
[docs] def xyvsy(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a Xyvsy plot given the data, Xyvsy graphics method, and template. If no Xyvsy object is given, then the 'default' Xyvsy graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_xyvsy >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'xyvsy') # Show all the existing Xyvsy graphics methods *******************Xyvsy Names List********************** ... *******************End Xyvsy Names List********************** >>> xyy=a.getxyvsy('default_xyvsy_') # Create instance of default xyvsy >>> array=[range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.xyvsy(array,xyy) # Plot array using specified xyy and default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template=a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.xyvsy(array,xyy,template) # Plot array using specified xyy and template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s %s %s %s %s """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('xyvsy', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
xyvsy.__doc__ = xyvsy.__doc__ % ( plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, xaxisconvert, plot_1D_input, plot_output)
[docs] def createyxvsx(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createyxvsx(name, source)
createyxvsx.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createyxvsx.__doc__
[docs] def getyxvsx(self, GYx_name_src='default'): return vcs.getyxvsx(GYx_name_src)
getyxvsx.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getyxvsx.__doc__
[docs] def yxvsx(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a Yxvsx plot given the data, Yxvsx graphics method, and template. If no Yxvsx object is given, then the 'default' Yxvsx graphics method is used. Simerly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_yxvsx >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'yxvsx') # Show all the existing Yxvsx graphics methods *******************Yxvsx Names List********************** ... *******************End Yxvsx Names List********************** >>> yxx=a.getyxvsx('default_yxvsx_') # Create instance of default yxvsx >>> array=[range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.yxvsx(array,yxx) # Plot array using specified yxx and default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template=a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.yxvsx(array,yxx,template) # Plot array using specified yxx and template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s %s %s %s %s """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('yxvsx', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
yxvsx.__doc__ = yxvsx.__doc__ % ( plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, xaxisconvert, plot_1D_input, plot_output)
[docs] def createxvsy(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createxvsy(name, source)
createxvsy.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createxvsy.__doc__
[docs] def getxvsy(self, GXY_name_src='default'): return vcs.getxvsy(GXY_name_src)
getxvsy.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getxvsy.__doc__
[docs] def xvsy(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a XvsY plot given the data, XvsY graphics method, and template. If no XvsY object is given, then the 'default' XvsY graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_xvsy >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'xvsy') # Show all the existing XvsY graphics methods *******************Xvsy Names List********************** ... *******************End Xvsy Names List********************** >>> xy=a.getxvsy('default_xvsy_') # Create instance of default xvsy >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # use cdms2 to open a data file >>> slab1 = f('u') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> slab2 = f('v') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> a.xvsy(slab1,slab2,xy) # Plot array using specified xy and default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template=a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.xvsy(slab1,slab2,xy,template) # Plot array using specified xy and template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s %s %s %s %s """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('xvsy', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
xvsy.__doc__ = xvsy.__doc__ % (plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, axesconvert, plot_2_1D_input, plot_output)
[docs] def createvector(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createvector(name, source)
createvector.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createvector.__doc__
[docs] def getvector(self, Gv_name_src='default'): return vcs.getvector(Gv_name_src)
getvector.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getvector.__doc__
[docs] def vector(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a vector plot given the data, vector graphics method, and template. If no vector object is given, then the 'default' vector graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_vector >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'vector') # Show all the existing vector graphics methods *******************Vector Names List********************** ... *******************End Vector Names List********************** >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # use cdms2 to open a data file >>> slab1 = f('u') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> slab2 = f('v') # vector needs 2 slabs, so get another >>> a.vector(slab1, slab2) # plot vector using slab and default vector <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template=a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.vector(slab1, slab2, template) # Plot array using default vector and specified template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: A VCS displayplot object. :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('vector', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def createstreamline(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createstreamline(name, source)
createstreamline.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createstreamline.__doc__
[docs] def getstreamline(self, Gv_name_src='default'): return vcs.getstreamline(Gv_name_src)
getstreamline.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getstreamline.__doc__
[docs] def streamline(self, *args, **parms): """ Generate a streamline plot given the data, streamline graphics method, and template. If no streamline class object is given, then the 'default' streamline graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template class object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_streamline >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'streamline') # Show all the existing streamline graphics methods *******************Streamline Names List********************** ... *******************End Streamline Names List********************** >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # open a data file >>> slab1 = f('u') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> slab2 = f('v') # streamline needs 2 slabs, so get another >>> # plot streamline using slab and default >>> # streamline >>> a.streamline(slab1, slab2) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template=a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> # Plot array using default streamline >>> # and specified template >>> a.streamline(slab1, slab2, template) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: A VCS displayplot object. :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('streamline', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def createscatter(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createscatter(name, source)
createscatter.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createscatter.__doc__
[docs] def getscatter(self, GSp_name_src='default'): return vcs.getscatter(GSp_name_src)
getscatter.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getscatter.__doc__
[docs] def scatter(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a scatter plot given the data, scatter graphics method, and template. If no scatter object is given, then the 'default' scatter graphics method is used. Similarly, if no template object is given, then the 'default' template is used. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_scatter >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'scatter') # Show all the existing scatter graphics methods *******************Scatter Names List********************** ... *******************End Scatter Names List********************** >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # use cdms2 to open a data file >>> slab1 = f('u') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> slab2 = f('v') # need 2 slabs, so get another >>> a.scatter(slab1, slab2) # Plot array using specified sct and default template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # Clear VCS canvas >>> template=a.gettemplate('hovmuller') >>> a.scatter(slab1, slab2, template) # Plot array using specified sct and template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s %s %s %s %s """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('scatter', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
scatter.__doc__ = scatter.__doc__ % ( plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, axesconvert, plot_2_1D_input, plot_output)
[docs] def createline(self, name=None, source='default', ltype=None, # noqa width=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None, projection=None): return vcs.createline(name, source, ltype, width, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y, projection)
createline.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createline.__doc__
[docs] def getline(self, name='default', ltype=None, width=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None): return vcs.getline( name, ltype, width, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y)
getline.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getline.__doc__
[docs] def line(self, *args, **parms): """Plot a line segment on the Vcs Canvas. If no line class object is given, then an error will be returned. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_line >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'line') # Show all the existing line objects *******************Line Names List********************** ... *******************End Line Names List********************** >>> ln=a.getline('red') # Create instance of 'red' >>> ln.width=4 # Set the line width >>> ln.color = 242 # Set the line color >>> ln.type = 4 # Set the line type >>> ln.x=[[0.0,2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0], [0.5,1.5]] # Set the x value points >>> ln.y=[[0.0,0.0,2.0,2.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0]] # Set the y value points >>> a.line(ln) # Plot using specified line object <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: A VCS displayplot object. :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('line', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def drawline(self, name=None, ltype='solid', width=1, color=241, # noqa priority=1, viewport=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], worldcoordinate=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], x=None, y=None, projection='default', bg=0): """Generate and draw a line object on the VCS Canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_drawline >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'line') # Show all the existing line objects *******************Line Names List********************** ... *******************End Line Names List********************** >>> ln=a.drawline(name='red', ltype='dash', width=2, ... color=242, priority=1, viewport=[0, 1.0, 0, 1.0], ... worldcoordinate=[0,100, 0,50], ... x=[0,20,40,60,80,100], ... y=[0,10,20,30,40,50] ) >>> a.line(ln) # Plot using specified line object <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s :param ltype: One of "dash", "dash-dot", "solid", "dot", or "long-dash". :type ltype: `str`_ :param width: Thickness of the line to be drawn :type width: `int`_ %s %s %s %s %s %s :returns: A VCS line object :rtype: vcs.line.Tl """ if (name is None) or (not isinstance(name, str)): raise vcsError('Must provide string name for the line.') else: lo = self.listelements('line') if name in lo: ln = self.getline(name) else: ln = self.createline(name) ln.type = ltype ln.width = width ln.color = color ln.priority = priority ln.viewport = viewport ln.worldcoordinate = worldcoordinate ln.x = x ln.y = y ln.projection = projection self.line(ln, bg=bg) return ln
drawline.__doc__ = drawline.__doc__ % (, xmldocs.color, xmldocs.priority, xmldocs.viewport, xmldocs.worldcoordinate, xmldocs.x_y_coords, xmldocs.projection)
[docs] def createmarker(self, name=None, source='default', mtype=None, # noqa size=None, color=None, priority=1, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None, projection=None): return vcs.createmarker(name, source, mtype, size, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y, projection)
createmarker.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createmarker.__doc__
[docs] def getmarker(self, name='default', mtype=None, size=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None): return vcs.getmarker( name, mtype, size, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y)
getmarker.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getmarker.__doc__
[docs] def marker(self, *args, **parms): """Plot a marker segment on the Vcs Canvas. If no marker class object is given, then an error will be returned. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_marker >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'marker') # Show all the existing marker objects *******************Marker Names List********************** ... *******************End Marker Names List********************** >>> mrk=a.getmarker('red') # Create instance of 'red' >>> mrk.size=4 # Set the marker size >>> mrk.color = 242 # Set the marker color >>> mrk.type = 4 # Set the marker type >>> mrk.x=[[0.0,2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0], [0.5,1.5]] # Set the x value points >>> mrk.y=[[0.0,0.0,2.0,2.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0]] # Set the y value points >>> a.marker(mrk) # Plot using specified marker object <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: a VCS displayplot object :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('marker', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def drawmarker(self, name=None, mtype='solid', size=1, color=241, priority=1, viewport=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], worldcoordinate=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], x=None, y=None, bg=0): """Generate and draw a marker object on the VCS Canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_drawmarker >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'marker') # Show all the existing marker objects *******************Marker Names List********************** ... *******************End Marker Names List********************** >>> mrk=a.drawmarker(name='red', mtype='dot', size=2, ... color=242, priority=1, viewport=[0, 1.0, 0, 1.0], ... worldcoordinate=[0,100, 0,50], ... x=[0,20,40,60,80,100], ... y=[0,10,20,30,40,50] ) # Create instance of marker object 'red' >>> a.marker(mrk) # Plot using specified marker object <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s :param mtype: Marker type, i.e. 'dot', 'plus', 'star, etc. :type mtype: `str`_ :param size: Size of the marker to draw :type size: `int`_ %s %s %s %s %s %s :returns: A drawmarker object :rtype: vcs.marker.Tm """ if (name is None) or (not isinstance(name, str)): raise vcsError('Must provide string name for the marker.') else: lo = self.listelements('marker') if name in lo: mrk = self.getmarker(name) else: mrk = self.createmarker(name) mrk.type = mtype mrk.size = size mrk.color = color mrk.priority = priority mrk.viewport = viewport mrk.worldcoordinate = worldcoordinate mrk.x = x mrk.y = y self.marker(mrk, bg=bg) return mrk
drawmarker.__doc__ = drawmarker.__doc__ % (, xmldocs.color, xmldocs.priority, xmldocs.viewport, xmldocs.worldcoordinate, xmldocs.x_y_coords,
[docs] def createfillarea(self, name=None, source='default', style=None, index=None, color=None, priority=1, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None): return vcs.createfillarea( name, source, style, index, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y)
createfillarea.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createfillarea.__doc__
[docs] def getfillarea(self, name='default', style=None, index=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None): return vcs.getfillarea( name, style, index, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y)
getfillarea.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getfillarea.__doc__
[docs] def fillarea(self, *args, **parms): """Generate a fillarea plot Plot a fillarea segment on the Vcs Canvas. If no fillarea class object is given, then an error will be returned. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_fillarea >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'fillarea') # Show all fillarea objects *******************Fillarea Names List********************** ... *******************End Fillarea Names List********************** >>> fa=a.createfillarea() # instance of default fillarea >>> # Set fillarea style >>> fa.index=4 # Set fillarea index >>> fa.color = 242 # Set fillarea color >>> fa.x=[0.25,0.75] # Set x value points >>> fa.y=[0.2,0.5] # Set y value points >>> a.fillarea(fa) # Plot using specified fillarea object <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: A fillarea object :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ arglist = _determine_arg_list('fillarea', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
[docs] def drawfillarea(self, name=None, style=1, index=1, color=241, priority=1, viewport=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], worldcoordinate=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], x=None, y=None, bg=0): """Generate and draw a fillarea object on the VCS Canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_drawfillarea >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'fillarea') # Show all the existing fillarea objects *******************Fillarea Names List********************** ... *******************End Fillarea Names List********************** >>> fa=a.drawfillarea(name='red', style=1, color=242, ... priority=1, viewport=[0, 1.0, 0, 1.0], ... worldcoordinate=[0,100, 0,50], ... x=[0,20,40,60,80,100], ... y=[0,10,20,30,40,50], bg=0 ) # Create instance of fillarea object 'red' >>> a.fillarea(fa) # Plot using specified fillarea object <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s :param style: One of "hatch", "solid", or "pattern". :type style: `str`_ :param index: Specifies which `pattern`_ to fill the fillarea with. Accepts ints from 1-20. :type index: `int`_ %s %s %s %s %s %s :returns: A fillarea object :rtype: vcs.fillarea.Tf .. _pattern: """ if (name is None) or (not isinstance(name, str)): raise vcsError('Must provide string name for the fillarea.') else: lo = self.listelements('fillarea') if name in lo: fa = self.getfillarea(name) else: fa = self.createfillarea(name) = style fa.index = index fa.color = color fa.priority = priority fa.viewport = viewport fa.worldcoordinate = worldcoordinate fa.x = x fa.y = y self.fillarea(fa, bg=bg) return fa
drawfillarea.__doc__ = drawfillarea.__doc__ % (, xmldocs.color, xmldocs.priority, xmldocs.viewport, xmldocs.worldcoordinate, xmldocs.x_y_coords,
[docs] def createtexttable(self, name=None, source='default', font=None, spacing=None, expansion=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None): return vcs.createtexttable(name, source, font, spacing, expansion, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y)
createtexttable.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createtexttable.__doc__
[docs] def gettexttable(self, name='default', font=None, spacing=None, expansion=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None): return vcs.gettexttable(name, font, spacing, expansion, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y)
gettexttable.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.gettexttable.__doc__
[docs] def createtextorientation(self, name=None, source='default'): return vcs.createtextorientation(name, source)
createtextorientation.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createtextorientation.__doc__
[docs] def gettextorientation(self, To_name_src='default'): return vcs.gettextorientation(To_name_src)
gettextorientation.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.gettextorientation.__doc__
[docs] def createtextcombined(self, Tt_name=None, Tt_source='default', To_name=None, To_source='default', # noqa font=None, spacing=None, expansion=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None, height=None, angle=None, path=None, halign=None, valign=None, projection=None): return vcs.createtextcombined(Tt_name, Tt_source, To_name, To_source, font, spacing, expansion, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y, height, angle, path, halign, valign, projection)
createtextcombined.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createtextcombined.__doc__ # # Set alias for the secondary createtextcombined. createtext = createtextcombined
[docs] def gettextcombined(self, Tt_name_src='default', To_name_src=None, string=None, font=None, spacing=None, expansion=None, color=None, priority=None, viewport=None, worldcoordinate=None, x=None, y=None, height=None, angle=None, path=None, halign=None, valign=None): return vcs.gettextcombined(Tt_name_src, To_name_src, string, font, spacing, expansion, color, priority, viewport, worldcoordinate, x, y, height, angle, path, halign, valign)
gettextcombined.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.gettextcombined.__doc__ # # Set alias for the secondary gettextcombined. gettext = gettextcombined
[docs] def textcombined(self, *args, **parms): """Plot a textcombined segment on the Vcs Canvas. If no textcombined class object is given, then an error will be returned. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_textcombined >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.clean_auto_generated_objects() >>>'texttable') # Show all the existing texttable objects *******************Texttable Names List********************** ... *******************End Texttable Names List********************** >>>'textorientation') # Show all the existing textorientation objects *******************Textorientation Names List********************** ... *******************End Textorientation Names List********************** >>> if "qa_tta" in vcs.listelements("texttable"): vcs.reset() ... >>> if "7left_tto" in vcs.listelements("textorientation"): vcs.reset() ... >>> vcs.createtext('qa_tta', 'qa', '7left_tto', '7left') # Create instance of 'qa_tt' and '7left_to' <vcs.textcombined.Tc object at ...> >>> tc=a.gettext('qa_tta', '7left_tto') >>> tc.string='Text1' # Show the string "Text1" on the VCS Canvas >>> tc.font=2 # Set the text size >>> tc.color=242 # Set the text color >>> tc.angle=45 # Set the text angle >>> tc.x=[0.5] >>> tc.y=[0.5] >>> a.textcombined(tc) # Plot using specified text object <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :returns: A fillarea object :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ # First check if color is a string if 'color' in list(parms.keys()): if isinstance(parms['color'], type('')): parms['color'] = self.match_color(parms['color']) if not isinstance(args[0], vcs.textcombined.Tc): args = list(args) # Ok we have a user passed text object let's first create a random text combined # icont=1 # while icont: # n=random.randint(0,100000) # try: # t=self.createtextcombined('__'+str(n),'default','__'+str(n),'default') # icont=0 # except Exception: # pass t = self.createtextcombined() t.string = [args.pop(0)] t.x = [args.pop(0)] t.y = [args.pop(0)] # t.list() for k in list(parms.keys()): setattr(t, k, parms[k]) del(parms[k]) args.insert(0, t) arglist = _determine_arg_list('text', args) return self.__plot(arglist, parms)
# # Set alias for the secondary textcombined. text = textcombined
[docs] def gettextextent(self, textobject, angle=None): """Returns the coordinate of the box surrounding a text object once printed :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_gettextextent >>> a=vcs.init() >>> t=a.createtext() >>> t.x=[.5] >>> t.y=[.5] >>> t.string=['Hello World'] >>> a.gettextextent(t) [[...]] :param textobject: A VCS text object :param angle: If not None overwrites the textobject's angle (in degrees) :type textobject: vcs.textcombined.Tc :returns: list of floats containing the coordinates of the text object's bounding box. \ coordinates are appropriate within the same viewport and worldcoordinate as the input textobject :rtype: `list`_ """ if not vcs.istext(textobject): raise vcsError('You must pass a text object') To = textobject.To_name Tt = textobject.Tt_name return self.backend.gettextextent(To, Tt, angle)
[docs] def gettextbox(self, textobject): """Returns the coordinate of the exact and rotated box surrounding a text object once printed :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_gettextbox >>> a=vcs.init() >>> t=a.createtext() >>> t.x=[.5] >>> t.y=[.5] >>> t.string=['Hello World'] >>> a.gettextbox(t) [[...]] :param textobject: A VCS text object :type textobject: vcs.textcombined.Tc :returns: 2 list of floats containing the coordinates of the text object's box. One for xs one for ys \ coordinates are appropriate within the same viewport and worldcoordinate as the input textobject :rtype: `list`_ """ if not vcs.istext(textobject): raise vcsError('You must pass a text object') # for rotation we need to normalize coordinates text2 = vcs.createtext( Tt_source=textobject.Tt_name, To_source=textobject.To_name) xs = numpy.array(textobject.x) / \ (text2.worldcoordinate[1] - text2.worldcoordinate[0]) ys = numpy.array(textobject.y) / \ (text2.worldcoordinate[3] - text2.worldcoordinate[2]) text2.x = xs.tolist() text2.y = ys.tolist() text2.worldcoordinate = [0, 1, 0, 1] boundings = self.gettextextent(textobject) noangles = self.gettextextent(text2, 0.) out = [] for bounding, noangle in zip(boundings, noangles): bxmid = (bounding[0] + bounding[1]) / 2. bymid = (bounding[2] + bounding[3]) / 2. xmid = (noangle[0] + noangle[1]) / 2. ymid = (noangle[2] + noangle[3]) / 2. slim = [] # first corner slim.append( rotate( noangle[0], noangle[2], xmid, ymid, -textobject.angle)) # second corner slim.append( rotate( noangle[1], noangle[2], xmid, ymid, -textobject.angle)) # third corner slim.append( rotate( noangle[1], noangle[3], xmid, ymid, -textobject.angle)) # fourth corner slim.append( rotate( noangle[0], noangle[3], xmid, ymid, -textobject.angle)) # Ok now we need to translte in the middle of the bounding box xs = [p[0] for p in slim] ys = [p[1] for p in slim] outx = [bxmid + (x - xmid) * (textobject.worldcoordinate[1] - textobject.worldcoordinate[0]) for x in xs] outy = [bymid + (y - ymid) * (textobject.worldcoordinate[3] - textobject.worldcoordinate[2]) for y in ys] out.append([outx, outy]) return out
[docs] def match_color(self, color, colormap=None): # noqa return vcs.match_color(color, colormap)
match_color.__doc__ = vcs.utils.match_color.__doc__
[docs] def drawtextcombined(self, Tt_name=None, To_name=None, string=None, font=1, spacing=2, expansion=100, color=241, height=14, angle=0, path='right', halign='left', valign='half', priority=1, viewport=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], worldcoordinate=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], x=None, y=None, bg=0): """Draw a textcombined object on the VCS Canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_drawtextcombined >>> a=vcs.init() >>> drawtc=a.drawtextcombined # alias long function name >>>'texttable') # Show all the existing texttable objects *******************Texttable Names List********************** ... *******************End Texttable Names List********************** >>> if "draw_tt" in vcs.listelements("texttable"): vcs.reset() >>> if "draw_tto" in vcs.listelements("textorientation"): vcs.reset() >>> vcs.createtextcombined('draw_tt','qa', 'draw_tto', '7left') <vcs.textcombined.Tc object at 0x...> >>> msg=["Hello", "drawtextcombined!"] >>> tc=drawtc(Tt_name='draw_tt',To_name='draw_tto',string=msg) :param Tt_name: String name of a texttable object :type Tt_name: `str`_ :param To_name: String name of a textorientation object :type To_name: `str`_ :param string: String to put onto the new textcombined :type string: `str`_ %s %s %s %s %s :returns: A texttable object :rtype: vcs.texttable.Tt """ if (Tt_name is None) or (not isinstance(Tt_name, str)): raise vcsError('Must provide string name for the texttable.') else: lot = self.listelements('texttable') if Tt_name not in lot: self.createtexttable(Tt_name) loo = self.listelements('textorientation') if To_name not in loo: self.createtextorientation(To_name) t = self.gettextcombined(Tt_name, To_name) # Set the Text Table (Tt) members t.string = string # Set the Text Table (Tt) members t.font = font t.spacing = spacing t.expansion = expansion t.color = color t.priority = priority t.viewport = viewport t.worldcoordinate = worldcoordinate t.x = x t.y = y # Set the Text Orientation (To) members t.height = height t.angle = angle t.path = path t.halign = halign t.valign = valign self.text(t, bg=bg) return t
# # Set alias for the secondary drawtextcombined. drawtext = drawtextcombined drawtextcombined.__doc__ = drawtextcombined.__doc__ % (xmldocs.color, xmldocs.viewport, xmldocs.worldcoordinate, xmldocs.x_y_coords, _plot_keywords_ = ['variable', 'grid', 'xaxis', 'xarray', 'xrev', 'yaxis', 'yarray', 'yrev', 'continents', 'xbounds', 'ybounds', 'zaxis', 'zarray', 'taxis', 'tarray', 'waxis', 'warray', 'bg', 'ratio', 'donotstoredisplay', 'render', 'continents_line', "display_name", "frame"] _deprecated_plot_keywords_ = ["time", "units", "file_comment", "xname", "yname", "zname", "tname", "wname", "xunits", "yunits", "zunits", "tunits", "wunits", "comment1", "comment2", "comment3", "comment4", "long_name"] # def replot(self): # """ Clears and plots with last used plot arguments # """ # self.clear() # self.plot(*self.__last_plot_actual_args, **self.__last_plot_keyargs)
[docs] def plot(self, *actual_args, **keyargs): """Plot an array(s) of data given a template and graphics method. The VCS template is used to define where the data and variable attributes will be displayed on the VCS Canvas. The VCS graphics method is used to define how the array(s) will be shown on the VCS Canvas. .. describe:: Plot Usage: .. doctest:: canvas_plot_usage >>> import numpy >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'template') # list vcs template types *******************Template Names List********************** ... *******************End Template Names List********************** >>>'boxfill') # one of many graphics method types *******************Boxfill Names List********************** ... *******************End Boxfill Names List********************** >>> array1 = numpy.array([range(10) for _ in range(10)]) # data >>> a.plot(variable=array1) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.plot(array1,'ASD',gm='boxfill') # boxfill, ASD template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> .. describe:: Plot attribute keywords: .. note:: **Attribute Precedence** Specific attributes take precedence over general attributes. In particular, specific attributes override variable object attributes, dimension attributes and arrays override axis objects, which override grid objects, which override variable objects. For example, if both 'file_comment' and 'variable' keywords are specified, the value of 'file_comment' is used instead of the file comment in the parent of variable. Similarly, if both 'xaxis' and 'grid' keywords are specified, the value of 'xaxis' takes precedence over the x-axis of grid. * ratio [default is None] * None: let the self.ratio attribute decide * 0, 'off': overwrite self.ratio and do nothing about the ratio * 'auto': computes an automatic ratio * '3', 3: y dim will be 3 times bigger than x dim (restricted to original area) * Adding a 't' at the end of the ratio, makes the tickmarks and boxes move along. * Dimension attribute keys (dimension length=n): * x or y Dimension values .. code-block:: python [x|y|z|t|w]array = NumPy array of length n [x|y|z|t|w]array = NumPy array of length n * x or y Dimension boundaries .. code-block:: python [x|y]bounds = NumPy array of shape (n,2) * CDMS object: * x or y Axis .. code-block:: python [x|y|z|t|w]axis = CDMS axis object * Grid object (e.g. grid=var.getGrid()) .. code-block:: python grid = CDMS grid object * Variable object .. code-block:: python variable = CDMS variable object * Other: * Reverse the direction of the x or y axis: .. code-block:: python [x|y]rev = 0|1 .. note:: For example, xrev = 1 would reverse the direction of the x-axis * Continental outlines: .. code-block:: python continents = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 # VCS line object to define continent appearance continents_line = vcs.getline("default") .. note:: If continents >=1, plot continental outlines. By default: plot of xaxis is longitude, yaxis is latitude -OR- xname is 'longitude' and yname is 'latitude' * List of continents-type values (integers from 0-11) * 0 signifies "No Continents" * 1 signifies "Fine Continents" * 2 signifies "Coarse Continents" * 3 signifies "United States" * 4 signifies "Political Borders" * 5 signifies "Rivers" .. note:: Values 6 through 11 signify the line type defined by the files data_continent_other7 through data_continent_other12. * To set whether the displayplot object generated by this plot is stored .. code-block:: python donotstoredisplay = True|False * Whether to actually render the plot or not (useful for doing a bunch of plots in a row) .. code-block:: python render = True|False * VCS Display plot name (used to prevent duplicate display plots) .. code-block:: python display_name = "__display_123" * Ratio of height/width for the plot; autot and auto will choose a "good" ratio for you. .. code-block:: python ratio = 1.5|"autot"|"auto" * Plot the actual grid or the dual grid (VTK backend only) .. code-block:: python plot_based_dual_grid = True | False .. note:: This is based on what is needed by the plot: isofill, isoline, vector need point attributes, boxfill and meshfill need cell attributes the default is True (if the parameter is not specified). * Graphics Output in Background Mode: .. code-block:: python # if 1, create images in the background (not on canvas) bg = 0|1 * Data with extra dimensions, picking the frame to plot: .. code-block:: python # if not 0 will use extra dimensions to figure which slice of data is expected # extra dimensions are used in reverse order, e.g # array of dims time, lev, lat, lon will plot lat/lon slices and frame "1" # will display the second level for the first time # Negative values are ok and start from last frame (frame=-1) frame = 0 :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_plot >>> a=vcs.init() >>> import cdms2 # Need cdms2 to create a slab >>> f ='/') # open data file >>> slab1 = f('u') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> slab2 = f('v') # need 2 slabs, so get another >>> a.plot(slab1) # default settings for template and boxfill <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.plot(slab1,'polar','isofill','polar') # specify template and graphics method <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> t=a.gettemplate('polar') # get the polar template >>> vec=a.getvector() # get default vector >>> a.plot(slab1, slab2, t, vec) # plot data as vector using polar template <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas of all plots >>> box=a.getboxfill() # get default boxfill graphics method >>> a.plot(box,t,slab2) # plot data with boxfill and polar <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> %s %s %s %s %s %s :returns: A VCS display plot object :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp """ self.__last_plot_actual_args = actual_args self.__last_plot_keyargs = keyargs passed_var = keyargs.get("variable", None) arglist = _determine_arg_list(None, actual_args) if passed_var is not None: arglist[0] = cdms2.asVariable(passed_var) try: pfile = actual_args[0].parent keyargs['cdmsfile'] = pfile.uri if hasattr( pfile, 'uri') else except Exception: pass if "continents_line" in keyargs: # Stash the current line type old_line = self.getcontinentsline() self.setcontinentsline(keyargs["continents_line"]) # Plot the data a = self.__plot(arglist, keyargs) if "continents_line" in keyargs: # Restore the canvas line type self.setcontinentsline(old_line) return a
plot.__doc__ = plot.__doc__ % (plot_2_1D_options, plot_keywords_doc, graphics_method_core, axesconvert, plot_2_1D_input, plot_output) def __new_elts(self, original, new): for e in list(vcs.elements.keys()): for k in list(vcs.elements[e].keys()): if k not in original[e]: new[e].append(k) return new def __plot(self, arglist, keyargs): # This routine has five arguments in arglist from _determine_arg_list # It adds one for bg and passes those on to Canvas.plot as its sixth # arguments. # First of all let's remember which elets we have before comin in here # so that anything added (temp objects) can be removed at clear # time original_elts = {} new_elts = {} for k in list(vcs.elements.keys()): original_elts[k] = list(vcs.elements[k].keys()) new_elts[k] = [] # First of all try some cleanup assert len(arglist) == 6 xtrakw = arglist.pop(5) for k in list(xtrakw.keys()): if k in list(keyargs.keys()): raise vcsError('Multiple Definition for ' + str(k)) else: keyargs[k] = xtrakw[k] assert arglist[0] is None or cdms2.isVariable(arglist[0]) assert arglist[1] is None or cdms2.isVariable(arglist[1]) assert isinstance(arglist[2], str) if hasVCSAddons and not isinstance( arglist[3], vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): assert isinstance(arglist[3], str) assert isinstance(arglist[4], str) if self.animate.is_playing(): self.animate.stop() while self.animate.is_playing(): pass # reset animation self.animate.create_flg = 0 # Store the origin template. The template used to plot may be changed below by the # _create_random_template function, which copies templates for # modifications. template_origin = arglist[2] tmptmpl = self.gettemplate(arglist[2]) = -999 copy_mthd = None copy_tmpl = None if arglist[2] in ['default', 'default_dud']: if arglist[3] == 'taylordiagram': arglist[2] = "deftaylor" # copy_tmpl=self.createtemplate(source='deftaylor') # else: # copy_tmpl=self.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) check_mthd = vcs.getgraphicsmethod(arglist[3], arglist[4]) check_tmpl = vcs.gettemplate(arglist[2]) # By defalut do the ratio thing for lat/lon and linear projection # but it can be overwritten by keyword doratio = str(keyargs.get('ratio', self.ratio)).strip().lower() if doratio[-1] == 't' and doratio[0] == '0': if float(doratio[:-1]) == 0.: doratio = '0' # Check for curvilinear grids, and wrap options ! if arglist[0] is not None: inGrid = arglist[0].getGrid() else: inGrid = None if arglist[0] is not None and arglist[ 1] is None and arglist[3] == "meshfill": if isinstance( inGrid, (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid)): g = self.getmeshfill(arglist[4]) if 'wrap' not in keyargs and g.wrap == [0., 0.]: keyargs['wrap'] = [0., 360.] else: if arglist[0].ndim < 2: arglist[3] = 'yxvsx' arglist[4] = 'default' else: xs = arglist[0].getAxis(-1) ys = arglist[0].getAxis(-2) if xs.isLongitude() and ys.isLatitude() and isinstance( inGrid, cdms2.grid.TransientRectGrid): arglist[1] = MV2.array(inGrid.getMesh()) if 'wrap' not in keyargs: keyargs['wrap'] = [0., 360.] elif ys.isLongitude() and xs.isLatitude() and isinstance(inGrid, cdms2.grid.TransientRectGrid): arglist[1] = MV2.array(inGrid.getMesh()) if "wrap" not in keyargs: keyargs['wrap'] = [360., 0.] else: arglist[3] = 'boxfill' copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( 'boxfill', 'default') check_mthd = copy_mthd m = self.getmeshfill(arglist[4]) md = self.getmeshfill() if md.levels != m.levels: copy_mthd.boxfill_type = 'custom' copy_mthd.levels = m.levels copy_mthd.fillareacolors = m.fillareacolors for att in ['projection', 'xticlabels1', 'xticlabels2', 'xmtics1', 'xmtics2', 'yticlabels1', 'yticlabels2', 'ymtics1', 'ymtics2', 'datawc_x1', 'datawc_x2', 'datawc_y1', 'datawc_y2', 'xaxisconvert', 'yaxisconvert', 'legend', 'ext_1', 'ext_2', 'missing']: setattr(copy_mthd, att, getattr(m, att)) elif arglist[0] is not None \ and arglist[0].rank() < 2 \ and arglist[3] in ['boxfill', 'default'] \ and not isinstance(inGrid, cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid): arglist[3] = '1d' try: tmp = self.getyxvsx(arglist[4]) # tmp.list() except Exception: arglist[4] = 'default' elif inGrid is not None and arglist[0] is not None and\ isinstance(arglist[0], cdms2.avariable.AbstractVariable) and\ not isinstance(inGrid, cdms2.grid.AbstractRectGrid) and\ arglist[3] in ["boxfill", "default"] and arglist[4] == "default": arglist[3] = "meshfill" # arglist[4] # Ok let's check for meshfill needed if inGrid is not None and arglist[0] is not None and\ isinstance(arglist[0], cdms2.avariable.AbstractVariable) and\ not isinstance(arglist[0].getGrid(), cdms2.grid.AbstractRectGrid) and\ arglist[3] not in ["meshfill", ]: raise RuntimeError("You are attempting to plot unstructured grid" + "with a method that is not meshfill") # preprocessing for extra keyword (at-plotting-time options) cmds = {} # First of all a little preprocessing for legend ! if 'legend' in list(keyargs.keys()) and arglist[3] == 'boxfill': # we now have a possible problem since it can be legend for the # graphic method or the template! k = keyargs['legend'] isboxfilllegend = 0 if isinstance(k, type({})): # print k.keys() # ok it's a dictionary if the key type is string then it's for # template, else it's for boxfill if not isinstance(list(k.keys())[0], type('')): # not a string, therefore it's boxfill ! isboxfilllegend = 1 elif type(k) in [type([]), type(())]: # ok it's a list therefore if the length is not 4 we have a # boxfill legend if len(k) != 4 and len(k) != 5: isboxfilllegend = 1 elif len(k) == 5: if not type(k[4]) in [type({}), type(0), type(0.)]: raise vcsError( "Error, at-plotting-time argument 'legend' is ambiguous in this context\n" "Cannot determine if it is template or boxfill keyword,\n tips to solve that:\n" "\tif you aim at boxfill keyword, pass legend as a dictionary, \n" "\tif your aim at template, add {'priority':1} at the end of the list\n" "Currently legend is passed as:" + repr(k)) elif not isinstance(k[4], type({})): isboxfilllegend = 1 else: # ok it's length 4, now the only hope left is that not all # values are between 0 and 1 for i in range(4): if k[i] > 1. or k[i] < 0.: isboxfilllegend = 1 if isboxfilllegend == 0: raise vcsError( "Error, at-plotting-time argument 'legend' is ambiguous" "in this context\nCannot determine if it is template or boxfill keyword,\n " "tips to solve that:\n\tif you aim at boxfill keyword, pass legend as a dictionary, \n" "\tif your aim at template, add {'priority':1} at the end of the list\n" "Currently legend is passed as:" + repr(k)) # ok it is for the boxfill let's do it if isboxfilllegend: if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass copy_mthd.legend = k del(keyargs['legend']) check_mthd = copy_mthd # There is no way of knowing if the template has been called prior to this plot command. # So it is done here to make sure that the template coordinates are normalized. If already # normalized, then no change will to the template. try: self.gettemplate(template_origin) except Exception: pass # Creates dictionary/list to remember what we changed slab_changed_attributes = {} axes_changed = {} axes_changed2 = {} # loops through possible keywords for graphic method for p in list(keyargs.keys()): if p in [ 'projection', 'xticlabels1', 'xticlabels2', 'xmtics1', 'xmtics2', 'yticlabels1', 'yticlabels2', 'ymtics1', 'ymtics2', 'datawc_x1', 'datawc_y1', 'datawc_x2', 'datawc_y2', 'xaxisconvert', 'yaxisconvert', 'label', 'labelskipdistance', 'line', 'linewidth', 'linecolors', 'text', 'textcolors', 'level', 'level_1', 'level_2', 'ext_1', 'ext_2', 'missing', 'color_1', 'color_2', 'fillareastyle', 'fillareacolors', 'fillareaindices', 'levels', 'mesh', 'wrap', 'marker', 'markercolor', 'markersize', 'linecolor', 'detail', 'max', 'quadrans', 'skillValues', 'skillColor', 'skillCoefficient', 'referencevalue', 'arrowlength', 'arrowangle', 'arrowbase', 'scale', 'alignement', 'type', 'reference', # Now the "special" keywords 'worldcoordinate', ]: if p not in ['worldcoordinate', ]: # not a special keywords if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd setattr(copy_mthd, p, keyargs[p]) elif p == 'worldcoordinate': if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd setattr(copy_mthd, 'datawc_x1', keyargs[p][0]) setattr(copy_mthd, 'datawc_x2', keyargs[p][1]) setattr(copy_mthd, 'datawc_y1', keyargs[p][2]) setattr(copy_mthd, 'datawc_y2', keyargs[p][3]) del(keyargs[p]) # Now template settings keywords elif p in [ 'viewport', ]: if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) check_tmpl = copy_tmpl copy_tmpl.reset( 'x', keyargs[p][0], keyargs[p][1],, copy_tmpl.reset( 'y', keyargs[p][2], keyargs[p][3],, del(keyargs[p]) # Now template and x/y related stuff (1 dir only) elif p[1:] in [ 'label1', 'label2', ]: if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) check_tmpl = copy_tmpl k = keyargs[p] # not a list means only priority set if not isinstance(k, type([])): if not isinstance(k, type({})): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'priority', k) elif isinstance(k, type({})): for kk in list(k.keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[kk]) else: if p[0] == 'x': setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'y', k[0]) else: setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'x', k[0]) if isinstance(k[-1], type({})): for kk in list(k[-1].keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[-1][kk]) del(keyargs[p]) # Now template and x1 and x2/y1 and y2 related stuff (1 dir only) elif p[1:] in [ 'mintic1', 'mintic2', 'tic1', 'tic2', ]: if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) check_tmpl = copy_tmpl k = keyargs[p] # not a list means only priority set if not isinstance(k, type([])): if not isinstance(k, type({})): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'priority', k) elif isinstance(k, type({})): for kk in list(k.keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[kk]) else: if p[0] == 'x': setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'y1', k[0]) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'y2', k[1]) else: setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'x1', k[0]) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'x2', k[1]) if isinstance(k[-1], type({})): for kk in list(k[-1].keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[-1][kk]) del(keyargs[p]) # Now template with x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 elif p in [ 'box1', 'box2', 'box3', 'box4', 'line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4', 'data', 'legend', ]: if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) check_tmpl = copy_tmpl k = keyargs[p] # not a list means only priority set if not isinstance(k, type([])): if not isinstance(k, type({})): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'priority', k) elif isinstance(k, type({})): for kk in list(k.keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[kk]) else: setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'x1', k[0]) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'x2', k[1]) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'y1', k[2]) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'y2', k[3]) if isinstance(k[-1], type({})): for kk in list(k[-1].keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[-1][kk]) del(keyargs[p]) # Now MV2 related keywords # Charles note: It's here that we need to remember what changed so # i can unset it later elif p in [ 'title', 'comment1', 'comment2', 'comment3', 'comment4', 'source', 'crdate', 'crtime', 'dataname', 'file', 'function', 'transformation', 'units', 'id', ]: k = keyargs[p] if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) check_tmpl = copy_tmpl if p == "id": pname = "dataname" else: pname = p if getattr(getattr(check_tmpl, pname), 'priority') == 0: setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, pname), 'priority', 1) if not isinstance( k, list): # not a list means only priority set if isinstance(k, dict): for kk in list(k.keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, pname), kk, k[kk]) elif isinstance(k, int): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, pname), 'priority', k) elif isinstance(k, str): slab_changed_attributes[p] = k setattr(arglist[0], p, k) else: # if hasattr(arglist[0],p): # slab_changed_attributes[p]=getattr(arglist[0],p) # else: # slab_created_attributes.append(p) # setattr(arglist[0],p,k[0]) slab_changed_attributes[p] = k[0] setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, pname), 'x', k[1]) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, pname), 'y', k[2]) if isinstance(k[-1], type({})): for kk in list(k[-1].keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, pname), kk, k[-1][kk]) del(keyargs[p]) # Now Axis related keywords elif p[1:] in [ 'name', 'value', 'units', ]: if p[0] == 'x': ax = arglist[0].getAxis(-1) if ax is not None: ax = ax.clone() if 'xaxis' in keyargs: ax = keyargs['xaxis'].clone() keyargs['xaxis'] = ax g = arglist[0].getGrid() if isinstance(g, (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid)) or arglist[ 3].lower() == 'meshfill': ax = None del(g) elif p[0] == 'y': ax = arglist[0].getAxis(-2) if ax is not None: ax = ax.clone() if 'yaxis' in keyargs: ax = keyargs['yaxis'].clone() keyargs['yaxis'] = ax g = arglist[0].getGrid() if isinstance(g, (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid)) or arglist[ 3].lower() == 'meshfill': ax = None del(g) elif p[0] == 'z': ax = arglist[0].getLevel() if ax is not None: ax = ax.clone() elif p[0] == 't': ax = arglist[0].getTime() if ax is not None: ax = ax.clone() if ax is not None: ids = arglist[0].getAxisIds() for i in range(len(ids)): if == ids[i]: if i not in axes_changed: axes_changed[i] = ax if arglist[1] is not None: ids2 = arglist[1].getAxisIds() for i in range(len(ids2)): if == ids2[i]: if i not in axes_changed2: axes_changed2[i] = ax if copy_tmpl is None: check_tmpl = copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate( source=arglist[2]) k = keyargs[p] if getattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'priority') == 0: setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'priority', 1) # not a list means only priority set if not isinstance(k, type([])): if isinstance(k, type({})): for kk in list(k.keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[kk]) elif isinstance(k, type(0)): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'priority', k) elif isinstance(k, str): if p[1:] != 'name': setattr(ax, p[1:], k) else: try: setattr(ax, 'id', k) except Exception: # print err pass elif k is None: if p[1:] != 'name': setattr(ax, p[1:], '') else: setattr(ax, 'id', '') else: if p[1:] != 'name': setattr(ax, p[1:], k[0]) else: setattr(ax, 'id', k) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'x', k[1]) setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), 'y', k[2]) if isinstance(k[-1], type({})): for kk in list(k[-1].keys()): setattr(getattr(copy_tmpl, p), kk, k[-1][kk]) del(keyargs[p]) # Finally take care of commands elif p in [ 'pdf', 'ps', 'postscript', 'gif', 'ras', ]: cmds[p] = keyargs[p] del(keyargs[p]) if (hasattr(check_mthd, 'datawc_x1') and hasattr(check_mthd, 'datawc_x2')) \ and arglist[0].getAxis(-1).isTime() \ and check_mthd.xticlabels1 == '*' \ and check_mthd.xticlabels2 == '*' \ and check_mthd.xmtics1 in ['*', ''] \ and check_mthd.xmtics2 in ['*', ''] \ and not (check_mthd.g_name in ['G1d'] and (check_mthd.flip is True or arglist[1] is not None) and arglist[0].ndim == 1): # used to be GXy GX ax = arglist[0].getAxis(-1).clone() ids = arglist[0].getAxisIds() for i in range(len(ids)): if == ids[i]: if i not in axes_changed: ax = ax.clone() axes_changed[i] = ax break if arglist[1] is not None: ids2 = arglist[1].getAxisIds() for i in range(len(ids2)): if == ids2[i]: if i not in axes_changed2: axes_changed2[i] = ax try: ax.toRelativeTime( check_mthd.datawc_timeunits, check_mthd.datawc_calendar) convertedok = True except Exception: convertedok = False # and check_mthd.g_name not in ["G1d",]: #used to be Gsp if (check_mthd.xticlabels1 == '*' or check_mthd.xticlabels2 == '*') and convertedok: convert_datawc = False for cax in list(axes_changed.keys()): if axes_changed[cax] == ax: convert_datawc = True break if convert_datawc: oax = arglist[0].getAxis(cax).clone() t = type(check_mthd.datawc_x1) if t not in [type(cdtime.reltime(0, 'months since 1900')), type( cdtime.comptime(1900))]: if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd if check_mthd.datawc_x1 > 9.E19: copy_mthd.datawc_x1 = cdtime.reltime( oax[0], oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel( copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) else: copy_mthd.datawc_x1 = cdtime.reltime( copy_mthd.datawc_x1, oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel( copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) if copy_mthd.datawc_x2 > 9.E19: copy_mthd.datawc_x2 = cdtime.reltime(oax[-1], oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel(copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) else: copy_mthd.datawc_x2 = cdtime.reltime( copy_mthd.datawc_x2, oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel( copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) if copy_mthd.xticlabels1 == '*': if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd copy_mthd.xticlabels1 = vcs.generate_time_labels( copy_mthd.datawc_x1, copy_mthd.datawc_x2, copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) if copy_mthd.xticlabels2 == '*': if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd copy_mthd.xticlabels2 = vcs.generate_time_labels( copy_mthd.datawc_x1, copy_mthd.datawc_x2, copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) elif not (getattr(check_mthd, 'g_name', '') == 'Gfm' and isinstance(arglist[0].getGrid(), (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid))): try: if arglist[0].getAxis(-1).isTime(): # used to GXy if check_mthd.xticlabels1 == '*' and check_mthd.xticlabels2 == '*' and\ not (check_mthd.g_name == 'G1d' and check_mthd.flip) and\ check_mthd.g_name not in ['G1d']: # used to be GSp if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd t = arglist[0].getAxis(-1).clone() timeunits = t.units calendar = t.getCalendar() t0 = cdtime.reltime(t[0], timeunits) t1 = cdtime.reltime(t[-1], timeunits) copy_mthd.xticlabels1 = vcs.generate_time_labels( t0, t1, timeunits, calendar) except Exception: pass if (hasattr(check_mthd, 'datawc_y1') and hasattr(check_mthd, 'datawc_y2'))\ and check_mthd.yticlabels1 == '*' \ and check_mthd.yticlabels2 == '*' \ and check_mthd.ymtics1 in ['*', ''] \ and check_mthd.ymtics2 in ['*', ''] \ and arglist[0].getAxis(-2).isTime() \ and (arglist[0].ndim > 1 or (check_mthd.g_name == 'G1d' and check_mthd.flip)) \ and not (check_mthd.g_name == 'Gfm' and isinstance(arglist[0].getGrid(), (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid))): # GXy ax = arglist[0].getAxis(-2).clone() # used to be Sp if check_mthd.g_name == "G1d" and check_mthd.linewidth == 0: ax = arglist[1].getAxis(-2).clone() axes_changed2 = {} ids = arglist[0].getAxisIds() for i in range(len(ids)): if == ids[i]: if i not in axes_changed: ax = ax.clone() axes_changed[i] = ax break if arglist[1] is not None: ids2 = arglist[1].getAxisIds() for i in range(len(ids2)): if == ids2[i]: if i not in axes_changed2: axes_changed2[i] = ax break try: ax.toRelativeTime( check_mthd.datawc_timeunits, check_mthd.datawc_calendar) convertedok = True except Exception: convertedok = False if (check_mthd.yticlabels1 == '*' or check_mthd.yticlabels2 == '*') and convertedok: convert_datawc = False A = axes_changed # GSp if check_mthd.g_name == "G1d" and check_mthd.linewidth == 0: A = axes_changed2 for cax in list(A.keys()): if A[cax] is ax: convert_datawc = True break if convert_datawc: oax = arglist[0].getAxis(cax).clone() if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd if copy_mthd.datawc_y1 > 9.E19: copy_mthd.datawc_y1 = cdtime.reltime( oax[0], oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel( copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) else: copy_mthd.datawc_y1 = cdtime.reltime( copy_mthd.datawc_y1, oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel( copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) if copy_mthd.datawc_y2 > 9.E19: copy_mthd.datawc_y2 = cdtime.reltime(oax[-1], oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel(copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) else: copy_mthd.datawc_y2 = cdtime.reltime( copy_mthd.datawc_y2, oax.units).tocomp( oax.getCalendar()).torel( copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) if check_mthd.yticlabels1 == '*': if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd copy_mthd.yticlabels1 = vcs.generate_time_labels( copy_mthd.datawc_y1, copy_mthd.datawc_y2, copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) if check_mthd.yticlabels2 == '*': if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd copy_mthd.yticlabels2 = vcs.generate_time_labels( copy_mthd.datawc_y1, copy_mthd.datawc_y2, copy_mthd.datawc_timeunits, copy_mthd.datawc_calendar) elif not (getattr(check_mthd, 'g_name', '') == 'Gfm' and isinstance(arglist[0].getGrid(), (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid))): try: # ['GYx','GXy','GXY','GSp']: if arglist[ 0].getAxis(-2).isTime() and arglist[0].ndim > 1 and copy_mthd.g_name not in ["G1d", ]: if check_mthd.yticlabels1 == '*' and check_mthd.yticlabels2 == '*': if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod( arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd t = arglist[0].getAxis(-2).clone() timeunits = t.units calendar = t.getCalendar() t0 = cdtime.reltime(t[0], timeunits) t1 = cdtime.reltime(t[-1], timeunits) copy_mthd.yticlabels1 = vcs.generate_time_labels( t0, t1, timeunits, calendar) except Exception: pass if copy_mthd is None: try: copy_mthd = vcs.creategraphicsmethod(arglist[3], arglist[4]) except Exception: pass check_mthd = copy_mthd x = None y = None try: if arglist[0].getAxis(-1).isLongitude(): x = "longitude" elif arglist[0].getAxis(-1).isLatitude(): x = "latitude" # in ["GXy","GXY"]: if check_mthd.g_name == "G1d" and ( check_mthd.flip or arglist[1] is not None): datawc_x1 = MV2.minimum(arglist[0]) datawc_x2 = MV2.maximum(arglist[0]) x = None else: try: if arglist[0].getAxis(-1).isCircularAxis(): datawc_x1 = arglist[0].getAxis(-1)[0] else: datawc_x1 = arglist[0].getAxis(-1).getBounds()[0][0] except Exception: datawc_x1 = arglist[0].getAxis(-1)[0] try: if arglist[0].getAxis(-1).isCircularAxis(): datawc_x2 = arglist[0].getAxis(-1)[-1] else: datawc_x2 = arglist[0].getAxis(-1).getBounds()[-1][1] except Exception: datawc_x2 = arglist[0].getAxis(-1)[-1] if arglist[0].getAxis(-2).isLongitude(): y = "longitude" elif arglist[0].getAxis(-2).isLatitude(): y = "latitude" if check_mthd.g_name == "G1d" and not check_mthd.flip and arglist[ 1] is None: # in ["GYx",]: datawc_y1 = MV2.minimum(arglist[0]) datawc_y2 = MV2.maximum(arglist[0]) y = None # in ["GYX",]: elif check_mthd.g_name == "G1d" and arglist[1] is not None: datawc_y1 = MV2.minimum(arglist[1]) datawc_y2 = MV2.maximum(arglist[1]) y = None else: try: datawc_y1 = arglist[0].getAxis(-2).getBounds()[0][0] except Exception: datawc_y1 = arglist[0].getAxis(-2)[0] try: datawc_y2 = arglist[0].getAxis(-2).getBounds()[-1][1] except Exception: datawc_y2 = arglist[0].getAxis(-2)[-1] if isinstance(arglist[0].getGrid( ), (cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid, cdms2.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid)): x = "longitude" y = "latitude" except Exception: pass try: copy_mthd = vcs.setTicksandLabels( check_mthd, copy_mthd, datawc_x1, datawc_x2, datawc_y1, datawc_y2, x=x, y=y) except Exception: pass if copy_mthd is not None: arglist[4] = if copy_tmpl is not None: arglist[2] = # End of preprocessing ! # get the background value bg = keyargs.get('bg', 0) if isinstance(arglist[3], basestring) and arglist[ 3].lower() == 'taylordiagram': for p in list(slab_changed_attributes.keys()): if hasattr(arglist[0], p): tmp = getattr(arglist[0], p) else: tmp = (None, None) setattr(arglist[0], p, slab_changed_attributes[p]) slab_changed_attributes[p] = tmp # first look at the extra arguments and make sure there is no # duplicate for k in list(keyargs.keys()): if k not in ['template', 'skill', 'bg']: del(keyargs[k]) if k == 'template': arglist[2] = keyargs[k] del(keyargs[k]) # look through the available taylordiagram methods and use the plot # function t = vcs.elements["taylordiagram"].get(arglist[4], None) if t is None: raise ValueError( "unknown taylordiagram graphic method: %s" % arglist[4]) t.plot(arglist[0], canvas=self, template=arglist[2], **keyargs) dname = keyargs.get("display_name") if dname is not None: dn = vcs.elements["display"][dname] else: nm, src = self.check_name_source(None, "default", "display") dn = displayplot.Dp(nm) dn.continents_line = self.getcontinentsline() dn.template = arglist[2] dn.g_type = arglist[3] dn.g_name = arglist[4] dn.array = arglist[:2] dn.extradisplays = t.displays for p in list(slab_changed_attributes.keys()): tmp = slab_changed_attributes[p] if tmp == (None, None): delattr(arglist[0], p) else: setattr(arglist[0], p, tmp) dn.newelements = self.__new_elts(original_elts, new_elts) dn._parent = self """ try: self.setcontinentstype(self._savedcontinentstype) except Exception: pass """ return dn else: # not taylor diagram if hasVCSAddons and isinstance( arglist[3], vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): gm = arglist[3] else: tp = arglist[3] if tp == "text": tp = "textcombined" elif tp == "default": tp = "boxfill" elif tp in ("xvsy", "xyvsy", "yxvsx", "scatter"): tp = "1d" gm = vcs.elements[tp][arglist[4]] if hasattr(gm, "priority") and gm.priority == 0: """ try: # not always saved self.setcontinentstype(self._savedcontinentstype) except Exception: pass """ return p = self.getprojection(gm.projection) if p.type in no_deformation_projections and ( doratio == "0" or doratio[:4] == "auto"): doratio = "1t" for keyarg in list(keyargs.keys()): if keyarg not in self.__class__._plot_keywords_ + self.backend._plot_keywords: if keyarg in self.__class__._deprecated_plot_keywords_: warnings.warn("Deprecation Warning: Keyword '%s' will be removed in the next version" "of UV-CDAT." % keyarg, vcs.VCSDeprecationWarning) else: warnings.warn( 'Unrecognized vcs plot keyword: %s, assuming backend (%s) keyword' % (keyarg, self.backend.type)) if arglist[0] is not None or 'variable' in keyargs: arglist[0] = self._reconstruct_tv(arglist, keyargs) # Now applies the attributes change for p in list(slab_changed_attributes.keys()): if hasattr(arglist[0], p): tmp = getattr(arglist[0], p) else: tmp = (None, None) setattr(arglist[0], p, slab_changed_attributes[p]) slab_changed_attributes[p] = tmp # Now applies the axes changes for i in list(axes_changed.keys()): arglist[0].setAxis(i, axes_changed[i]) for i in list(axes_changed2.keys()): arglist[1].setAxis(i, axes_changed2[i]) # Check to make sure that you have at least 2 dimensions for the follow graphics methods # Flipping the order to avoid the tv not exist problem if (arglist[3] in ['boxfill', 'isofill', 'isoline', 'vector']) and ( len(arglist[0].shape) < 2): raise vcsError( 'Invalid number of dimensions for %s' % arglist[3]) # Ok now does the linear projection for lat/lon ratio stuff if arglist[3] in ['marker', 'line', 'fillarea', 'text']: # fist create a dummy template t = self.createtemplate() # Now creates a copy of the primitives, in case it's used on # other canvases with diferent ratios if arglist[3] == 'text': nms = arglist[4].split(":::") p = self.createtext(Tt_source=nms[0], To_source=nms[1]) elif arglist[3] == 'marker': p = self.createmarker(source=arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'line': p = self.createline(source=arglist[4]) elif arglist[3] == 'fillarea': p = self.createfillarea(source=arglist[4]) = p.viewport[0] = p.viewport[1] = p.viewport[2] = p.viewport[3] proj = self.getprojection(p.projection) if proj.type in no_deformation_projections and ( doratio == "0" or doratio[:4] == "auto"): doratio = "1t" if proj.type == 'linear' and doratio[:4] == 'auto': lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 = p.worldcoordinate t.ratio_linear_projection( lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, None, box_and_ticks=box_and_ticks) p.viewport = [,,,] arglist[4] = elif doratio not in ['0', 'off', 'none', 'auto', 'autot']: if doratio[-1] == 't': doratio = doratio[:-1] Ratio = float(doratio) t.ratio(Ratio) p.viewport = [,,,] if arglist[3] == 'text': arglist[4] = p.Tt_name + ':::' + p.To_name else: arglist[4] = else: if arglist[3] == 'text' and keyargs.get( "donotstoredisplay", False) is True: sp =":::") del(vcs.elements["texttable"][sp[0]]) del(vcs.elements["textorientation"][sp[1]]) del(vcs.elements["textcombined"][]) elif arglist[3] == 'marker': del(vcs.elements["marker"][]) elif arglist[3] == 'line': del(vcs.elements["line"][]) elif arglist[3] == 'fillarea': del(vcs.elements["fillarea"][]) # cleanup temp template del(vcs.elements["template"][]) elif (arglist[3] in ['boxfill', 'isofill', 'isoline', 'vector', 'meshfill'] or (hasVCSAddons and isinstance(arglist[3], vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon))) and \ doratio in ['auto', 'autot'] and not (doratio == 'auto' and arglist[2] == 'ASD'): box_and_ticks = 0 if doratio[-1] == 't' or template_origin == 'default': box_and_ticks = 1 if hasVCSAddons and isinstance( arglist[3], vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): gm = arglist[3] else: tp = arglist[3] if tp == "text": tp = "textcombined" gm = vcs.elements[tp][arglist[4]] p = self.getprojection(gm.projection) if p.type in no_deformation_projections: doratio = "1t" if p.type == 'linear': if gm.g_name == 'Gfm': if self.isplottinggridded: # TODO: This computation is wrong as a meshfill can be wrapped. # this means that we have to create the VTK dataset before # we know the actual lon1, lon2. lon1, lon2 = vcs.minmax(arglist[1][..., :, 1, :]) lat1, lat2 = vcs.minmax(arglist[1][..., :, 0, :]) if lon2 - lon1 > 360: lon1, lon2 = 0., 360. if gm.datawc_x1 < 9.99E19: lon1 = gm.datawc_x1 if gm.datawc_x2 < 9.99E19: lon2 = gm.datawc_x2 if gm.datawc_y1 < 9.99E19: lat1 = gm.datawc_y1 if gm.datawc_y2 < 9.99E19: lat2 = gm.datawc_y2 if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate( source=arglist[2]) arglist[2] = copy_tmpl.ratio_linear_projection( lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, None, box_and_ticks=box_and_ticks) elif arglist[0].getAxis(-1).isLongitude() and arglist[0].getAxis(-2).isLatitude(): if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) if gm.datawc_x1 < 9.99E19: lon1 = gm.datawc_x1 else: lon1 = min(arglist[0].getAxis(-1)) if gm.datawc_x2 < 9.99E19: lon2 = gm.datawc_x2 else: lon2 = max(arglist[0].getAxis(-1)) if gm.datawc_y1 < 9.99E19: lat1 = gm.datawc_y1 else: lat1 = min(arglist[0].getAxis(-2)) if gm.datawc_y2 < 9.99E19: lat2 = gm.datawc_y2 else: lat2 = max(arglist[0].getAxis(-2)) copy_tmpl.ratio_linear_projection( lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, None, box_and_ticks=box_and_ticks, x=self) arglist[2] = elif not (doratio in ['0', 'off', 'none', 'auto', 'autot']) or\ (arglist[3] in ['boxfill', 'isofill', 'isoline', 'vector', 'meshfill'] and str(doratio).lower() in ['auto', 'autot']) and arglist[2] != 'ASD': box_and_ticks = 0 if doratio[-1] == 't' or template_origin == 'default': box_and_ticks = 1 if doratio[-1] == 't': doratio = doratio[:-1] try: Ratio = float(doratio) except Exception: Ratio = doratio if copy_tmpl is None: copy_tmpl = vcs.createtemplate(source=arglist[2]) arglist[2] = copy_tmpl.ratio(Ratio, box_and_ticks=box_and_ticks, x=self) if hasattr(self, '_isplottinggridded'): del(self._isplottinggridded) # Get the continents for animation generation # self.animate.continents_value = self._continentspath() # Get the option for doing graphics in the background. if bg: arglist.append(True) else: arglist.append(False) if arglist[3] == 'scatter': if not ( numpy.equal(arglist[0].getAxis(-1)[:], arglist[1].getAxis(-1)[:]).all()): raise vcsError( 'Error - ScatterPlot requires X and Y defined in the same place') if arglist[3] == 'vector': if not (numpy.equal(arglist[0].getAxis(-1)[:], arglist[1].getAxis(-1)[:]).all()) or not( numpy.equal(arglist[0].getAxis(-2)[:], arglist[1].getAxis(-2)[:]).all()): raise vcsError( 'Error - VECTOR components must be on the same grid.') if "bg" in keyargs: del(keyargs["bg"]) if hasVCSAddons and isinstance( arglist[3], vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): if arglist[1] is None: dn = arglist[3].plot( arglist[0], template=arglist[2], bg=bg, x=self, **keyargs) else: dn = arglist[3].plot( arglist[0], arglist[1], template=arglist[2], bg=bg, x=self, **keyargs) else: returned_kargs = self.backend.plot(*arglist, **keyargs) if not keyargs.get("donotstoredisplay", False): dname = keyargs.get("display_name") if dname is not None: dn = vcs.elements['display'][dname] else: nm, src = self.check_name_source( None, "default", "display") dn = displayplot.Dp(nm, parent=self) dn.template = arglist[2] dn.g_type = arglist[3] dn.g_name = arglist[4] dn.array = arglist[:2] dn.backend = returned_kargs if "continents" in keyargs: dn._continents = keyargs["continents"] else: dn = None if dn is not None: dn._template_origin = template_origin dn.ratio = keyargs.get("ratio", None) dn.continents_line = self.getcontinentsline() dn.newelements = self.__new_elts(original_elts, new_elts) if self.mode != 0: # self.update() pass result = dn if isinstance(arglist[3], str): # Pointer to the plotted slab of data and the VCS Canas display infomation. # This is needed to find the animation min and max values and the number of # displays on the VCS Canvas. if dn is not None: self.animate_info.append((result, arglist[:2])) # Now executes output commands for cc in list(cmds.keys()): c = cc.lower() if not isinstance(cmds[cc], type('')): args = tuple(cmds[cc]) else: args = (cmds[cc],) if c == 'ps' or c == 'postscript': self.postscript(*args) elif c == 'pdf': self.pdf(*args) elif c == 'gif': self.gif(*args) elif c == 'eps': self.eps(*args) elif c == 'cgm': self.cgm(*args) elif c == 'ras': self.ras(*args) # self.clean_auto_generated_objects("template") for p in list(slab_changed_attributes.keys()): tmp = slab_changed_attributes[p] if tmp == (None, None): delattr(arglist[0], p) else: setattr(arglist[0], p, tmp) if dn is not None and not isinstance(dn, (list, tuple)): self.display_names.append( if result.g_type in ( "3d_scalar", "3d_vector") and self.configurator is not None: self.endconfigure() if is False and self.configurator is not None: self.configurator.update() return result def setAnimationStepper(self, stepper): self.backend.setAnimationStepper(stepper)
[docs] def return_display_names(self, *args): """Show the list of display names associated with all active plots on the canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_return_display_name >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.return_display_names() # new canvas should have none [] >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.return_display_names() # has display name for new plot [...] :return: A list of the display names of images currently plotted on the canvas. :rtype: `list`_ """ return self.display_names
[docs] def remove_display_name(self, *args): """Removes a plotted item from the canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_remove_display_name >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.return_display_names() # new canvas should have none [] >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> plot=a.plot(array) # store plot for reference to plot name >>> a.return_display_names() # has display name for new plot [...] >>> a.remove_display_name( >>> a.return_display_names() # should be empty again [] :param args: Any number of display names to remove. :type args: list of `str`_ """ for a in args: if a in self.display_names: self.display_names.remove(a) self.update()
[docs] def cgm(self, file, mode='w'): """ .. deprecated:: 2.6.1 Exporting images to CGM format is no longer supported. To generate an image from the canvas, see :py:func:`vcs.Canvas.Canvas.png` or :py:func:`vcs.Canvas.Canvas.svg` Export an image in CGM format. :param file: Filename to save :param mode: Ignored. .. pragma: skip-doctest REMOVE WHEN IT WORKS AGAIN! """ if mode != 'w': warnings.warn( "cgm only supports 'w' mode ignoring your mode ('%s')" % mode) return self.backend.cgm(file)
[docs] def clear(self, *args, **kargs): """Clears all the VCS displays on a page (i.e., the VCS Canvas object). :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_clear >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.clear() # clear VCS displays from the page """ if self.animate.created(): self.animate.close() if self.configurator is not None: self.configurator.stop_animating() self.animate_info = [] self.animate.update_animate_display_list() preserve_display = kargs.get("preserve_display", False) if "preserve_display" in kargs: del kargs["preserve_display"] self.backend.clear(*args, **kargs) for nm in self.display_names: # Lets look at elements created by dispaly production # Apparently when updating we shouldn't be clearing these elemnts # yet if kargs.get("render", True): dn = vcs.elements["display"][nm] new_elts = getattr(dn, "newelements", {}) for e in list(new_elts.keys()): if e == "display": continue for k in new_elts[e]: if k in list(vcs.elements[e].keys()): del(vcs.elements[e][k]) if not preserve_display: del(vcs.elements["display"][nm]) self.display_names = [] if self._display_target is not None and \ not isinstance(self._display_target, basestring): self._display_target.clear_output() return
[docs] def close(self, *args, **kargs): """Close the VCS Canvas. It will not deallocate the VCS Canvas object. To deallocate the VCS Canvas, use the destroy method. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_close >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.close() #close the vcs canvas """ if self.configurator: self.endconfigure() a = self.backend.close(*args, **kargs) self.animate_info = [] if self._display_target is not None and \ not isinstance(self._display_target, basestring): self._display_target.close() return a
[docs] def destroy(self): """Destroy the VCS Canvas. It will deallocate the VCS Canvas object. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_destroy >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.destroy() """ self.close() import gc if self._display_target is not None and \ not isinstance(self._display_target, basestring): self._display_target.clear_output() self._display_target.close() del(self._display_target) del self gc.garbage gc.collect()
[docs] def change_display_graphic_method(self, display, type, name): """Changes the type and graphic method of a plot. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_change_display_graphic_method >>> a=vcs.init() >>> cdgm=a.change_display_graphic_method # alias long name >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> disp=a.plot(array) >>>'boxfill') # list boxfill names *******************Boxfill Names List********************** ... *******************End Boxfill Names List********************** >>> cdgm(disp, 'boxfill', 'polar') # change graphics method :param display: Display to change. :param type: New graphics method type. :param name: Name of new graphics method. :type display: `str`_ or vcs.displayplot.Dp :type name: `str`_ :type type: `str`_ """ if isinstance(display, str): display = vcs.elements["display"][display] display.g_type = type display.g_name = name self.update()
[docs] def get_selected_display(self): """ .. attention:: This function does not currently work. It will be implemented in the future. .. pragma: skip-doctest REMOVE WHEN IT WORKS AGAIN! """ return self.canvas.get_selected_display(*())
def plot_annotation(self, *args): self.canvas.plot_annotation(*args)
[docs] def flush(self, *args): """The flush command executes all buffered X events in the queue. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_flush >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.flush() """ return self.backend.flush(*args)
[docs] def geometry(self, *args): """The geometry command is used to set the size and position of the VCS canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_geometry >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.geometry(450,337) """ if len(args) == 0: return self.backend.geometry() if (args[0] <= 0) or (args[1] <= 0): raise ValueError( 'Error - The width and height values must be an integer greater than 0.') a = self.backend.geometry(*args) self.flush() # update the canvas by processing all the X events return a
[docs] def canvasinfo(self, *args, **kargs): """Obtain the current attributes of the VCS Canvas window. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_canvasinfo >>> a=vcs.init() >>> ci=a.canvasinfo() >>> keys=sorted(a.canvasinfo().keys()) >>> for key in keys: ... print(key, str(ci[key])) depth ... height ... mapstate ... width ... x ... y ... :returns: Dictionary with keys: "mapstate" (whether the canvas is opened), "height", "width", "depth", "x", "y" :rtype: dict """ return self.backend.canvasinfo(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def landscape(self, width=-99, height=-99, x=-99, y=-99, clear=0): """Change the VCS Canvas orientation to Landscape. .. note:: The (width, height) and (x, y) arguments work in pairs. That is, you must set (width, height) or (x, y) together to see any change in the VCS Canvas. If the portrait method is called with arguments before displaying a VCS Canvas, then the arguments (width, height, x, y, and clear) will have no effect on the canvas. .. warning:: If the visible plot on the VCS Canvas is not adjusted properly, then resize the screen with the point. Some X servers are not handling the threads properly to keep up with the demands of the X client. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_landscape >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.landscape() # Change the VCS Canvas orientation and set object flag to landscape >>> a.landscape(clear=1) # Change the VCS Canvas to landscape and clear the page >>> a.landscape(width = 400, height = 337) # Change to landscape and set the window size >>> a.landscape(x=100, y = 200) # Change to landscape and set the x and y screen position >>> a.landscape(width = 400, height = 337, x=100, y = 200, clear=1) # landscape with more settings %s %s :param x: Unused :type x: `int`_ :param y: Unused :type y: `int`_ %s """ if (self.orientation() == 'landscape'): return if (((not isinstance(width, int))) or ((not isinstance(height, int))) or ((not isinstance(x, int))) or ((not isinstance(y, int))) or ((width != -99) and (width < 0)) or ((height != -99) and (height < 0)) or ((x != -99) and (x < 0)) or ((y != -99) and (y < 0))): raise ValueError( 'If specified, width, height, x, and y must be integer values greater than or equal to 0.') if (((not isinstance(clear, int))) and (clear not in [0, 1])): raise ValueError( "clear must be: 0 - 'the default value for not clearing the canvas' or 1 - 'for clearing the canvas'.") if ((width == -99) and (height == -99) and (x == -99) and (y == -99) and (clear == 0)): cargs = () try: dict = self.canvasinfo(*cargs) except Exception: dict = {} height = dict.get('width', -99) width = dict.get('height', -99) x = dict.get('x', -99) y = dict.get('y', -99) self.flush() # update the canvas by processing all the X events args = (width, height, x, y, clear) return self.backend.landscape(*args)
landscape.__doc__ = landscape.__doc__ % ( xmldocs.canvas_width, xmldocs.canvas_height, xmldocs.canvas_clear)
[docs] def listelements(self, *args): """Returns a sorted Python list of all VCS object names, or a list of names of objects of the given type. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_listelements >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.listelements() ['1d', '3d_dual_scalar', '3d_scalar', ...] :param args: A string containing the name of a VCS object type, or None :type args: `str`_ or `None`_ :returns: If args is None, returns a list of string names of all VCS objects. If args is a string name of a VCS object :rtype: `list`_ """ f = vcs.listelements L = sorted(f(*args)) return L
[docs] def updateorientation(self, *args): """Takes a string 'portrait' or 'landscape' and updates a Canvas object's orientation accordingly. :param args: String with value 'landscape' or 'portrait' :type args: `str`_ .. attention:: This function does not currently work. It will be implemented in the future. Use :func:`landscape` or :func:`portrait` instead. .. pragma: skip-doctest REMOVE WHEN IT WORKS AGAIN! """ a = self.canvas.updateorientation(*args) return a
[docs] def open(self, width=None, height=None, **kargs): """Open VCS Canvas object. This routine really just manages the VCS canvas. It can be used to display the VCS Canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_open >>> a=vcs.init() >>> >>>,600) %s %s """ a =, height, **kargs) if self._display_target is not None and \ not isinstance(self._display_target, basestring): return a
open.__doc__ = open.__doc__ % (xmldocs.canvas_width, xmldocs.canvas_height)
[docs] def canvasid(self, *args): """Get the ID of this canvas. This ID number is found at the top of the VCS Canvas, as part of its title. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_canvasid >>> a=vcs.init() >>> cid = a.canvasid() # store the canvas id :returns: The ID of the canvas on which canvasid() is called. :rtype: int """ return self._canvas_id
[docs] def portrait(self, width=-99, height=-99, x=-99, y=-99, clear=0): """Change the VCS Canvas orientation to Portrait. .. note:: If the current orientation of the canvas is already portrait, nothing happens. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_portrait >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.portrait() # Change the VCS Canvas orientation and set object flag to portrait >>> a.portrait(clear=1) # Change the VCS Canvas to portrait and clear the page >>> a.portrait(width = 337, height = 400) # Change to portrait and set the window size >>> a.portrait(x=100, y = 200) # Change to portrait and set the x and y screen position >>> a.portrait(width = 337, height = 400, x=100, y = 200, clear=1) # portrait, with more specifications %s %s :param x: Unused. :type x: None :param y: Unused. :type y: None %s """ if (self.orientation() == 'portrait'): return if (((not isinstance(width, int))) or ((not isinstance(height, int))) or ((not isinstance(x, int))) or ((not isinstance(y, int))) or ((width != -99) and (width < 0)) or ((height != -99) and (height < 0)) or ((x != -99) and (x < 0)) or ((y != -99) and (y < 0))): raise ValueError( 'If specified, width, height, x, and y must be integer values greater than or equal to 0.') if (((not isinstance(clear, int))) and (clear not in [0, 1])): raise ValueError( "clear must be: 0 - 'the default value for not clearing the canvas' or 1 - 'for clearing the canvas'.") if ((width == -99) and (height == -99) and (x == -99) and (y == -99) and (clear == 0)): cargs = () try: dict = self.canvasinfo(*cargs) except Exception: dict = {} height = dict.get('width', -99) width = dict.get('height', -99) x = dict.get('x', -99) y = dict.get('y', -99) self.flush() # update the canvas by processing all the X events args = (width, height, x, y, clear) p = self.backend.portrait(*args) return p
portrait.__doc__ = portrait.__doc__ % ( xmldocs.canvas_width, xmldocs.canvas_height, xmldocs.canvas_clear)
[docs] def ffmpeg(self, movie, files, bitrate=1024, rate=None, options=None): """MPEG output from a list of valid files. Can output to more than just mpeg format. .. note:: ffmpeg ALWAYS overwrites the output file .. admonition:: Audio configuration via the options arg you can add audio file to your movie (see ffmpeg help) :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_ffmpeg >>> a=vcs.init() >>> import cdms2 >>> f ='/') >>> v = f('v') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> u = f('u') # use the data file to create a cdms2 slab >>> png_files = [] # for saving file names to make the mpeg >>> for i in range(10): # create a number of pngs to use for an mpeg ... a.clear() ... if (i%2): ... a.plot(u,v) ... else: ... a.plot(v,u) ... a.png('my_png__%i' % i) ... png_files.append('my_png__%i.png' % i) <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> >>> a.ffmpeg('m1.mpeg',png_files) # using list of files <vcs.Canvas.JupyterFFMPEG object at 0x...> >>> a.ffmpeg('m2.mpeg',png_files,bitrate=512) # 512kbit rate <vcs.Canvas.JupyterFFMPEG object at 0x...> >>> a.ffmpeg('m3.mpeg',png_files,rate=50) # 50 frames/second <vcs.Canvas.JupyterFFMPEG object at 0x...> :param movie: Output video file name :type movie: `str`_ :param files: String name of a file, or a list or tuple of multiple file names :type files: `str`_, `list`_, or :py:class:`tuple` :param rate: Desired output framerate :type rate: `str`_ :param options: Additional FFMPEG arguments :type options: `str`_ :returns: A object that Jupyter notebook can display :rtype: JupyterFFMPEG """ args = ["ffmpeg", "-y"] if rate is not None: args.extend(("-framerate", str(rate))) if isinstance(files, (list, tuple)): test_file = files[0] rnd = "%s/.uvcdat/__uvcdat_%i" % ( os.path.expanduser("~"), numpy.random.randint(600000000)) Files = [] for i, f in enumerate(files): fnm = "%s_%i.png" % (rnd, i) shutil.copy(f, fnm) Files.append(fnm) args.extend(("-i", "%s_%%d.png" % rnd)) elif isinstance(files, str): # Extract formatter percent_re = re.compile(r"(%0*d)") str_format = if str_format is not None: prefix, group, suffix = percent_re.split(files, maxsplit=1) numeric_length = len("0")) - 1 path, pre = os.path.split(prefix) if path == '': path = "." file_names = os.listdir(path) for f in file_names: # Make sure it starts with the "before number" part if not f.startswith(pre): continue # Make sure the length is correct if len(f) != len(pre) + numeric_length + len(suffix): continue # Iterate the numeric section for i in range(len(pre), len(pre) + numeric_length): try: int(f[i]) except ValueError: # Invalid character found, exit the loop break else: # Make sure the ending is correct if f.endswith(suffix): test_file = os.path.join(path, f) # We found a test file, we can stop now break else: test_file = False args.extend(('-i', files)) args.extend(("-pix_fmt", "yuv420p")) if test_file is not False: # H264 requires even numbered heights and widths width, height = self.backend.png_dimensions(test_file) if width % 2 == 1: width = width + 1 if height % 2 == 1: height = height + 1 args.extend(("-vf", "scale=%d:%d" % (width, height))) if options is not None: args.append(options) args.append(movie) result = if isinstance(files, (list, tuple)): for f in Files: os.remove(f) return JupyterFFMPEG(movie, result)
[docs] def getantialiasing(self): """Returns the current antialiasing rate for the canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_getantialiasing >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.setantialiasing(0) # turn off antialiasing >>> a.getantialiasing() # will return current antialiasing rate 0 :return: antialiasing rate for the canvas :rtype: int """ return self.backend.getantialiasing()
[docs] def setantialiasing(self, antialiasing): """Sets the antialiasing rate for the canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_setantialiasing >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.setantialiasing(20) >>> a.getantialiasing() 20 :param antialiasing: Integer from 0-64, representing the antialising rate (0 means no antialiasing). :type antialiasing: `int`_ """ self.backend.setantialiasing(antialiasing)
[docs] def setbgoutputdimensions(self, width=None, height=None, units='inches'): """Sets dimensions for output in bg mode. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_setbgoutputdimensions >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.setbgoutputdimensions(width=11.5, height= 8.5) # US Legal >>> a.setbgoutputdimensions(width=21, height=29.7, units='cm') # A4 %s %s %s """ if units not in [ 'inches', 'in', 'cm', 'mm', 'pixel', 'pixels', 'dot', 'dots']: raise Exception( "units must be on of inches, in, cm, mm, pixel(s) or dot(s)") W, H = self._compute_width_height( width, height, units) # in pixels? self.width = W self.height = H return
# display ping setbgoutputdimensions.__doc__ = setbgoutputdimensions.__doc__ % (xmldocs.output_width, xmldocs.output_height, xmldocs.output_units)
[docs] def put_png_on_canvas( self, filename, zoom=1, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, units="percent", fitToHeight=True, *args, **kargs): """Display a PNG file on the canvas :Example: .. doctest:: manageElements_put_png_on_canvas >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array=[range(10) for i in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.png("bars.png") # make a png named 'bars.png' >>> a.clear() # clear the bars off the canvas >>> a.put_png_on_canvas("bars.png") # put 'bars.png' on canvas :param file: Input image filename :type file: `str`_ :param zoom: scale factor :type zoom: `int`_ :param xOffset: Horizontal Offset :type xOffset: float :param yOffset: Vertical Offset :type yOffset: float :param units: Specifies the units used for x and y Offsets. One of ['percent','pixels']. :type units: `str`_ :param fitToHeight: If True, fits the picture (before scaling) to the canvas full height, if False then use png original size. :type fitToHeight: bool """ self.backend.put_png_on_canvas( filename, zoom, xOffset, yOffset, units, fitToHeight, *args, **kargs)
[docs] def png(self, file, width=None, height=None, units=None, draw_white_background=True, provenance=False, **args): """PNG output, dimensions set via setbgoutputdimensions :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_png >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.png('example') # Overwrite a png file %s %s %s %s :param draw_white_background: Boolean value indicating if the background should be white. Defaults to True. :type draw_white_background: bool """ base = os.path.dirname(file) if base != "" and not os.path.exists(base): raise vcsError("Output path: %s does not exist" % base) if units not in [ 'inches', 'in', 'cm', 'mm', None, 'pixel', 'pixels', 'dot', 'dots']: raise Exception( "units must be on of inches, in, cm, mm, pixel(s) or dot(s)") W, H = self._compute_width_height( width, height, units, background=True) if provenance is True: provenance = cdat_info.generateProvenance(history=True) if isinstance(provenance, dict): metadata = args.get("metadata", {}) provenance_in = metadata.get("provenance", None) if provenance_in is not None: provenance["user_provenance"] = provenance_in metadata["provenance"] = provenance args["metadata"] = metadata elif provenance is not False: raise RuntimeError("provenance to vcs png must be boolean or dict, you passed: {}".format(provenance)) return self.backend.png( file, W, H, units, draw_white_background, **args)
png.__doc__ = png.__doc__ % (xmldocs.output_file, xmldocs.output_width, xmldocs.output_height, xmldocs.output_units)
[docs] def pdf(self, file, width=None, height=None, units='inches', textAsPaths=True): """PDF output is another form of vector graphics. .. note:: The textAsPaths parameter preserves custom fonts, but text can no longer be edited in the file :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_pdf >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.pdf('example') # Overwrite a postscript file >>> a.pdf('example', width=11.5, height= 8.5) # US Legal >>> a.pdf('example', width=21, height=29.7, units='cm') # A4 %s %s %s %s :param textAsPaths: Specifies whether to render text objects as paths. :type textAsPaths: bool """ if units not in [ 'inches', 'in', 'cm', 'mm', 'pixel', 'pixels', 'dot', 'dots']: raise Exception( "units must be on of inches, in, cm, mm, pixel(s) or dot(s)") W, H = self._compute_width_height( width, height, units, background=True) if not file.split('.')[-1].lower() in ['pdf']: file += '.pdf' return self.backend.pdf(file, width=W, height=H, units=units, textAsPaths=textAsPaths)
pdf.__doc__ = pdf.__doc__ % (xmldocs.output_file, xmldocs.output_width, xmldocs.output_height, xmldocs.output_units)
[docs] def svg(self, file, width=None, height=None, units='inches', textAsPaths=True): """SVG output is another form of vector graphics. .. note:: The textAsPaths parameter preserves custom fonts, but text can no longer be edited in the file :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_svg >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.svg('example') # Overwrite a postscript file >>> a.svg('example', width=11.5, height= 8.5) # US Legal >>> a.svg('example', width=21, height=29.7, units='cm') # A4 %s %s %s %s :param textAsPaths: Specifies whether to render text objects as paths. :type textAsPaths: bool """ if units not in [ 'inches', 'in', 'cm', 'mm', 'pixel', 'pixels', 'dot', 'dots']: raise Exception( "units must be on of inches, in, cm, mm, pixel(s) or dot(s)") W, H = self._compute_width_height( width, height, units, background=True) if not file.split('.')[-1].lower() in ['svg']: file += '.svg' return self.backend.svg(file, width=W, height=H, units=units, textAsPaths=textAsPaths)
svg.__doc__ = svg.__doc__ % (xmldocs.output_file, xmldocs.output_width, xmldocs.output_height, xmldocs.output_units) def _compute_margins( self, W, H, top_margin, bottom_margin, right_margin, left_margin, dpi): try: ci = self.canvasinfo() height = ci['height'] width = ci['width'] factor = 1. / 72 size = float(width) / float(height) except Exception: factor = 1. if self.size is None: size = 1.2941176470588236 else: size = self.size if bottom_margin is not None: bottom_margin = bottom_margin * factor if left_margin is not None: left_margin = left_margin * factor if right_margin is not None: right_margin = right_margin * factor if top_margin is not None: top_margin = top_margin * factor # now for sure factor is 1. factor = 1. if left_margin is None and right_margin is None and top_margin is None and bottom_margin is None: # default margins left_margin = .25 right_margin = .25 top_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi bottom_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - top_margin bottom_margin = (top_margin + bottom_margin) / 2. top_margin = bottom_margin # bottom_defined elif left_margin is None and right_margin is None and top_margin is None: left_margin = .25 right_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi top_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - bottom_margin # top_defined elif left_margin is None and right_margin is None and bottom_margin is None: left_margin = .25 right_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi bottom_margin = (H) / dpi - top_margin # right defined elif top_margin is None and bottom_margin is None and left_margin is None: left_margin = .25 top_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi bottom_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - top_margin # left defined elif top_margin is None and bottom_margin is None and right_margin is None: right_margin = .25 top_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi bottom_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - top_margin # left defined and bottom elif top_margin is None and right_margin is None: right_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi top_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - bottom_margin # right defined and bottom elif top_margin is None and left_margin is None: left_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi top_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - bottom_margin # right defined and top elif bottom_margin is None and left_margin is None: left_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi bottom_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - top_margin # left defined and top elif bottom_margin is None and right_margin is None: right_margin = .25 twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi bottom_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - top_margin # all but bottom elif bottom_margin is None: twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi bottom_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - top_margin # all but top elif top_margin is None: twidth = W - (left_margin + right_margin) * dpi top_margin = (H - twidth / size) / dpi - bottom_margin # all but right elif right_margin is None: theight = H - (top_margin + bottom_margin) * dpi right_margin = (W - theight * size) / dpi + left_margin # all but left elif left_margin is None: theight = H - (top_margin + bottom_margin) * dpi left_margin = (W - theight * size) / dpi + right_margin return top_margin, bottom_margin, right_margin, left_margin
[docs] def isopened(self): """Returns a boolean value indicating whether the canvas is opened or not. :Example: .. doctest:: convas_isopened >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.isopened() # canvas defaults to being closed False >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp object at 0x...> >>> a.isopened() # plotting opened the canvas True :returns: A boolean value indicating whether the Canvas is opened (1), or closed (0) :rtype: bool """ return self.backend.isopened()
def _compute_width_height( self, width, height, units, ps=False, background=False): dpi = 72. # dot per inches if units in ["in", "inches"]: factor = 1. elif units == 'cm': factor = 0.393700787 elif units == 'mm': factor = 0.0393700787 else: factor = 1. / 72 sfactor = factor if width is None and height is None: if self.isopened() and not background: try: ci = self.canvasinfo() height = ci['height'] width = ci['width'] sfactor = 1. / 72. if ps is True: ratio = width / float(height) if self.size == 1.4142857142857141: # A4 output width = 29.7 sfactor = 0.393700787 height = 21. elif self.size == 1. / 1.4142857142857141: width = 21. sfactor = 0.393700787 height = 29.7 else: sfactor = 1. if ratio > 1: width = 11. height = width / ratio else: height = 11. width = height * ratio except Exception: # canvas never opened if self.size is None: sfactor = 1. height = 8.5 width = 11. elif self.size == 1.4142857142857141: sfactor = 0.393700787 width = 29.7 height = 21. else: sfactor = 1. height = 8.5 width = self.size * height else: width = self.width height = self.height elif width is None: if self.size is None: width = 1.2941176470588236 * height else: width = self.size * height elif height is None: if self.size is None: height = width / 1.2941176470588236 else: height = width / self.size W = int(width * dpi * sfactor) H = int(height * dpi * sfactor) if (self.isportrait() and W > H) \ or (self.islandscape() and H > W): tmp = W W = H H = tmp return W, H
[docs] def postscript(self, file, mode='r', orientation=None, width=None, height=None, units='inches', textAsPaths=True): """Postscript output is another form of vector graphics. It is larger than its CGM output counter part, because it is stored out in ASCII format. There are two modes for saving a postscript file: 'Append' (a) mode appends postscript output to an existing postscript file; and 'Replace' (r) mode overwrites an existing postscript file with new postscript output. The default mode is to overwrite an existing postscript file. .. note:: The textAsPaths parameter preserves custom fonts, but text can no longer be edited in the file :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_postscript >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.postscript('example') # Overwrite a postscript file >>> a.postscript('example', 'a') # Append postscript to an existing file >>> a.postscript('example', 'r') # Overwrite an existing file >>> a.postscript('example', mode='a') # Append postscript to an existing file >>> a.postscript('example', width=11.5, height= 8.5) # US Legal (default) >>> a.postscript('example', width=21, height=29.7, units='cm') # A4 %s :param mode: The mode in which to open the file. One of 'r' or 'a'. When mode is 'r', file will be opened in replace mode. When mode is 'a', file will be opened in append mode. :type mode: `str`_ %s %s %s :param textAsPaths: Specifies whether to render text objects as paths. :type textAsPaths: bool """ if units not in [ 'inches', 'in', 'cm', 'mm', 'pixel', 'pixels', 'dot', 'dots']: raise Exception( "units must be on of inches, in, cm, mm, pixel(s) or dot(s)") # figures out width/height W, H = self._compute_width_height( width, height, units, ps=True, background=True) # orientation keyword is useless left for backward compatibility if not file.split('.')[-1].lower() in ['ps', 'eps']: file += '.ps' if mode == 'r': return self.backend.postscript( file, W, H, units="pixels", textAsPaths=textAsPaths) else: n = random.randint(0, 10000000000000) psnm = '/tmp/' + '__VCS__tmp__' + str(n) + '.ps' self.backend.postscript(psnm, W, H, units="pixels") if os.path.exists(file): f = open(file, 'r+'), 2) # goes to end of file f2 = open(psnm) f.writelines(f2.readlines()) f2.close() f.close() os.remove(psnm) else: shutil.move(psnm, file)
postscript.__doc__ = postscript.__doc__ % (xmldocs.output_file, xmldocs.output_width, xmldocs.output_height, xmldocs.output_units) def _scriptrun(self, *args): return vcs._scriptrun(*args)
[docs] def scriptrun(self, aFile, *args, **kargs): """ Given the path to a script containing a VCS object, scriptrun runs that script to build the object. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_scriptrun >>> b=vcs.createboxfill('new_box') >>> b.script('new_box') # json representation of 'new_box' >>> bfs=vcs.listelements('boxfill') # list all boxfills >>> i=bfs.index('new_box') >>> bfs[i] # shows 'new_box' exists 'new_box' >>> vcs.removeobject(b) # remove new_box 'Removed boxfill object new_box' >>> bfs=vcs.listelements('boxfill') # list all boxfills >>> try: ... bfs.index('new_box') ... except Exception: ... print ("boxfill 'new_box' doesn't exist") boxfill 'new_box' doesn't exist >>> vcs.scriptrun('new_box.json') # re-creates 'new_box' >>> bfs=vcs.listelements('boxfill') # list all boxfills >>> i=bfs.index('new_box') >>> bfs[i] # shows 'new_box' exists (again) 'new_box' :param aFile: String representing the path to a the script. :type aFile: str """ vcs.scriptrun(aFile, *args, **kargs)
[docs] def setcolormap(self, name): """It is necessary to change the colormap. This routine will change the VCS color map. If the the visual display is 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit TrueColor, then a redrawing of the VCS Canvas is made every time the colormap is changed. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_setcolormap >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.setcolormap("AMIP") >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> :param name: Name of the colormap to use :type name: `str`_ """ # Don't update the VCS segment if there is no Canvas. This condition # happens in the initalize function for VCDAT only. This will cause a # core dump is not checked. # try: # updateVCSsegments_flag = args[1] # except Exception: # updateVCSsegments_flag = 1 self.colormap = name self.update() return
[docs] def setcolorcell(self, *args): """Set a individual color cell in the active colormap. If default is the active colormap, then return an error string. If the the visul display is 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit TrueColor, then a redrawing of the VCS Canvas is made evertime the color cell is changed. Note, the user can only change color cells 0 through 239 and R,G,B value must range from 0 to 100. Where 0 represents no color intensity and 100 is the greatest color intensity. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_setcolorcell >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(1, 11) for _ in range(1, 11)] >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.setcolormap("AMIP") >>> a.setcolorcell(11,0,0,0) >>> a.setcolorcell(21,100,0,0) >>> a.setcolorcell(31,0,100,0) >>> a.setcolorcell(41,0,0,100) >>> a.setcolorcell(51,100,100,100) >>> a.setcolorcell(61,70,70,70) >>> a.plot(array,'default','isofill','quick') <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> """ a = vcs.setcolorcell(self.colormap, *args) return a
[docs] def setcontinentsline(self, line="default"): """One has the option of configuring the appearance of the lines used to draw continents by providing a VCS Line object. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_setcontinentsline >>> a = vcs.init() >>> line = vcs.createline() >>> line.width = 5 >>> a.setcontinentsline(line) # Use custom continents line >>> a.setcontinentsline("default") # Use default line :param line: Line to use for drawing continents. Can be a string name of a line, or a VCS line object :type line: `str`_ or :py:class:`vcs.line.Tl` """ linename = VCS_validation_functions.checkLine( self, "continentsline", line) line = vcs.getline(linename) self._continents_line = line
[docs] def getcontinentsline(self): """Returns the continents line associated with the canvas. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_getcontinentsline >>> a=vcs.init() >>> cl=a.getcontinentsline() # should be the default >>> 'default' :return: The line object associated with the canvas's continents_line property :rtype: vcs.line.Tl """ if self._continents_line is None: return vcs.getline("default") else: return self._continents_line
def _continentspath(self, continentsPath): try: path = VCS_validation_functions.checkContinents( self, continentsPath) if path is None and continentsPath != 0: return VCS_validation_functions.checkContinents(self, 1) else: return path except Exception: return VCS_validation_functions.checkContinents(self, 1)
[docs] def gif(self, filename='noname.gif', merge='r', orientation=None, geometry='1600x1200'): """In some cases, the user may want to save the plot out as a gif image. This routine allows the user to save the VCS canvas output as a SUN gif file. This file can be converted to other gif formats with the aid of xv and other such imaging tools found freely on the web. By default, the page orientation is in Landscape mode (l). To translate the page orientation to portrait mode (p), set the orientation = 'p'. The GIF command is used to create or append to a gif file. There are two modes for saving a gif file: 'Append' mode (a) appends gif output to an existing gif file; 'Replace' (r) mode overwrites an existing gif file with new gif output. The default mode is to overwrite an existing gif file (i.e. mode (r)). .. attention:: This function does not currently work. It will be implemented in the future. .. pragma: skip-doctest REMOVE WHEN IT WORKS AGAIN! """ if orientation is None: orientation = self.orientation()[0] g = geometry.split('x') f1 = f1 = float(g[0]) / 1100.0 * 100.0 f2 = f2 = float(g[1]) / 849.85 * 100.0 geometry = "%4.1fx%4.1f" % (f2, f1) nargs = ('gif', filename, merge, orientation, geometry) return self.backend.gif(nargs)
def gs(self, filename='', device='png256', orientation=None, resolution='792x612'): warnings.warn( "Export to GhostScript is no longer supported", vcs.VCSDeprecationWarning)
[docs] def eps(self, file, mode='r', orientation=None, width=None, height=None, units='inches', textAsPaths=True): """In some cases, the user may want to save the plot out as an Encapsulated PostScript image. This routine allows the user to save the VCS canvas output as an Encapsulated PostScript file. This file can be converted to other image formats with the aid of xv and other such imaging tools found freely on the web. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_eps >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.postscript('example') # Overwrite a postscript file >>> a.postscript('example', 'a') # Append postscript to an existing file >>> a.postscript('example', 'r') # Overwrite an existing file >>> a.postscript('example', mode='a') # Append postscript to an existing file >>> a.postscript('example', width=11.5, height= 8.5) # US Legal (default) >>> a.postscript('example', width=21, height=29.7, units='cm') # A4 %s :param mode: The mode in which to open the file. One of 'r' or 'a'. :type mode: `str`_ %s %s %s """ ext = file.split(".")[-1] if ext.lower() != 'eps': file = file + '.eps' num = numpy.random.randint(100000000000) tmpfile = "/tmp/" % num if mode == 'a' and os.path.exists(file): os.rename(file, tmpfile) self.postscript( tmpfile, mode, orientation, width, height, units, textAsPaths) os.popen("ps2epsi %s %s" % (tmpfile, file)).readlines() os.remove(tmpfile)
eps.__doc__ = eps.__doc__ % (xmldocs.output_file, xmldocs.output_width, xmldocs.output_height, xmldocs.output_units)
[docs] def show(self, *args): return*args)
show.__doc__ =
[docs] def saveinitialfile(self): """At start-up, VCS reads a script file named initial.attributes that defines the initial appearance of the VCS Interface. Although not required to run VCS, this initial.attributes file contains many predefined settings to aid the beginning user of VCS. :Example: .. code-block:: python a=vcs.init() box=vcs.createboxfill('m_box') line=vcs.createline('m_line') a.saveinitialfile() # m_line, m_box saved for future sessions .. warning:: This removes first ALL objects generated automatically (i.e. whose name starts with '__'). To preserve these, rename objects first e.g.: .. doctest:: canvas_saveinitial_warning >>> b=vcs.createboxfill() >>> b.rename('MyBoxfill') # graphic method is now preserved """ self.clean_auto_generated_objects() return vcs.saveinitialfile()
[docs] def raisecanvas(self, *args): """Raise the VCS Canvas to the top of all open windows. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_raisecanvas >>> a=vcs.init() >>> >>> a.raisecanvas() # canvas should now be at the top """ return self.backend.raisecanvas(*args)
[docs] def islandscape(self): """Indicates if VCS's orientation is landscape. Returns a 1 if orientation is landscape. Otherwise, it will return a 0, indicating false (not in landscape mode). :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_islandscape >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> if a.islandscape(): ... a.portrait() # Set VCS's orientation to portrait mode :returns: Integer indicating VCS is in landscape mode (1), or not (0) :rtype: `int`_ """ if (self.orientation() == 'landscape'): return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def isportrait(self): """Indicates if VCS's orientation is portrait. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_isportrait >>> a=vcs.init() >>> array = [range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(array) <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> if a.isportrait(): ... a.landscape() # Set VCS's orientation to landscape mode :returns: Returns a 1 if orientation is portrait, or 0 if not in portrait mode :rtype: bool """ if (self.orientation() == 'portrait'): return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def getplot(self, Dp_name_src='default', template=None): """This function will create a display plot object from an existing display plot object from an existing VCS plot. If no display plot name is given, then None is returned. :param Dp_name_src: String name of an existing display plot object :type Dp_name_src: `str`_ :param template: The displayplot template to inherit from :type template: :returns: A VCS displayplot object :rtype: vcs.displayplot.Dp .. attention:: This function does not currently work. It will be implemented in the future. .. pragma: skip-doctest REMOVE WHEN IT WORKS AGAIN! """ if not isinstance(Dp_name_src, str): raise ValueError('Error - The argument must be a string.') Dp_name = None display = displayplot.Dp(self, Dp_name, Dp_name_src, 1) if template is not None: display._template_origin = template return display
[docs] def createcolormap(self, Cp_name=None, Cp_name_src='default'): return vcs.createcolormap(Cp_name, Cp_name_src)
createcolormap.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.createcolormap.__doc__
[docs] def getcolormap(self, Cp_name_src='default'): return vcs.getcolormap(Cp_name_src)
getcolormap.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getcolormap.__doc__
[docs] def addfont(self, path, name=""): """Add a font to VCS. :param path: Path to the font file you wish to add (must be .ttf) :type path: `str`_ :param name: Name to use to represent the font. :type name: `str`_ .. pragma: skip-doctest If you can reliably test it, please do. """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError('Error - The font path does not exists') if os.path.isdir(path): dir_files = [] files = [] if name == "": subfiles = os.listdir(path) for file in subfiles: dir_files.append(os.path.join(path, file)) elif name == 'r': for root, dirs, subfiles in os.walk(path): for file in subfiles: dir_files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) for f in dir_files: if f.lower()[-3:]in ['ttf', 'pfa', 'pfb']: files.append([f, ""]) else: files = [[path, name], ] nms = [] for f in files: fnm, name = f if name.strip() == "": name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fnm))[0] i = max(vcs.elements["fontNumber"].keys()) + 1 vcs.elements["font"][name] = fnm vcs.elements["fontNumber"][i] = name nms.append(name) if len(nms) == 0: raise vcsError('No font Loaded') elif len(nms) > 1: return nms else: return nms[0]
[docs] def getfontnumber(self, name): return vcs.getfontnumber(name)
getfontnumber.__doc__ = vcs.utils.getfontnumber.__doc__
[docs] def getfontname(self, number): return vcs.getfontname(number)
getfontname.__doc__ = vcs.utils.getfontname.__doc__
[docs] def getfont(self, font): return vcs.getfont(font)
getfont.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.getfont.__doc__
[docs] def switchfonts(self, font1, font2): vcs.switchfonts(font1, font2)
switchfonts.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.switchfonts.__doc__
[docs] def copyfontto(self, font1, font2): vcs.copyfontto(font1, font2)
copyfontto.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.copyfontto.__doc__
[docs] def setdefaultfont(self, font): vcs.setdefaultfont(font)
setdefaultfont.__doc__ = vcs.manageElements.setdefaultfont.__doc__
[docs] def orientation(self, *args, **kargs): """Return canvas orientation. The current implementation does not use any args or kargs. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_orientation >>> a=vcs.init() >>> a.orientation() # Show current orientation of the canvas 'landscape' :returns: A string indicating the orientation of the canvas, i.e. 'landscape' or 'portrait' :rtype: `str`_ """ return self.backend.orientation(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def getcolorcell(self, *args): return vcs.getcolorcell(args[0], self)
getcolorcell.__doc__ = vcs.utils.getcolorcell.__doc__
[docs] def getcolormapname(self): """Returns the name of the colormap this canvas is set to use by default. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_getcolormapname >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'colormap') *******************Colormap Names List********************** ... *******************End Colormap Names List********************** >>> a.setcolormap('rainbow') # set canvas's default colormap >>> a.getcolormapname() 'rainbow' To set that colormap, use :py:func:`setcolormap`. """ if self.colormap is None: return vcs._colorMap return self.colormap
[docs] def dummy_user_action(self, *args, **kargs): """Given args and kargs, prints the arguments and keyword arguments associated with those parameters. Use this function to test what args and kargs are, if you're unsure. :Example: .. doctest:: canvas_dummy_user_action >>> a=vcs.init() >>> dua=a.dummy_user_action # alias long name >>> dua("falafel", 37, the_answer=42) Arguments: ('falafel', 37) Keywords: {'the_answer': 42} :param args: Any number of arguments, without a keyword specifier. :type args: any :param kargs: Any number of keyword arguments, associated with any number of data (i.e. kwd1="a string", kwd2=42). :type kargs: any """ print('Arguments:', args) print('Keywords:', kargs) return None
def change_date_time(tv, number): timeaxis = tv.getTime() if timeaxis is not None: try: tobj = cdtime.reltime(timeaxis[number], timeaxis.units) cobj = tobj.tocomp(timeaxis.getCalendar()) = '%s/%s/%s\0' % (cobj.year, cobj.month, tv.time = '%s:%s:%s\0' % (cobj.hour, cobj.minute, cobj.second) except Exception: # noqa pass