Source code for vcs.taylor

# Adapted for numpy/ma/cdms2 by
from __future__ import print_function
import vcs
import numpy
import cdms2
from . import VCS_validation_functions
import MV2
import copy
import warnings
from .xmldocs import scriptdocs

def process_src(name, code):
    # Now break the string
    # now gets the name and prepare the graphics method
    if name != 'default':  # we cannot change default
            td = Gtd(name)
        except Exception as err:
            print("Err:", err)
            td = vcs.elements["taylordiagram"][name]
        sp = code.split(';')  # breaks the thing into different attributes
        imark = 0
        for a in sp:  # the last one is ')'
            sp2 = a.split('=')
            if sp2[0].strip() == 'Marker':
                imark = 1
            if len(sp2) == 2:
                if imark:
                    setattr(td.Marker, sp2[0].strip(), eval(sp2[1]))
                    setattr(td, sp2[0].strip(), eval(sp2[1]))

def createnewvcsobj(canvas, type, basenm, src='default', src2='default'):
    ii = 0
    nm = basenm + str(ii)
    if type != 'text':
        nms = canvas.listelements(type)
        nms = canvas.listelements('texttable')
    while nm in nms:
        ii += 1
        nm = basenm + str(ii)
        out = None  # so that flake8 is happy
        if type != 'text':
            loc = locals()
            exec('out=canvas.create' + type + '("' + nm + '","' + src + '")')
            out = loc["out"]
            loc = locals()
                'out=canvas.create' +
                type +
                '("' +
                nm +
                '","' +
                src +
                '","' +
                nm +
                '","' +
                src2 +
            out = loc["out"]

    if type == 'text':
        tmptt = canvas.gettexttable(src)
        tmpto = canvas.gettextorientation(src2)
        out.halign = tmpto.halign
        out.valign = tmpto.valign
        out.height = tmpto.height
        out.angle = tmpto.angle
        out.path = tmpto.path
        out.font = tmptt.font
        out.spacing = tmptt.spacing
        out.expansion = tmptt.expansion
        out.color = tmptt.color
    elif type == 'line':
        ln = canvas.getline(src)
        out.type = ln.type
        out.width = ln.width
        out.color = ln.color
    return out

[docs]class TDMarker(vcs.bestMatch): """class""" __slots__ = [ '_status', '_line', '_id', '_id_size', '_id_color', '_id_font', '_id_location', '_symbol', '_color', '_size', '_xoffset', '_yoffset', '_line_color', '_line_size', '_line_type', '_number', 'name', ] def __getstate__(self): return { 'name':, 'status': self.status, 'line': self.line, 'id':, 'id_size': self.id_size, 'id_color': self.id_color, 'id_location': self.id_location, 'id_font': self.id_font, 'symbol': self.symbol, 'color': self.color, 'size': self.size, 'xoffset': self.xoffset, 'yoffset': self.yoffset, 'line_color': self.line_color, 'line_size': self.line_size, 'line_type': self.line_type, 'number': self.number} def __setstate__(self, dict): for k in list(dict.keys()): setattr(self, k, dict[k]) def __init__(self): = 'marker' self._status = [] self._line = [] self._id = [] self._id_size = [] self._id_color = [] self._id_font = [] self._id_location = [] self._symbol = [] self._color = [] self._size = [] self._xoffset = [] self._yoffset = [] self._line_color = [] self._line_size = [] self._line_type = [] self._number = 0 def __len__(self): self.equalize() return self._number def checklineconnectingtype(self, dummy, name, v): if isinstance(v, str): if not v.lower() in ['line', 'tail', 'head', 'none']: raise ValueError( "Error you can only set line to None (0), 'tail' (1), 'line' (2) or 'head' (3) " + v + 'is not valid') else: v = v.lower() if v == 'none': return None else: return v elif isinstance(v, int): if v > 3: raise ValueError( "Error you can only set line to None (0), 'tail' (1), 'line' (2) or 'head' (3)") else: if v == 0: return None elif v == 1: return 'tail' elif v == 2: return 'line' else: return 'head' elif v is not None: raise ValueError( "Error you can only set line to None (0), 'tail' (1), 'line' (2) or 'head' (3)") def _getstatus(self): return self._status def _setstatus(self, value): self._status = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'status', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkOnOff) status = property(_getstatus, _setstatus) def _getline(self): return self._line def _setline(self, value): self._line = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'line', value, self.checklineconnectingtype) line = property(_getline, _setline) def _getid(self): return self._id def _setid(self, value): self._id = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'id', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkString) id = property(_getid, _setid) def _getidlocation(self): return self._id_location def _setidlocation(self, values): good = [] VCS_validation_functions.checkListTuple(self, "id_location", values) for value in values: if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInStringsListInt(self, "id_location", value, ["both", "plot", "legend"]) good.append(value) self._id_location = good id_location = property(_getidlocation, _setidlocation) def _getid_color(self): return self._id_color def _setid_color(self, value): self._id_color = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'id_color', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkColor) id_color = property(_getid_color, _setid_color) def _getid_size(self): return self._id_size def _setid_size(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'id_size', value, minvalue=0, ints=False) if value is not None: self._id_size = value id_size = property(_getid_size, _setid_size) def _getid_font(self): return self._id_font def _setid_font(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'id_font', value, minvalue=1, maxvalue=9, ints=True) if value is not None: self._id_font = value id_font = property(_getid_font, _setid_font) def _getsymbol(self): return self._symbol def _setsymbol(self, value): self._symbol = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'symbol', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkMarker) symbol = property(_getsymbol, _setsymbol) def _getcolor(self): return self._color def _setcolor(self, value): self._color = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'color', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkColor) color = property(_getcolor, _setcolor) def _getsize(self): return self._size def _setsize(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'size', value, minvalue=0, ints=False) if value is not None: self._size = value size = property(_getsize, _setsize) def _getxoffset(self): return self._xoffset def _setxoffset(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'xoffset', value) if value is not None: self._xoffset = value xoffset = property(_getxoffset, _setxoffset) def _getyoffset(self): return self._yoffset def _setyoffset(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'yoffset', value) if value is not None: self._yoffset = value yoffset = property(_getyoffset, _setyoffset) def _getline_color(self): return self._line_color def _setline_color(self, value): self._line_color = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'line_color', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkColor) line_color = property(_getline_color, _setline_color) def _getline_size(self): return self._line_size def _setline_size(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'line_size', value, minvalue=1) if value is not None: self._line_size = value line_size = property(_getline_size, _setline_size) def _getline_type(self): return self._line_type def _setline_type(self, value): self._line_type = VCS_validation_functions.checkElements( self, 'line_type', value, VCS_validation_functions.checkLineType) line_type = property(_getline_type, _setline_type) def _getnumber(self): return self._number def _setnumber(self, value): self._number = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt(self, 'number', value) number = property(_getnumber, _setnumber) def pop(self, i): self.status.pop(i) self.line.pop(i) self.id_size.pop(i) self.id_color.pop(i) self.id_font.pop(i) self.symbol.pop(i) self.color.pop(i) self.size.pop(i) self.xoffset.pop(i) self.yoffset.pop(i) self.line_color.pop(i) self.line_size.pop(i) self.line_type.pop(i) def list(self): print(' status = ', self.status) print(' line = ', self.line) print(' id = ', print(' id_size = ', self.id_size) print(' id_color = ', self.id_color) print(' id_font = ', self.id_font) print(' id_location = ', self.id_location) print(' symbol = ', self.symbol) print(' color = ', self.color) print(' size = ', self.size) print(' xoffset = ', self.xoffset) print(' yoffset = ', self.yoffset) print(' line_color = ', self.line_color) print(' line_size = ', self.line_size) print(' line_type = ', self.line_type) def insert(self, i): self.status.insert(i, self.status[i]) self.line.insert(i, self.line[i]),[i]) self.id_size.insert(i, self.id_size[i]) self.id_color.insert(i, self.id_color[i]) self.id_font.insert(i, self.id_font[i]) self.symbol.insert(i, self.symbol[i]) self.color.insert(i, self.color[i]) self.size.insert(i, self.size[i]) self.xoffset.insert(i, self.xoffset[i]) self.yoffset.insert(i, self.yoffset[i]) self.line_color.insert(i, self.line_color[i]) self.line_size.insert(i, self.line_size[i]) self.line_type.insert(i, self.line_type[i]) def addMarker(self, status='on', line=None, id='', id_size=None, id_color=None, id_font=None, symbol=None, color=None, size=None, xoffset=0., yoffset=0., line_color=None, line_size=None, line_type=None, id_location=None): if self._number == 0: # first marker ever ! if symbol is None: symbol = 'dot' if color is None: color = 'black' if size is None: size = 0.7 if line_color is None: line_color = 'black' if line_size is None: line_size = 1. if line_type is None: line_type = 'solid' if id_size is None: id_size = 30 if id_color is None: id_color = color if id_font is None: id_font = 1 else: if line is None: line = self.line[-1] if symbol is None: symbol = self.symbol[-1] if color is None: color = self.color[-1] if size is None: size = self.size[-1] if line_color is None: line_color = self.line_color[-1] if line_size is None: line_size = self.line_size[-1] if line_type is None: line_type = self.line_type[-1] if id_size is None: id_size = self.id_size[-1] if id_color is None: id_color = color if id_font is None: id_font = self.id_font[-1] if id_location is None: id_location = self.id_location[-1] a = self.status a.append(status) self.status = a a = self.line a.append(line) self.line = a a = a.append(id) = a a = self.symbol a.append(symbol) self.symbol = a a = self.color a.append(color) self.color = a a = self.size a.append(size) self.size = a a = self.xoffset a.append(xoffset) self.xoffset = a a = self.yoffset a.append(yoffset) self.yoffset = a a = self.line_color a.append(line_color) self.line_color = a a = self.line_size a.append(line_size) self.line_size = a a = self.line_type a.append(line_type) self.line_type = a a = self.id_size a.append(id_size) self.id_size = a a = self.id_color a.append(id_color) self.id_color = a a = self.id_font a.append(id_font) self.id_font = a a = self.id_location a.append(id_location) self.id_location = a self._number += 1 if self._number != 0: self.equalize() return def eq(self, attr, n): tmp = getattr(self, attr) if len(tmp) >= n: return if len(tmp) == 0: m = TDMarker() m.addMarker() default = getattr(m, attr)[-1] tmp.append(default) while (len(tmp)) < n: tmp.append(tmp[-1]) else: setattr(self, attr, tmp)
[docs] def equalize(self): """ Make sure that we have the same amount of everything usage self.equalize() Also updates self.number """ attrs = [ 'status', 'line', 'id', 'symbol', 'color', 'size', 'id_size', 'id_color', 'xoffset', 'yoffset', 'id_font', 'id_location', 'line_color', 'line_size', 'line_type'] n = max(list(map(len, [getattr(self, x) for x in attrs]))) for attr in attrs: self.eq(attr, n) self._number = n
[docs]class Gtd(vcs.bestMatch): """ The Taylor Diagram graphics method (Gtd) is used to plot `Taylor diagrams`_ on a VCS Canvas. `Taylor diagrams`_ provide a way of graphically summarizing how closely a pattern matches observations. .. _Taylor diagrams: .. pragma: skip-doctest """ __slots__ = [ 'g_name', 'displays', 'bg', '_standard_deviation_label', '_stdmax', '_x', 'template', '_max', '_quadrans', 'preserveaspectratio', '_skillValues', '_skillDrawLabels', '_skillColor', '_skillCoefficient', '_idsLocation', 'outtervalue', '_detail', '_referencevalue', '_Marker', '_arrowbase', '_arrowlength', '_arrowangle', '_name', '_yticlabels1', '_xticlabels1', '_cticlabels1', '_ymtics1', '_xmtics1', '_cmtics1', '_viewport', '_worldcoordinate', ] def __init__(self, name, source="default"): self.template = None self._name = name self.g_name = 'Gtd' self._x = None if name == "default": # maximum value of the standard deviaton, copied to the value of # the outter circle self._max = None self._quadrans = 1 self.preserveaspectratio = 'y' self._skillValues = [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, .95] self._skillDrawLabels = 'y' self._skillColor = 'grey' self._skillCoefficient = [1., 1., 1., ] self._idsLocation = 0 self.outtervalue = None # where to draw the outter circle self._detail = 75 # for precision of skill dots self._referencevalue = 1. # inner circle # self._referencecolor='black' self._Marker = TDMarker() self._arrowlength = .05 self._arrowangle = 20. self._arrowbase = .75 self._yticlabels1 = '*' self._xticlabels1 = '*' self._cticlabels1 = '*' self._ymtics1 = '*' self._xmtics1 = '*' self._cmtics1 = '*' self._standard_deviation_label = "Standard Deviation" self.displays = [] else: if source not in list(vcs.elements["taylordiagram"].keys()): raise Exception( "the source taylordiagram %s doe not exist" % source) src = vcs.elements["taylordiagram"][source] self.max = src.max self.quadrans = src.quadrans self.preserveaspectratio = src.preserveaspectratio self.skillValues = src.skillValues self.skillDrawLabels = src.skillDrawLabels self.skillColor = src.skillColor self.skillCoefficient = src.skillCoefficient self.outtervalue = src.outtervalue self.idsLocation = src.idsLocation self.detail = src.detail self.referencevalue = src.referencevalue self.Marker = copy.deepcopy(src.Marker) self.arrowlength = src.arrowlength self.arrowangle = src.arrowangle self.arrowbase = src.arrowbase self.yticlabels1 = src.yticlabels1 self.xticlabels1 = src.xticlabels1 self.cticlabels1 = src.cticlabels1 self.ymtics1 = src.ymtics1 self.xmtics1 = src.xmtics1 self.cmtics1 = src.cmtics1 self.standard_deviation_label = src.standard_deviation_label self.displays = [] self.Marker.equalize() vcs.elements["taylordiagram"][name] = self def _getname(self): return self._name def _setname(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkname(self, 'name', value) if value is not None: self._name = value name = property(_getname, _setname) def _getmax(self): return self._max def _setmax(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'max', value, minvalue=0) self._max = value max = property(_getmax, _setmax) def _getquadrans(self): return self._quadrans def _setquadrans(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt( self, 'quadrans', value, minvalue=1, maxvalue=2) if value is not None: self._quadrans = value quadrans = property(_getquadrans, _setquadrans) def _getstdname(self): return self._standard_deviation_label def _setstdname(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkString( self, 'standard_deviation_label', value) self._standard_deviation_label = value standard_deviation_label = property(_getstdname, _setstdname) def _getskillvalues(self): return self._skillValues def _setskillvalues(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'skillValues', value) if value is not None: self._skillValues = value skillValues = property(_getskillvalues, _setskillvalues) def _getskillcolor(self): return self._skillColor def _setskillcolor(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkColor( self, 'skillColor', value) self._skillColor = value skillColor = property(_getskillcolor, _setskillcolor) def _getskillcoefficient(self): return self._skillCoefficient def _setskillcoefficient(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'skillCoefficient', value) if value is not None: self._skillCoefficient = value skillCoefficient = property(_getskillcoefficient, _setskillcoefficient) def _get_idsLocation(self): return self._idsLocation def _set_idsLocation(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInStringsListInt(self, "idsLocation", value, ["both", "plot", "legend"]) self._idsLocation = value idsLocation = property(_get_idsLocation, _set_idsLocation) def _getdetail(self): return self._detail def _setdetail(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkInt( self, 'detail', value, minvalue=0) if value is not None: self._detail = value detail = property(_getdetail, _setdetail) def _getreferencevalue(self): return self._referencevalue def _setreferencevalue(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'referencevalue', value, minvalue=0) if value is not None: self._referencevalue = value referencevalue = property(_getreferencevalue, _setreferencevalue) def _getskillcolor(self): return self._skillColor def _setskillcolor(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkColor(self, 'skillColor', value) if value is not None: self._skillColor = value skillColor = property(_getskillcolor, _setskillcolor) def _getMarker(self): return self._Marker def _setMarker(self, value): if not isinstance(value, TDMarker): raise ValueError('Error Marker must be an instance of TDMarker') else: self._Marker = value Marker = property(_getMarker, _setMarker) def _getarrowlength(self): return self._arrowlength def _setarrowlength(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'arrowlength', value, minvalue=0) if value is not None: self._arrowlength = value arrowlength = property(_getarrowlength, _setarrowlength) def _getarrowangle(self): return self._arrowangle def _setarrowangle(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'arrowangle', value, minvalue=- 360., maxvalue=360.) if value is not None: self._arrowangle = value arrowangle = property(_getarrowangle, _setarrowangle) def _getarrowbase(self): return self._arrowbase def _setarrowbase(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkNumber( self, 'arrowbase', value, minvalue=0., maxvalue=1.) if value is not None: self._arrowbase = value arrowbase = property(_getarrowbase, _setarrowbase) def _getskillDrawLabels(self): return self._skillDrawLabels def _setskillDrawLabels(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkYesNo( self, 'skillDrawLabels', value) if value is not None: self._skillDrawLabels = value skillDrawLabels = property(_getskillDrawLabels, _setskillDrawLabels) def _getxticlabels1(self): return self._xticlabels1 def _setxticlabels1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xticlabels1', value) self._xticlabels1 = value xticlabels1 = property(_getxticlabels1, _setxticlabels1) def _getxmtics1(self): return self._xmtics1 def _setxmtics1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xmtics1', value) self._xmtics1 = value xmtics1 = property(_getxmtics1, _setxmtics1) def _getyticlabels1(self): return self._yticlabels1 def _setyticlabels1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'yticlabels1', value) self._yticlabels1 = value yticlabels1 = property(_getyticlabels1, _setyticlabels1) def _getymtics1(self): return self._ymtics1 def _setymtics1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'ymtics1', value) self._ymtics1 = value ymtics1 = property(_getymtics1, _setymtics1) def _getcticlabels1(self): return self._cticlabels1 def _setcticlabels1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'cticlabels1', value) self._cticlabels1 = value cticlabels1 = property(_getcticlabels1, _setcticlabels1) def _getcmtics1(self): return self._cmtics1 def _setcmtics1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'cmtics1', value) self._cmtics1 = value cmtics1 = property(_getcmtics1, _setcmtics1)
[docs] def defaultSkillFunction(self, s, R): """ Provides a default function for determining the `skill`_ with which a model predicts observations. This function may be used in the function parameter of :py:func:`drawSkill`, although it may be preferable to provide a custom function for determining `skill`_, depending on the application. :param s: A float representing the standard deviation of a model. :type s: float :param R: A float representing the correlation of a model. :type R: float :returns: The `skill`_ of a model, computed using this function. :rtype: float .. _`skill`: .. pragma: skip-doctest TODO: add an example/doctest """ alpha = self.skillCoefficient[0] # default is 1. beta = self.skillCoefficient[1] # default is 1. R2 = self.skillCoefficient[2] # default is 1. sigma = s / self.referencevalue try: return numpy.exp(-alpha * (R2 - R) - 0.5 * beta * (sigma + 1.0 / sigma - 2.0)) except BaseException: return 1.E20
worldcoordinate = VCS_validation_functions.worldcoordinate viewport = VCS_validation_functions.viewport
[docs] def drawSkill(self, canvas, values, function=None): """ Draw a skill score. Default skill score provided in :py:func:`defaultSkillFunction` from Karl taylor, see `PCMDI report series 55`_ for more information on `Taylor diagrams`_ and `skill`_ . .. _`PCMDI report series 55` : .. note:: The function parameter must be provided for drawSkill to work. The :py:func:`defaultSkillFunction` provided in this module can be used to provide a default skill score. Be aware that, as stated in `PCMDI report series 55`_ section 5, it is not possible to define a single skill score that is appropriate for all models. It may be more suitable to create a custom function for determining the skill score of your model. :param canvas: A VCS Canvas object on which to draw the skill score. :type canvas: vcs.Canvas.Canvas :param values: A list/tuple used to specify the :py:attr:`levels <vcs.isoline.Gi.level>` of an :py:class:`isoline <vcs.isoline.Gi>` object. :type values: list/tuple :param function: A function for determining the skill score of a model. :type function: function .. pragma: skip-doctest TODO add an example/doctest """ if function is None: return color = self.skillColor a = MV2.ones((self.detail + 1, self.detail + 1), typecode=MV2.float) a = MV2.masked_equal(a, 1) v1 = [] v2 = [] # we generate data with range -self._stdmax, self._stdmax so # we want i/self.detail to vary between [0, 1] for i in range(self.detail + 1): x = float(i) / self.detail * self._stdmax * \ self.quadrans - self._stdmax * (self.quadrans - 1) v1.append(x) for j in range(self.detail + 1): y = float(j) / self.detail * self._stdmax if i == 0: v2.append(y) std = numpy.sqrt(float(x) ** 2. + float(y) ** 2.) if 0 < std < self._stdmax: cor = x / std a[j, i] = function(std, cor) iso = createnewvcsobj(canvas, 'isoline', 'td_new_') cols = [] c = VCS_validation_functions.checkColor(self, "color", color) for i in range(len(values)): cols.append(c) ttt = createnewvcsobj(canvas, 'text', 'sktay') # else: # ttt=canvas.gettext('skilltaylor','skilltaylor') ttt.color = c iso.text = [ttt, ] * len(cols) iso.level = values iso.linetypes = ['solid'] iso.label = self.skillDrawLabels iso.linecolors = cols wc = self.worldcoordinate iso.datawc_x1 = wc[0] iso.datawc_x2 = wc[1] iso.datawc_y1 = wc[2] iso.datawc_y2 = wc[3] a = MV2.masked_greater_equal(a, 1.E20) av = cdms2.createAxis(v1) av2 = cdms2.createAxis(v2) a.setAxis(0, av2) a.setAxis(1, av) tmpl = createnewvcsobj(canvas, 'template', 'tdtempl', 'deftaylor') tmpl.blank() = 1 = = = = return canvas.plot(a, iso, tmpl,
def list(self): print('---------- Taylordiagram (Gtd) member (attribute) listings ----------') print('graphic method = Gtd') print('name =', print('detail =', self.detail) # maximum value of the standard deviaton, copied to the value of the # outter circle print('max =', self.max) print('quadrans =', self.quadrans) print('skillValues =', self.skillValues) print('skillColor =', self.skillColor) print('skillDrawLabels =', self.skillDrawLabels) print('skillCoefficient =', self.skillCoefficient) print('idsLocation =', self.idsLocation) print('referencevalue =', self.referencevalue) # print 'referencecolor =',self.referencecolor print('arrowlength =', self.arrowlength) print('arrowangle =', self.arrowangle) print('arrowbase =', self.arrowbase) print("xticlabels1 =", self.xticlabels1) print("xmtics1 =", self.xmtics1) print("yticlabels1 =", self.yticlabels1) print("ymtics1 =", self.ymtics1) print("cticlabels1 =", self.cticlabels1) print("cmtics1 =", self.cmtics1) print('Marker') self.Marker.list()
[docs] def script(self, script_filename, mode='a'): self.Marker.equalize() if (script_filename is None): raise ValueError( 'Error - Must provide an output script file name.') if (mode is None): mode = 'a' elif (mode not in ('w', 'a')): raise ValueError( 'Error - Mode can only be "w" for replace or "a" for append.') # By default, save file in json scr_type = script_filename.split(".") if len(scr_type) == 1 or len(scr_type[-1]) > 5: scr_type = "json" if script_filename != "initial.attributes": script_filename += ".json" else: scr_type = scr_type[-1] if scr_type == '.scr': raise vcs.VCSDeprecationWarning( "scr script are no longer generated") elif scr_type == "py": mode = mode + '+' py_type = script_filename[ len(script_filename) - 3:len(script_filename)] if (py_type != '.py'): script_filename = script_filename + '.py' # Write to file f = open(script_filename, mode) if (f.tell() == 0): # Must be a new file, so include below f.write("#####################################\n") f.write("# #\n") f.write("# Import and Initialize VCS #\n") f.write("# #\n") f.write("#############################\n") f.write("import vcs\n") f.write("v=vcs.init()\n\n") unique_name = '__Gtd__' + f.write("#----Taylordiagram (Gtd) \n") f.write("gtd_list=v.listelements('taylordiagram')\n") f.write("if ('%s' in gtd_list):\n" % f.write( " %s = v.gettaylordiagram('%s')\n" % (unique_name, f.write("else:\n") f.write( " %s = v.createtaylordiagram('%s')\n" % (unique_name, f.write('%s.detail = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr(self.detail))) # maximum value of the standard deviaton, copied to the value of # the outter circle f.write('%s.max = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr(self.max))) f.write('%s.quadrans = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr(self.quadrans))) f.write( '%s.skillValues = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.skillValues))) f.write( '%s.skillColor = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.skillColor))) f.write( '%s.skillDrawLabels = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.skillDrawLabels))) f.write( '%s.skillCoefficient = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.skillCoefficient))) f.write( '%s.referencevalue = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.referencevalue))) f.write( '%s.arrowlength = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.arrowlength))) f.write( '%s.arrowangle = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.arrowangle))) f.write( '%s.arrowbase = %s\n' % (unique_name, repr( self.arrowbase))) for i in range(self.Marker.number): f.write('%s.addMarker(\n' % (unique_name)) f.write(' status = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.status[i])) f.write(' line = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.line[i])) f.write(' id = %s,\n' % repr([i])) f.write(' id_size = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.id_size[i])) f.write(' id_color = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.id_color[i])) f.write(' id_font = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.id_font[i])) f.write( ' id_location = %s,\n' % repr( self.Marker.id_location[i])) f.write(' symbol = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.symbol[i])) f.write(' color = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.color[i])) f.write(' size = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.size[i])) f.write(' xoffset = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.xoffset[i])) f.write(' yoffset = %s,\n' % repr(self.Marker.yoffset[i])) f.write( ' line_color = %s,\n' % repr( self.Marker.line_color[i])) f.write( ' line_size = %s,\n' % repr( self.Marker.line_size[i])) f.write( ' line_type = %s\n' % repr( self.Marker.line_type[i])) f.write(')\n') f.close() else: # Json type mode += "+" f = open(script_filename, mode) vcs.utils.dumpToJson(self, f) f.close()
script.__doc__ = scriptdocs['taylordiagram'] def addMarker(self, status='on', line=None, id='', id_size=None, id_color=None, id_font=None, symbol=None, color=None, size=None, xoffset=0., yoffset=0., line_color=None, line_size=None, line_type=None, id_location=None): M = self.Marker M.addMarker( status, line, id, id_size, id_color, id_font, symbol, color, size, xoffset, yoffset, line_color, line_size, line_type, id_location) return def draw(self, canvas, data): # Now makes sure we defined enough Markers n = data.shape[0] # Now draws the markers, and lineion # First group same markers together nmarker = 0 markers = [] self.Marker.equalize() while self.Marker._number < n: self.addMarker() for i in range(n): nmarker += 1 d0 = float(data[i][0]) d1 = float(data[i][1]) s = self.Marker.size[i] t = self.Marker.symbol[i] c = VCS_validation_functions.color2vcs(self.Marker.color[i]) m = createnewvcsobj(canvas, 'marker', 'TD_') m.worldcoordinate = self.worldcoordinate m.viewport = self.viewport markers.append(m) markers[-1].size = s markers[-1].type = t markers[-1].color = [c, ] markers[-1].x = [d0 * d1, ] markers[-1].y = [float(d0 *, ] # Plot markers before marker ids for i in range(nmarker): markers[i].priority = 2 self.displays.append(canvas.plot(markers[i], for i in range(n): try: d0 = data[i][0].astype('d') except BaseException: d0 = float(data[i][0]) try: d1 = data[i][1].astype('d') except BaseException: d1 = float(data[i][1]) if[i] != '' and[i] != 'None': t = createnewvcsobj(canvas, 'text', 'id') t.worldcoordinate = self.worldcoordinate t.viewport = self.viewport t.string =[i] t.height = int(self.Marker.id_size[i]) t.halign = 'center' if self.Marker.id_location[i] in [0, 1] or\ (self.Marker.id_location[i] is None and self.idsLocation in [0, 1]): t.priority = 4 else: t.priority = 0 # Do not draw on plot t.color = VCS_validation_functions.color2vcs( self.Marker.id_color[i]) t.font = self.Marker.id_font[i] # t.x=[d1*(d0+self._stdmax*self.Marker.xoffset[i]/100.)] t.x = [ d1 * d0 + self._stdmax * self.Marker.xoffset[i] / 100., ] # t.y=[*(d0+self._stdmax*self.Marker.yoffset[i]/100.)] t.y = [ float( * d0 + self._stdmax * self.Marker.yoffset[i] / 100.), ] self.displays.append(canvas.plot(t, if not self.Marker.line[i] is None: l_tmp = createnewvcsobj(canvas, 'line', 'TD_li') l_tmp.worldcoordinate = self.worldcoordinate l_tmp.viewport = self.viewport x1 = d1 * d0 y1 = * d0 l_tmp.x = [x1, x1] l_tmp.y = [y1, y1] if i != self.Marker.number - \ 1 and self.Marker.line[i] != 'head': try: x2 = data[ i + 1][1].astype('d') * data[i + 1][0].astype('d') except BaseException: x2 = float(data[i + 1][1] * data[i + 1][0]) try: y2 =[i + 1][1].astype('d'))) * data[i + 1][0].astype('d') except BaseException: y2 =[i + 1][1]))) * float(data[i + 1][0]) l_tmp.x = [x1, x2] l_tmp.y = [y1, y2] l_tmp.type = self.Marker.line_type[i] l_tmp.width = int(self.Marker.line_size[i]) l_tmp.color = [VCS_validation_functions.color2vcs( self.Marker.line_color[i])] if self.Marker.line[i] == 'tail': self.drawarrow( canvas, x1, y1, x1, y1, x2, y2, l_tmp.color[0]) elif self.Marker.line[i] == 'head': try: dd1 = data[i - 1][1].astype('d') except BaseException: dd1 = float(data[i - 1][1]) try: dd0 = data[i - 1][0].astype('d') except BaseException: dd0 = float(data[i - 1][0]) self.drawarrow( canvas, x1, y1, dd1 * dd0, * dd0, x1, y1, VCS_validation_functions.color2vcs( self.Marker.line_color[ i - 1])) self.displays.append(canvas.plot(l_tmp, def drawarrow(self, canvas, xloc, yloc, x1, y1, x2, y2, color): # The head xs = [xloc] ys = [yloc] # first determine the angle: alpha = numpy.arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) alpha2 = self.arrowangle / 180. * numpy.pi Alpha = alpha + alpha2 # First point behind if x2 - x1 > 0: yx = yloc - self.arrowlength * numpy.sin(Alpha) * self.outtervalue xx = xloc - self.arrowlength * numpy.cos(Alpha) * self.outtervalue else: yx = yloc + self.arrowlength * numpy.sin(Alpha) * self.outtervalue xx = xloc + self.arrowlength * numpy.cos(Alpha) * self.outtervalue xs.append(xx) ys.append(yx) Alpha = alpha # This should be the middle point if x2 - x1 > 0: # If think this is wrong (in any case it should be in radians), it should be alpha # Now why was it 1-cos ? # yx=yloc-self.arrowlength*numpy.sin(Alpha)*self.outtervalue*self.arrowbase*(1.-numpy.cos(self.arrowangle)) # xx=xloc-self.arrowlength*numpy.cos(Alpha)*self.outtervalue*self.arrowbase*(1.-numpy.cos(self.arrowangle)) yx = yloc - self.arrowlength * \ numpy.sin(Alpha) * self.outtervalue * \ self.arrowbase * numpy.cos(alpha2) xx = xloc - self.arrowlength * \ numpy.cos(Alpha) * self.outtervalue * \ self.arrowbase * numpy.cos(alpha2) else: yx = yloc + self.arrowlength * \ numpy.sin(Alpha) * self.outtervalue * \ self.arrowbase * numpy.cos(alpha2) xx = xloc + self.arrowlength * \ numpy.cos(Alpha) * self.outtervalue * \ self.arrowbase * numpy.cos(alpha2) xs.append(xx) ys.append(yx) # Second point behind Alpha = alpha - alpha2 if x2 - x1 > 0: yx = yloc - self.arrowlength * numpy.sin(Alpha) * self.outtervalue xx = xloc - self.arrowlength * numpy.cos(Alpha) * self.outtervalue else: yx = yloc + self.arrowlength * numpy.sin(Alpha) * self.outtervalue xx = xloc + self.arrowlength * numpy.cos(Alpha) * self.outtervalue xs.append(xx) ys.append(yx) f = createnewvcsobj(canvas, 'fillarea', 'tdfill') f.worldcoordinate = self.worldcoordinate f.viewport = self.viewport f.priority = 3 # Back to the begining xs.append(xs[0]) ys.append(ys[0]) f.x = xs f.y = ys f.color = [color] = 'solid' self.displays.append(canvas.plot(f,
[docs] def getArc(self, value, val1=0., val2=90., convert=True): """ Return coordinates to draw an arc from 0 to 90 degrees. .. note:: val1 and val2 can be used to limit the arc (in degrees). :param value: The radius of the arc to be calculated. :type value: float :param val1: Lower limit of the arc to compute. :type val1: float :param val2: Upper limit of the arc to compute. :type val2: float :param convert: Boolean flag indicating whether :type convert: bool :returns: The coordinates for the calculated arc. :rtype: tuple .. pragma: skip-doctest TODO add an example/doctest """ xs = [] ys = [] val1 = val1 * numpy.pi / 180. val2 = val2 * numpy.pi / 180. deltaangle = (val2 - val1) / self.detail for i in range(self.detail + 1): a = val1 + i * deltaangle xs.append(value * numpy.cos(a)) ys.append(value * numpy.sin(a)) if convert: xs[-1] = self.convert(xs[-1], 'x') ys[-1] = self.convert(ys[-1], 'y') return xs, ys
# Cx.append(self.outtervalue*numpy.cos(self.quadrans/2.*numpy.pi)) # Cy.append(self.outtervalue*numpy.sin(self.quadrans/2.*numpy.pi)) def pageratio(self, canvas): page = canvas.orientation() try: canvasinfo = canvas.canvasinfo() pr = float(canvasinfo['width']) / float(canvasinfo['height']) except BaseException: if page == 'portrait': pr = 1. / 1.29381443299 else: pr = 1.29381443299 return pr def setWorldCoordinate(self, canvas): viewport = [,,,] self.viewport = viewport max = self._stdmax * 1.15 max = self._stdmax if self.quadrans == 1: preserve = 0. X = max * preserve / 2. wc = [-X * 1.2, max + X, -X * 1.2, max + X] else: preserve = 0.05 X = max * preserve / 2. wc = [-max - X * 5, max, 0, max] self.worldcoordinate = wc if self.preserveaspectratio == 'y': pr = self.pageratio(canvas) xr = self.viewport[1] - self.viewport[0] yr = self.viewport[3] - self.viewport[2] vr = xr / yr wxr = wc[1] - wc[0] wyr = wc[3] - wc[2] wr = wxr / wyr r = pr * vr / wr if r > 1: # xs are bigger self.worldcoordinate = [wc[0], wc[0] + (wc[1] - wc[0]) * r, wc[2], wc[3]] else: # ys are bigger self.worldcoordinate = [wc[0], wc[1], wc[2], wc[2] + (wc[3] - wc[2]) / r] return wc def drawFrame(self, canvas, data, wc): Outter = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdiag_', self.template.line2.line) frame = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdiag_f', self.template.line1.line) xtic1 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdgxt1', self.template.xtic1.line) xtic2 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdgxt2', self.template.xtic2.line) ytic1 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdgxt2', self.template.ytic1.line) ytic2 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdgyt2', self.template.ytic2.line) xmtic1 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdxt1', self.template.xmintic1.line) ymtic1 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdxt2', self.template.ymintic1.line) ymtic2 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdyt2', self.template.ymintic2.line) xmtic2 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'line', 'tdxt2', self.template.xmintic2.line) stdticks = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'text', 'tic', self.template.xlabel1.texttable, self.template.xlabel1.textorientation) stdticks2 = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'text', 'tc2', self.template.ylabel1.texttable, self.template.ylabel1.textorientation) Outter.priority = self.template.line1.priority frame.priority = self.template.line2.priority xtic1.priority = self.template.xtic1.priority xtic2.priority = self.template.xtic2.priority ytic1.priority = self.template.ytic1.priority ytic2.priority = self.template.ytic2.priority xmtic1.priority = self.template.xmintic1.priority ymtic1.priority = self.template.ymintic1.priority ymtic2.priority = self.template.ymintic2.priority xmtic2.priority = self.template.xmintic2.priority stdticks.priority = self.template.xlabel1.priority stdticks2.priority = self.template.ylabel1.priority Outter.worldcoordinate = self.worldcoordinate frame.worldcoordinate = self.worldcoordinate Outter.viewport = self.viewport frame.viewport = self.viewport if self.quadrans == 1: fx = [[0., self.outtervalue]] fy = [[0., 0.]] else: fx = [[-self.outtervalue, self.outtervalue]] fy = [[0., 0.]] fx.append([0., 0.]) fy.append([0., self.outtervalue]) xtic1x = [] xtic1y = [] xtic2x = [] xtic2y = [] ytic1x = [] ytic1y = [] ytic2x = [] ytic2y = [] xmtic1x = [] xmtic1y = [] xmtic2x = [] xmtic2y = [] ymtic1x = [] ymtic1y = [] ymtic2x = [] ymtic2y = [] Cx = [] Cy = [] Ox = [] Oy = [] Ox, Oy = self.getArc( self.referencevalue, val2=90. * self.quadrans, convert=False) Cx, Cy = self.getArc( self.outtervalue, val2=90. * self.quadrans, convert=False) fx.append(Cx) fy.append(Cy) Outter.x = Ox Outter.y = Oy ticstr = [] ticxs = [] ticys = [] ticstr2 = [] ticxs2 = [] ticys2 = [] # Ok figures out if we have defined the labels/tics if self.quadrans == 1: if isinstance(self.yticlabels1, str): # Ok we want automatic vals = vcs.mkscale(0, self.outtervalue, 20) tmp = vals[::2] if tmp[-1] != vals[-1]: tmp.append(vals[-1]) levs = vcs.mklabels(tmp) else: levs = self.yticlabels1 for v in list(levs.keys()): if wc[0] < v < min(wc[1], wc[3]): ticxs2.append(self.template.ylabel1.x) ticys2.append(self.convert(v, 'y')) ticstr2.append(levs[v] + ' ') ytic1y.append( [self.convert(v, axis='y'), self.convert(v, axis='y')]) ytic1x.append( [self.template.ytic1.x1, self.template.ytic1.x2]) ytic1.x = ytic1x ytic1.y = ytic1y if ytic1.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(ytic1, if isinstance(self.ymtics1, str): # Ok we want automatic vals = vcs.mkscale(0., self.outtervalue, 20)[1:-1:2] levs = vcs.mklabels(vals) else: levs = self.ymtics1 for v in list(levs.keys()): if wc[0] < v < min(wc[1], wc[3]): ymtic1x.append( [self.template.ymintic1.x1, self.template.ymintic1.x2]) ymtic1y.append( [self.convert(v, axis='y'), self.convert(v, axis='y')]) pass ymtic1.x = ymtic1x ymtic1.y = ymtic1y if ymtic1.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(ymtic1, if isinstance(self.xmtics1, str): # Ok we want automatic vals = vcs.mkscale(0., self.outtervalue, 20)[1:-1:2] if self.quadrans == 2: tmp = vals vals = [] for v in tmp: vals.append(v) vals.insert(0, -v) levs = vcs.mklabels(vals) # ok need to remove potential negative values, std is always >0 for k in list(levs.keys()): if k < 0: levs[k] = levs[k][1:] if k < -wc[1]: del(levs[k]) else: levs = self.xmtics1 delta = abs( - val1 = ( self.template.xmintic2.y1 - / delta * 90. val2 = ( self.template.xmintic2.y2 - / delta * 90. for v in list(levs.keys()): if wc[0] < v < min(wc[1], wc[3]): tx, ty = self.getArc(v, val1=val1, val2=val2) xmtic1x.append( [self.convert(v, axis='x'), self.convert(v, axis='x')]) xmtic1y.append( [self.template.xmintic1.y1, self.template.xmintic1.y2]) xmtic2x.append(tx) xmtic2y.append(ty) xmtic2.x = xmtic2x xmtic2.y = xmtic2y xmtic1.x = xmtic1x xmtic1.y = xmtic1y if xmtic1.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(xmtic1, if xmtic2.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(xmtic2, if isinstance(self.xticlabels1, str): # Ok we want automatic vals = vcs.mkscale(0, self.outtervalue, 20) tmp = vals[::2] if tmp[-1] != vals[-1]: tmp.append(vals[-1]) if self.quadrans == 2: vals = [] for v in tmp: vals.append(v) vals.insert(0, -v) tmp = vals levs = vcs.mklabels(tmp) # ok need to remove potential negative values, std is always >0 for k in list(levs.keys()): if k < 0: levs[k] = levs[k][1:] if k < -wc[1]: del(levs[k]) else: levs = self.xticlabels1 val1 = (self.template.xtic2.y1 - / delta * 90. val2 = (self.template.xtic2.y2 - / delta * 90 for v in list(levs.keys()): if wc[0] < v < min(wc[3], wc[1]): V = self.convert(v, 'x') if v >= 0: # v is +ve value. So standard deviaton arc should be in # 1st quadrant. tx, ty = self.getArc(v, val1=val1, val2=val2) else: # v is -ve value. So standard deviaton arc should be in # 2nd quadrant. # Here we change the -ve v value into +ve v value, by abs # function. And add 90 degree to both val1 and val2. # i.e. standard deviaton arcs should start from 90 degree # to 180 degree. tx, ty = self.getArc( abs(v), val1=val1 + 90, val2=val2 + 90) xtic2x.append(tx) xtic2y.append(ty) ticxs.append(V) ticys.append(self.template.xlabel1.y) ticstr.append(levs[v]) xtic1x.append([V, V]) xtic1y.append([self.template.xtic1.y1, self.template.xtic1.y2]) xtic1.x = xtic1x xtic1.y = xtic1y xtic2.x = xtic2x xtic2.y = xtic2y if xtic1.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(xtic1, if xtic2.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(xtic2, stdticks.string = ticstr stdticks.x = ticxs stdticks.y = ticys stdticks2.string = ticstr2 stdticks2.x = ticxs2 stdticks2.y = ticys2 if isinstance(self.cticlabels1, str): # Ok we want default levs = {} for i in range(10): if i != 0: levs[-i / 10.] = '%.2f' % (-i / 10.) levs[i / 10.] = '%.2f' % (i / 10.) else: levs[0.] = '0' levs[.95] = '0.95' levs[.99] = '0.99' levs[-.95] = '-0.95' levs[-.99] = '-0.99' else: levs = self.cticlabels1 dx2 = 1. + self.template.ytic2.x2 - dx1 = 1. - (self.template.ytic2.x2 - self.template.ytic2.x1) / \ ( - for v in list(levs.keys()): if 0. <= v <= 1. or (-1. <= v and self.quadrans == 2): x1 = v y1 = numpy.sin(numpy.arccos(x1)) tic = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'text', 'cor_', self.template.ylabel2.texttable, self.template.ylabel2.textorientation) tic.priority = self.template.ylabel2.priority dx = 1. + self.template.ylabel2.x - \ # How far from data.x2 ? tic.x = [self.convert(x1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx, axis='x')] tic.y = [self.convert(y1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx, axis='y')] tic.string = levs[v] if x1 > 0: tic.angle = 360 - int(numpy.arccos(x1) / numpy.pi * 180.) elif x1 == 0 and self.quadrans == 2: tic.angle = 0 else: tic.angle = 180 - int(numpy.arccos(x1) / numpy.pi * 180.) if v > 0: tic.halign = 'left' elif v == 0 and self.quadrans == 2: tic.halign = 'center' tic.valign = 'bottom' else: tic.halign = 'right' self.displays.append(canvas.plot(tic, ytic2x.append([self.convert(x1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx1, axis='x'), self.convert(x1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx2, axis='x')]) ytic2y.append([self.convert(y1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx1, axis='y'), self.convert(y1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx2, axis='y')]) ytic2.x = ytic2x ytic2.y = ytic2y if ytic2.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(ytic2, if isinstance(self.cmtics1, str): # Ok we want automatic levs = {} for i in range(9): levs[i / 10. + .05] = '' levs[.91] = '' levs[.92] = '' levs[.93] = '' levs[.94] = '' levs[.96] = '' levs[.97] = '' levs[.98] = '' ks = list(levs.keys()) for l in ks: levs[-l] = '' else: levs = self.cmtics1 dx2 = 1. + self.template.ymintic2.x2 - dx1 = 1. - (self.template.ymintic2.x2 - self.template.ymintic2.x1) / \ ( - for v in list(levs.keys()): if 0. <= v <= 1. or (-1. <= v and self.quadrans == 2): x1 = v y1 = numpy.sin(numpy.arccos(x1)) ymtic2x.append([self.convert(x1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx1, axis='x'), self.convert(x1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx2, axis='x')]) ymtic2y.append([self.convert(y1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx1, axis='y'), self.convert(y1 * min(wc[1], wc[3]) * dx2, axis='y')]) ymtic2.x = ymtic2x ymtic2.y = ymtic2y if ymtic2.x != []: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(ymtic2, x1 = numpy.cos(45 / 180. * numpy.pi) y1 = numpy.sin(numpy.arccos(x1)) tic = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'text', 'cor__', self.template.yname.texttable, self.template.yname.textorientation) tic.priority = self.template.yname.priority # How far are we from yaxis ? ddx = 1. + self.template.yname.x - tic.x = [self.convert(x1 * self.outtervalue * ddx, axis='x')] tic.y = [self.convert(y1 * self.outtervalue * ddx, axis='y')] tic.string = ['Correlation'] # tic.height=int(40.*self._stdmax)+1 tic.angle = 45 tic.halign = 'center' tic.valign = 'bottom' self.displays.append(canvas.plot(tic, # canvas.removeobject(tic) frame.x = fx frame.y = fy stdaxis = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'text', 'stax', self.template.xname.texttable, self.template.xname.textorientation) # stdaxis.worldcoordinate=self.worldcoordinate # stdaxis.viewport=self.viewport stdaxis.x = [ - ( - self.template.xname.y)] stdaxis.viewport = [0, 1] + self.viewport[2:] stdaxis.worldcoordinate = [0, 1] + self.worldcoordinate[2:] stdaxis.y = [min(self.worldcoordinate[1], self.worldcoordinate[3]) / 2.] stdstring = self.standard_deviation_label if hasattr(data, 'units'): if data.units.strip() != '': stdstring = stdstring + ' ( ' + str(data.units) + ' )' stdaxis.string = [stdstring] stdaxis.angle = stdaxis.angle + 270 stdaxis.priority = self.template.xname.priority xstdaxis = createnewvcsobj( canvas, 'text', 'xstax', self.template.xname.texttable, self.template.xname.textorientation) xstdaxis.x = [min(self.worldcoordinate[0], self.worldcoordinate[2]) / 2. + min(self.worldcoordinate[1], self.worldcoordinate[3]) / 2.] xstdaxis.y = [self.template.xname.y] xstdaxis.viewport = self.viewport[:2] + [0, 1] xstdaxis.worldcoordinate = self.worldcoordinate[:2] + [0, 1] xstdaxis.string = [stdstring] xstdaxis.priority = self.template.xname.priority self.displays.append(canvas.plot(stdaxis, self.displays.append(canvas.plot(xstdaxis, self.displays.append(canvas.plot(frame, if self.referencevalue / self.outtervalue > .05: self.displays.append(canvas.plot(Outter, self.displays.append(canvas.plot(stdticks, self.displays.append(canvas.plot(stdticks2, def convert(self, value, axis): if axis == 'y': vp1, vp2 = self.viewport[2:] V1, V2 = self.worldcoordinate[2:] else: vp1, vp2 = self.viewport[:2] V1, V2 = self.worldcoordinate[:2] out = vp1 + (vp2 - vp1) * (value - V1) / (V2 - V1) return out
[docs] def plot(self, data, template='deftaylor', skill=None, bg=0, canvas=None): """ Plots an instance of a :py:class:`Taylor diagram <vcs.taylor.Gtd>` on the provided VCS Canvas. :param data: :type data: :param template: A :py:class:`VCS template <vcs.template.P>` or a string name of a VCS template. :type template: str/vcs.template.P :param skill: :type skill: :param bg: A boolean/integer flag indicating whether to plot this object in the background. :type bg: bool/int :param canvas: A VCS Canvas object on which the diagram will be plotted. :type canvas: vcs.Canvas.Canvas .. pragma: skip-doctest TODO add an example/doctest """ = bg self.displays = [] if canvas is None: canvas = vcs.init() savedmode = canvas.mode canvas.mode = 0 if isinstance(template, str): self.template = canvas.gettemplate(template) elif vcs.istemplate(template): self.template = template else: raise Exception('Error you passed an invalid template') canvas.pause_time = 0 # # canvas.clear() savedstdmax = getattr(self, '_stdmax', None) if self.max is None: self._stdmax = float(1.2 *[..., 0])) else: self._stdmax = float(self.max) resetoutter = 0 if self.outtervalue is None: if self.referencevalue < self._stdmax: self.outtervalue = self._stdmax else: self.outtervalue = float(self.referencevalue * 1.2) resetoutter = 1 wc = self.setWorldCoordinate(canvas) d = self.drawSkill(canvas, values=self.skillValues, function=skill) if (d): self.displays.append(d) self.drawFrame(canvas, data, wc) self.draw(canvas, data) # Ok now draws the little comment/source, etc self.displays += self.template.plot(canvas, data, self, bg=bg) if not sum(map(len, == 0: # Not all empty string: if self.quadrans == 1: stacking = "vertical" else: stacking = "horizontal" ids = [] for i, marker_id in enumerate( id_loc = self.Marker.id_location[i] if id_loc in [0, 2] or ( id_loc is None and self.idsLocation in [0, 2]): ids.append(marker_id) else: ids.append(' ') self.template.drawLinesAndMarkersLegend(canvas, self.Marker.line_color, self.Marker.line_type, [ 0, ] * len(self.Marker.line_size), self.Marker.color, self.Marker.symbol, self.Marker.size, ids, scratched=None, stringscolors=self.Marker.id_color, stacking=stacking, bg=False, render=True) if resetoutter: self.outtervalue = None if savedstdmax is not None: self._stdmax = savedstdmax else: delattr(self, '_stdmax') canvas.mode = savedmode return
def rename(self, newname): if newname == "default": raise Exception( "You cannot overwrite the default taylordiagram graphic method") if newname in list(vcs.elements["taylordiagram"].keys()): raise Exception( "Sorry %s taylordiagram graphic method already exists" % newname) vcs.elements["taylordiagram"][newname] = vcs.elements[ "taylordiagram"][] if == "default": warnings.warn( "You were trying to rename the 'default' taylordiagram method, it was merely copied not renamed") else: del(vcs.elements["taylordiagram"][]) self = vcs.elements["taylordiagram"][newname] return