Source code for vcs.isoline

# Isoline (Gi) module
#                                                                               #
# Module:       isoline (Gi) module                                             #
#                                                                               #
# Copyright:    2000, Regents of the University of California                   #
#               This software may not be distributed to others without          #
#               permission of the author.                                       #
#                                                                               #
# Author:       PCMDI Software Team                                             #
#               Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory:                          #
#                                               #
#                                                                               #
# Description:  Python command wrapper for VCS's isoline graphics method.       #
#                                                                               #
# Version:      5.0                                                             #
#                                                                               #
#                                                                               #
# Import: VCS C extension module.                                               #
#                                                                               #
from __future__ import print_function
import vcs
from . import VCS_validation_functions
import cdtime
from . import xmldocs
import genutil

def load(nm, json_dict={}):

def get_att_from_sub(code, att):
    i = code.find(att)
    if i > -1:
        j = code[i:].find(',')
        if j != -1:
            j += i
        sp = code[i:j].split("=")
            return int(sp[1])
        except Exception:
                return float(sp[1])
            except Exception:
                return sp[1]

def process_src(nm, code):

    # Takes VCS script code (string) as input and generates isoline gm from it
        g = Gi(nm)
    except Exception:
        g = vcs.elements["isoline"][nm]
    # process attributes with = as assignement
    for att in ["projection",
                "xticlabels#1", "xticlabels#2",
                "xmtics#1", "xmtics#2",
                "yticlabels#1", "yticlabels#2",
                "ymtics#1", "ymtics#2",
                "xaxisconvert", "yaxisconvert",
                "ext_1", "ext_2",
                "datawc_calendar", "make_labels"]:
        i = code.find(att)
        if i == -1:
        j = code[i:].find(",") + i
        if j - i == -1:  # last one no comma
            j = None
        scode = code[i:j]
        sp = scode.split("=")
        nm = sp[0].strip()
        nm = nm.replace("#", "")
        if nm == "make_labels":
            nm = "label"
        elif nm == "datawc_tunits":
            nm = "datawc_timeunits"
            # int will be converted
            setattr(g, nm, int(sp[1]))
        except Exception:
                # int and floats will be converted
                setattr(g, nm, eval(sp[1]))
            except Exception:
                # strings
                    setattr(g, nm, sp[1])
                except Exception:
                    pass  # oh well we stick to default value
    # Datawc
    idwc = code.find(" datawc(")
    if idwc > -1:
        jdwc = code[idwc:].find(")") + idwc
        cd = code[idwc + 8:jdwc]
        vals = cd.split(",")
        g.datawc_x1 = float(vals[0])
        g.datawc_y1 = float(vals[1])
        g.datawc_x2 = float(vals[2])
        g.datawc_y2 = float(vals[3])
    # idatawc
    idwc = code.find("idatawc(")
    if idwc > -1:
        jdwc = code[idwc:].find(")") + idwc
        cd = code[idwc + 8:jdwc]
        vals = cd.split(",")
        if int(vals[0]) == 1:
            g.datawc_x1 = cdtime.reltime(
        if int(vals[1]) == 1:
            g.datawc_y1 = cdtime.reltime(
        if int(vals[2]) == 1:
            g.datawc_x2 = cdtime.reltime(
        if int(vals[3]) == 1:
            g.datawc_y2 = cdtime.reltime(
    irg = code.find("lines")
    if irg > -1:
        scode = code[irg:]
        tl = []
        tt = []
        to = []
        clock = []
        scales = []
        angles = []
        spacing = []
        levs = []
        # print code[irg:]
        iid = scode.find("(id=")
        while iid > -1:
            sub = genutil.get_parenthesis_content(scode[iid:])
            if get_att_from_sub(sub, "label") not in ["*", None]:
                g.label = 'y'
            levs.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "level"))
            tl.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "Tl"))
            to.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "To"))
            tt.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "Tt"))
            clock.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "clockwise"))
            scales.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "length"))
            angles.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "angle"))
            spacing.append(get_att_from_sub(sub, "spacing"))
            iend = scode[iid:].find(")") + 1
            scode = scode[iid + iend:]
            iid = scode.find("(id=")
    g.level = levs
    except ValueError:
        g.text = to
    except Exception:
        g._text = to
        g.textcolors = tt
    except Exception:
        g._textcolors = tt

    gd = vcs.elements["isoline"]["default"]
        g.scale = scales
    except Exception:
        g.scale = gd.scale
        g.angle = angles
    except Exception:
        g.angle = gd.angle
        g.clockwise = clock
    except Exception:
        g.clockwise = gd.clockwise

[docs]class Gi(vcs.bestMatch): __doc__ = """ The Isoline graphics method (Gi) draws lines of constant value at specified levels in order to graphically represent a two-dimensional array. It also labels the values of these isolines on the VCS Canvas. The example below shows how to plot isolines of different types at specified levels and how to create isoline labels having user-specified text and line type and color. This class is used to define an isoline table entry used in VCS, or it can be used to change some or all of the isoline attributes in an existing isoline table entry. .. describe:: Useful Functions: .. code-block:: python # VCS Canvas Constructor a=vcs.init() # Show predefined isoline graphics methods'isoline') # Show predefined VCS line objects'line') # Change the VCS color map a.setcolormap("AMIP") # Plot data 's' with isoline 'i' and 'default' template a.isoline(s,a,'default') # Updates the VCS Canvas at user's request a.update() .. describe:: Create a canvas object: .. code-block:: python a=vcs.init() .. describe:: Create a new instance of isoline: .. code-block:: python # Copies content of 'quick' to 'new' iso=a.createisoline('new','quick') # Copies content of 'default' to 'new' iso=a.createisoline('new') .. describe:: Modify an existing isoline: .. code-block:: python iso=a.getisoline('AMIP_psl') .. _isoline-attributes: .. describe:: Overview of isoline attributes: * List all the isoline attribute values .. code-block:: python iso.list() * Set isoline attribute values: .. code-block:: python iso.projection='linear' lon30={-180:'180W',-150:'150W',0:'Eq'} iso.xticlabels1=lon30 iso.xticlabels2=lon30 # Will set them both iso.xticlabels(lon30, lon30) iso.xmtics1='' iso.xmtics2='' # Will set them both iso.xmtics(lon30, lon30) iso.yticlabels1=lat10 iso.yticlabels2=lat10 # Will set them both iso.yticlabels(lat10, lat10) iso.ymtics1='' iso.ymtics2='' # Will set them both iso.ymtics(lat10, lat10) iso.datawc_y1=-90.0 iso.datawc_y2=90.0 iso.datawc_x1=-180.0 iso.datawc_x2=180.0 # Will set them all iso.datawc(-90, 90, -180, 180) xaxisconvert='linear' yaxisconvert='linear' # Will set them both iso.xyscale('linear', 'area_wt') * Setting isoline :py:attr:`level` values: .. code-block:: python #1) As a list of tuples (Examples): iso.level=[(23,32,45,50,76),] iso.level=[(22,33,44,55,66)] iso.level=[(20,0.0),(30,0),(50,0)] iso.level=[(23,32,45,50,76), (35, 45, 55)] #2) As a tuple of lists (Examples): iso.level=([23,32,45,50,76],) iso.level=([22,33,44,55,66]) iso.level=([23,32,45,50,76],) iso.level=([0,20,25,30,35,40],[30,40],[50,60]) #3) As a list of lists (Examples): iso.level=[[20,0.0],[30,0],[50,0]] #4) As a tuple of tuples (Examples): iso.level=((20,0.0),(30,0),(50,0),(60,0),(70,0)) .. note:: A combination of a pairs (i.e., (30,0) or [30,0]) represents the isoline value plus its increment value. Thus, to let VCS generate "default" isolines: .. code-block:: python # Same as iso.level=((0,1e20),) iso.level=[[0,1e20]] * Displaying isoline labels: .. code-block:: python # Same as iso.label=1, will display isoline labels iso.label='y' # Same as iso.label=0, will turn isoline labels off iso.label='n' * Specify the isoline line style (or type): .. code-block:: python # The following two lines of code are equivalent. iso.line=([0,1,2,3,4]) # Both specify the isoline style iso.line=(['solid, 'dash', 'dot', 'dash-dot', 'long-dash']) * There are three possibilities for setting the line color indices: .. code-block:: python # The following two lines of code are equivalent # Both will set the isoline to a specific color index iso.linecolors=(22,33,44,55,66,77) iso.linecolors=([22,33,44,55,66,77]) # Turns off the line color index iso.linecolors=None * There are three possibilities for setting the line widths: .. code-block:: python # The following two lines of code are equivalent iso.linewidths=(1,10,3,4,5,6,7,8) # Both will set the isoline to a specific width size iso.linewidths=([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) # Turns off the line width size iso.linewidths=None .. note:: If the number of line styles, colors or widths are less than the number of levels, we extend the attribute list using the last attribute value in the attribute list. * There are three ways to specify the text or font number: .. code-block:: python # Font numbers are between 1 and 9 iso.text=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) iso.text=[9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] iso.text=([1,3,5,6,9,2]) # Removes the text settings iso.text=None * There are three possibilities for setting the text color indices: .. code-block:: python iso.textcolors=([22,33,44,55,66,77]) iso.textcolors=(16,19,33,44) # Turns off the text color index iso.textcolors=None .. _isoline-attribute-descriptions: * Attribute descriptions: .. py:attribute:: label (str) Turn on/off labels on isolines .. py:attribute:: labelskipdistance (float) Minimum distance between isoline labels .. py:attribute:: labelbackgroundcolors ([float]) Background color for isoline labels .. py:attribute:: labelbackgroundopacities ([float]) Background opacity for isoline labels .. py:attribute:: level ([float,...]) Isocountours to display .. py:attribute:: clockwise ([int,...]) Draw directional arrows +-(0,1,2) Indicate none/clockwise/clokwise on y axis >0. Clockwise on x axis positive negative value invert behaviour .. py:attribute:: scale ([float,...]) Scales the directional arrow lengths .. py:attribute:: angle ([float,...]) Directional arrows head angle .. py:attribute:: spacing ([float,...]) Scales spacing between directional arrows %s %s %s .. pragma: skip-doctest """ % (xmldocs.graphics_method_core, xmldocs.linesdoc, xmldocs.textsdoc) colormap = VCS_validation_functions.colormap __slots__ = [ 'g_name', '_colormap', '_name', '_xaxisconvert', '_yaxisconvert', '_level', '_label', '_labelskipdistance', '_labelbackgroundcolors', '_labelbackgroundopacities', '_linecolors', '_linetypes', '_linewidths', '_text', '_textcolors', '_projection', '_xticlabels1', '_xticlabels2', '_yticlabels1', '_yticlabels2', '_xmtics1', '_xmtics2', '_ymtics1', '_ymtics2', '_datawc_x1', '_datawc_x2', '_datawc_y1', '_datawc_y2', '_datawc_timeunits', '_datawc_calendar', '_clockwise', '_scale', '_angle', '_spacing', 'info', ] def _getname(self): return self._name def _setname(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkname(self, 'name', value) self._name = value name = property(_getname, _setname) def _getcalendar(self): return self._datawc_calendar def _setcalendar(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkCalendar( self, 'datawc_calendar', value) self._datawc_calendar = value datawc_calendar = property(_getcalendar, _setcalendar) def _gettimeunits(self): return self._datawc_timeunits def _settimeunits(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkTimeUnits( self, 'datawc_timeunits', value) self._datawc_timeunits = value datawc_timeunits = property(_gettimeunits, _settimeunits) def _getxaxisconvert(self): return self._xaxisconvert def _setxaxisconvert(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkAxisConvert( self, 'xaxisconvert', value) self._xaxisconvert = value xaxisconvert = property(_getxaxisconvert, _setxaxisconvert) def _getyaxisconvert(self): return self._yaxisconvert def _setyaxisconvert(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkAxisConvert( self, 'yaxisconvert', value) self._yaxisconvert = value yaxisconvert = property(_getyaxisconvert, _setyaxisconvert) def _getlevels(self): return self._level def _setlevels(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkIsolineLevels( self, 'levels', value) self._level = value level = property(_getlevels, _setlevels) levels = property(_getlevels, _setlevels) def _getprojection(self): return self._projection def _setprojection(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkProjection( self, 'projection', value) self._projection = value projection = property(_getprojection, _setprojection) def _getxticlabels1(self): return self._xticlabels1 def _setxticlabels1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xticlabels1', value) self._xticlabels1 = value xticlabels1 = property(_getxticlabels1, _setxticlabels1) def _getxticlabels2(self): return self._xticlabels2 def _setxticlabels2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xticlabels2', value) self._xticlabels2 = value xticlabels2 = property(_getxticlabels2, _setxticlabels2) def _getyticlabels1(self): return self._yticlabels1 def _setyticlabels1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'yticlabels1', value) self._yticlabels1 = value yticlabels1 = property(_getyticlabels1, _setyticlabels1) def _getyticlabels2(self): return self._yticlabels2 def _setyticlabels2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'yticlabels2', value) self._yticlabels2 = value yticlabels2 = property(_getyticlabels2, _setyticlabels2) def _getxmtics1(self): return self._xmtics1 def _setxmtics1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xmtics1', value) self._xmtics1 = value xmtics1 = property(_getxmtics1, _setxmtics1) def _getxmtics2(self): return self._xmtics2 def _setxmtics2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'xmtics2', value) self._xmtics2 = value xmtics2 = property(_getxmtics2, _setxmtics2) def _getymtics1(self): return self._ymtics1 def _setymtics1(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'ymtics1', value) self._ymtics1 = value ymtics1 = property(_getymtics1, _setymtics1) def _getymtics2(self): return self._ymtics2 def _setymtics2(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkStringDictionary( self, 'ymtics2', value) self._ymtics2 = value ymtics2 = property(_getymtics2, _setymtics2) def _getdatawc_x1(self): return self._datawc_x1 def _setdatawc_x1(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_x1', value) self._datawc_x1 = value datawc_x1 = property(_getdatawc_x1, _setdatawc_x1) def _getdatawc_x2(self): return self._datawc_x2 def _setdatawc_x2(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_x2', value) self._datawc_x2 = value datawc_x2 = property(_getdatawc_x2, _setdatawc_x2) def _getdatawc_y1(self): return self._datawc_y1 def _setdatawc_y1(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_y1', value) self._datawc_y1 = value datawc_y1 = property(_getdatawc_y1, _setdatawc_y1) def _getdatawc_y2(self): return self._datawc_y2 def _setdatawc_y2(self, value): VCS_validation_functions.checkDatawc(self, 'datawc_y2', value) self._datawc_y2 = value datawc_y2 = property(_getdatawc_y2, _setdatawc_y2) def _getlinewidths(self): return self._linewidths def _setlinewidths(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'linewidths', value, 0, 300) self._linewidths = value linewidths = property(_getlinewidths, _setlinewidths) def _getlinecolors(self): return self._linecolors def _setlinecolors(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkColorList( self, 'linecolors', value) self._linecolors = value linecolors = property(_getlinecolors, _setlinecolors) def _getlinetypes(self): return self._linetypes def _setlinetypes(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkLineTypeList( self, 'linetypes', value) self._linetypes = value linetypes = property(_getlinetypes, _setlinetypes) # def _getline(self): # print('DEPRECATED: Use linetypes or setLineAttributes instead.') # return self._linetypes # # def _setline(self, value): # print('DEPRECATED: Use linetypes or setLineAttributes instead.') # self.setLineAttributes(value) # # line = property(_getline, _setline)
[docs] def setLineAttributes(self, mixed): """ Add either a (linetype, 1, 1) or (linetype, linecolor, linewidth) based on if mixed[i] is a linetype or a line object name. .. pragma: skip-doctest TODO: add a setLineAttributes example """ from . import queries types = [] colors = [] widths = [] for i, l in enumerate(mixed): # first try a line type try: lineType = VCS_validation_functions.checkLineType( self, 'invalid', l) types.append(lineType) if (len(self.linecolors) > i): colors.append(self.linecolors[i]) else: colors.append(1) if (len(self.linewidths) > i): widths.append(self.linewidths[i]) else: widths.append(1) continue except ValueError: pass # then try a line object or a line object name if (queries.isline(l)): line = l elif (isinstance(l, str) and l in vcs.elements["line"]): line = vcs.elements["line"][l] else: raise ValueError("Expecting a line object or " + "a line name defined in in " + "vcs.elements, got type %s" % type(l).__name__) types.append(line.type[0]) colors.append(line.color[0]) widths.append(line.width[0]) self.linetypes = types self.linecolors = colors self.linewidths = widths
def _gettext(self): return self._text def _settext(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkTextsList( self, 'text', value, storeName=True) self._text = value text = property(_gettext, _settext) def _gettextcolors(self): return self._textcolors def _settextcolors(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkColorList( self, 'textcolors', value) self._textcolors = value textcolors = property(_gettextcolors, _settextcolors) def _getlabel(self): return self._label def _setlabel(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkFuzzyBoolean( self, 'label', value) self._label = value label = property(_getlabel, _setlabel) def _getlabelskipdistance(self): return self._labelskipdistance def _setlabelskipdistance(self, value): value = VCS_validation_functions.checkIntFloat( self, 'labelskipdistance', value) self._labelskipdistance = value labelskipdistance = property(_getlabelskipdistance, _setlabelskipdistance) def _getlabelbackgroundcolors(self): return self._labelbackgroundcolors def _setlabelbackgroundcolors(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkColorList( self, 'labelbackgroundcolors', value) self._labelbackgroundcolors = value labelbackgroundcolors = property( _getlabelbackgroundcolors, _setlabelbackgroundcolors) def _getlabelbackgroundopacities(self): return self._labelbackgroundopacities def _setlabelbackgroundopacities(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkOpacitiesList( self, 'labelbackgroundopacities', value) self._labelbackgroundopacities = value labelbackgroundopacities = property( _getlabelbackgroundopacities, _setlabelbackgroundopacities) def _getspacing(self): return self._spacing def _setspacing(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'spacing', value, 0.) self._spacing = value spacing = property(_getspacing, _setspacing) def _getangle(self): return self._angle def _setangle(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'angle', value, 0., 90.) self._angle = value angle = property(_getangle, _setangle) def _getscale(self): return self._scale def _setscale(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'scale', value, 0.) self._scale = value scale = property(_getscale, _setscale) def _getclockwise(self): return self._clockwise def _setclockwise(self, value): if value is not None: value = VCS_validation_functions.checkListOfNumbers( self, 'clockwise', value, -3, 3, ints=True) self._clockwise = value clockwise = property(_getclockwise, _setclockwise) def __init__(self, Gi_name, Gi_name_src='default'): # # ########################################################### # Initialize the isoline class and its members # # The getGimember function retrieves the values of the # # isoline members in the C structure and passes back the # # appropriate Python Object. # ########################################################### # # if not isinstance(Gi_name, str): raise ValueError("Isoline name must be a string") if Gi_name in list(vcs.elements["isoline"].keys()): raise ValueError( "isoline graphic method '%s' already exists" % Gi_name) self._name = Gi_name self.g_name = 'Gi' if Gi_name == "default": self._projection = "linear" self._xticlabels1 = "*" self._xticlabels2 = "*" self._xmtics1 = "" self._xmtics2 = "" self._yticlabels1 = "*" self._yticlabels2 = "*" self._ymtics1 = "" self._ymtics2 = "" self._datawc_y1 = 1.e20 self._datawc_y2 = 1.e20 self._datawc_x1 = 1.e20 self._datawc_x2 = 1.e20 self._xaxisconvert = 'linear' self._yaxisconvert = 'linear' self._linetypes = ['solid', ] self._linecolors = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0), ] self._linewidths = [1., ] self._text = None self._textcolors = None self._level = [[0., 1.0000000200408773e+20], ] self._datawc_timeunits = "days since 2000" self._datawc_calendar = 135441 self._clockwise = [0, ] self._scale = [1., ] self._angle = [35.] self._spacing = [1.] self._label = 'n' self._labelskipdistance = 0.0 self._labelbackgroundcolors = None self._labelbackgroundopacities = None self._colormap = None else: if isinstance(Gi_name_src, Gi): Gi_name_src = if Gi_name_src not in list(vcs.elements["isoline"].keys()): raise ValueError( "Isoline method '%s' does not exists" % Gi_name_src) src = vcs.elements["isoline"][Gi_name_src] for att in ['label', 'colormap', 'projection', 'xticlabels1', 'xticlabels2', 'xmtics1', 'xmtics2', 'yticlabels1', 'yticlabels2', 'ymtics1', 'ymtics2', 'datawc_y1', 'datawc_y2', 'datawc_x1', 'datawc_x2', 'xaxisconvert', 'yaxisconvert', 'level', 'datawc_timeunits', 'datawc_calendar', "linetypes", "linecolors", "linewidths", "text", "textcolors", "clockwise", "scale", "angle", "spacing", "labelskipdistance", "labelbackgroundcolors", "labelbackgroundopacities"]: setattr(self, att, getattr(src, att)) vcs.elements["isoline"][Gi_name] = self # # Doesn't make sense to inherit. This would mean more coding in C. # I put this code back. #
[docs] def xticlabels(self, xtl1='', xtl2=''): # specific_options_doc self.xticlabels1 = xtl1 self.xticlabels2 = xtl2
xticlabels.__doc__ = xmldocs.xticlabelsdoc % {"name": "isoline", "data": "f('u')"}
[docs] def xmtics(self, xmt1='', xmt2=''): self.xmtics1 = xmt1 self.xmtics2 = xmt2
xmtics.__doc__ = xmldocs.xmticsdoc.format(name="isoline")
[docs] def yticlabels(self, ytl1='', ytl2=''): self.yticlabels1 = ytl1 self.yticlabels2 = ytl2
yticlabels.__doc__ = xmldocs.yticlabelsdoc % {"name": "isoline", "data": "f('u')"}
[docs] def ymtics(self, ymt1='', ymt2=''): self.ymtics1 = ymt1 self.ymtics2 = ymt2
ymtics.__doc__ = xmldocs.xmticsdoc.format(name="isoline")
[docs] def datawc(self, dsp1=1e20, dsp2=1e20, dsp3=1e20, dsp4=1e20): self.datawc_y1 = dsp1 self.datawc_y2 = dsp2 self.datawc_x1 = dsp3 self.datawc_x2 = dsp4
datawc.__doc__ = xmldocs.datawcdoc.format(name="isoline")
[docs] def xyscale(self, xat='', yat=''): self.xaxisconvert = xat self.yaxisconvert = yat
xyscale.__doc__ = xmldocs.xyscaledoc.format(name='isoline')
[docs] def list(self): if ( == '__removed_from_VCS__'): raise ValueError('This instance has been removed from VCS.') print("---------- Isoline (Gi) member (attribute) listings ----------") print("graphics method =", self.g_name) print("name =", print("projection =", self.projection) print("xticlabels1 =", self.xticlabels1) print("xticlabels2 =", self.xticlabels2) print("xmtics1 =", self.xmtics1) print("xmtics2 =", self.xmtics2) print("yticlabels1 =", self.yticlabels1) print("yticlabels2 =", self.yticlabels2) print("ymtics1 = ", self.ymtics1) print("ymtics2 = ", self.ymtics2) print("datawc_x1 =", self.datawc_x1) print("datawc_y1 = ", self.datawc_y1) print("datawc_x2 = ", self.datawc_x2) print("datawc_y2 = ", self.datawc_y2) print("datawc_timeunits = ", self.datawc_timeunits) print("datawc_calendar = ", self.datawc_calendar) print("xaxisconvert = ", self.xaxisconvert) print("yaxisconvert = ", self.yaxisconvert) print("label = ", self.label) print("labelskipdistance = ", self.labelskipdistance) print("labelbackgroundcolors = ", self.labelbackgroundcolors) print("labelbackgroundopacities = ", self.labelbackgroundopacities) print("linetypes = ", self.linetypes) print("linecolors = ", self.linecolors) print("linewidths = ", self.linewidths) print("text = ", self.text) print("textcolors = ", self.textcolors) print("level = ", self.level) print("clockwise = ", self.clockwise) print("scale = ", self.scale) print("angle = ", self.angle) print("spacing = ", self.spacing)
list.__doc__ = xmldocs.listdoc.format(name="isoline", parent="") ########################################################################## # # # Script out primary isoline graphics method in VCS to a file. # # # ##########################################################################
[docs] def script(self, script_filename, mode='a'): if (script_filename is None): raise ValueError( 'Error - Must provide an output script file name.') if (mode is None): mode = 'a' elif (mode not in ('w', 'a')): raise ValueError( 'Error - Mode can only be "w" for replace or "a" for append.') # By default, save file in json scr_type = script_filename.split(".") if len(scr_type) == 1 or len(scr_type[-1]) > 5: scr_type = "json" if script_filename != "initial.attributes": script_filename += ".json" else: scr_type = scr_type[-1] if scr_type == '.scr': raise vcs.VCSDeprecationWarning("scr script are no longer generated") elif scr_type == "py": mode = mode + '+' py_type = script_filename[ len(script_filename) - 3:len(script_filename)] if (py_type != '.py'): script_filename = script_filename + '.py' # Write to file fp = open(script_filename, mode) if (fp.tell() == 0): # Must be a new file, so include below fp.write("#####################################\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("# Import and Initialize VCS #\n") fp.write("# #\n") fp.write("#############################\n") fp.write("import vcs\n") fp.write("v=vcs.init()\n\n") unique_name = '__Gi__' + fp.write("#----------Isoline (Gi) member (attribute) listings ----------\n") fp.write("gi_list=v.listelements('isoline')\n") fp.write("if ('%s' in gi_list):\n" % fp.write(" %s = v.getisoline('%s')\n" % (unique_name, fp.write("else:\n") fp.write(" %s = v.createisoline('%s')\n" % (unique_name, # Common core graphics method attributes fp.write("%s.projection = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.projection)) fp.write("%s.xticlabels1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xticlabels1)) fp.write("%s.xticlabels2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xticlabels2)) fp.write("%s.xmtics1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xmtics1)) fp.write("%s.xmtics2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xmtics2)) fp.write("%s.yticlabels1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.yticlabels1)) fp.write("%s.yticlabels2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.yticlabels2)) fp.write("%s.ymtics1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.ymtics1)) fp.write("%s.ymtics2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.ymtics2)) if isinstance(self.datawc_x1, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_x1 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x1)) else: fp.write("%s.datawc_x1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x1)) if isinstance(self.datawc_y1, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_y1 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y1)) else: fp.write("%s.datawc_y1 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y1)) if isinstance(self.datawc_x2, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_x2 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x2)) else: fp.write("%s.datawc_x2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_x2)) if isinstance(self.datawc_y2, (int, float)): fp.write("%s.datawc_y2 = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y2)) else: fp.write("%s.datawc_y2 = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_y2)) fp.write("%s.datawc_calendar = %g\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_calendar)) fp.write("%s.datawc_timeunits = '%s'\n\n" % (unique_name, self.datawc_timeunits)) fp.write("%s.xaxisconvert = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.xaxisconvert)) fp.write("%s.yaxisconvert = '%s'\n" % (unique_name, self.yaxisconvert)) # Unique attribute for isoline fp.write("%s.label = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.label)) fp.write("%s.labelskipdistance = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.labelskipdistance)) fp.write("%s.labelbackgroundcolors = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.labelbackgroundcolors)) fp.write("%s.labelbackgroundopacities = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.labelbackgroundopacities)) fp.write("%s.linetypes = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.linetypes)) fp.write("%s.linecolors = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.linecolors)) fp.write("%s.linewidths = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.linewidths)) fp.write("%s.text = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.text)) fp.write("%s.textcolors = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.textcolors)) fp.write("%s.level = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, self.level)) fp.write("%s.clockwise = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.clockwise)) fp.write("%s.scale = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.scale)) fp.write("%s.angle = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.angle)) fp.write("%s.spacing = %s\n" % (unique_name, self.spacing)) if self.colormap is not None: fp.write("%s.colormap = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, repr(self.colormap))) else: fp.write("%s.colormap = %s\n\n" % (unique_name, self.colormap)) else: # Json type mode += "+" f = open(script_filename, mode) vcs.utils.dumpToJson(self, f) f.close()
script.__doc__ = xmldocs.scriptdocs['isoline']
########################################################################## # END OF FILE # ##########################################################################