Source code for vcs.utils

"""Utils contains functions and objects that provide VCS with useful utilities.

.. _list:
.. _tuple:
.. _dict:
.. _None:
.. _str:
.. _bool:
.. _float:
.. _int:
.. _long:
.. _file:
# Adapted for numpy/ma/cdms2 by
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy
import cdtime
import warnings
import vcs
import json
from . import boxfill
from . import isofill
from . import isoline
from . import taylor
from . import projection
from . import fillarea
from . import template
from . import texttable
from . import textorientation
from . import line
from . import unified1D
from . import vector
from . import marker
from . import colormap
import os
import tempfile
import cdms2
import genutil
    import vtk
    HAS_VTK = True
except Exception:
    HAS_VTK = False
import struct
from .clickMap import mapPng, getPngDimensions, meshToPngCoords, vcsToHtml, axisToPngCoords  # noqa
    import vcsaddons
    hasVCSAddons = True
except BaseException:
    hasVCSAddons = False

    long  # noqa
except Exception:
    long = int

except NameError:
    basestring = str

from .colors import rgb2str, str2rgb, matplotlib2vcs, loadmatplotlibcolormaps  # noqa

indent = 1
sort_keys = True
# Deprecated color map names mapping
vcs_deprecated_colormap_names = {
    "blue2darkred": "bl_to_darkred",
    "blue2darkorange": "bl_to_drkorang",
    "blue2grey": "blue_to_grey",
    "blue2green": "blue_to_grn",
    "blue2orange": "blue_to_orange",
    "blue2orange2red": "blue_to_orgred",
    "brown2blue": "brown_to_blue",
    "green2magenta": "grn_to_magenta",
    "lightblue2darkblue": "ltbl_to_drkbl",
    "rainbownogreen": "rainbow_no_grn",
    "white2blue": "white_to_blue",
    "white2green": "white_to_green",
    "white2magenta": "white_to_magenta",
    "white2red": "white_to_red",
    "white2yellow": "white_to_yellow",

defaultColorsRange = list(range(256))

[docs]def get_png_dims(fnm): """Given the path to a png, return width, height of the png. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_get_png_dims >>> a=vcs.init(bg=True) >>> box=vcs.getboxfill('polar') >>> array=[range(10) for _ in range(10)] >>> a.plot(box,array) # plot something on canvas <vcs.displayplot.Dp ...> >>> a.png('box.png', width=1536, height=1186) # make a png >>> vcs.get_png_dims('box.png') # get (width, height) of 'box.png' (1536, 1186) :param fnm: String specifying the path to a .png file :type fnm: `str`_ :return: A tuple containing (width, height) of the given png. :rtype: `tuple`_ """ try: data = open(fnm, "rb").read() w, h = struct.unpack('>LL', data[16:24]) width = int(w) height = int(h) except Exception: width = None height = None return width, height
def process_range_from_old_scr(code, g): irg = code.find("range") if irg > -1: rg_code = code[irg:] levs = [] fac = [] fai = [] fas = [] badfa = False while rg_code.find("(id=") > -1: iend = rg_code.find(")") + 1 line = rg_code[:iend] rg_code = rg_code[iend:] sp = line.split(",") levs.append([float(sp[1][7:]), float(sp[2][7:])]) fa = sp[-1][3:] fa = fa[:fa.find(")")] if fa not in list(vcs.elements["fillarea"].keys()): badfa = True fai.append(fa) else: fa = vcs.elements["fillarea"][fa] fac.append(fa.color[0]) fai.append(fa.index[0]) fas.append([0]) if not numpy.allclose(levs, 1.e20): g.levels = levs if badfa: g._fillareaindices = fai else: g.fillareacolors = fac g.fillareaindices = fai g.fillareastyle = fas[0]
[docs]def dumpToDict(obj, skipped=[], must=[]): """Takes a VCS object and serializes its properties and their associated values in a Python `dict`_ . :Example: .. doctest:: utils_dumpToDict >>> b=vcs.getboxfill() >>> t=vcs.gettemplate() >>> bd=vcs.dumpToDict(b) # serializes all properties >>> td=vcs.dumpToDict(t, skipped=['legend']) # skip legend property >>> 'legend' in td[0].keys() # 'legend' should not be in dictionary False :param obj: An instance of a VCS object to serialize :type obj: A VCS object :param skipped: A list of strings, associated with property names to skip. :type skipped: `list`_ :param must: A list of strings, associated with property names which must be captured in the serialization. :type must: `list`_ :return: A tuple containing: * a dictionary with mappings of the object's property names to the values associated with those property names. * a dictionary with mappings of more complex properties' names to sets containing any associated property values. :rtype: `tuple`_ """ dic = {} associated = {"texttable": set(), "textorientation": set(), "line": set(), "colormap": set(), "projection": set(), } if isinstance(obj, (vcs.taylor.TDMarker, vcs.taylor.Gtd)): del(associated["line"]) associated_keys = list(associated.keys()) mylist = list(obj.__slots__) props = [] for attr in dir(obj.__class__): if isinstance(getattr(obj.__class__, attr), property): props.append(attr) mylist += props for a in mylist: if (a not in skipped) and (a[0] != "_" or a in must): try: val = getattr(obj, a) except BaseException: continue if a in associated_keys and val not in [ "default", "defup", "defcenter", "defright"]: if a == "line" and isinstance( obj, (vcs.isoline.Gi, vcs.unified1D.G1d)): continue associated[a].add(val) if not isinstance(val, (basestring, tuple, list, long, int, float, dict)) and \ val is not None: val, asso = dumpToDict(val, skipped, must) for k in associated_keys: for v in asso[k]: associated[k].add(v) dic[a] = val return dic, associated
[docs]def dumpToJson(obj, fileout, skipped=["info", "member", "attributes"], must=[ ], indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys): """Uses :py:func:`vcs.utils.dumpToDict` and `json.dumps`_ to construct a JSON representation of a VCS object's property values. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_dumpToJson >>> box=vcs.getboxfill() >>> vcs.dumpToJson(box, 'box.json') # output properties to file >>> vcs.dumpToJson(box,None) # returns JSON string '{...}' :param obj: An instance of a VCS object to serialize :type obj: A VCS object :param fileout: A file or a string name of a file into which the JSON will be written. :type fileout: `str`_ or `file`_ :param skipped: A list of strings, associated with property names to skip. :type skipped: `list`_ :param must: A list of strings, associated with property names which must be captured in the serialization. :type must: `list`_ :param indent: An integer representing whether to pretty-print the JSON. * If indent is a non-negative integer, JSON will be printed with proper indentation levels. * If indent is None, 0, or negative, JSON will be printed in its most compact form. :type indent: `int`_ or `None`_ :param sort_keys: Boolean value indicating whether output should be sorted by key (True), or not (False) :type sort_keys: `bool`_ :return: The VCS object's properties serialized into a JSON formatted `str`_ . OR None, if fileout was specified. :rtype: `str`_ or `None`_ .. _json.dumps: """ dic, associated = dumpToDict(obj, skipped, must) if fileout is not None: if isinstance(fileout, basestring): f = open(fileout, "a+") else: f = fileout fileout = if os.path.exists(fileout): st = os.stat(fileout) if st.st_size != 0: try: # Mac needs to rewind, seems ok on other platforms D = json.load(f) except Exception as err: print("Error reading json file," + "will be overwritten", fileout, err) D = {} else: D = {} f.close() else: D = {} f = open(fileout, "w") for N in ["g_name", "s_name", "p_name"]: if N in dic: nm = dic[N] del(dic[N]) break d = D.get(nm, {}) nm2 = dic["name"] del(dic["name"]) d[nm2] = dic D[nm] = d json.dump( D, f, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent, separators=( ', ', ': ')) if isinstance(fileout, basestring): f.close() for etype in list(associated.keys()): for asso in associated[etype]: if asso is not None and asso not in vcs._protected_elements[ etype]: dumpToJson( vcs.elements[etype][asso], fileout, skipped=skipped, must=[], indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys) else: return json.dumps(dic, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent)
[docs]def getfontname(number): """Retrieve a font name for a given font index. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_getfontname >>> vcs.getfontname(1) 'default' >>> vcs.getfontname(4) 'Helvetica' :param number: Index of the font to get the name of. :type number: `int`_ """ if number not in vcs.elements["fontNumber"]: raise Exception("Error font number not existing %i" % number) return vcs.elements["fontNumber"][number]
[docs]def getfontnumber(name): """Retrieve a font index for a given font name. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_getfontnumber >>> vcs.getfontnumber('default') 1 >>> vcs.getfontnumber('Helvetica') 4 :param name: Name of the font to get the index of. :type name: `str`_ """ for i in vcs.elements["fontNumber"]: if vcs.elements["fontNumber"][i] == name: return i raise Exception("Font name not existing! %s" % name)
def process_src_element(code): i = code.find("_") typ = code[:i] code = code[i + 1:] i = code.find("(") nm = code[:i] code = code[i + 1:-1] try: if typ == "Gfb": boxfill.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "Gfi": isofill.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "Gi": isoline.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "L": dic = {} sp = code.split(",") for i in range(0, len(sp), 2): dic[eval(sp[i])] = eval(sp[i + 1]) vcs.elements["list"][nm] = dic elif typ == "Gtd": taylor.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "Proj": projection.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "Tf": fillarea.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "P": template.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "Tt": texttable.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "To": textorientation.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "Tl": line.process_src(nm, code) elif typ in ["GXy", "GYx", "GXY", "GSp"]: unified1D.process_src(nm, code, typ) elif typ == "Gv": vector.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "Tm": marker.process_src(nm, code) elif typ == "C": colormap.process_src(nm, code) except Exception as err: print("Processing error for %s,%s: %s" % (nm, typ, err))
[docs]def listelements(typ=None): """List the elements of a given VCS object type. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_listelements >>> vcs.listelements() # list all vcs object types ['1d', '3d_dual_scalar', '3d_scalar', '3d_vector', 'boxfill', ...] >>> vcs.listelements('1d') [...] >>> vcs.listelements('boxfill') [...] :param typ: String specifying the type of VCS object to list. If None, list will contain VCS object type names. :type typ: `str`_ :return: If typ is None, returns a list of VCS object type names. If typ is a VCS object type, returns a list of the object of that type currently present in VCS. :rtype: `list`_ """ if typ is None: return sorted(vcs.elements.keys()) if typ in ("xvsy", "yxvsx", "scatter", "xyvsy"): names = [] aliased = ("xvsy", "yxvsx") for name, gm in vcs.elements["1d"].items(): if gm.g_type in aliased and typ in aliased: names.append(name) elif gm.g_type == typ: names.append(name) return sorted(names) if typ not in list(vcs.elements.keys()): raise Exception( "Error: '%s' is not a valid vcs element\n" "Valid vcs elements are: %s" % (typ, sorted(vcs.elements.keys()))) return sorted(vcs.elements[typ].keys())
# # # Show VCS primary and secondary elements wrapper for VCS. # # #
[docs]def show(*args): """Show the list of VCS primary and secondary class objects. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_show >>> # show all vcs object types ['1d', '3d_dual_scalar', '3d_scalar', '3d_vector', 'boxfill', ...] >>>'boxfill') # List boxfill objects *******************Boxfill Names List********************** ... *******************End Boxfill Names List********************** >>>'3d_vector') # List 3d_vector objects *******************3d_vector Names List********************** ... *******************End 3d_vector Names List********************** >>>'3d_scalar') # List 3d_scalar objects *******************3d_scalar Names List********************** ... *******************End 3d_scalar Names List********************** >>>'3d_dual_scalar') # List 3d_dual_scalar objects *******************3d_dual_scalar Names List********************** ... *******************End 3d_dual_scalar Names List********************** >>>'1d') # List 1d objects *******************1d Names List********************** ... *******************End 1d Names List********************** :param args: String name of a type of object to show, or None :type args: `str`_ or `None`_ """ if args == (): return vcs.listelements() else: elts = vcs.listelements(args[0]) try: m = max([len(e) for e in elts]) + 1 except BaseException: m = 4 print("*******************%s Names List**********************" % ( args[0].capitalize())) for i, e in enumerate(elts): print(("%s" % e).ljust(m), end=' ') if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: print() if len(elts) > 0 and (i + 1) % 3 != 0: print() print("*******************End %s Names List**********************" % ( args[0].capitalize())) return
def _scriptrun(script, canvas=None): # Now does the python Graphic methods f = open(script, 'r') # browse through the file to look for taylordiagram/python graphics methods processing = False # found a taylor graphic method for l in f: if l[:6] == "color(" and canvas is not None: canvas.setcolormap(l.strip()[6:-1]) elif l[:2] in ["P_", "L_", "C_"] or \ l[:3] in ["Tm_", "Gv_", "Gi_", "Tl_", "To_", "Tt_", "Tf_", ] or\ l[:4] in ['GXy_', 'GYx_', 'GXY_', 'GSp_', 'Gtd_', 'Gfb_', "Gfm_", "Gfi_"] or \ l[:5] in ["Proj_", ]: # We found a graphic method processing = True opened = 0 closed = 0 s = "" if processing: s += l.strip() opened += l.count("(") closed += l.count(")") if closed == opened: # ok we read the whole Graphic method vcs.process_src_element(s) processing = False f.close() # Ok now we need to double check the isolines gd = vcs.elements["isoline"]["default"] for g in list(vcs.elements["isoline"].values()): if == "default": continue for att in ["line", "textcolors", "text"]: try: if (att == "line"): setattr(g, "linetypes", getattr(g, "linetypes")) else: setattr(g, att, getattr(g, att)) except BaseException: lst = [] if att == "line": for e in g.line: if e in vcs.elements["line"]: lst.append(vcs.elements["line"][e]) else: lst.append(e) elif att == "text": for e in g.text: if e in vcs.elements["textorientation"]: lst.append(vcs.elements["textorientation"][e]) elif e in vcs.elements["textcombined"]: lst.append(vcs.elements["textcombined"][e]) else: lst.append(e) elif att == "textcolors": for e in g.textcolors: if e in vcs.elements["texttable"]: lst.append(vcs.elements["texttable"][e]) elif e in vcs.elements["textcombined"]: lst.append(vcs.elements["textcombined"][e]) else: lst.append(e) try: if (att == "line"): g.setLineAttributes(lst) else: setattr(g, att, lst) except BaseException: if (att == "line"): setattr(g, "linetypes", getattr(gd, "linetypes")) else: setattr(g, att, getattr(gd, att)) # # # Import old VCS file script commands into CDAT. # # # def scriptrun_scr(*args): import __main__ # Open VCS script file for reading and read all lines into a Python list fin = open(args[0], 'r') lns = fin.readlines() line_ct = len(lns) i = 0 # Check to see if it is a VCS generated Python script file. # If it is, then simply # call the execfile function to execute the script and close the file. if ((lns[0][0:37] == "#####################################") and (lns[1][0:35] == "# #") and (lns[2][0:33] == "# Import and Initialize VCS #") and (lns[3][0:31] == "# #") and (lns[4][0:29] == "#############################")): fin.close() exec(compile(open(args[0]).read(), args[0], 'exec'), __main__.__dict__) return while i < line_ct: # Loop through all lines and determine when a VCS command line # begins and ends. That is, get only one VCS command at a time scr_str = lns[i] lt_paren_ct = lns[i].count('(') rt_paren_ct = lns[i].count(')') while lt_paren_ct > rt_paren_ct: i += 1 scr_str += lns[i] lt_paren_ct += lns[i].count('(') rt_paren_ct += lns[i].count(')') i += 1 scr_str = scr_str.strip() # Get the VCS command vcs_cmd = scr_str.split('(')[0].split('_')[0] function = source = name = units = title = lon_name = lat_name = '' comment1 = comment2 = comment3 = comment4 = '' if vcs_cmd == 'A': # Get the data via CDMS. That is, retrieve that data as a # _TransientVariable. But first, get the source, name, title, # etc. of the file. slab_name = scr_str.split('(')[0][2:] a = scr_str.split('",') for j in range(len(a)): b = a[j].split('="') if b[0][-4:].lower() == 'file': # Open CDMS file fcdms =[1]) elif b[0][-8:].lower() == 'function': function = b[1] # Get function elif b[0].lower() == 'source': source = b[1] elif ((b[0][-4:].lower() == 'name') and (b[0][-5:].lower() != 'xname') and (b[0][-5:].lower() != 'yname')): name = b[1].split('")')[0] elif b[0].lower() == 'units': units = b[1].split('")')[0] elif b[0][-5:].lower() == 'title': title = b[1].split('")')[0] elif b[0][-5:].lower() == 'xname': lon_name = b[1].split('")')[0].strip() elif b[0][-5:].lower() == 'yname': lat_name = b[1].split('")')[0].strip() elif b[0][-9:].lower() == 'comment#1': comment1 = b[1] elif b[0][-9:].lower() == 'comment#2': comment2 = b[1] elif b[0][-9:].lower() == 'comment#3': comment3 = b[1] elif b[0][-9:].lower() == 'comment#4': comment4 = b[1] if function != '': b = function.split('(') V = b[1].split(',')[0] __main__.__dict__[slab_name] = __main__.__dict__[V] * 1000. continue a = scr_str.split(',') # Now get the coordinate values x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = None for j in range(len(a)): c = a[j].split(',')[0] b = c.split('=') if b[0].lower() == 'xfirst': x1 = float(b[1].split(')')[0]) elif b[0].lower() == 'xlast': x2 = float(b[1].split(')')[0]) elif b[0][-6:].lower() == 'yfirst': y1 = float(b[1].split(')')[0]) elif b[0].lower() == 'ylast': y2 = float(b[1].split(')')[0]) # Get the variable from the CDMS opened file V = fcdms.variables[name] # Check for the order of the variable and re-order dimensions # if necessary Order = '(%s)(%s)' % (lat_name, lon_name) Order = Order.strip().replace('()', '') if Order == '': Order = None axis_ids = V.getAxisIds() re_order_dimension = 'no' try: # only re-order on two or more dimensions if (axis_ids[-1] != lon_name) and (axis_ids[-2] != lat_name): re_order_dimension = 'yes' except BaseException: pass # Must have the remaining dimension names in the Order list if Order is not None: O_ct = Order.count('(') V_ct = len(V.getAxisIds()) for j in range(O_ct, V_ct): Order = ('(%s)' % axis_ids[V_ct - j - 1]) + Order # Set the data dictionary up to retrieve the dat from CDMS if re_order_dimension == 'no': if ((x1 is not None) and (x2 is not None) and (y1 is not None) and (y2 is not None)): data_dict = { lon_name: ( x1, x2), lat_name: ( y1, y2), 'order': Order} elif ((x1 is not None) and (x2 is not None) and (y1 is None) and (y2 is None)): data_dict = {lon_name: (x1, x2), 'order': Order} elif ((x1 is None) and (x2 is None) and (y1 is not None) and (y2 is not None)): data_dict = {lat_name: (y1, y2), 'order': Order} elif ((x1 is None) and (x2 is None) and (y1 is None) and (y2 is None)): data_dict = {} else: if ((x1 is not None) and (x2 is not None) and (y1 is not None) and (y2 is not None)): data_dict = { lat_name: ( x1, x2), lon_name: ( y1, y2), 'order': Order} elif ((x1 is not None) and (x2 is not None) and (y1 is None) and (y2 is None)): data_dict = {lon_name: (x1, x2), 'order': Order} elif ((x1 is None) and (x2 is None) and (y1 is not None) and (y2 is not None)): data_dict = {lat_name: (y1, y2), 'order': Order} elif ((x1 is None) and (x2 is None) and (y1 is None) and (y2 is None)): data_dict = {} # Now store the _TransientVariable in the main dictionary for use # later V.units = units V.source = source V.title = title V.comment1 = comment1 V.comment2 = comment2 V.comment3 = comment3 V.comment4 = comment4 __main__.__dict__[slab_name] = V(*(), **data_dict) fcdms.close() # Close CDMS file elif vcs_cmd == 'D': # plot the data with the appropriate graphics method and template a = scr_str.split(',') a_name = b_name = None for j in range(len(a)): b = a[j].split('=') if b[0][-3:].lower() == 'off': continue elif b[0].lower() == 'priority': continue elif b[0].lower() == 'type': graphics_type = b[1] elif b[0].lower() == 'template': template = b[1] elif b[0].lower() == 'graph': graphics_name = b[1] elif b[0].lower() == 'a': a_name = b[1].split(')')[0] elif b[0].lower() == 'b': b_name = b[1].split(')')[0] arglist = [] if a_name is not None: arglist.append(__main__.__dict__[a_name]) else: arglist.append(None) if b_name is not None: arglist.append(__main__.__dict__[b_name]) else: arglist.append(None) arglist.append(template) arglist.append(graphics_type) arglist.append(graphics_name) if (a_name is not None) and (graphics_type != 'continents'): CANVAS = vcs.init() CANVAS.plot(*arglist, bg=False) elif vcs_cmd.lower() == 'canvas': warnings.warn("Please implement vcs 'canvas' function") elif vcs_cmd.lower() == 'page': warnings.warn("Please implement vcs 'page' function") else: # Send command to VCS interpreter if (len(scr_str) > 1) and (scr_str[0] != '#'): # Save command to a temporary file first, # then read script command # This is the best solution. Avoids rewriting C code that I # know works! temporary_file_name = tempfile.mktemp('.scr') fout = open(temporary_file_name, 'w') fout.writelines(scr_str) fout.close() _scriptrun(temporary_file_name) os.remove(temporary_file_name) fin.close() def saveinitialfile(): _dotdir, _dotdirenv = vcs.getdotdirectory() fnm = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), _dotdir, 'initial.attributes') if os.path.exists(fnm): os.remove(fnm) Skip = {} for k in list(vcs.elements.keys()): Skip[k] = [] for e in list(vcs.elements[k].keys()): if e in vcs._protected_elements[k] or e[ :2] == "__": # temporary elt Skip[k].append(e) for k in list(vcs.elements.keys()): if k in ["display", "font", "fontNumber"]: continue elif k == "list": D2 = {} D2["L"] = {} for l in list(vcs.elements["list"].keys()): if l not in Skip["list"]: D2["L"][l] = vcs.elements["list"][l] if len(list(D2["L"].keys())) != 0: f = open(fnm + ".json", "w") json.dump(D2, f) f.close() continue e = vcs.elements[k] for nm, g in e.items(): if nm not in Skip[k]: try: g.script(fnm) except Exception as err: warnings.warn( "Could not save graphic method %s named %s: %s" % (k, nm, err)) # extension .json has been auto-added, removing it in this specific case os.rename(fnm + ".json", fnm) # # # Import old VCS file script commands into CDAT. # # def scriptrun(script): if script.split(".")[-1] == "scr": scriptrun_scr(script) elif script.split(".")[-1] == "py": exec(compile(open(script).read(), script, 'exec')) else: if os.path.split(script)[-1] == "initial.attributes": vcs._doValidation = False loader = {"P": 'template', "Gfb": 'boxfill', "Gfi": 'isofill', "Gi": 'isoline', "Gvp": 'vector', "Gs": 'streamline', "Gfm": 'meshfill', "G1d": '1d', "Tf": 'fillarea', "Tt": "texttable", "To": "textorientation", "Tm": "marker", "Tl": "line", "Gf3Dscalar": "3d_scalar", "Gf3DDualScalar": "3d_dual_scalar", "Gf3Dvector": "3d_vector", "Proj": "projection", "Gtd": "taylordiagram", "Cp": "colormap", "L": "L", } try: f = open(script) jsn = json.load(f) keys = [] for k in ["Tt", "To", "Tl", "Tm", "Proj"]: # always read these first if k in list(jsn.keys()): keys.append(k) for k in list(jsn.keys()): if k not in keys: keys.append(k) for typ in keys: for nm, v in jsn[typ].items(): if typ == "P": try: loadTemplate(str(nm), v) except Exception as err: print("could not load tmpl:", nm, err) else: try: loadVCSItem(loader[typ], nm, v) except Exception as err: print("failed", typ, nm, err) # ok could not read json file maybe it is an old initial.attributes except Exception as err: if os.path.split(script)[-1] == "initial.attributes": _scriptrun(script) else: warnings.warn("unable to source file: %s %s" % (script, err)) vcs._doValidation = True return def loadTemplate(nm, vals): try: t = vcs.gettemplate(nm) except Exception: t = vcs.createtemplate(nm) for k, v in vals.items(): A = getattr(t, k) try: for a, v in v.items(): if isinstance(v, basestring): v = str(v) setattr(A, a, v) except Exception: setattr(t, k, v) def loadVCSItem(typ, nm, json_dict={}): if typ in list(vcs._protected_elements.keys( )) and nm in vcs._protected_elements[typ]: # protected element do not overload return tp = typ if typ == "L": d = {} for k, v in json_dict.items(): try: d[eval(k)] = eval(v) except BaseException: d[eval(k)] = v vcs.elements["list"][nm] = d return if nm in vcs.elements[tp]: # skip defaults and temp ones if nm not in ["default_scatter_", "default_xvsy_", "default_xyvsy_", "default_yxvsx_"]: gm = vcs.elements[tp][nm] else: cmd = "gm = vcs.create%s('%s')" % (typ, nm) loc = locals() exec(cmd) gm = loc["gm"] for a, v in json_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): if a == "Marker" and tp == "taylordiagram": gm.addMarker() for k in list(v.keys()): cmd = "gm.Marker.%s = %s" % (k, repr(v[k])) loc = locals() exec(cmd) gm = loc["gm"] else: for k in list(v.keys()): try: v[eval(k)] = v[k] del(v[k]) except BaseException: pass elif isinstance(v, basestring): v = str(v) if not(a == "Marker" and tp == "taylordiagram"): setattr(gm, a, v) if nm in vcs_deprecated_colormap_names: cmd = "gm = vcs.create%s('%s')" % ( typ, vcs_deprecated_colormap_names[nm]) loc = locals() exec(cmd) gm = loc["gm"] setattr(gm, a, v) return gm def return_display_names(): return [""], [""] def getdotdirectory(): return ".uvcdat", "UVCDAT_DIR"
[docs]class VCSUtilsError (Exception): def __init__(self, args=None): """Create an exception""" self.args = args def __str__(self): """Calculate the string representation""" return str(self.args) __repr__ = __str__
[docs]def minmax(*data): """Return the minimum and maximum of a series of array/list/tuples (or combination of these) You can combine list/tuples/arrays pretty much any combination is allowed :Example: .. doctest:: utils_minmax >>> s = range(7) >>> vcs.minmax(s) (0.0, 6.0) >>> vcs.minmax([s, s]) (0.0, 6.0) >>> vcs.minmax([[s, list(s) * 2], 4., [6., 7., s]],[ 5., -7., 8, (6., 1.)]) (-7.0, 8.0) :param data: A comma-separated list of lists/arrays/tuples :type data: `list`_ :returns: A tuple in the form (min, max) :rtype: `tuple`_ """ mx = -1.E77 mn = 1.E77 if len(data) == 1: data = data[0] global myfunction def myfunction(d, mx, mn): if d is None: return mx, mn from import maximum, minimum, count if isinstance(d, (int, float)): return maximum(d, mx), minimum(d, mn) try: if count(d) == 0: return mx, mn mx = float(maximum(mx, maximum.reduce(d, axis=None))) mn = float(minimum(mn, minimum.reduce(d, axis=None))) except BaseException: for i in d: mx, mn = myfunction(i, mx, mn) return mx, mn mx, mn = myfunction(data, mx, mn) if mn == 1.E77 and mx == -1.E77: mn, mx = 1.E20, 1.E20 return mn, mx
[docs]def mkevenlevels(n1, n2, nlev=10): """Return a series of evenly spaced levels going from n1 to n2. By default 10 intervals will be produced. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_mkevenlevels >>> vcs.mkevenlevels(0,100) [0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0] >>> vcs.mkevenlevels(0,100,nlev=5) [0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 100.0] >>> vcs.mkevenlevels(100,0,nlev=5) [100.0, 80.0, 60.0, 40.0, 20.0, 0.0] :param n1: Beginning of range. :type n1: `int`_ or `float`_ :param n2: End of range. Int or float. :type n2: `int`_ or `float`_ :param nlev: Number of levels by which to split the given range. :type nlev: `int`_ :returns: List of floats, splitting range evenly between n1 and n2 :rtype: `list`_ """ import lev = + 1, dtype=numpy.float) factor = float(n2 - n1) / nlev lev = factor * lev lev = lev + n1 return list(lev)
[docs]def mkscale(n1, n2, nc=12, zero=1, ends=False): """This function return a nice scale given a min and a max .. warning:: Not all functionality for the 'zero' parameter has been implemented. zero=0 is intended to let the function decide what should be done with zeros, but it has yet to be defined. Do not use zero=0. :Examples: .. doctest:: utils_mkscale >>> vcs.mkscale(0,100) [0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0] >>> vcs.mkscale(0,100,nc=5) [0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 100.0] >>> vcs.mkscale(-10,100,nc=5) [-25.0, 0.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0] >>> vcs.mkscale(-10,100,nc=5,zero=-1) [-20.0, 20.0, 60.0, 100.0] >>> vcs.mkscale(2,20) [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0] >>> vcs.mkscale(2,20,zero=2) [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0] :param n1: Minimum number in range. :type n1: `float`_ :param n2: Maximum number in range. :type n2: `float`_ :param nc: Maximum number of intervals :type nc: `int`_ :param zero: Integer flag to indicate how zero should be handled. Flags are as follows -1: zero MUST NOT be a contour 0: let the function decide # NOT IMPLEMENTED 1: zero CAN be a contour (default) 2: zero MUST be a contour :type zero: `int`_ :param end: Boolean value indicating whether n1 and n2 should be part of the returned labels. Defaults to False. :type end: `bool`_ :returns: List of floats split into nc intervals :rtype: `list`_ """ if n1 == n2: return [n1] import numpy nc = int(nc) cscale = 0 # ???? May be later min, max = minmax(n1, n2) if zero > 1.: if min > 0.: min = 0. if max < 0.: max = 0. rg = float(max - min) # range if rg == 0: return [min, ] delta = rg / nc # basic delta # scale delta to be >10 and <= 100 lg = -numpy.log10(delta) + 2. il = numpy.floor(lg) delta = delta * (10. ** il) max = max * (10. ** il) min = min * (10. ** il) if zero > -0.5: if delta <= 20.: delta = 20 elif delta <= 25.: delta = 25 elif delta <= 40.: delta = 40 elif delta <= 50.: delta = 50 elif delta <= 101.: delta = 100 first = numpy.floor(min / delta) - 1. else: if delta <= 20.: delta = 20 elif delta <= 40.: delta = 40 elif delta <= 60.: delta = 60 elif delta <= 101.: delta = 100 first = numpy.floor(min / delta) - 1.5 if ends: scvals = n1 + delta * numpy.arange(2 * nc) else: scvals = delta * (numpy.arange(2 * nc) + first) a = 0 for j in range(len(scvals)): if scvals[j] > min: a = j - 1 break b = 0 for j in range(len(scvals)): if scvals[j] >= max: b = j + 1 break if cscale == 0: cnt = scvals[a:b] / 10. ** il else: # not done yet... raise VCSUtilsError('ERROR scale not implemented in this function') return list(cnt)
def __split2contiguous(levels): """ Function __split2contiguous(levels) takes list of split intervals and make it contiguous if possible """ tmplevs = [] for il in range(len(levels)): lv = levels[il] if not (isinstance(lv, list) or isinstance(lv, tuple)): raise VCSUtilsError("Error levels must be a set of intervals") if not len(lv) == 2: raise VCSUtilsError("Error intervals can only have 2 elements") if il != 0: lv2 = levels[il - 1] if lv2[1] != lv[0]: raise VCSUtilsError( "Error intervals are NOT contiguous from " + str(lv2[1]) + " to " + str(lv[0])) tmplevs.append(lv[0]) tmplevs.append(levels[-1][1]) return tmplevs
[docs]def mklabels(vals, output='dict'): """This function gets levels and output strings for nice display of the levels values. :Examples: .. doctest:: utils_mklabels >>> from __future__ import print_function >>> scale = vcs.mkscale(2, 20, zero=2) >>> labels = vcs.mklabels(scale) >>> keys = sorted(labels.keys()) >>> for key in keys: ... print(key, ':', labels[key]) 0.0 : 0 2.0 : 2 4.0 : 4 6.0 : 6 8.0 : 8 10.0 : 10 12.0 : 12 14.0 : 14 16.0 : 16 18.0 : 18 20.0 : 20 >>> labels=vcs.mklabels([.00002,.00003,.00005]) >>> keys=sorted(labels.keys()) >>> for key in keys: ... print(key, ':', labels[key]) 2e-05 : 2E-5 3e-05 : 3E-5 5e-05 : 5E-5 >>> vcs.mklabels ([.00002,.00005],output='list') ['2E-5', '5E-5'] :param vals: List or tuple of float values :type vals: `list`_, `tuple`_ :param output: Specifies the desired output type. One of ['dict', 'list']. :type output: `str`_ :returns: Dictionary or list of labels for the given values. :rtype: `dict`_ or `list`_ """ import if isinstance(vals[0], (list, tuple)): vals = __split2contiguous(vals) vals = nvals = len(vals) ineg = 0 # Finds maximum number to write amax = float( if amax == 0: if output[:3].lower() == 'dic': return {0: '0'} else: return ['0'] amin, amax = minmax(, 0)) ratio = amax / amin if int( + 1 > 6: lbls = [] for i in range(nvals): if vals[i] != 0: lbls.append(mklabels([vals[i]], output='list')[0]) else: lbls.append('0') if output[:3].lower() == 'dic': dic = {} for i in range(len(vals)): dic[float(vals[i])] = lbls[i] return dic else: return lbls tmax = float( if tmax < 0.: ineg = 1 vals = -vals amax = float( # Number of digit on the left of decimal point idigleft = int( + 1 # Now determine the number of significant figures idig = 0 for i in range(nvals): aa =, -idigleft) while abs(round(aa * float(vals[i])) - aa * vals[i]) > .000001: aa = aa * 10. idig = idig, aa * 10., idigleft)))) idig = int(idig) # Now does the writing part lbls = [] # First if we need an E format if idigleft > 5 or idigleft < -2: if idig == 1: for i in range(nvals): aa = int( round( float( vals[i]) / 10., idigleft - 1))) lbls.append(str(aa) + 'E' + str(idigleft - 1)) else: for i in range(nvals): aa = str( round( ((vals[i] / 10., idigleft - 1)) * numpy.power( 10, idig))) / numpy.power( 10, idig)) ii = 1 if vals[i] < 0.: ii = 2 aa = aa.ljust(idig + ii) aa = aa.replace(' ', '0') lbls.append(aa + 'E' + str(idigleft - 1)) elif idigleft > 0 and idigleft >= idig: # F format for i in range(nvals): lbls.append(str(int(round(float(vals[i]))))) else: for i in range(nvals): ii = 1 if vals[i] < 0.: ii = 2 ndig = idig + ii rdig = idig - idigleft if idigleft < 0: ndig = idig - idigleft + 1 + ii aa = '%' + str(ndig) + '.' + str(rdig) + 'f' aa = aa % vals[i] lbls.append(aa) if ineg: vals = -vals for i in range(len(lbls)): lbls[i] = '-' + lbls[i] if output[:3].lower() == 'dic': dic = {} for i in range(len(vals)): dic[float(vals[i])] = str(lbls[i]) return dic else: return lbls
[docs]def getcolors(levs, colors=None, split=1, white="white"): """For isofill/boxfill purposes Given a list of levels this function returns the colors that would best spread a list of "user-defined" colors (default is 0 to 255, i.e 256 colors), always using the first and last color. Optionally the color range can be split into 2 equal domain to represent <0 and >0 values. If the colors are split an interval goes from <0 to >0 then this is assigned the "white" color the default range of colors to use can be adjusted by setting: vcs.utils.defaultColorsRange = newrange :Example: .. doctest:: utils_getcolors >>> a=[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0] >>> vcs.getcolors (a) [0, 28, 57, 85, 113, 142, 170, 198, 227, 255] >>> vcs.getcolors (a,colors=range(16,200)) [16, 36, 57, 77, 97, 118, 138, 158, 179, 199] >>> vcs.getcolors(a,colors=[16,25,15,56,35,234,12,11,19,32,132,17]) [16, 25, 15, 35, 234, 12, 11, 32, 132, 17] >>> a=[-6.0, -2.0, 2.0, 6.0, 10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0, 26.0] >>> vcs.getcolors (a,white=241) [0, 241, 128, 153, 179, 204, 230, 255] >>> vcs.getcolors (a,white=241,split=0) [0, 36, 73, 109, 146, 182, 219, 255] :param levs: levels defining the color ranges :type levs: `list`_ or `tuple`_ :param colors: A list/tuple of the of colors you wish to use :type colors: `list`_ or `tuple`_ :param split: Integer flag to split colors between two equal domains. 0 : no split 1 : split if the levels go from <0 to >0 2 : split even if all the values are positive or negative :type split: `int`_ :param white: If split is on and an interval goes from <0 to >0 this color will be used within this interval. :type white: `int`_ or `str`_ or `tuple`_ :returns: List of colors :rtype: `list`_ """ if colors is None: colors = defaultColorsRange if len(levs) == 1: return [colors[0]] if isinstance(levs[0], list) or isinstance(levs[0], tuple): tmplevs = [levs[0][0]] for i in range(len(levs)): if i != 0: if levs[i - 1][1] * levs[i][0] < 0.: tmplevs[-1] = 0. tmplevs.append(levs[i][1]) levs = tmplevs # Take care of the input argument split if isinstance(split, basestring): if split.lower() == 'no': split = 0 elif split.lower() == 'force': split = 2 else: split = 1 # Take care of argument white if isinstance(white, basestring): white = [value / 2.55 for value in genutil.colors.str2rgb(white)] # Gets first and last value, and adjust if extensions mn = levs[0] mx = levs[-1] # If first level is < -1.E20 then use 2nd level for mn if levs[0] <= -9.E19 and levs[1] > 0.: mn = levs[1] # If last level is > 1.E20 then use 2nd to last level for mx if levs[-1] >= 9.E19 and levs[-2] < 0.: mx = levs[-2] # Do we need to split the palette in 2 ? sep = 0 if mx * mn < 0. and split == 1: sep = 1 if split == 2: sep = 1 # Determine the number of colors to use nc = len(levs) - 1 # In case only 2 levels, i.e only one color to return if nc == 1: if split > 0 and levs[0] * levs[1] <= 0: # Change of sign return white else: return colors[0] # Number of colors passed ncols = len(colors) col = [] # Counts the number of negative colors nn = 0 # initialize # if (mn<=0.) and (levs[0]<=-9.E19) : nn=nn+1 # Ext is one more <0 box zr = 0 # Counter to know if you stop by zero or it is included in a level for i in range(nc): if levs[i] < 0.: nn = nn + 1 # Count nb of <0 box if levs[i] == 0.: zr = 1 # Do we stop at zero ? np = nc - nn # Nb of >0 box is tot - neg -1 for the blank box if mx * mn < 0. and zr == 0: nn = nn - 1 # we have a split cell bet + and - so remove a - # Determine the interval (in colors) between each level cinc = (ncols - 1.) / float(nc - 1.) # Determine the interval (in colors) between each level (neg) cincn = 0. if nn != 0 and nn != 1: cincn = (ncols / 2. - 1.) / float(nn - 1.) # Determine the interval (in colors) between each level (pos) cincp = 0 isplit = 0 if np != 0 and np != 1: cincp = (ncols / 2. - 1.) / float(np - 1.) if sep != 1: for i in range(nc): cv = i * cinc col.append(colors[int(round(cv))]) else: col = [] for i in range(nc): if levs[i] < 0: cv = i * cincn # if nn==1 : cv=len(colors)/4. # if only 1 neg then use the # middle of the neg colors if (levs[i]) * (levs[i + 1]) < 0: col.append(white) isplit = 1 else: col.append(colors[int(round(cv))]) else: # if only 1 pos then use the middle of the pos colors if np == 1: cv = 3 * \ len(colors) / \ 4. cv = ncols / 2. + (i - nn - isplit) * cincp col.append(colors[int(round(cv))]) if col[0] == white and levs[0] < -9.E19: col[0] = colors[0] return col
[docs]def generate_time_labels(d1, d2, units, calendar=cdtime.DefaultCalendar): """Generates a dictionary of time labels for an interval of time, in a user defined units system. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_generate_time_labels # Two ways to generate a dictionary of time labels >>> import cdtime >>> lbls = vcs.generate_time_labels(cdtime.reltime(0,'months since 2000'), ... cdtime.reltime(12,'months since 2000'), ... 'days since 1800') # for the year 2000 in units of 'days since 1800' >>> lbls = vcs.generate_time_labels(cdtime.reltime(0,'months since 2000'), ... cdtime.comptime(2001), ... 'days since 1800') # for the year 2000 in units of 'days since 1800' >>> lbls = vcs.generate_time_labels(0, 12, 'months since 2000') # time labels for year 2000 :param d1: The beginning of the time interval to be labelled. Expects a cdtime object. Can also take int, long, or float, which will be used to create a cdtime object with the given units parameter. :type d1: cdtime object or `int`_ or `long`_ or `float`_ :param d2: The end of the time interval to be labelled. Expects a cdtime object. Can also take int, long, or float, which will be used to create a cdtime object with the given units parameter. :type d2: cdtime object or `int`_ or `long`_ or `float`_ :param units: String with the format '[time_unit] since [date]'. :type units: `str`_ :param calendar: A cdtime calendar :returns: Dictionary of time labels over the given time interval :rtype: dict """ if isinstance(d1, (int, float)): d1 = cdtime.reltime(d1, units) if isinstance(d2, (int, float)): d2 = cdtime.reltime(d2, units) d1r = d1.torel(units, calendar) d2r = d2.torel(units, calendar) d1, d2 = minmax(d1r.value, d2r.value) u = units.split('since')[0].strip().lower() dic = {} if u in ['month', 'months']: delta = (d2 - d1) * 30 elif u in ['year', 'years']: delta = (d2 - d1) * 365 elif u in ['hours', 'hour']: delta = (d2 - d1) / 24. elif u in ['minute', 'minutes']: delta = (d2 - d1) / 24. / 60. elif u in ['second', 'seconds']: delta = (d2 - d1) / 24. / 60. / 60. else: delta = d2 - d1 if delta < .042: # less than 1 hour levs = mkscale(d1, d2) for l in levs: dic[l] = str(cdtime.reltime(l, units).tocomp(calendar)) elif delta < 1: # Less than a day put a label every hours d1 = d1r.torel('hours since 2000').value d2 = d2r.torel('hours since 2000').value d1, d2 = minmax(d1, d2) levs = mkscale(d1, d2) for l in levs: t = cdtime.reltime(l, 'hours since 2000').tocomp(calendar) if t.minute > 30: t = t.add(1, cdtime.Hour) t.minute = 0 t.second = 0 tr = t.torel(units, calendar) dic[tr.value] = str(t).split(':')[0] elif delta < 90: # Less than 3 month put label every day d1 = d1r.torel('days since 2000').value d2 = d2r.torel('days since 2000').value d1, d2 = minmax(d1, d2) levs = mkscale(d1, d2) for l in levs: t = cdtime.reltime(l, 'days since 2000').tocomp(calendar) if t.hour > 12: t = t.add(1, cdtime.Day) t.hour = 0 t.minute = 0 t.second = 0 tr = t.torel(units, calendar) dic[tr.value] = str(t).split(' ')[0] elif delta < 800: # ~ Less than 24 month put label every month d1 = d1r.torel('months since 2000').value d2 = d2r.torel('months since 2000').value d1, d2 = minmax(d1, d2) levs = mkscale(d1, d2) for l in levs: t = cdtime.reltime(l, 'months since 2000').tocomp(calendar) if > 15: t = t.add(1, cdtime.Month) = 1 t.hour = 0 t.minute = 0 t.second = 0 tr = t.torel(units, calendar) dic[tr.value] = '-'.join(str(t).split('-')[:2]) else: # ok lots of years, let auto decide but always puts at Jan first d1 = d1r.torel('years since 2000').value d2 = d2r.torel('years since 2000').value d1, d2 = minmax(d1, d2) levs = mkscale(d1, d2) for l in levs: t = cdtime.reltime(l, 'years since 2000').tocomp(calendar) if t.month > 6: t = t.add(1, cdtime.Year) t.month = 1 = 1 t.hour = 0 t.minute = 0 t.second = 0 tr = t.torel(units, calendar) dic[tr.value] = str(t).split('-')[0] return dic
def prettifyAxisLabels(ticks, axis): for k in list(ticks.keys()): if len(ticks[k]) == 0: continue if axis == "longitude": K = k % 360 if K > 180: if int(K) == float(K): ticks[k] = "%iW" % (360 - K) else: ticks[k] = "%.2fW" % (360 - K) elif K < 180: if numpy.allclose(K, 0.): ticks[k] = "0" elif int(K) == float(K): ticks[k] = "%iE" % (K) else: ticks[k] = "%.2fE" % (K) else: if k == -180.: ticks[k] = "180W" else: ticks[k] = "180E" elif axis == "latitude": if k < 0: if len(ticks[k]) > 4: ticks[k] = "%.1f" % eval(ticks[k][1:]) + "S" else: ticks[k] = ticks[k][1:] + "S" elif k > 0: if len(ticks[k]) > 4: ticks[k] = "%.1f" % eval(ticks[k]) + "N" else: ticks[k] = ticks[k] + "N" else: ticks[0] = "Eq" return ticks axisConvertFunctions = { "linear": {"forward": lambda x: x, "invert": lambda x: x}, "area_wt": {"forward": lambda x: numpy.sin(x / 180. * numpy.pi), "invert": lambda x: numpy.arcsin(x) / numpy.pi * 180.}, "ln": {"forward": numpy.log, "invert": numpy.exp}, "log10": {"forward": numpy.log10, "invert": lambda x: numpy.power(10, x)}, "exp": {"forward": numpy.exp, "invert": numpy.log} } def transformTicks(ticks_in, transform): ticks_out = {} for key in ticks_in: ticks_out[transform(key)] = ticks_in[key] return ticks_out def transformTicksLabels(ticks_in, transform): ticks_out = {} for key in ticks_in: ticks_out[key] = "{:g}".format(transform(key)) return ticks_out
[docs]def setTicksandLabels(gm, copy_gm, datawc_x1, datawc_x2, datawc_y1, datawc_y2, x=None, y=None): """Sets the labels and ticks for a graphics method made in python :param gm: A VCS graphics method to alter :type gm: VCS graphics method :param copy_gm: A VCS graphics method object :type copy_gm: VCS graphics method :param datawc_x1: Float value to set the graphics method's datawc_x1 property to. :type datawc_x1: `float`_ :param datawc_x2: Float value to set the graphics method's datawc_x2 property to. :type datawc_x2: `float`_ :param datawc_y1: Float value to set the graphics method's datawc_y1 property to. :type datawc_y1: `float`_ :param datawc_y2: Float value to set the graphics method's datawc_y2 property to. :type datawc_y2: `float`_ :param x: If provided, must be the string 'longitude' :type x: `str`_ :param y: If provided, must be the string 'latitude' :type y: `str`_ :returns: A VCS graphics method object :rtype: A VCS graphics method object """ # Ok axisconvertion functions x_forward = axisConvertFunctions[gm.xaxisconvert]["forward"] x_invert = axisConvertFunctions[gm.xaxisconvert]["invert"] y_forward = axisConvertFunctions[gm.yaxisconvert]["forward"] y_invert = axisConvertFunctions[gm.yaxisconvert]["invert"] # Convert datawc_x1 = x_forward(datawc_x1) datawc_x2 = x_forward(datawc_x2) datawc_y1 = y_forward(datawc_y1) datawc_y2 = y_forward(datawc_y2) # Ok all this is nice but if user specified datawc we need to use it! for a in ["x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"]: nm = "datawc_%s" % a dwc = getattr(gm, nm) if not isinstance(dwc, (float, int,, numpy.float)) or not numpy.allclose(dwc, 1.e20): loc = locals() exec("%s = gm.%s" % (nm, nm)) if nm == "datawc_x1": datawc_x1 = x_forward(loc[nm]) elif nm == "datawc_x2": datawc_x2 = x_forward(loc[nm]) elif nm == "datawc_y1": datawc_y1 = y_forward(loc[nm]) elif nm == "datawc_y2": datawc_y2 = y_forward(loc[nm]) if isinstance(gm, vcs.taylor.Gtd): return if copy_gm is None: copy_gm = creategraphicsmethod(gm.g_name, gm = copy_gm for location in ["x", "y"]: for number in ["1", "2"]: # ticklabels lbls = getattr(gm, "{}ticlabels{}".format(location, number)) if isinstance(lbls, basestring) and lbls != "*": mticks = vcs.elements["list"][lbls] if lbls is None or lbls == "*": if location == "x" and x == "longitude" and abs( datawc_x2 - datawc_x1) > 30: ticks = transformTicks( vcs.elements["list"]["Lon30"], x_forward) elif location == "x" and x == "latitude" and abs(datawc_x2 - datawc_x1) > x_forward(20): if gm.xaxisconvert == 'area_wt': lats = vcs.elements["list"]["Lat_wt"] else: lats = vcs.elements["list"]["Lat20"] ticks = transformTicks(lats, x_forward) elif location == "y" and y == "latitude" and abs(datawc_y2 - datawc_y1) > y_forward(20): if gm.yaxisconvert == 'area_wt': lats = vcs.elements["list"]["Lat_wt"] else: lats = vcs.elements["list"]["Lat20"] ticks = transformTicks(lats, y_forward) else: if location == "x": ticks = vcs.mkscale(datawc_x1, datawc_x2) ticks = vcs.mklabels(ticks) if gm.xaxisconvert != "linear": ticks = transformTicksLabels(ticks, x_invert) ticks = prettifyAxisLabels(ticks, x) else: ticks = vcs.mkscale(datawc_y1, datawc_y2) ticks = vcs.mklabels(ticks) if gm.yaxisconvert != "linear": ticks = transformTicksLabels(ticks, y_invert) ticks = prettifyAxisLabels(ticks, y) else: if location == "x": ticks = transformTicks(lbls, x_forward) else: ticks = transformTicks(lbls, y_forward) setattr(copy_gm, '{}ticlabels{}'.format(location, number), ticks) # mtics mtics = getattr(gm, "{}mtics{}".format(location, number)) if isinstance(mtics, basestring) and mtics not in ["*", ""]: mtics = vcs.elements["list"][mtics] if mtics is None or mtics in ['*', ""]: if copy_gm is None: copy_gm = creategraphicsmethod(gm.g_name, gm = copy_gm if x == "longitude" and abs(datawc_x2 - datawc_x1) > 30: ticks = transformTicks( vcs.elements["list"]["lon5"], x_forward) elif location == "x" and x == "latitude" and abs(datawc_x2 - datawc_x1) > x_forward(20): lats = vcs.elements["list"]["lat5"] ticks = transformTicks(lats, x_forward) elif location == "y" and y == "latitude" and abs(datawc_y2 - datawc_y1) > y_forward(20): lats = vcs.elements["list"]["lat5"] ticks = transformTicks(lats, y_forward) else: rclass = type(cdtime.reltime(0, "days since 2020")) if location == "x": if isinstance(datawc_x1, rclass) or isinstance(datawc_x2, rclass): ticks = mkscale(datawc_x1.value, datawc_x2.value) else: ticks = vcs.mkscale(datawc_x1, datawc_x2) else: if isinstance(datawc_y1, rclass) or isinstance(datawc_y2, rclass): ticks = mkscale(datawc_y1.value, datawc_y2.value) else: ticks = vcs.mkscale(datawc_y1, datawc_y2) tick2 = [] for i in range(len(ticks) - 1): tick2.append((ticks[i] + ticks[i + 1]) / 2.) if location == "x": ticks = prettifyAxisLabels(vcs.mklabels(tick2), x) else: ticks = prettifyAxisLabels(vcs.mklabels(tick2), y) else: if location == "x": ticks = transformTicks(mtics, x_forward) else: ticks = transformTicks(mtics, y_forward) setattr(copy_gm, '{}mtics{}'.format(location, number), ticks) # Now we need to take care of user defined tics return copy_gm
[docs]def getcolormap(Cp_name_src='default'): """VCS contains a list of secondary methods. This function will create a colormap class object from an existing VCS colormap secondary method. If no colormap name is given, then colormap 'default' will be used. .. note:: VCS does not allow the modification of 'default' attribute sets. However, a 'default' attribute set that has been copied under a different name can be modified. (See the createcolormap function.) :Example: .. doctest:: utils_getcolormap >>> a=vcs.init() >>>'colormap') # Show all colormap secondary methods *******************Colormap Names List********************** ... *******************End Colormap Names List********************** >>> cp=a.getcolormap() # 'default' colormap >>> cp2=a.getcolormap('rainbow') # 'rainbow' colormap :param Cp_name_src: String name of an existing colormap VCS object :type Cp_name_src: `str`_ :returns: A pre-existing VCS colormap object :rtype: vcs.colormap.Cp """ # Check to make sure the argument passed in is a STRING if not isinstance(Cp_name_src, basestring): raise ValueError('Error - The argument must be a string.') return vcs.elements["colormap"][Cp_name_src]
[docs]def getcolorcell(cell, obj=None): """Gets the colorcell of the provided object's colormap at the specified cell index. If no object is provided, or if the provided object has no colormap, the default colormap is used. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_getcolorcell >>> a=vcs.init() >>> b=vcs.createboxfill() >>> b.colormap='rainbow' >>> a.getcolorcell(2,b) [26, 1, 34, 100] :param cell: An integer value indicating the index of the desired colorcell. :type cell: `int`_ :param obj: Optional parameter with the object to get a colormap from. :type obj: Any VCS object capable of containing a colormap :return: The RGBA values of the colormap at the specified cell index. :rtype: `list`_ """ if obj is None: cmap = vcs.getcolormap() elif obj.colormap is None: cmap = vcs.getcolormap() else: cmap = vcs.getcolormap(obj.colormap) return cmap.index[cell]
[docs]def setcolorcell(obj, num, r, g, b, a=100): """Set a individual color cell in the active colormap. If default is the active colormap, then return an error string. .. note:: If the the visual display is 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit TrueColor, then a redrawing of the VCS Canvas is made every time the color cell is changed. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_setcolorcell >>> vcs.setcolorcell("AMIP",11,0,0,0) >>> vcs.setcolorcell("AMIP",21,100,0,0) >>> vcs.setcolorcell("AMIP",31,0,100,0) >>> vcs.setcolorcell("AMIP",41,0,0,100) >>> vcs.setcolorcell("AMIP",51,100,100,100) >>> vcs.setcolorcell("AMIP",61,70,70,70) :param obj: String name of a colormap, or a VCS object :type obj: `str`_ or VCS object :param num: Integer specifying which color cell to change. Must be from 0-239. :type num: `int`_ :param r: Integer specifying the red value for the colorcell :type r: `int`_ :param g: Integer specifying the green value for the colorcell :type g: `int`_ :param b: Integer specifying the blue value for the colorcell :type b: `int`_ :param a: Integer specifying the opacity value for the colorcell. Must be from 0-100. :type a: `int`_ """ if isinstance(obj, basestring): cmap = getcolormap(obj) else: cmap = getcolormap(obj.colormap) cmap.index[num] = (r, g, b, a) return
[docs]def match_color(color, colormap=None): """Returns the color in the colormap that's closest to the specified color. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_match_color >>> a=vcs.init() >>> print(vcs.match_color('salmon', 'magma')) 192 >>> print(vcs.match_color('red', 'rainbow')) 242 >>> print(vcs.match_color([0,0,100],'default')) # closest color from blue 52 :param color: Either a string name, or a rgb value between 0 and 100. :type color: `str`_ or `int`_ :param colormap: A VCS colormap object. If not specified, the default colormap is used. :type colormap: vcs.colormap.Cp :returns: Integer value representing a matching rgb color :rtype: int """ # First gets the rgb values if isinstance(color, basestring): vals = genutil.colors.str2rgb(color) vals[0] /= 2.55 vals[1] /= 2.55 vals[2] /= 2.55 else: vals = color # Now gets the colormap to look in if colormap is None: colormap = 'default' cmap = vcs.getcolormap(colormap) # Now tries determines the min rms diff rmsmin = 2.E40 match = None for i in list(cmap.index.keys()): col = cmap.index[i] rms = numpy.sqrt((vals[0] - col[0]) ** 2 + (vals[1] - col[1]) ** 2 + (vals[2] - col[2]) ** 2 ) if rms < rmsmin: rmsmin = rms match = i return match
[docs]def monotonic(x): """Uses `numpy.diff <>`_ to determine whether the data given by x is monotonic in nature. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_monotonic >>> import numpy, cdms2, os >>> from random import randint >>> array=numpy.array([range(10) for _ in range(10)]) >>> mask=[] # we will use this to create a random mask >>> for _ in range(10): ... mask.append([randint(0,1) for _ in range(10)]) >>>, mask) >>> if not os.path.exists(vcs.sample_data): ... vcs.download_sample_data_files() # get some data for cdms2 >>> + '/') >>> v=f('v') # get variable 'v' from >>> vcs.monotonic(array) # monotonicity of 2D numpy array True >>> vcs.monotonic(ma) # monotonicity of simple masked array True >>> vcs.monotonic(v) # monotonicity of cdms2 variable False :param x: The variable to test for monotonicity. Can be any variable with an array-like structure. Typical examples are numpy arrays, numpy masked arrays, and cdms2 variables (examples for each shown above). :type x: numpy.array or or cdms2 variable :return: A boolean value indicating whether the given data is monotonic. :rtype: `bool`_ """ dx = numpy.diff(x) return numpy.all(dx <= 0) or numpy.all(dx >= 0)
[docs]def getgraphicsmethod(type, name="default"): """Retrieves an existing graphics method, given by type and name. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_getgraphicsmethod >>>'boxfill') # list available boxfills *******************Boxfill Names List********************** ... *******************End Boxfill Names List********************** >>> vcs.getgraphicsmethod('boxfill','polar') # get polar boxfill <vcs.boxfill.Gfb ...> :param type: String name of a VCS graphics method type :type type: `str`_ :param name: String name of a VCS graphics method of the given type. :type name: `str`_ :return: A graphics method of the given type and name. If such a graphics method doesn't exist, None will be returned. :rtype: VCS graphics method or `None`_ """ if type == "default": type = "boxfill" if hasVCSAddons and isinstance(type, vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): func = type.getgm copy_mthd = func(name) else: try: copy_mthd = vcs.elements[type][name] except BaseException: copy_mthd = None return copy_mthd
[docs]def creategraphicsmethod(gtype, gname='default', name=None): """Creates a graphics method of the type given by gtype. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_creategraphicsmethod >>> cgm=vcs.creategraphicsmethod # alias long name >>> cgm('Gfm') # meshfill inherits default; name generated <vcs.meshfill.Gfm ...> >>> cgm('boxfill','polar') # boxfill inherits polar; name generated <vcs.boxfill.Gfb ...> >>> cgm('Gfi',name='my_gfi') # isofill inherits default; user-named <vcs.isofill.Gfi ...> :param gtype: String name of the type of graphics method object to create. :type gtype: `str`_ :param gname: String name of the specific graphics method for the new graphics method to inherit. :type gname: `str`_ :param name: String name for the new object. If None, a unique name will be generated. :type name: `str`_ or `None`_ :return: A graphics method object """ if gtype in ['isoline', 'Gi']: func = vcs.createisoline elif gtype in ['isofill', 'Gfi']: func = vcs.createisofill elif gtype in ['boxfill', 'Gfb', 'default']: # VCS uses a temporary graphics method type 'default' when the user # doesn't specify a graphics method. This gets replaced later down the # plotting pipeline, but is important for tracking tick information. func = vcs.createboxfill elif gtype in ['meshfill', 'Gfm']: func = vcs.createmeshfill elif gtype in ['scatter', ]: func = vcs.createscatter elif gtype in ['xvsy', ]: func = vcs.createxvsy elif gtype in ['xyvsy', ]: func = vcs.createxyvsy elif gtype in ['yxvsx', ]: func = vcs.createyxvsx elif gtype in ['1d', 'G1d']: func = vcs.create1d elif gtype in ['vector', 'Gv']: func = vcs.createvector elif gtype in ['streamline', 'Gs']: func = vcs.createstreamline elif gtype in ['taylordiagram', 'Gtd']: func = vcs.createtaylordiagram elif gtype == '3d_scalar': func = vcs.create3d_scalar elif gtype == '3d_dual_scalar': func = vcs.create3d_dual_scalar elif gtype == '3d_vector': func = vcs.create3d_vector elif hasVCSAddons and isinstance(gtype, vcsaddons.core.VCSaddon): func = gtype.creategm else: raise ValueError("Invalid graphic method type: {}".format(gtype)) copy_mthd = func(name=name, source=gname) return copy_mthd
# Returns the float value for datawc_... # datawc_ can be a float or a cdtime.reltime # TODO: Investigate why datawc is converted to a cdtime.reltime def getDataWcValue(v): if (isinstance(v, type(cdtime.reltime(0, 'months since 1900')))): # noqa return v.value else: return v
[docs]def getworldcoordinates(gm, X, Y): """Given a graphics method and two axes, calculates correct world coordinates. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_getworldcoordinates >>> import cdms2, os >>> if not os.path.exists(vcs.sample_data): ... vcs.download_sample_data_files() # get some data for cdms2 >>> + '/') >>> v=f('v') # read variable v from >>> xax=v.getAxis(3) # X axis >>> yax=v.getAxis(2) # Y axis >>> box=vcs.getboxfill() >>> vcs.getworldcoordinates(box, xax, yax) [-180.0, 180.0, -88.2884, 88.2884] :param gm: A VCS graphics method object to get worldcoordinates for. :type gm: graphics method object :param X: A cdms2 transient axs :type X: cdms2.axis.TransientAxis :param Y: A cdms2 transient axs :type Y: cdms2.axis.TransientAxis :returns: A list of the worldcoordinates associated with the given graphics method and axes :rtype: `list`_ """ # compute the spanning in x and y, and adjust for the viewport wc = [0, 1, 0, 1] try: datawc = [getDataWcValue(gm.datawc_x1), getDataWcValue(gm.datawc_x2), getDataWcValue(gm.datawc_y1), getDataWcValue(gm.datawc_y2)] if numpy.isclose(datawc[0], 1.e20): try: i = 0 try: while X[:][i].count() == 0: i += 1 except BaseException: pass wc[0] = X[:][i] except BaseException: wc[0] = X[:].min() else: wc[0] = datawc[0] if numpy.isclose(datawc[1], 1.e20): try: i = -1 try: while X[:][i].count() == 0: i -= 1 except BaseException: pass wc[1] = X[:][i] except BaseException: wc[1] = X[:].max() else: wc[1] = datawc[1] except BaseException: return wc if (((not isinstance(X, cdms2.axis.TransientAxis) and isinstance(Y, cdms2.axis.TransientAxis)) or not vcs.utils.monotonic(X[:])) and numpy.allclose([datawc[0], datawc[1]], 1.e20)): wc[0] = X[:].min() wc[1] = X[:].max() if numpy.isclose(datawc[2], 1.e20): try: i = 0 try: while Y[:][i].count() == 0: i += 1 except Exception: pass wc[2] = Y[:][i] except BaseException: wc[2] = Y[:].min() else: wc[2] = datawc[2] if numpy.isclose(datawc[3], 1.e20): try: i = -1 try: while Y[:][i].count() == 0: i -= 1 except BaseException: pass wc[3] = Y[:][i] except BaseException: wc[3] = Y[:].max() else: wc[3] = datawc[3] if (((not isinstance(Y, cdms2.axis.TransientAxis) and isinstance(X, cdms2.axis.TransientAxis)) or not vcs.utils.monotonic(Y[:])) and numpy.allclose([datawc[2], datawc[3]], 1.e20)) \ or (hasattr(gm, "projection") and vcs.elements["projection"][ gm.projection].type.lower().split()[0] not in ["linear", "polar"] and numpy.allclose([datawc[2], datawc[3]], 1.e20) and numpy.allclose([datawc[0], datawc[1]], 1.e20)): wc[2] = Y[:].min() wc[3] = Y[:].max() if wc[3] == wc[2]: wc[2] -= .0001 wc[3] += .0001 if numpy.allclose(wc[0], wc[1]): wc[0] -= .0001 wc[1] += .0001 return wc
[docs]def rgba_color(color, colormap): """Try all of the various syntaxes of colors and return 0-100 RGBA values. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_rbga_color >>> cp = vcs.getcolormap() # Get a copy of the default colormap >>> vcs.rgba_color('black', cp) # Find the rgba equivalent for black [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100] :param color: The color to get the rgba value for. Can be an integer from 0-255, or a string name of a color. :type color: `int`_ or `str`_ :param colormap: A VCS colormap :type colormap: vcs.colormap.Cp :returns: List of 4 floats; the R, G, B, and A values associated with the given color. :rtype: `list`_ """ try: # Is it a colormap index? return colormap.index[color] except ValueError: # Is it a color tuple? if len(color) == 3 or len(color) == 4: for c in color: try: int(c) except BaseException: break else: if any((c > 100 for c in color)): r, g, b = (c / 2.55 for c in color[0:3]) if len(color) == 4: a = color[-1] / 2.55 else: a = 100 else: r, g, b = color[:3] if len(color) == 4: a = color[-1] else: a = 100 return [r, g, b, a] r, g, b = genutil.colors.str2rgb(color) return [r / 2.55, g / 2.55, b / 2.55, 100]
def png_read_metadata(path): if not HAS_VTK: warnings.warn("You need vtk to read metadata from png") return {} reader = vtk.vtkPNGReader() reader.SetFileName(path) reader.Update() numberOfTextChunks = reader.GetNumberOfTextChunks() m = {} for i in range(0, numberOfTextChunks): m[reader.GetTextKey(i)] = json.loads(reader.GetTextValue(i)) return m
[docs]def download_sample_data_files(path=None): """Downloads sample data to be used with VCS. Default download directory is vcs.sample_data, but if __path__ is provided then data will be downloaded to that path. :Example: .. doctest:: utils_download_sample_data >>> import os # use this to check if sample data already exists >>> if not os.path.isdir(vcs.sample_data): ... vcs.download_sample_data_files() :param path: String of a valid filepath. If None, sample data will be downloaded into the vcs.sample_data directory. :type path: `str`_ or `None`_ """ if path is None: path = vcs.sample_data import cdat_info cdat_info.download_sample_data_files( os.path.join( vcs.vcs_egg_path, "sample_files.txt"), path)
[docs]def drawLinesAndMarkersLegend(canvas, templateLegend, linecolors, linetypes, linewidths, markercolors, markertypes, markersizes, strings, scratched=None, stringscolors=None, stacking="horizontal", bg=False, render=True, smallestfontsize=None, backgroundcolor=None): """Draws a legend with line/marker/text inside a template legend box Auto adjust text size to make it fit inside the box Auto arrange the elements to fill the box nicely :Example: .. doctest:: utils_drawLinesAndMarkersLegend >>> import vcs >>> x = vcs.init() >>> t = vcs.createtemplate() >>> vcs.utils.drawLinesAndMarkersLegend(x,t.legend, ... ["red","blue","green"], ["solid","dash","dot"],[1,4,8], ... ["blue","green","red"], ["cross","square","dot"],[3,4,5], ... ["sample A","type B","thing C"], bg=True) >>> x.png("sample") :param canvas: a VCS canvas object onto which to draw the legend :type canvas: vcs.Canvas.Canvas :param templateLegend: a template legend object used to determine the coordinates of the box and the box line type :type legendTemplate: vcs.Plegend.Pls :param linecolors: list containing the colors of each line to draw. Colors must be specified as either integers, (r,g,b,opacity), or string color names. :type linecolors: `list`_ :param linetypes: list containing the type of each line to draw. values must be int or line type strings :type linetypes: `list`_ :param linewidths: list containing each line width. line widths must be of type float. :type linewidths: `list`_ :param markercolors: list of the markers colors to draw. Colors must be specified as either integers, (r,g,b,opacity), or string color names. :type markercolors: `list`_ :param markertypes: list of the marker types to draw. Marker type must be int or string of marker type names. :type markertypes: `list`_ :param markersizes: list of the size of each marker to draw. marker size must be of type float. :type markersizes: `list`_ :param strings: list of the string to draw next to each line/marker :type strings: `list`_ :param scratched: None (off) or list. list contains False where no scratch is needed. For scratched, provide True or line type to use for scratch. Color will match that of text. :type scratched: `None`_ or `list`_ :param stringscolors: A list of the strings colors to draw. Colors are represented as either an int from 0-255, an rgba tuple, or a string color name. :type stringscolors: `list`_ :param stacking: Prefered direction to stack element ('horizontal' or 'vertical') :type stringscolors: `string`_ :param bg: Boolean value indicating to draw in background (True), Or foreground (False). :type bg: `bool`_ :param render: Boolean value indicating whether or not to render the new lines and markers. :type render: `bool`_ :param smallestfontsize: Integer value indicating the smallest font size we can use for rendering None means no limit, 0 means use original size. Downscaling will still be used by algorigthm to try to fit everything in the legend box. :type smallestfintsize: `int`_ :param backgroundcolor: A list indicating the background color of the legended box. Colors are represented as either an int from 0-255, an rgba tuple, or a string color name. :type markercolors: `list`_ """ # backgroundcolor if backgroundcolor is not None: # Adding a fill area above the legends fa = canvas.createfillarea() fa.x = [[templateLegend.x1, templateLegend.x2, templateLegend.x2, templateLegend.x1, templateLegend.x1]] fa.y = [[templateLegend.y1, templateLegend.y1, templateLegend.y2, templateLegend.y2, templateLegend.y1]] = ["solid"] fa.color = backgroundcolor canvas.plot(fa) nlines = len(linecolors) # Now figures out the widest string and tallest text = vcs.createtext(To_source=templateLegend.textorientation, Tt_source=templateLegend.texttable) text.x = .5 text.y = .5 maxx = 0 # Max number of elts on X direction maxy = 0 # Max number of elts on Y direction dx = abs(templateLegend.x2 - templateLegend.x1) dy = abs(templateLegend.y2 - templateLegend.y1) nolines = True for lwidth in linewidths: nolines = nolines and lwidth == 0. originalFontSize = text.height # Loop until we can fit all elts into the box while maxx * maxy < nlines: maxwidth = 0 maxheight = 0 for i in range(nlines): text.string = strings[i] ext = canvas.gettextextent(text)[0] maxwidth = max(maxwidth, ext[1] - ext[0]) maxheight = max(maxheight, ext[3] - ext[2]) if nolines: leg_lines = 0. leg_spc = .015 elif len(strings[i]) > 4: leg_lines = maxwidth / 3. leg_spc = leg_lines / 3. else: leg_lines = maxwidth leg_spc = leg_lines / 3. maxwidth = maxwidth + leg_lines + leg_spc maxx = int(dx / maxwidth) maxy = int(dy / maxheight) if maxx * maxy < nlines: # Does not fit less shrink the text a bit text.height -= 1 if text.height == 0: # Oh well it cannot fit... # We settle for the smallest size text.height = 1 break # Check if we had some user imposed limitation on font size if smallestfontsize is not None: if smallestfontsize == 0: text.height = originalFontSize else: text.height = smallestfontsize if stacking[:3].lower() == "hor": nH = min(maxx, len(strings)) # How many elts on horizontal direction nV = numpy.ceil(nlines / float(nH)) # How many elts vertically else: nV = min(maxy, len(strings)) # How many elts on horizontal direction nH = numpy.ceil(nlines / float(nV)) # How many elts vertically spcX = (dx - maxwidth * nH) / (nH + 1) spcY = (dy - maxheight * nV) / (nV + 1) txs = [] tys = [] ts = [] x1 = min(templateLegend.x1, templateLegend.x2) y1 = max(templateLegend.y1, templateLegend.y2) # Box around legend area ln = canvas.createline(source=templateLegend.line) ln.x = [ templateLegend.x1, templateLegend.x2, templateLegend.x2, templateLegend.x1, templateLegend.x1] ln.y = [ templateLegend.y1, templateLegend.y1, templateLegend.y2, templateLegend.y2, templateLegend.y1] canvas.plot(ln, bg=bg, render=render) # Create the objects for i in range(len(strings)): col = int(i % nH) row = int(i / nH) # TODO check if previous line was identical # so that we create less objet/renderers ln = canvas.createline() ln.color = [linecolors[i], ] if linewidths[i] > 0: ln.width = linewidths[i] ln.priority = templateLegend.priority else: ln.priority = 0 ln.type = linetypes[i] # TODO check if previous marker was identical # so that we create less objet/renderers mrk = canvas.createmarker() mrk.color = [markercolors[i]] mrk.type = markertypes[i] if markersizes[i] > 0: mrk.size = markersizes[i] mrk.priority = templateLegend.priority else: mrk.priority = 0 xs = x1 + spcX + col * (maxwidth + spcX) ln.x = [xs, xs + leg_lines] mrk.x = [xs + leg_lines / 2.] txs.append(xs + leg_lines + leg_spc) ts.append(strings[i]) ys = y1 - row * (maxheight + spcY) - spcY - maxheight / 2. ln.y = [ys, ys] mrk.y = [ys] tys.append(ys) if scratched is not None and scratched[i] is not False: scratch = canvas.createline( scratch.width = scratch.width[0] * 2. scratch.color = [text.color] scratch.type = scratched[i] text.string = strings[i] ext = canvas.gettextextent(text)[0] scratch.x = [txs[-1], txs[-1] + ext[1] - ext[0]] scratch.priority = text.priority + 1 if scratch.priority != 1: canvas.plot(scratch, bg=bg, render=render) canvas.plot(ln, bg=bg, render=render) canvas.plot(mrk, bg=bg, render=render) text.halign = "left" text.valign = "half" text.string = ts text.priority = templateLegend.priority if stringscolors is None: text.x = txs text.y = tys canvas.plot(text, bg=bg, render=render) else: for i in range(len(strings)): txt = vcs.createtext( Tt_source=text.Tt_name, To_source=text.To_name) txt.x = txs[i] txt.y = tys[i] txt.color = stringscolors[i] txt.string = strings[i] canvas.plot(txt, bg=bg, render=render)
def _createLegendString(value, unit): """ Creates a label "value unit" """ legendString = "%.4g" % value if (unit): legendString += (" " + unit) return legendString
[docs]def drawVectorLegend(canvas, templateLegend, linecolor, linetype, linewidth, unitString, maxNormInVp=1., maxNorm=1., minNormInVp=0., minNorm=0., bg=False, render=True, reference=1e20): """Draws a legend with vector line/text inside a template legend box Auto adjust text size to make it fit inside the box :Example: .. doctest:: utils_drawVectorLegend >>> import vcs >>> x = vcs.init() >>> t = vcs.createtemplate() >>> vcs.utils.drawVectorLegend(x,t.legend, ... "red", "solid", 1, "sample A", bg=True) :param canvas: a VCS canvas object onto which to draw the legend :type canvas: vcs.Canvas.Canvas :param templateLegend: a template legend object used to determine the coordinates of the box and the box line type :type legendTemplate: vcs.Plegend.Pls :param linecolor: color of vector to draw. The color must be specified as either integers, (r,g,b,opacity), or string color name. :type linecolor: `string`_ :param linetype: type of the vector line to draw. values must be int or line type string :type linetype: `string`_ :param linewidth: vector line width. line width must be of type float. :type linewidth: `string`_ :param unitString: unit for maxNorm :type unitString: `string`_ : param maxNormInVp: maxNorm in viewport coordinates : type maxNormInVp: `float`_ : param maxNorm: maxNorm in world coordinates : type maxNorm: `float`_ : param minNormInVp: minNorm in viewport coordinates. If None, we don't to show minNorm legend : type minNormInVp: `float`_ : param minNorm: minNorm in world coordinates : type minNorm: `float`_ :param bg: Boolean value indicating to draw in background (True), Or foreground (False). :type bg: `bool`_ :param render: Boolean value indicating whether or not to render the new lines. :type render: `bool`_ : param reference: Desired length of reference vector in plot legend. The default is to choose a reasonable size for the max vector in the legend based on the amount of space available. This behavior can be overridden by providing the "reference" parameter, and then the size of the arrow will be computed to match. Be aware this may cause the arrow to be very large (not fitting nicely within the legend) or very small, even invisible. : type reference: `float`_ """ useReferenceValue = not numpy.allclose(reference, 1e20) # Figure out space length text = vcs.createtext(To_source=templateLegend.textorientation, Tt_source=templateLegend.texttable) text.x = .5 text.y = .5 maxLegendString = _createLegendString(maxNorm, unitString) if useReferenceValue: maxLegendString = _createLegendString(reference, unitString) text.string = maxLegendString maxExt = canvas.gettextextent(text)[0] minLegendString = _createLegendString(minNorm, unitString) text.string = minLegendString minExt = canvas.gettextextent(text)[0] # space between line and label - one character long spaceLength = (maxExt[1] - maxExt[0]) / len(maxLegendString) maxLineLength = maxNormInVp if useReferenceValue: maxLineLength = (maxNormInVp * reference) / maxNorm else: # line vector - min 2 and max 15 characters long minMaxNormLineLength = 2 * spaceLength maxMaxNormLineLength = 15 * spaceLength # clamp lineLegth between 2 and 15 spaceLength ratio = 1.0 if (maxLineLength < minMaxNormLineLength): while (maxLineLength < minMaxNormLineLength): maxLineLength *= 2 ratio *= 2 elif (maxLineLength > maxMaxNormLineLength): while (maxLineLength > maxMaxNormLineLength): maxLineLength /= 2 ratio /= 2 # update maxLegendString with the clamped value if (ratio != 1): maxLegendString = _createLegendString(maxNorm * ratio, unitString) text.string = maxLegendString maxExt = canvas.gettextextent(text)[0] minLineLength = minNormInVp maxLegendLength = maxExt[1] - maxExt[0] maxheight = maxExt[3] - maxExt[2] maxLegendLength = maxLegendLength + maxLineLength + spaceLength minLegendLength = minExt[1] - minExt[0] if (minNormInVp): minLegendLength = minLegendLength + minLineLength + spaceLength dy = abs(templateLegend.y2 - templateLegend.y1) spcY = (dy - maxheight) / 2 y1 = max(templateLegend.y1, templateLegend.y2) txs = [] tys = [] ts = [] n = 1 if (minNormInVp): n = 2 legendLength = [maxLegendLength, minLegendLength] legendString = [maxLegendString, minLegendString] lineLength = [maxLineLength, minLineLength] for i in range(n): # vector stem ln = canvas.createline() ln.color = [linecolor, ] ln.type = linetype ln.width = linewidth ln.priority = templateLegend.priority if (minNormInVp): xs = (templateLegend.x1 + templateLegend.x2) * \ (2 - i) / 3 - legendLength[i] / 2 else: xs = (templateLegend.x1 + templateLegend.x2) / \ 2 - legendLength[i] / 2 ln.x = [xs, xs + lineLength[i]] ys = y1 - spcY - maxheight / 2. ln.y = [ys, ys] canvas.plot(ln, bg=bg, render=render) # vector head ln.x = [xs + lineLength[i] * 0.7, xs + lineLength[i]] ln.y = [ys - lineLength[i] * 0.1, ys] canvas.plot(ln, bg=bg, render=render) ln.x = [xs + lineLength[i] * 0.7, xs + lineLength[i]] ln.y = [ys + lineLength[i] * 0.1, ys] canvas.plot(ln, bg=bg, render=render) # string legend text.halign = "left" text.valign = "half" ts.append(legendString[i]) text.string = ts txs.append(xs + lineLength[i] + spaceLength) tys.append(ys) text.x = txs text.y = tys text.priority = templateLegend.priority canvas.plot(text, bg=bg, render=render)
def cleanupData(data): data[:] =, numpy.nan) return data
[docs]def pickFrame(data, dimensions_on_plot, frame=0): """Select a specific frame by looping over extra dimensions """ # Ok we have a slab, let's figure which slice it is Nframes = 1 for length in data.shape[:-dimensions_on_plot]: Nframes *= length if frame < 0: # Negative frame we need to figure out the max frame and remove from it frame = Nframes + frame ax = data.getAxisList()[:-dimensions_on_plot][::-1] if len(ax) == 0: return cleanupData(data) last = frame % len(ax[0]) args = [slice(last, last + 1)] Ntot = 1 for a in ax[:-1]: Ntot *= len(a) n = frame // Ntot args.append(slice(n, n + 1)) args = args[::-1] out = cleanupData(data(*args)) return out
def trimData1D(data, frame=0): if data is None: return None return pickFrame(data, dimensions_on_plot=1, frame=frame) def trimData2D(data, frame=0): if data is None: return None if not cdms2.isVariable(data): data = cdms2.MV2.array(data) return pickFrame(data, dimensions_on_plot=2, frame=frame)