Create Your Own Colormap

  • Detailed reference document of the VCS colormap can be found at here.

  • Let’s create your own VCS colormap.

  • Download ipynb file

Tutorial written by Jiwoo Lee (Oct. 2017)

Colormap for example 4 provided by Karl Taylor

Import modules

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import vcs
import MV2
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

Prepare a dummy array

(back to top) - Here I prepare a dummy 2D array (240 x 2), which is being used in this tutorial only for the visualization purpose.

a = []

num_levels = 240

for i in range(0,num_levels):

for i in range(0,num_levels):

a = MV2.array(a)
a = MV2.reshape(a, (-1,num_levels)) = 'dummy'

v = vcs.init()

Create a colormap

(back to top) - List of VCS default colormaps can be shown using vcs.listelements('colormap')

  • Let’s make the colormap palette as pure white first

  • Note that ‘my_cmap’ colormap is copy of the default colormap at the beginning

for i in range(0,240):
v.setcolorcell(0,0,0,0) # black
v.setcolorcell(1,50,50,50) # gray
v.setcolorcell(2,75,75,75) # silver
v.setcolorcell(3,100,100,100) # white
v.setcolorcell(4,50,0,0) # maroon
v.setcolorcell(5,100,0,0) # red
v.setcolorcell(6,50,50,0) # olive
v.setcolorcell(7,100,100,0) # yellow
v.setcolorcell(8,0,50,0) # green
v.setcolorcell(9,0,100,0) # lime
v.setcolorcell(10,0,50,50) # teal
v.setcolorcell(11,0,100,100) # aqua
v.setcolorcell(12,0,0,50) # navy
v.setcolorcell(13,0,0,100) # blue
v.setcolorcell(14,50,0,50) # purple
v.setcolorcell(15,100,0,100) # fuchsia
  • Use box.color_1 and box.color_2 of boxfill to set starting and ending colors

box = v.createboxfill()
box.color_1 = 0
box.color_2 = 15
box.colormap = 'my_cmap'

Alternative way of creating own colormaps

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def CreateOwnColormap(cmap_name, colors):

    # Create a Matplotlib colomap
    cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(cmap_name, colors, N=240)

    # Convert Matplotlib colormap to VCS one
    vcs_cmap = vcs.colors.matplotlib2vcs(cm, vcs_name=cmap_name)

    return vcs_cmap

Define name and colors for your own colormap

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Example 1

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# Define my own colormap (name and sequentially varying colors)
cmap_name = 'cmap1'
colors = ['white','red','orange',
CreateOwnColormap(cmap_name, colors)
<vcs.colormap.Cp at 0x12183fa48>
  • Visualize example 1

box = v.createboxfill()
box.color_1 = 0
box.color_2 = 239

box.colormap = 'cmap1'

Example 2

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  • Define colors by using list of tuples of R, G, B numbers (0-1)

cmap_name2 = 'cmap2'
colors2 = [(1,0,0),(1,1,1),(0,0,1)] # red, white, blue
CreateOwnColormap(cmap_name2, colors2)
<vcs.colormap.Cp at 0x11f0ea470>
  • Visualize example 2

box.colormap = 'cmap2'

Example 3

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  • Similar to example 1 but with more complicated set up.

cmap_name3 = 'cmap3'
colors3 = ['white','lavender','royalblue','navy',
CreateOwnColormap(cmap_name3, colors3)
<vcs.colormap.Cp at 0x11f0ea368>
  • Visualize example 3

box.colormap = 'cmap3'

Example 4

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  • Similar to example 2 but with more complicated set up.

cmap_name4 = 'cmap4'

colors4 = [(99,93,60),

colors4 = MV2.divide(colors4,100.) # Convert range 0-100 to 0-1

CreateOwnColormap(cmap_name4, colors4)
<vcs.colormap.Cp at 0x11f086100>
box.colormap = 'cmap4'